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The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:29 am
by FourPart
I love spiders. By rights these aren't necessarily the biggest, as crabs are also technically classed as spiders, and they grow to be much bigger (although nowhere near as cute).

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:29 pm
by Smaug
FourPart;1481903 wrote: I love spiders. By rights these aren't necessarily the biggest, as crabs are also technically classed as spiders, and they grow to be much bigger (although nowhere near as cute).

Can't say as I love spiders, though they are a "clever bit of kit". Such a huge variety of shape, size, colour and preferred hunting strategy. Definitely one of nature's "survivors".

Didn't know crabs and spiders were directly related, but it would figure.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:45 pm
by FourPart
Smaug;1481974 wrote: Can't say as I love spiders, though they are a "clever bit of kit". Such a huge variety of shape, size, colour and preferred hunting strategy. Definitely one of nature's "survivors".

Didn't know crabs and spiders were directly related, but it would figure.
To be more precise they're considered to be the evolutionary ancestors of spiders & arachnids in general.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:09 pm
by Smaug
FourPart;1481978 wrote: To be more precise they're considered to be the evolutionary ancestors of spiders & arachnids in general.

You certainly seem to know your stuff about spiders. Do you keep any as pets? I used to "import" a few stripey Orb Web spiders from our garden to act as "organic fly-killers". They (4 of 'em) spun their webs high up on the large kitchen window, and disposed of all the flies that came in. All I had to do was dispose of what was left, and any spider poo once a week!:-6

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:26 pm
by Smaug
Another amazing and extremely adaptable/durable/beautiful creature....Though neither weird or wacky, I love dogs, especially HUGE dogs!!:-6

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:26 pm
by FourPart
I've always fancied having a spider as a pet. I really love the things. Whenever I see one in a position where it might be at risk, I always put it into a safe place, not too far from where I found it. Mechanically they are amazing. They've made robots that can move using 8 legs, but the programming used to make them do so is amazingly complex.

Their silk is still proportionately stronger than any material we've come up with thus far, leaving High Tensile Steel standing, and the rate at which they generate it is phenomenal.

I've never figured why anyone should have a fear of them. The vast majority of them are totally harmless to humans.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:43 pm
by Smaug
Those spider robots move quite well, and look very stable. Must be a practical application somewhere for them. As for "spider-silk", a synthetic equivalent is currently under development (probably in the U.S.). I shall be interested to see how strong our version is!

The majority of spiders are harmless, or nearly so, to humans unless you have an allergic reaction, of course. It may also be worth mentioning a T.V. programme on a few years ago which stated that if this particular spider's hooks and poison sacs were just a little larger, it would be the most dangerous spider on Earth.................... The spider in question was the British black house spider!!!

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:27 am
by FourPart
And another fact that I saw somewhere - if all the spiders in the Netherlands were to turn to eating human flesh, instead of their normal diet, they would consume the entire population of the Netherlands in less than 3 days.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:27 pm
by Smaug
FourPart;1482053 wrote: And another fact that I saw somewhere - if all the spiders in the Netherlands were to turn to eating human flesh, instead of their normal diet, they would consume the entire population of the Netherlands in less than 3 days.

Who'd be a Dutchman if those Dutch spiders suddenly got a taste for "long pork"?:wah:

("Long pork" being an old expression for human flesh)

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:21 am
by Smaug
Let's just try overtaking a large box van on an icy day using a blind "slingshot" and see what can happen....:yh_ooooo

Il y a beacoup de merde dans ma pantalon!!

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 4:11 am
by Smaug

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:28 am
by Smaug
Never heard anything like it....:wah:

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:17 am
by Bruv
The sound was added later HERE

I reckoned at first look it was all a joke, but apparently not.HERE

There is a lot of Newscaster's fainting on YouTube, permanent embarrassment for the poor buggers.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:37 pm
by Smaug
Bruv;1482325 wrote: The sound was added later HERE

I reckoned at first look it was all a joke, but apparently not.HERE

There is a lot of Newscaster's fainting on YouTube, permanent embarrassment for the poor buggers.

Now I don't know which clip is genuine! Are any of them? If those "trouser coughs" were the "real-deal", she has my profound sympathy!!:wah:

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:18 am
by Smaug
I saw this one years ago on the telly...

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:34 pm
by G#Gill
Yes I remember that cartoon too ! I also remember laughing like an idiot while I was watching ! Ah those were the days :wah:

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 5:31 pm
by Smaug
G#Gill;1482452 wrote: Yes I remember that cartoon too ! I also remember laughing like an idiot while I was watching ! Ah those were the days :wah:

Must admit to being a Fred Quimby fan myself. Don't think anyone's topped Tom and Jerry yet!:-6

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:27 am
by Smaug
Came across this interesting clip on my travels. He certainly brought out some detail, but is his technique valid? Does anyone know this process that he uses?

Thought provoking, especially if the technique IS valid....:thinking:

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:11 pm
by FourPart
Smaug;1482470 wrote: Came across this interesting clip on my travels. He certainly brought out some detail, but is his technique valid? Does anyone know this process that he uses?

Thought provoking, especially if the technique IS valid....:thinking:

I've never known what to think of this phenomenon. First of all, it is known that is innate in the human psyche to see images of human faces in all sorts of patterns - the "Man on the Moon" (which I have never been able to make out, to this day), for instance. It is said that the shapes in the rocks don't really exist, but is a result of an optical illusion formed by shadows. Quite possible. I don't know. I have my suspicions of the video, however, in the way the presenter was able to expertly photoshop the image to make something out of nothing. After all, wasn't it Leonardo da Vinci who said that the statue was already there in the rock. The artist's job is merely to remove the unnecessary bits.

On the other hand, it's not only the similarity of the Sphinx in Luxor that raises questions there. Taken on it's own it could simply be passed off as mere coincidence, but nearby to that 'Sphinx' there have also been regularly shaped pyramids found.

Mars-Earth Connection

I seem to remember reading a hypothesis put forward by Daniken which, given the already bizarre circumstances, that somehow, if the earth was visited or even colonised by extra-terrestrials (there is the theory that we are their descendants), that they saw this strange effect as they passed Mars & set about recreating it in Luxor. A bit of a Chicken & Egg scenario. The real mystery is that no-one really knows. All that we do know is that we know next to nothing.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:24 pm
by Smaug
Not forgetting that these "structures", if made by intelligent life, are millions of years old with all the weathering that entails. There also seem to be many surface features, such as river and lake-beds (long since dried), not to mention other structures that look remarkably like buildings, pyramids and statues. Sounds risky I know, but I think there may have been life on Mars Millions of years ago, and if so, it must have been intelligent life if those structures turn out to be artificial!

Also, what happened to that NASA announcement that they had "Earth-rocking news" about Mars?

Maybe the U.S. government thought the news was too "Earth-rocking" for public consumption....

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:20 pm
by FourPart
I know Daniken was generally held up as a bit of a charlatan, but he did raise some very thought provoking notions, such as the reason for the Missing Link never having been found might be that it hasn't yet reached that level of evolution on this planet yet, and that we are the descendants of colonists of another world - Mars, perhaps. Change the term "God" from meaning a single deity to a collective term for an extra terrestrial civilisation, and the Bible starts to take on an entirely new, and more plausible meaning.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:41 pm
by Smaug
I agree entirely with you there, FourPart. There's much in our history we don't know for sure, mainly because it's ancient history way before our records began. I presume you are aware of the genes we carry in our makeup that are found nowhere else in any of Earth's denizens? Von Daniken may have been a charlatan, but he made a few interesting points (and quite a lot of money from his books). Many of his points were surmise, or at the least "stretched", but a few were genuine, valid, and thought-provoking.

How's about this well-weathered statue? If this pic is GENUINELY from Mars, it's game over for those that deny that intelligent life ever lived on Mars.

May still live on Mars....though if so, is almost certainly confined to a subterranean existence.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:08 pm
by FourPart
Personally I have absolutely no doubt that there is intelligent life out there. To believe otherwise is, frankly, nothing short of arrogance.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:30 pm
by Smaug
FourPart;1482525 wrote: Personally I have absolutely no doubt that there is intelligent life out there. To believe otherwise is, frankly, nothing short of arrogance.

Not to mention improbable. My Cousin (of all people!) asked a valid question the other week. He asked why NASA are planning to send a team of scientists/explorers to Mars when they've got excellent mobile labs/surveying equipment already there that don't require the difficult requirements of human life support. Why bother, unless there's something to find/enter that Mars Rover can't get to. Especially as those people wont be coming back home....

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 2:52 am
by FourPart
Smaug;1482530 wrote: Not to mention improbable. My Cousin (of all people!) asked a valid question the other week. He asked why NASA are planning to send a team of scientists/explorers to Mars when they've got excellent mobile labs/surveying equipment already there that don't require the difficult requirements of human life support. Why bother, unless there's something to find/enter that Mars Rover can't get to. Especially as those people wont be coming back home....
The simple answer is that controlling the remote landers takes too long to receive a signal. Plus, if it's on the blind side, not at all. Human intervention would be able to make on the sport decisions.

I, for one, would relish the opportunity of being able to be one of those 1-way ticket pioneers, and I suspect I am far from unique in that, with plenty far better qualified than I.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:52 am
by Smaug
FourPart;1482544 wrote: The simple answer is that controlling the remote landers takes too long to receive a signal. Plus, if it's on the blind side, not at all. Human intervention would be able to make on the sport decisions.

I, for one, would relish the opportunity of being able to be one of those 1-way ticket pioneers, and I suspect I am far from unique in that, with plenty far better qualified than I.

Funny you should say that, FourPart. I've caught myself thinking I'd like to be one of the first men on Mars, disregarding the "one-way trip" side of things. Just to get away from the insanity of this place!

"Better a dry morsel and peace therein,

than a house full of trouble and strife".

I've absolutely no idea whose quote this is, by the way!

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 4:01 am
by FourPart
Smaug;1482545 wrote: "Better a dry morsel and peace therein,

than a house full of trouble and strife".

I've absolutely no idea whose quote this is, by the way!

Proverbs 17:1 - Ironic really, when discussing whether or not God was an Extra Terrestrial.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 4:24 am
by Smaug
FourPart;1482546 wrote: Proverbs 17:1 - Ironic really, when discussing whether or not God was an Extra Terrestrial.

Ironic indeed! These last 2 posts have a distinct "Bene Jesserit" (Frank Herbert, Dune series) flavour to them!

Was God a Martian? Is that why man was made "in his image"?

Thanks for the quote source, FourPart. Was wondering where I'd seen it!

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:42 am
by FourPart
And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of an host: when they stood, they let down their wings.

(Ezekiel 1:24)

Now read that again, only this time imagine a helicopter landing. Sounds like a pretty fair description to me.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:48 pm
by Smaug
A helicopter, or some kind of "jump-jet" possibly. If you were unfamiliar with aerial transport, as they were a couple of thousand years ago, that's the sort of description an aircraft might indeed have. Check out the "Vimanas" of Indian legend, and the requirement to use a "mask of Tane" to reach the highest levels of Heaven in a "Vimana". The "mask of Tane" sounds like oxygen equipment to me.

Wasn't around yesterday, busy helping my Cousin move LOADS of flamin' HEAVY furniture, started at 6.30am, didn't finish till 9pm. Drove 400-odd miles too...:yh_sleep

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:25 am
by FourPart
These ones also speak for themselves.

World Mysteries - Strange Artifacts, Ancient Flying Machines

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:20 pm
by LarsMac
Weird? You ain't seen weird unless you lived in Florida.

Florida Man Arrested for Having Sex with an Alligator | thugvirals

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 2:58 am
by Smaug
FourPart;1482738 wrote: These ones also speak for themselves.

World Mysteries - Strange Artifacts, Ancient Flying Machines

That's an interesting link, FourPart. Years ago, someone made a copy of the Egyptian glider and threw it to see if it flew. It flew nicely!

The gold South American "ornaments" are clearly NOT insects or birds, as none of these have a vertical stabilizer or rudder (whichever it is). Interestingly, the one featured here was analyzed by an aeronautical engineer who stated that if this "ornament" was built to conventional aircraft construction standards using modern materials and equipped with a jet engine, it would fly!! This object is listed as an OOPART ( out-of-place artifact).

Interesting topic, especially as MODERN powered flight has only just passed it's 100th birthday....

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:03 am
by Smaug
LarsMac;1482783 wrote: Weird? You ain't seen weird unless you lived in Florida.

Florida Man Arrested for Having Sex with an Alligator | thugvirals

If I ever go on a "blind date" again, I'll make damn sure she's not called Lizzie, that's for sure!:wah:

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:01 am
by Bruv
A Parrot ???

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:06 am
by Smaug
Bruv;1482866 wrote: A Parrot ???


The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:19 am
by Smaug
There's an old adage that states; "One story's good... until another is told!" There are many fragments and enigmas from ancient history almost completely overlooked by mainstream academia world-wide, and filed away in a drawer marked "too hard/ancient/mysterious/incomplete/improbable/mind-blowing to understand or be credible".

Maybe in a few decades/centuries these OOPARTS will be better understood, and the many "blanks" in our ancient history will begin to be filled.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:02 am
by Bruv
Bruv;1482866 wrote: A Parrot ???

Smaug;1482868 wrote: Huh?

People have had sex with pit bulls, donkeys and even parrots

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:09 pm
by Snowfire
Who's a pretty boy then ?

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:25 am
by FourPart
Smaug;1482870 wrote: There's an old adage that states; "One story's good... until another is told!" There are many fragments and enigmas from ancient history almost completely overlooked by mainstream academia world-wide, and filed away in a drawer marked "too hard/ancient/mysterious/incomplete/improbable/mind-blowing to understand or be credible".

Maybe in a few decades/centuries these OOPARTS will be better understood, and the many "blanks" in our ancient history will begin to be filled.

Unlike Pahu's idol, Walt Brown, Daniken didn't take pieces of artifactural evidence & claim this to be proof positive of anything. He would just present the facts as they were, which had all been individually catalogued & verified as being genuine, and would then ask the reader if it might be an indication of such & such, getting the reader to think for themselves.

The artifacts are clearly an affirmation that we know far less than we like to think we know. They could paint al overall picture of a global catastrophe - an entire civilisation, wiped out by a World War - a bit like a "The Planet Of The Apes" scenario, or even H. G. Wells' "The Time Machine". It could also suggest more advanced civilisations around the world which individually ceased to be, or moved on for one reason or another. I, personally, find the idea of the entire human race having been descended from colonists from another planet a very real possibility, which could explain what happened to the Neanderthals. Imagine the concept of evolution reaching the natural environment for the Neanderthal stage of development - then having a different species, although on a parallel stage of evolution introduced to that environment. The native species then end up getting wiped out by the new beings, either by hunting / war, or even naturally through cross breeding. It's not an unbelievable scenario, as it's an all too common problem in the modern world on a lesser scale. Take the English Red Squirrels, for example. Just 2 American Grey Squirrels were introduced to the environment, and in hardly any time the Red Squirrel is practically extinct from disease & starvation, whilst the Grey thrives as vermin in this alien environment.

There is far more out there that we don't know than there is that we do know. In the days of primitive superstition the cause of anything we didn't understand was simply attributed to "God", thus nullifying the reason to keep searching for an answer, believing the answer to already be known - "God". Fortunately we are starting to take a more enlightened view.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:46 pm
by Smaug
Bruv;1482880 wrote:

People have had sex with pit bulls, donkeys and even parrots

The mind boggles! Folk get up to the "oddest" things, sometimes...

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:49 pm
by Smaug
Snowfire;1482882 wrote: Who's a pretty boy then ?

Well, they do say "birds of a feather..."

A chap could get into trouble quite quickly talking about birds!:wah:

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 5:46 pm
by Smaug
FourPart;1482904 wrote: Unlike Pahu's idol, Walt Brown, Daniken didn't take pieces of artifactural evidence & claim this to be proof positive of anything. He would just present the facts as they were, which had all been individually catalogued & verified as being genuine, and would then ask the reader if it might be an indication of such & such, getting the reader to think for themselves.

The artifacts are clearly an affirmation that we know far less than we like to think we know. They could paint al overall picture of a global catastrophe - an entire civilisation, wiped out by a World War - a bit like a "The Planet Of The Apes" scenario, or even H. G. Wells' "The Time Machine". It could also suggest more advanced civilisations around the world which individually ceased to be, or moved on for one reason or another. I, personally, find the idea of the entire human race having been descended from colonists from another planet a very real possibility, which could explain what happened to the Neanderthals. Imagine the concept of evolution reaching the natural environment for the Neanderthal stage of development - then having a different species, although on a parallel stage of evolution introduced to that environment. The native species then end up getting wiped out by the new beings, either by hunting / war, or even naturally through cross breeding. It's not an unbelievable scenario, as it's an all too common problem in the modern world on a lesser scale. Take the English Red Squirrels, for example. Just 2 American Grey Squirrels were introduced to the environment, and in hardly any time the Red Squirrel is practically extinct from disease & starvation, whilst the Grey thrives as vermin in this alien environment.

There is far more out there that we don't know than there is that we do know. In the days of primitive superstition the cause of anything we didn't understand was simply attributed to "God", thus nullifying the reason to keep searching for an answer, believing the answer to already be known - "God". Fortunately we are starting to take a more enlightened view.

By and large, I would agree with you about Von Daniken's way of presenting his theories, although he sometimes "hammered" his points a bit. Some of his stuff was a little "way out" to be credible, but on the other hand he did postulate some thought-provoking ideas. As for people saying; "Aliens? No such thing, not around these parts", how would they know that? I personally think it a high order of probability that we have(mankind) been genetically "mixed" somehow with alien D.N.A. somewhere in the deeps of time when we were still basically primates, hence the genes now being detected in us that have no relationship WHATSOEVER with any other gene occurring ANYWHERE in nature, thus far discovered!!

To my mind, there are just too many OOPARTS (very broadly speaking), carvings depicting strange "beings", signs of advanced technology in ancient times, old texts and legends, not to mention ancient ruins, for our ancient history to be as stated in our history books. A good example of ancient ruins can be found approximately 200-300 miles SSW of the Azores. I found (on Google Earth) what I think to be a HUGE, ruined submerged city on the seabed, very nearly square in outline and pretty much right on the Southern tip of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge....

The reason I believe this is a submerged city of enormous proportions is backed by the fact that my Dad is an ex Royal Navy electronic warfare specialist (radar, telegraphy, sonar, asdic- they were known as "wiches") was using a new bit of "kit" for mapping/depth-gauging the seabed in that area and was thus engaged when he noticed that his screen was revealing objects thousands of feet below that were regular in outline, like city blocks and buildings/roads when viewed from a plane. He was naturally puzzled about this and called the ship's Captain to check what was being viewed. He was just as puzzled, and sent a detailed report back to the Admiralty, where it probably languishes to this day.

When I showed Dad what I'd found on Google Earth, he was astonished, and said that it's bang-on where he saw it years ago, and exactly how he remembers seeing it!!

Atlantis? Who knows, but it's in the right place...

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:22 pm
by Smaug
This is a slightly enhanced version....

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:33 am
by G#Gill
The Atlantis question is fascinating to me, and yes I have seen the Google Earth pic of that strange undersea patterning and it is so thought provoking ! It would be quite thrilling if some group of people managed to select a small part of it and send down these very clever deep sea diving bells and over a period of time were able to remove top layers of sludge to try to find man-made structures. Yes I appreciate that this would be a mammoth task as I would think that the sludge would be exceedingly deep. But until something like that was undertaken we will never find out if that strange patterning is Atlantis or not !

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:04 am
by FourPart
Would the term for that be a Wingker?

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:58 am
by FourPart
This is definitely in the Weird & Wacky genre. I saw it in my FaceBook. Hopefully it can be accessed here as well.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:24 am
by Smaug
G#Gill;1483028 wrote: The Atlantis question is fascinating to me, and yes I have seen the Google Earth pic of that strange undersea patterning and it is so thought provoking ! It would be quite thrilling if some group of people managed to select a small part of it and send down these very clever deep sea diving bells and over a period of time were able to remove top layers of sludge to try to find man-made structures. Yes I appreciate that this would be a mammoth task as I would think that the sludge would be exceedingly deep. But until something like that was undertaken we will never find out if that strange patterning is Atlantis or not !

That's a massive undertaking, in manpower,equipment and money- very difficult at present. If we were to do that, we should indulge in a bit of geophysics first, to find where the remains of buildings are first, if that's possible in deep (up to 100 feet, probably) ocean ooze, then concentrate on one or two small areas initially. The Portugese Navy have been investigating a submerged Pyramid on the seabed between two of the islands. The Pyramid is a little smaller than the Great Pyramid at Giza, and has various interesting alignments, and near-alignments with sacred/important sites in both Egypt AND South America.

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:47 am
by Smaug
FourPart;1483077 wrote: This is definitely in the Weird & Wacky genre. I saw it in my FaceBook. Hopefully it can be accessed here as well.

Amazing how signs of life/nerves remained after decapitation and gutting! Fish can show definite life-signs hours after being hauled out of the water. Definitely belongs on this thread, FourPart! Most things "go" here, except religious stuff, politics and creationist theories. VERBOTEN!

The Weird and the Wacky!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:13 am
by Bruv
Smaug;1483079 wrote: Most things "go" here, except religious stuff, politics and creationist theories. VERBOTEN!

How about this then ? Mind boggling or what ?