IRAN's Nuclear Factory

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IRAN's Nuclear Factory

Post by jahamaa »

spot wrote: It does depend on what you compare it to, but I'd put the United Kingdom forward as a thriving Socialist state, and defend the suggestion if need be.

No need to defend it to me your absolutely right. The US is also a socialist state.

But do you notice how some idealoges still attack both as bastians of capitalism even though by definition they are socialist. These are the people I have a problem understanding.

Some people have this romantic idea that there would be this nirvana that would take place in this "real' socialistic state. They don't realize that the western nations that they love to hate are in fact the socialistic dream lands they wish to institute around the globe.

The situations that they talk about like WMDs and the distribution of wealth have nothing to do with the economic system of the nations and so much more with the value systems practiiced.

Opinion mine.
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IRAN's Nuclear Factory

Post by gmc »

posted by spot

Fish rot from the head, after all. Have you seen the corporate gangsters he hangs out with? That is one predatory avaricious Administration he's nominally in charge of. If you go back and look at the range of US government NORAD anti-terror exercises leading up to 9/11, and try to equate it with GW's statement to investigators that "there was uh [pause] nobody in our government at least, and I don't think the prior government that could envision flying airplanes into buildings on such a massive scale", the lie is stamped there on his face plain to see.

Like I said i doubt the conspiracy theory so far as 911 is concerned I think it more likely they just didn't believe any attack would be on such a scale and didn't take it seriously. Blind arrogance and stupidity often look like the same thing and with hindsight can also seem deliberate.

As to the Bush administration they are pirsuing what they see as america's best interests, whether what they are doing is actually in americas interest I seriously doubt-at least whether it is in the ordinary americans interest that is , it is certainly in theirs. If yopu look at a lot of the pronouncements of onac and their ilk they all work on the assumption that the reaction of the rest of the world is irrelevant and would be ineeffectual in any case. ... a_speeches

How about these guys? don't know how influential they are or even if they are.

It's like they have all done a politics and world history course but only learned enough so they can regurgitate the words without the capacity to understand them amd all live in a closed little world. Bit like revolutionary socialists, don't let reality spoil a good theory.
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