Do you wear shoes at home?

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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by janey39 »

My shoes and socks come off at the door and get straight into my fluffy slippers. But we are all different. Do you go bare foot, in socks, wear sliippers or just keep your shoes on.

It seems that more people than ever nowadays have a shoes off at the door rule

We live on more affluent times and a lot of us spend a lot of money on carpets,wooded floors and for obvious reasons what to keep them clean and in tip top condition.Clearly many feel that the most effective way to do this is to have everyone leave their shoes at the door.

I must admit that i dont allow shoes in the house, unless theres a medical or disiabilty relalated reason. i save up for new carpet for a long time and just dont want to ruined. Because i cant afford a replacement.

My mates usually bring their slippers, but barefeet is cool.i dont like ato be in a room of smelly socks so i do have a selection of nice and clean slippers for guests to pad around around in they want.

But hey, its all about personal choice.And if someone wants ashoe free house its up to them. Its not a big deal to just kick off your shoes at the door.Anyway its just more comfortable to chill out in cosy slippers, or bare foot.

Lifes too serious as it is, just take it easy.There no right or wrong.If its someones rule to leave shoes at the door etc then its cool.Its harmless and not worth getting upset about.

If you always wear shoes in your house then that ok.Your choice, as is the reverse.Its that simple you just have to respect all views and do as everyone else does in their own house.
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by WonderWendy3 »

Hi Janey:-6

I kick my shoes off when I come in the house, but I have hard wood floors, so not because of the flooring as much as I highly dislike shoes! boys keep their shoes at the door for convenience, I have a "shoe holder" for my boys to keep their shoes in. It does cut down on the dirt through the house.

I almost always take my shoes off at the door of everyones house I go into.....I don't even think about it, just a habit I guess!:-6:)
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Hope6 »

I'm the same way, my shoes come off the moment i come through the door. i don't have a shoes off policy, anybody else can do what they want.

i have hardwood floors and some carpet but i'm not thinking about the floors i just hate wearing shoes in the house! i can't wear slippers either, i have to be barefoot! This habit extends to everyone elses house i go to as well, regardless of whether or not they have a no shoe policy, my shoes are coming off.:wah:
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by WonderWendy3 »

Hope6;822453 wrote: I'm the same way, my shoes come off the moment i come through the door. i don't have a shoes off policy, anybody else can do what they want.

i have hardwood floors and some carpet but i'm not thinking about the floors i just hate wearing shoes in the house! i can't wear slippers either, i have to be barefoot! This habit extends to everyone elses house i go to as well, regardless of whether or not they have a no shoe policy, my shoes are coming off.:wah:

give me a high five sista!! :):D
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Santanico »

I generally take mine off at the door, and I do have slippers that I love, but it depends on a lot of things. If I have stuff I need to do quickly (ie: before I forget :P) I sometimes leave them on for a bit, but usually take them off as soon as I can coz they're not all that comfy. In summer, I go barefoot as much as I can, but in wnter, there's nothing like puttng on some nice warm fluffy slippers.

And no rule, as long as your shoes aren't dirty, wear them if you like :)
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by jennyswan »

We don't have that as a rule but I always take my shoes off straight away and put on my cosy slippers which I love :-4
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Accountable »

Shoes off in my home, please. Workmen wear little blue booties over their workboots. How bloody rude for a guest to not respect my wishes.

My discomfort comes when I enter someone else's house and automatically step out of my shoes before I notice that I may be the first human who has braved unprotected walking there. :-3
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by RedGlitter »

I can respect both sides here as a simple matter of personal preference. All the gross stuff you walk in or on during the day, to track that in...yuk. However, I'm a Howard Hughes type and I would rather have street grime on my carpet than somebody's unclean feet. That's just my own preference.

At home I wear slippers year round. I own about nine pairs. Wearing some now in fact.
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by PurpleChicken »

I've always been a shoes off person. Partly because that was how I grew up. But after that, I guess it just seems more practical, as it keeps the house a bit cleaner. Think I also just like the freedom.

In terms of guests though, I'm a bit more relaxed. Most people will take their shoes off at the door (the pile of shoes tends to give them a bit of a hint). But if I have a party, then even I'm normally in shoes. Partly because the house is quite open and chances are people will be walking in and out between the pool, the outdoor table, and inside. And also because it always seems a bit strange to 'frock up' for a party, but then go barefoot!
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Hope6 »

fuzzy butt;822522 wrote: so tell me, when did this facination of being Japanese come into existence?

Someone please tell me why I would want to take my shoes off at the door unless they are covered in mud?

I have been to a few houses where it was insisted that I take my shoes off .................................never went back to those places again................How bloody rude is that!!!!

part of it is the freedom of going barefoot, when i was a child living on the farm i went barefoot inside and out during warm weather, i hardly ever wore shoes.

but another part of it is as i've gotton older i've become a little bit freaky about germs, i don't want to track in my house any germs that i might have picked up on the bottom of my shoes while out in public.
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by hoppy »

Went to see my cousin's new home. they had a thick WHITE carpet on the living room floor, fer crissakes. SHOES OFF!. I was wearing lace-up high top work boots at the time. Too much hassel. I went around to the back door and sat in the kitchen. Never been back. Can't understand white carpets on a floor.
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Chezzie »

We dont have a shoes off rule........Most peeps I know are polite and curtious when visiting other peoples homes and either offer to take them off or just take them off, I never push it for peeps to remove their footwear unless their WORKSHOES.(yanno builder types)

First thing I do once home is kick off my shoes/boots/trainers and get into my slippers, their not conventional slippers but a pair of England slip on beach flip floppie things my mother in law bought me two years ago and I love them. My hubby has a pair also...heh heh..The kids have loads of slippers but prefer to go barefoot.
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by qsducks »

I don't have a rule, but my kids just naturally hate shoes, period. That is the first thing they do when walking in and that's after they have thrown their coats/backpacks on the sofa. My husband on the other hand does have to wear those booties on his boots when working in someones home. He's a plumber and they have to wear them plus put down plastic sheeting etc. especially if they are remodeling a bathroom or kitchen. Me, I wear them in the house in the winter, but in the summer you will find me in flip flops.
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by sunny104 »

my shoes always come off but that's because I prefer to be barefoot as much as possible. :D

as for my guests, they can do whatever they are most comfortable doing. I don't care whether they prefer to keep their shoes on or off in my home.

I will usually ask when going to someone's house for the first time if they prefer I take my shoes off.

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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by CARLA »

Yep leave them at the door please. ;) Us San Diegan's usually are in flip flop most of the time so its an easy rule to obey. :-6:-6


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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by along-for-the-ride »

I usually like to kick off my shoes when I get home.

But when I first get out of bed in the morning, I wear slippers.
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Kathy Ellen »

Hell no...we're beach bums at the one wears shoes here during the summer....freedom:-4

Here's me feet all year round in the house.....

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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Nomad »

Great topic.

I have some lengthy detailed opinions on the subject.

I did my thesis on this as a matter of fact.

First off may I commend you on your stringent adherence to cleanliness.

I approve.

However now that the niceties are over Id be remiss if I didnt inform you that your methods are lacking in sound and logical and perhaps uninformed practicality.

While removing shoes at the door....well before I continue, what are the shoes placed on once inside the door and is there any chance that sand, dirt or any unwanted particulate may have entered prior to the removal of the shoes ?

What about dirt on the mat or whatever you use to place the shoes on, how do you maintain a clean mat ?

Id suggest removal of the shoes prior to entry. Also there should be a clean sterile rug for them to step on outside so dirt isnt attracted to the bottoms of the sock and then carried into the house.

Of course if the rug is outdoors it wont remain sterile so perhaps some type of disposable cover should be placed over the rug.

Im still concerned about dirt that was carried into the foyer. How long will this remain on the floor ?

I really cant wrap my mind around an indoor shoe rug that just sits there full of debris. There should be a small vac nearby to inhale an unsightly mess.

If it were me Id vaccum the bottoms of the shoes placed there as well.

Vaccum followed by some type of sanitary wipe paying special attention to the grooves that like to hide small items but easily fall out onto the freshly cleaned and sanitized floor.

Getting back to guests, theres the real problem.

Why not organize outdoor activities so no one has to come in the house at all ?

Of course you would have to rent a porta potty but for the sake of your/my sanity, whatever it takes. Thats my motto, whatever it takes to keep the filth from entering because damnit I cant spend my whole life on my hands and knees looking along baseboards for dust bunnies.

Barefeet ?

This is a joke right ?

Tell me this is a joke please.

Bare feet or any bare skin will soil carpet and upholstery faster than anything.

The oils in skin secrete onto the fiber.

Have you ever seen dark fabric on the arms of a chair ?

Skin soil.

Absolutely filthy.

Well its the same if not worse with the bottom of peoples feet.

I can see we have allot of work to do here.
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by along-for-the-ride »

Nomad;823231 wrote: Great topic.

I have some lengthy detailed opinions on the subject.

I did my thesis on this as a matter of fact.

First off may I commend you on your stringent adherence to cleanliness.

I approve.

However now that the niceties are over Id be remiss if I didnt inform you that your methods are lacking in sound and logical and perhaps uninformed practicality.

While removing shoes at the door....well before I continue, what are the shoes placed on once inside the door and is there any chance that sand, dirt or any unwanted particulate may have entered prior to the removal of the shoes ?

What about dirt on the mat or whatever you use to place the shoes on, how do you maintain a clean mat ?

Id suggest removal of the shoes prior to entry. Also there should be a clean sterile rug for them to step on outside so dirt isnt attracted to the bottoms of the sock and then carried into the house.

Of course if the rug is outdoors it wont remain sterile so perhaps some type of disposable cover should be placed over the rug.

Im still concerned about dirt that was carried into the foyer. How long will this remain on the floor ?

I really cant wrap my mind around an indoor shoe rug that just sits there full of debris. There should be a small vac nearby to inhale an unsightly mess.

If it were me Id vaccum the bottoms of the shoes placed there as well.

Vaccum followed by some type of sanitary wipe paying special attention to the grooves that like to hide small items but easily fall out onto the freshly cleaned and sanitized floor.

Getting back to guests, theres the real problem.

Why not organize outdoor activities so no one has to come in the house at all ?

Of course you would have to rent a porta potty but for the sake of your/my sanity, whatever it takes. Thats my motto, whatever it takes to keep the filth from entering because damnit I cant spend my whole life on my hands and knees looking along baseboards for dust bunnies.

Barefeet ?

This is a joke right ?

Tell me this is a joke please.

Bare feet or any bare skin will soil carpet and upholstery faster than anything.

The oils in skin secrete onto the fiber.

Have you ever seen dark fabric on the arms of a chair ?

Skin soil.

Absolutely filthy.

Well its the same if not worse with the bottom of peoples feet.

I can see we have allot of work to do here.

Okay..okay, Felix Unger from the "Odd Couple":wah:.
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Nomad »

along-for-the-ride;823248 wrote: Okay..okay, Felix Unger from the "Odd Couple":wah:.

I make Felix look like Oscar.
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Socks stay on (holes and all) but shoes remain in the porch.
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Patsy Warnick »

NO I don't wear shoes at home

I'm bare foot - or some sloppy slippers.. BAREFOOT IS NOT A JOKE NOMAD not in the desert..

I don't wear a bra at home either ....

THAT'S WHY I'M HOME to be comfortable..!!!!

I'm a no fuss no muss female

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Do you wear shoes at home?

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I never wear shoes indoors and i generally change into my dressing gown when i get in (hate wearing outdoor clothes indoors) however i wouldn't expect visitors to take off their shoes ..that would feel a bit weird.:thinking:
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Hope6 »

Patsy Warnick;823519 wrote: NO I don't wear shoes at home

I'm bare foot - or some sloppy slippers.. BAREFOOT IS NOT A JOKE NOMAD not in the desert..

I don't wear a bra at home either ....

THAT'S WHY I'M HOME to be comfortable..!!!!

I'm a no fuss no muss female


That's me too!, not only do i go barefoot, i don't were a bra at home either!

it's all about being comfortable!:wah:
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Accountable »

Yup. No bra at home for me either.

................... :-2

TMI? :o
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Hope6 »

Accountable;823628 wrote: Yup. No bra at home for me either.

................... :-2

TMI? :o

ummmm, i confused:confused: but aren't you a guy?:wah::wah:
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by rkdian »

I don't have a shoes off policy for guests, but I do for daycare. Those little buggers can spill, dump and spew enough without tracking also!

Nomad, your ideas are good. Where in the heck am I going to put this steri rug outside when it is 30 below with 42" of snow?? :confused:

As for Acct, we grew up barefoot!!! AND BRALESS!! And I doubt either of us need either of them any more than we did when we were 5. LOL
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by Accountable »

That's true. Back when we were that age the adults were lucky to get us into shoes at all. :wah:
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by sunny104 »

I'm not wearing a bra either! :D

wait...what were we talking about......:o
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by hoppy »

Can I come over?
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Do you wear shoes at home?

Post by sunny104 »

:D :wah:
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