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Cartoons We Enjoy....

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:38 pm
by Matt50
Tom and Jerry was my favorite when I was a kid.

Cartoons We Enjoy....

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 11:26 pm
by High Threshold
LeeSung;1473515 wrote: i miss the imes when i was still a kid. After school, i will throw myself to my grandma couch and watch my favorite cartoons, especially the popeye series while eating of her baked cookies.

Ggae gwa ja? :yh_drool

Cartoons We Enjoy....

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 11:35 pm
by High Threshold
Matt50;1474249 wrote: Tom and Jerry was my favorite when I was a kid.

Tom and Jerry was too violent for me but I guess all cartoons were violent, animated slap-stick.

Cartoons We Enjoy....

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:35 am
by G#Gill
My father always considered Tom & Jerry to be too violent. He reckoned that it gave bad ideas to children ! Not sure whether he thought that dropping a piano onto a cat and literally flattening the cat would be copied by children ! But he used to roar with laughter at seeing a huge army of ants marching in step along a tree branch, making the branch heave up and down with the rhythm ! Not sure either how he thought children would be able to squeeze into the down drain pipe of a gutter and claw their way down to the bottom of the pipe and out !

I perhaps understood his apprehension about a huge mallet being brought down onto Jerry mouse, flattening him into a wafer like mouse that rocked gently to and fro like a fallen leaf ! I believe I have most of all the T & J cartoons on video tape - particularly the Fred Quimby ones. The antics were so hugely over-exaggerated that as a child I realised that such results would be impossible for any human being to carry out !

Even now I roar with laughter at seeing Tom cat having had his 'thumb' crushed by some enormous object by Jerry mouse, and the injured digit quickly swelled up into a gigantic red coloured throbbing 'ball' and Tom cat yelling 'Oooh ahh !' and leaping up and down on the spot ! No even as a child I could not ever take seriously any of the exploits depicted in a T & J cartoon film !

Though I did try often, I could not persuade my father that children would take those cartoons at face value and treat them purely as fantasy. Although he never actually banned the viewing of them on TV, he mostly disappeared out of the room for the duration of the cartoon (except when ants were involved !) :yh_rotfl

I have always thought that, particularly the Fred Quimby ones, the T & J cartoons were always so brilliantly illustrated ! :yh_worshp :yh_clap

Cartoons We Enjoy....

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:55 am
by G#Gill
High Threshold;1474264 wrote: Ggae gwa ja? :yh_drool

Translation please, HT. I don't understand Indonesian I'm afraid ! Perhaps you were referring to the cookies ? :wah:

Cartoons We Enjoy....

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 10:53 am
by High Threshold
G#Gill;1474270 wrote: Translation please, HT. I don't understand Indonesian I'm afraid ! Perhaps you were referring to the cookies ? :wah:

Sesame seed cookies - Korean actually. :)