love handles and thighs

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love handles and thighs

Post by InfraRedConnection »

I'm so sorry if there is already a thread like this but there's a lot I would have to go through to figure that out lol...

I have two questions...first, what is the best way to get rid of love handles? Will running or riding a bike help that or do I need to do something else?

Second question...this one is hard to ask...I hope I don't confuse you all lol My legs look awkward. I'm fine with my calves but my thighs are just weird. It's mainly in the back/partially on the side close to my rear end. What could I do to work on that? I have access to gym equipment if that helps with your advice :-P

I'm in the average weight range for my height and everything, I just want to work on these two things.

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love handles and thighs

Post by chonsigirl »

Hello IRA-welcome to FG.
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love handles and thighs

Post by valerie »

Unfortunately, no such thing as spot weight loss. You can certainly tone

muscles, and that will help.

Women tend to be quadriceps dominant, so for the area of your thighs you

are talking about, you might want to try knee bends. Or the skier's

practice trick, where you sit against a wall with your legs bent at a

90 degree angle... familiar with that one?

I've toned abs with a lot of sit-ups (50 5 days a week) but the love

handles are harder to devise an exercise for, and again, overall weight

loss might be the only thing to bring them back in line!

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love handles and thighs

Post by greydeadhead »

Welcome InfraRed...

The legs are not a can tone your quads and hamstrings doing lunges and squats... no weight load to begin with.. but.. after you can do 3 sets of 10 with ease.. add weight.. either by holding hand weights at your side.. or a bar across your shoulders... I use both exercises for preseason ski training.. Love handles may be a bit mor difficult to get rid of.. I used a lot of cardio training.. mainly eliptical machines if you have access to one.. or a bicycle.. watch the diet.. and try to burn more calories than you take in.... that is about all I can think of..

good luck

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