psychometric testing for presidential candidates

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psychometric testing for presidential candidates

Post by Tombstone »

plazul wrote: Most employees in the national security field are psychometrically tested to see if they are psychologically and intellectually suited for the job. Why don't we require such testing for people competing for the most powerful office in the world?

Ha! That's a good thought. (I say that even though I'm skeptical of these tests.)

At first I thought George Bush's verbal gaffs (Bushisms) were amusing. "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family." But he makes so many of them without noticing it I'm beginning to think he has a thought disorder. He must have had a higher than average IQ to become a fighter pilot but I think his long term substance abuse knocked him down a few points. Ever notice that ten second delay when he's responding to a question or delivering prepared remarks? His extreme religiosity also concerns me. Does he actually believe God speaks to him? Does that worry you?

I like it. The man actually has real beliefs and stands by them. It's a mark of a leader. He shoots straight, tells you his beliefs upfront and sticks by them. This is MUCH better than the usual fare we get from politicians.

I was a big fan of Reagan because of this.

Also, His world view seems to have an apocolyptic quality and that doesn't bode well for American foreign policy, in my opinion. He says he just turns it all over to God but that would make his decisions infallible, wouldn't it?

Yes, this is a little too "Protestant" flavored to me.

At least in his mind. He may even have a messiah complex considering the way the religious right reveres him as a "godly president."

I doubt this. He is fully aware of his gaffs and his shortfalls - and admits them. He just scares the non-religious crowd because his convictions are founded in the bible.

(Remember how freaked out the Country was when JFK was running for President? Oh my! He was Catholic!)

Kerry is a piece of psychological work too. Narcissistic, calculating, prone to confabulation, and he has a very flat affect that bothers me. He just doesn't seem capable of spontaneous behavior. He's guarded, slightly paranoid, and obviously indecisive.

I think he's an opportunist who staged his career for political advantage and his marriage seems to be one of convenience. His vanity is also a less than desirable trait though I suppose you have to be good looking to run for President these days.

No argument there! My main beef with Kerry is that you DON'T know where he stands, what he stands for, what he will stand for, or what he really used to stand for. I'll take President Bush anyday.

So, that's my armchair analysis. If it were up to me I'd make all candidates for public office get tested for mental fitness. But then, we wouldn't have very many candidates, would we?

I would trade this off for less public scrutiny of every other aspect of a politicians life. There are a TON of great and qualified people who could run but never will. Why? They don't need the grief that the press and the public hoist upon them by digging up everything in their private past.
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