Iraq's new constitution specifically excludes Israelis

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Iraq's new constitution specifically excludes Israelis

Post by Clint »


Iraqi citizenship:

Anyone but Israelis

Draft bill of rights singles out Jewish state


Posted: July 23, 2005

1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2005

The draft of Iraq's new constitution specifically excludes Israelis from obtaining citizenship.

The document [pdf file], updated July 20, says:

"Any individual with another nationality (except for Israel) may obtain Iraqi nationality after a period of residency inside the borders of Iraq of not less than ten years for an Arab or twenty years for any other nationality, as long as he has good character and behavior, and has no criminal judgment against him from the Iraqi authorities during the time of his residency on the territory of the Iraqi republic.

More: ... E_ID=45407
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Iraq's new constitution specifically excludes Israelis

Post by Accountable »

Okay, they're anti-Israeli. Is there an amendment clause?
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Iraq's new constitution specifically excludes Israelis

Post by Clint »

Accountable wrote: Okay, they're anti-Israeli. Is there an amendment clause?
I hope so. They have excluded our closest ally as though they are not human. Israel is criticized because the Jews allegedly exclude Muslims. Is it going to be okay to single out Israel like this when if it was the other way around there would be all kinds of pressure brought to bear?
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Iraq's new constitution specifically excludes Israelis

Post by Accountable »

Clint wrote: I hope so. They have excluded our closest ally as though they are not human. Israel is criticized because the Jews allegedly exclude Muslims. Is it going to be okay to single out Israel like this when if it was the other way around there would be all kinds of pressure brought to bear?
Okay with whom? It's okay with the sovreign government. they're in charge there. I say stay out of it at least for now. Once the dust settles, the diplomats can put political pressure.
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Iraq's new constitution specifically excludes Israelis

Post by Clint »

It is a good point that there won’t be many (if any) Israelis wanting citizenship in Iraq.

Accountable. I think you are right. As it stands the only thing to do is play it out. They must have their sovereignty.
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