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Post by gmc »

OK these particular cartoons actually aren't that funny

Biggest problem Americans have is they take themselves too seriously.

Look at the crap we have to put up with from Americans. ... PTSWSM.jpg

As if Brigadoon wasn't bad enough :-5 :-5

Do we get upset|? Do we sulk? No we take him to out hearts and make him a cultural icon selling fat bastard t-shirts to american tourists to go with the deep fried mars bars

Do Englishmen get upset because you think them effete poofters? No because they have the self confidence not to care just as welshmen ignore jokes about velcro gloves. Do the french get upset because you stopped calling chips french fries? No they didn't actually notice

You really need to get over this inferiority complex that stops you laughing at yourselves and ignoring insults imagined or otherwise.
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Post by Richard Bell »

magenta flame;591529 wrote: (A - SS - HO - LE!


A - SS - HO - LE!

Ahhh...Denis Leary's "A$$h0LE". (Leary's from Boston).

I love singing along with that chorus. It's a great song. Hell, it's an anthem !

Reminds me of the time we were working with an officiouus, obstreperous young git (I'll call him "Don").

While Phil, my friend and co-worker, were discussing him over several beers, he offered up this sage observation :

"I'm an a$$h0le. You're an a$$h0le. Don's an a$$h0le.

The big difference is, we know were a$$h0les. Don hasn't a clue that he's an a$$h0le."

Well, we laughed and laughed, like the two beer sotted a$$h0les that we were. We both knew that Phil had just nailed it. "Don" soon moved away and out of our lives.

I do hope he finds his inner a$$h0le someday, and he lets him out once in a while.

You can't take yourself too seriously all the time, and you gotta laugh, at least a little bit .
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Post by zinkyusa »

Richard Bell;591839 wrote: Ahhh...Denis Leary's "A$$h0LE". (Leary's from Boston).

I love singing along with that chorus. It's a great song. Hell, it's an anthem !

Reminds me of the time we were working with an officiouus, obstreperous young git (I'll call him "Don").

While Phil, my friend and co-worker, were discussing him over several beers, he offered up this sage observation :

"I'm an a$$h0le. You're an a$$h0le. Don's an a$$h0le.

The big difference is, we know were a$$h0les. Don hasn't a clue that he's an a$$h0le."

Well, we laughed and laughed, like the two beer sotted a$$h0les that we were. We both knew that Phil had just nailed it. "Don" soon moved away and out of our lives.

I do hope he finds his inner a$$h0le someday, and he lets him out once in a while.

You can't take yourself too seriously all the time, and you gotta laugh, at least a little bit .

Quite true...

There is a bit of difference in satirical humor and being mean spirited and bashing a country, culture, etc.. I enjoy satire as much as anyone. Which brings me to comment that "Americans are the only people who will get off a plane in another country and exclaim dam* look at all those foreigners":-5
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Post by Bryn Mawr »

zinkyusa;591846 wrote: Quite true...

There is a bit of difference in satirical humor and being mean spirited and bashing a country, culture, etc.. I enjoy satire as much as anyone. Which brings me to comment that "Americans are the only people who will get off a plane in another country and exclaim dam* look at all those foreigners":-5

What, like the Brits will go abroad and demand Fish and Chips at the "Queen Vic"?
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Post by laneybug »

I think it's funny as hell. Americans have all kinds of stereotypes of people in other countries.

Who cares that it wasn't made by an American? Are Americans the only people who are allowed to make fun of America? That's like black people using the "n" word but getting pissed off when someone who isn't black uses it. Please. What a stupid double standard. The world is a big place full of all kinds of people to make fun of, and no one is above it. Lighten up, that's what I say. As an American, I have the right to say that we tend to take ourselves way too seriously. :rolleyes:
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Post by anotherlisa »

I found the cartoon funny. But then again, I've learned not to put much stock in stereotypes.

Hell, I'm from within the 5 boroughs of NY and the rest of the USA doesn't even consider us part of the USA at times. We had the first terrorist bombing of the WTC back in 1993. Then when the Oklahoma City bombing happened they were saying on the newscasts, "terrorism hits the US for the first time" like the FALN bombing here in the 70s or the WTC attack in '93 didn't count. We all felt badly for the folks in Oklahoma & sent the rescue teams who'd worked the '93 attack, but damn, what are we, chopped liver? :wah:

After 9/11 some clueless moron from the federal government couldn't understand how downtown apartment dwellers could be "homeowners"

Conversely, the rest of the boroughs look at us (Staten Island, where I live, I work in Manhattan) as their very own "redneck" cousins & we almost got a NASCAR track!

Self edited for going off topic
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Post by KB. »

It is unoriginal and bland; that is the worst thing about it. It is easy and general, someone here could do better I am sure.
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Post by gmc »

KB.;632577 wrote: It is unoriginal and bland; that is the worst thing about it. It is easy and general, someone here could do better I am sure.

Well if you're sure you won't get upset. ... erican.asp
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Post by KB. »

gmc;633022 wrote: Well if you're sure you won't get upset. ... erican.asp

Some of those are a lot better than the original here, at least words are involved.
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Post by laneybug »

gmc;633022 wrote: Well if you're sure you won't get upset. ... erican.asp

:wah: :wah: I think it's hilarious.

Laughing is always the best medicine. Even if it's at yourself.
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Post by laneybug »

Kathy Ellen;633490 wrote: As an American, I think that's it's fine to poke fun at ourselves. I just don't understand the hatred that seems to be coming across from some FG members that I thought were my friends.

Kathy Ellen, as an American myself, I understand what you're saying. Sadly, it isn't just here that we get slammed for living where we do. A lot of people who don't live in America think that all of us are war-hungry, money-greedy a-holes. What can you do? On one of the threads here someone called me "an all knowing American." I replied by saying that my nationality had absolutely nothing to do with the stupid topic we were discussing. Oh well. Although some of the anti-American jokes are funny, true hatred of any race is not.
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Post by Lon »

jimbo;588920 wrote: i dont see americans like that at all ,there are the good the bad and the ugly in every nationality :-3

Red---------I think it's funny and I'm American, what's more, like it or not, that is the way that much of the world sees us. When we loose the ability to laugh at ourselvelves and our little differences, we got a real problem. Even our esteemed Commander In Chief laughs at his little verbal screw ups.
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Post by ThreeStents »

What, those three images up there? Bwuh-huh! I think they're funny as bloody hell, and I'm an American. Does anyone else have any more of these? Please post them so the rest of us can have a good laugh too. That's what's so great about irony and makes people look at themselves. That's why I get most of my news from The Jon Stewart TV show. At least he's honest about what's going on in the world.
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Post by booradley »

I found it funny. Bad boo boo.
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Post by Strongflour9 »

What most people here have forgotten is is.....ahem..........A JOKE.

If you have lost your sense of humor then you have bigger problems than those three pictures.
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Post by RedGlitter »

Strongflour9;696498 wrote: What most people here have forgotten is is.....ahem..........A JOKE.

If you have lost your sense of humor then you have bigger problems than those three pictures.

Maybe I should post up some Aunt Jemima and Little Black Sambo cartoons, eh? After all, it's A JOKE and if you can't see that then you've lost your sense of humor and have bigger problems than those pictures. :thinking:

I think it's totally fine to be offended at this kind of stereotypical crap.
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