Ok......I am Pissed

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Ok......I am Pissed

Post by TruthBringer »

lol. No it's got nothing to do with Global Warming Far Rider.

In fact, it has everything to do with The Coming Pole Shift.

Global Warming isn't whats truly coming. The Pole Shift is right around the corner.

Again, when I said "These people" are "sick and twisted", I wasn't speaking only about the "terrorists", which by the way, is a label that you can put on just about anyone you desire. No I was also speaking about the people in our own country and abroad who are attempting to weaken, and then totally dominate, the citizens of the United States of America.

And that very label...."terrorist"... is why we will never win the war on "terrorism", because as long as we decide who gets the label, than the label will never die. And neither will all of the people who we've given it to.

You can't win peace by waging war. You can't have true World peace by killing and murdering.

Have you learned nothing from Mahatma Gandhi ? It may have taken the man 20 years to liberate his people from Britain, but my God, he achieved his goal anyways.

I believe that Defense is the best Offense. Do you really think that it is because of our "security" that we haven't had an attack on our soil since 9-11? Is that really what you believe it is? lol. Because of Bush doing a good job of protecting our country? lol. Yeah right.

Has he done a single thing to secure our border with Mexico?

If you were a bad guy from another land - would you use Mexico as your entry point into our country?

Sadly enough, he will have failed to protect the US in the event of such a tragedy. In haring off after Saddam Hussein under dubious, if not outright false, pretenses, he and his administration took their eye off the ball.

The Taliban and Al Qaeda have been free to make a resurgence into Afghanistan, after assets that could have been used to secure that country were pulled into Iraq. Before going into Iraq, the world stood beside America and the Bush administration in pursuit of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Now the "coalition of the willing" in Iraq has become the "coalition of the leaving". The credibility of the office of the POTUS is in tatters, given the causus belli for invading Iraq was proven false and the evidence is mounting that President Bush and his administration cherry-picked, spun and fabricated from whole cloth, the rationale for war. America's ports, nuclear and chemical facilities lie as unprotected now as they were the day before 9/11. FEMA has been effectively gutted, and our response to disasters, whether man-made or natural has been severely blunted. American military readiness stands at its lowest point in decades.

Attorney General John Ashcroft told Congress "You're either with us, or for the terrorists."...A tactic straight from Hermann Goering's play book. It is bullshit and you know it.

So, when terror strikes America again, no one will smile or gloat. We will shake our heads sadly, say "We told you so.", roll up our sleeves and clean up the mess, making sure it never happens again. And it will be done the right way.

The only ones blind to any threat here are those who continue to support Chimpy and Co in their messianic, manichean vision. They are blind to the very real threat this Administration poses, not only to the very foundation of the Republic, but the world as a whole. They threaten the very fabric of the Constitution, which they SWORE to uphold and defend. They threaten to further destabilize the middle east and, in doing so, the peace of the world as a whole.

I guarantee you that we will have World peace on this planet very soon. With the coming Shift of the Poles, which will cause the end of WAR for a millennium, due to the fact that for the first time in a very long time every single country on the World will have to pull itself together in order to help it's people who will be in great need of love, courage, empathy, food, water, clothes, and hope. All of the basic essentials for Human Beings to survive.

Not brutality, guns, smoke, ashes, flags, pride, graves, sickness, and death that come along with War.

The World will have taken a 360 degree turn in terms of the way our consciousness will have changed.

We will no longer look for WAR as the answer to peace. That entire concept will soon be coming to an end. We simply WON'T have a choice in the matter. It will be beyond any one of our control.

As to what you said about me not knowing whether I will be alive or dead during that period. You are absolutely right. Neither you nor I know the answer to that question.

But iregardless, the changes are coming anyways.
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Trouble(for the SA)
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Ok......I am Pissed

Post by Trouble(for the SA) »

Iraq is not a threat to us, if we leave theyll be too busy with theyre own wars to ever give us trouble. We shouldnt even try, they dont want peace.
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Ok......I am Pissed

Post by BTS »

Diuretic;550627 wrote: It'll be fine when he's gone. I can only speak for me but I want the old US back again.

Ohhhh Swamie tell us ALL how it will be when he is gone....?

Tell us how fine it will be, (as you state) for we ALL need to be encouraged now and then.

Seems you know more than the rest of us?

Tell us what the next (fine) US leader will do?
"If America Was A Tree, The Left Would Root For The Termites...Greg Gutfeld."
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Ok......I am Pissed

Post by BTS »

Diuretic;553300 wrote: Funny that I was just asking Bryn in another thread how we could know the future.

The next leader will be...........where's my crystal ball............ooh look it's made by Diebold! The next president will be.............damn it crashed! Bloody Diebold! Can't they get anything right????

I Hate it when my (crystal) ball crashes :wah:

Originally Posted by Diuretic

It'll be fine when he's (BUSH) gone.

(RED, Edited by BTS)

SOUNDED LIKE YOU KNEW THE FUTURE.......and we would all be "FINE"

Sorry that it crashed as we wanted to hear just how fine off we would ALL be then.............
"If America Was A Tree, The Left Would Root For The Termites...Greg Gutfeld."
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Ok......I am Pissed

Post by TruthBringer »

Far Rider;553316 wrote: See, answer a fool.... TB, I wasted energy on you, yer a crackpot. In 4 years when the poles dont drop or shift or whetever you predict... please find a new planet to live on.

Tell you what.

In 4-5 years, if the Poles don't shift, I will personally come on this board and announce that I am a "fool".

Only, thats not going to happen, so don't get your hopes up too much there bud.
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Ok......I am Pissed

Post by wneelz42 »

I believe in fighting for our country. But Iraq isn't ours to fight for. We caught the guy that we're looking for over there. Now I think that it's time to go befor all of our soldiers get killed.
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Ok......I am Pissed

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Far Rider;551432 wrote: I keep heraing this oil angle everywhere I go... and it just dont float to me.. not even if its oil on water...

Why go into a country to 'steal their oil'? Were gonna spend billions doing it, loose american soldiers, then spend billions rebuilding it, make further enemies of the neihbors... etc.


It would be cheaper to buy and build hybrid cars for ever family in america like someone said earlier.

I don't buy the oil argument, never have.

One of the problems with that argument is that the rebuilding costs are being paid out the the Iraqi oil sales and are going, almost exclusively, to US companies so far from being a drain on the US economy, the rebuilding is a nett income to offset against the millitary equipment costs.

As for making further enemies - shame Bush didn't think of that before he started the damn'd war.
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