Bush Appoints Bolton to U.N. Job

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Bush Appoints Bolton to U.N. Job

Post by Clint »

Bush Appoints Bolton to U.N. Job

Monday, August 01, 2005

© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

Intelligence gathered from captured al-Qaida documents and interrogations of captured operatives has provided the U.S. with some specific information about Osama bin Laden's favored dates for his "American Hiroshima" nuclear attack.

WASHINGTON — President Bush bypassed Congress Monday and appointed John Bolton (search) to be the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

"This post is too important to leave vacant any longer, especially during a war and a vital debate about U.N. reform. So today I've used my constitutional authority to appoint John Bolton to serve as America's ambassador to the United Nations (search)," Bush said, with Bolton at his side, during an announcement in the Roosevelt Room of the White House.

More: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0%2C2933%2 ... %2C00.html
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Bush Appoints Bolton to U.N. Job

Post by Accountable »

It's about time. Now maybe he'll **** off enough ambassadors that they'll all quit and give their office space to something more useful .... like storage.

Seriously though, is Bolton really Captain Kangaroo's evil twin?

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Bush Appoints Bolton to U.N. Job

Post by Clint »

A good way to put it Accountable. There needs to be a house cleaning.

I kept trying to figure out who he looks like. :yh_rotfl
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Bush Appoints Bolton to U.N. Job

Post by weeder »

I am very upset about this Hiroshima attack information. I stumbled upon it just this last Saturday. It outlined the plan.. gave specific cities and dates. Supposedly the bombs or rather devices are already in place. Tell me this isnt going to happen. How can it be that we calmly read about and speculate about these horrible things? It also mentioned that there will be incidences of opened fire in schools and hospitals. We wonder why we are a nation whose youth is depressed, angry, hopeless, and all using drugs? Oh God this is horrible. I am so sorry that I had children and that now my children have children.
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