Wild Life

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Wild Life

Post by Rain »

We had our neighborhood bear come and leave his/her *deposit* in our front yard again last night :yh_worry I sure wish he'd pick some one else's front yard to crap in.

It was about 12:40am when the dog next door went off, then, I heard some gutteral growls, or grunts. I thought it must've been the bear, but I wouldn't think it would be making noises. There's no reason for it to, other than telling the dog to shutup. Then this morning, hubby told me that the bear had crapped in our yard again. (sighing) I wonder why it's always my yard? Basically the same place too.

What kinds of wild life do you have in your area? Do they come into your yard? I've heard of Coyotes coming right into yards and trying to nab toddlers. And California has seen a lot of cougars (as do we) and bears too.

This is frightening to me. I have a church meeting on Tuesday nights and I get home a little after 9pm. And hubby gets home around 3am. He looks all around before getting out to come to the front door. YIKES!!
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Wild Life

Post by LilacDragon »

Some 15 years ago, I lived in Idaho and had a job as the head janitor at the base bowling alley. Head janitor was the title they gave the poor shmuck that was at the bowling alley after closing time, alone, doing all of the cleaning. And taking all the trash out to the dumpsters.

Right next to the dumpsters there were 3 tin shed used to store stuff for the Arts and Crafts Center that was next to the bowling alley. Under the storage shed lived a family (or two - I never stopped to ask!!) of BADGERS!!

I am a city girl. The only thing I can tell you about badgers are - they weigh 100 pounds, are as big as a Great Dane, can tear your car door open with their claws and they love human flesh. (Ok, well that may not be true but you run up against one at midnight - in the dark, all by yourself!)

Here is a link to learn more about our lovely American Badgers: http://www.calmzoo.org/stories/storyReader$14

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Wild Life

Post by Rain »

Geesh, a badger family? I've heard those are very mean animals, along with the wolverine. Thanx for the webpage. I didn't think they were as big as a great dane, but went to check that out. :D
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Wild Life

Post by woppy71 »

I think badges look really cute too:) But, like a lot of wild creatures, they become very dangerous when cornered, they have extremely sharp claws, which could easily slice through most organic matter like a hot knife through butter:-2

I always think that the colour and markings on their heads makes them look like walking humbugs!:wah:
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Wild Life

Post by Lulu2 »

Because I live near a nature reserve which has a stream running through it, we see lots of critters....coyotes, 'possums, SKUNKS and raccoons. Nothing quite like the "thrill" of walking at dawn, turning a corner and running into Mr. Skunk as he's pawing through someone's lawn, looking for grubs!
My candle's burning at both ends, it will not last the night. But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends--It gives a lovely light!--Edna St. Vincent Millay
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