White Racism

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White Racism

Post by Gaius »

Yes, I am referring towards racism by black people towards white people.

Why is it that we (I'm referring to white people when I say 'we', although is an issue which affects more than just white people) tolerate racism directed towards us. For example, a rapper writes a song about how much he hates white people. That's alright, we seem to call it 'art', but if a white rapper where to make a rap saying how much he hates black people there would be uproar.

In Zimbabwe the White man has been toppled off his land and by this racist government's actions, the economy has been crippled in the process.

There almost seems to be some sort of reverse apartheid developing in South Africa. Racist attacks on Afrikaaners have increased progessively since 1994 (despite the white population decreasing at the same time).

Isn't it surely time for white people to say stop? If we continue suffering from this slavery complex this social rot will only fester.
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White Racism

Post by BabyRider »

I have a MAJOR problem with your title. There is no such thing as "white" racism or "black" racism or "reverse" racism or any of the other crap they'd have you believe. As Arnold has said, "racism is racism" and it doesn't matter what color skin you have.

Actually, though, I agree with the general sentiment of your topic. Black people are allowed to get away with certain things that white people are not, which in itself is racism and discrimination. Try telling that to Spike Lee, though, or the people who created the "Black Miss America pageant" or the genius who made that f*cked up movie "White Chicks" or anyone in the NAACP, or any member of the United Negro College fund. Go ahead, ask 'em...see what they tell you.
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White Racism

Post by weeder »

Not everyone thinks that rap music is art. In the artistic world,we all choose what is appealing to the ear, or the eye,or the psyche. If you were to explore poetryor literature you would find writing that displays a hatred for one race, culture, religion,or group of people. That absurd artist Andy Warhol made a fortune with his ridiculous sickening art thirty years ago. And it has always bothered me that Truman Capote made a fortune with Cold Blood. A story about a poor family being slaughtered????? What about the dollars that have been generated over the years by films and books depicting the horiffic details of the Manson murders? There will always be an audience of admireres attracted to any genre that puts hatred to music. Free speech. We Americans are proud to have that liberty. As far as putting up withwhat you call white racism...African Americans live every single day knowing that there are armys of people who hate them. Some people right out in the opened with their hatred. Some groups who still operate underground.

Jews rightfully so will never forget their relatives being slaughtered during the Holocaust. Black people can never forget the existance of the Ku Klux Klan. Their anger isnt only over slavery. We live with a small smattering of dissention compared to what these races have endured. Perhaps its better to have a few singing about their anger. Than to acknowledge the huge portion of our American youth, angry or hurt over things that have driven them to closets,putting needles in their arms...or shoving substances up their noses.
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White Racism

Post by Gaius »

Yes, of course Black people have a lot to live with everyday. I deplore racism, to all ethnic groups.

My point is is can we simply lie back and accept racist abuse and not get just as angry (and having ground to be just as angry) as black people who are racially abused.

And what about the situation in South Africa?
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White Racism

Post by greydeadhead »

There is a definate double standard being employed here. Were a white person to write a song glorifing the killing of a police officer or beating a woman, then they would most probably be crucified by the media and the public. And it is not art to create something that belittles another based on race, religon, sexual preference.. etc.. and using the excuse that "my cultural backround gives me the right to" is a hypocritical excuse.

All races have at one point or another in history been discriminated against. Weeder mentions the Holocaust.. but it wasn't just the Jewish that suffered.. it was anyone that was not of the correct race. And lets not forget the cultural revolution in China, or the purges of Joe Stalin, or the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia just to mention a few. And how about the Native Americans here in the U.S., the Japanese internment camps during WWII, and discrimination against German and Italian Americans during the same time period... and lets not forget women too.. having to earn the right to vote.. and still battling the glass ceiling in the corporate world..

There are always going to be people that are going to blame their problems on someone else.. and using the fact that they are of a different race is one of the easiest excuses around....
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White Racism

Post by Gaius »

Just for the record I do not share all the opinions Moverguy seems to have.
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White Racism

Post by weeder »

Gaius wrote: Yes, of course Black people have a lot to live with everyday. I deplore racism, to all ethnic groups.

My point is is can we simply lie back and accept racist abuse and not get just as angry (and having ground to be just as angry) as black people who are racially abused.

And what about the situation in South Africa?
You can get angry. I dont like to hear that horrendous stuff either. But thats about all you can do. I wouldnt comment on Africa. I am not politically aware enough to be correct 100% with anything I might say. I am not superior intellectually in many subjects. I am sometimes ashamed to admit. I am an artistic personality myself. An altruistic humanitarian who is often moved to tears when I hear about suffering. There are so many causes I wish I could volunteer for. Places I would have liked to travel to to have helped. Unfortunately the constrains of limited resources have always kept me a slave to work. So basically my replies are usually limited to the way I feel.
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White Racism

Post by Okie »

moverguy wrote: What makes me laugh is that blacks, not African Americans, Irish American or who the fork else Americans but BLACKS think they were hunted down, trapped, and snared (like in planet of the apes) by the horrible WHITE men who were settling Africa.

WHEN IN FACT most slavery developed as a means of tribes to remove unwanted villagers, for can you guess?!?!?!?!?!?

MONEY, GRAIN, GOODS, and other trade commodities.

Blacks sold other Blacks, just like Indians sold other Indians and so good capitalist tradesmen from the north and cold countries said HELL YEAH a new product line!!!


And they think whites are the evil of all evils, but look at the Jewish plight, then the indigenous tribes all over the world from Aussie, USA, AZTECS, Amazons etc...

YOU ARE DEAD ON Racism, is that but the problem is that it is being perpetuated and profited from Jesse Jackson, Spike Lee and a few hardcore angry rappers.


Sucks if you ask me, to keep people angry and lost in this BS of racial prejudice.

I read that Liberia was founded by freed slaves. I also read that part of their contstitution is that no white man can own any real estate there. I can understand their thinking.

but yes, I do understand that it was black tribes enslaving other black tribes that started slavery. And American indians did their enslaving too. And America was not the only market for slaves.

I have felt the racism that blacks show us. and we have for them too of course and still do. Negro College Fund etc. And Black History month. but one black disk jockey remarked that 12 months a year is White History. Not entirely accurate.

but it seems to me that Blacks show racism toward other minorities too. After they rioted in South LA and it came time to rebuild, blacks threw bricks at mexicans soming in to rebuild. They wanted the jobs.

My son had a black teacher who could not speak very clear. Ebonics I guess. And he got mad if white kids could not understand him. And he made remarks a lot that white kids were not good athletes. So I say he was racist.

When I was a child there was still a lot of segregation. ON buses and trains and restaurants. And on the job. We had two toilets. One for white and one for everyone else. I never did agree that was right. We also had two public swimming pools. Later on they filled one in with dirt. but we never had segregation in schools. And I had no more trouble with blacks than with whites.

I was told a few times by teachers that a lot of the hatred between races was egged on by communists who wanted discord here. It was easy to have us rioting over that. I dont know about all that. but I am glad now the worst of it is over. I know one man who almost died of a heart attack and the paramedics had to revive him. Someone later said that the balck man who was working with us was going to give him mouth to mouth and he said he would rather die. He probably would have.
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