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Yo America!

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 7:38 pm
by BTS
koan;488730 wrote: at the end of your letter to Ahmadinejad you basically said to take his letter and shove it.

in a dialogue you tell him your problems with what he said and wait for a response.

(can I assume we cleared up the misunderstanding about the despicable comment?)

Yes we cleared that up.

But as far as my opinion and the ending:

"Keep your offers and your rhetoric to yourself. We're not interested."

it was pointed to him, NOT you, and I doubted he would respond.

I am NOT interested in his mealy mouth letter...... (FLUFF)


Yo America!

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 7:40 pm
by Accountable
koan;488730 wrote: at the end of your letter to Ahmadinejad you basically said to take his letter and shove it.

in a dialogue you tell him your problems with what he said and wait for a response.

(can I assume we cleared up the misunderstanding about the despicable comment?)
I saw nothing dispicable about BTS' response.

Yo America!

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 7:41 pm
by koan
Accountable;488749 wrote: I saw nothing dispicable about BTS' response.


Neither did I

Yo America!

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 7:43 pm
by koan
BTS;488746 wrote: Yes we cleared that up.

But as far as my opinion and the ending:

"Keep your offers and your rhetoric to yourself. We're not interested."

it was pointed to him, NOT you, and I doubted he would respond.

I am NOT interested in his mealy mouth letter...... (FLUFF)


I realise that it was pointed out to him.

I was merely pointing out that a good response letter would keep dialogue open.

Yo America!

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 7:46 pm
by Accountable
koan;488751 wrote: :-5

Neither did I

Yo America!

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 7:46 pm
by koan
Diuretic;488759 wrote: I suppose that's why it's called "diplomacy".

whew :yh_sweat

I was starting to get a flashback until you showed up.

Yo America!

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 8:05 pm
by Adam Zapple
koan;473091 wrote: The American People just got an open letter from President Ahmadinejad. First class mail via CNN.

So... What's your response?

Read letter here

Why are you non-Yanks reading our mail?

Yo America!

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 8:07 pm
by koan
Adam Zapple;488777 wrote: Why are you non-Yanks reading our mail?

:yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl

Yo America!

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 5:59 am
by Nomad
koan;482836 wrote: Well.

I've never gotten an open letter from a President before.

Who do I have to attack to get that?

If you attack Northern Ireland, since your close (and hey ! why not ?!) its protocol for the president to write. Give it a whirl.

Yo America!

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 8:14 am
by Bez
Exerpt from the aforementioned letter :-

"Is it not possible to put wealth and power in the service of peace, stability, prosperity and the happiness of all peoples through a commitment to justice and respect for the rights of all nations, instead of aggression and war?"

Now that WOULD be a meaningful discussion !! Can't see any genuine participants in the current group of world leaders though.

Yo America!

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:19 pm
by BTS
Diuretic;489866 wrote: I remember an old (Rod Serling) episode of The Twilight Zone that featured world peace as a theme, had a little twist in the episode though.

Next left: The Twilight Zone

Rod Serling was on to something. Perhaps we really can take the wrong turn or have our cars break down in a strange neighborhood and leave reality behind and enter some new dimension.

Is there some strange place out there where reason, common sense, and logic are replaced with irrational visions and what people see as reality can only be viewed if one agrees to forsake all known fact and twist reality into up is down and good is evil?

This is how I felt as I watched the news events that were going on simultaneously in England, Turkey, and Iraq.

Scene one: Young Brit, male, saying with great confidence, "Well, it's Bush isn't it. He's just killing everyone." Cut to scenes from Istanbul, Turkey, where the carnage is seen in living color. Terrorist bombers have blown up a bank, dozens believed dead, hundreds injured.

Back to England where the communist mayor of London is proclaiming President Bush the single greatest threat to world peace, ever. He urges the people of England to march in protest against the terrible, evil man.

Shift back to Turkey where the British have suffered casualties when another terrorist bomb has exploded in front of the British consulate.

One's head starts to spin about this time trying to peek into the minds of those on the left and how they can equate this irrational violence in Turkey to President Bush.

Explosions in Iraq hit the news. Several Iraqi children have been killed by terrorists.

In London, the cheering anti-Bush crowds wave American flags drenched in red paint to show how Americans love to kill innocent people. Saddam wasn't evil, they say, it's Bush and America, we are the evil ones.

I fully expected the screen to go black so the cigarette toting Serling could step up and explain to me that I had entered his infamous "Twilight Zone." I had taken a hard left and driven right into the heart of it.

Jeering crowds; paper machete statues of Bush are being paraded into Trafalgar Square to be pulled over ala Saddam Hussein. It was surreal to watch as the scroll at the bottom of the screen tells us the death toll is rising in both Turkey and Iraq from terrorist attacks. They sang, they danced, and they cheered anyone who agreed that Bush is the terrorist; the root of all that is bad in the world. In a carnival atmosphere they seem to worship the insane and condemn the sane.

In Turkey, they are digging frantically for survivors but find only bodies. In Iraq, grieving parents mourn their dead children. Muslim on Muslim terror continues on a daily basis now. Punishment doled out to those who want to be free. The real world has a way of slapping you in the face.

Al Qaeda takes credit for the bombings in Turkey. The real killers are cheered and celebrated. Those opposing them are burned in effigy. It's much easier to dance in a dream world than to walk in the real one.

In the fantasy world of the left, you can vocally blame whomever you want for the killing. They can shield their humanitarian eyes away from the real death and destruction and create mock executions with impunity. They can use red paint and not dirty their hands with real blood.

In their parallel universe, it is the refusal to see the terrorists for what they are because it is infinitely easier to blame someone they know will not exact retribution. It's the safe thing to do. If we ignore them, they will stop killing seems to be their logic. There is no legitimate reason to believe this is so, but in their world, you don't need logic.

Even on the home front, the effects of the "Zone" are far reaching. Bush can't point to the 300,000 bodies in mass graves I'm told, since his Daddy put them there during the first Gulf War. They weren't executed by Saddam; they were blown there by the first evil Bush.

Totally devoid of fact or reason, the left declares the President a terrorist. America has become evil under the Bush "regime." We have become imperialists moving from country to country without reason or cause waging war.

Our history, they say, clearly shows we wait until we are attacked to retaliate. September 11, 2001 has already evacuated their minds like unnecessary waste. Just punishment, some say, for previous evils.

Someone save me from this mind-numbing lack of logic. Explain to me how a dead man can defend himself or why a country should wait until there are tens of thousands dead to react because "that's the way we've always done it." Explain to me how good becomes evil and terror attacks are justified while attempts to stop them are immoral. How can stopping the attacks be the cause of them?

Where is Rod Serling when you need him to reassure you that after 30 minutes of this horror, reality will once again be in control.

Barbara J. Stock is an RN of over 23 years and is fairly new to political writing. She has had articles posted on BushCountry, GOPUSA, AmericanDaily, RepublicanDailyNews, Town Hall, OpinionEditorials, and the Judson Cox Newsletter. She has her own website called Republican and Proud and welcomes comments at