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Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:39 am
by capt_buzzard
Kids go missing every day around the world. Some run off with the boy next door only to be found two or four days later. I can imagine the size of the United States or Canada, but in Ireland more kids just vanish without a trace. A small country like ours and nobody hears or sees nothing.


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:31 pm
by lady cop
the father just gave what i can only call an odd presser. he laughed no less than 9 times . he said he has been "too busy" to search himself. he said there is a website, but 'he hasn't seen it'. the whole thing was bizarre. ...


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:37 pm
by BabyRider
lady cop wrote: the father just gave what i can only call an odd presser. he laughed no less than 9 times . he said he has been "too busy" to search himself. he said there is a website, but 'he hasn't seen it'. the whole thing was bizarre. ...
WTF is that all about??? He's too busy??? How in hell are you ever too busy to search for your own missing child?? I was wondering if he really was involved, and now he has removed any doubt. This is getting weirder by the minute..


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:52 pm
by lady cop
you're telling me BR.:confused: ......also grandma said if the abductor needed a doctor, they'd get one, grandma was quite cool and collected. daddy was totally inappropriate, and before anyone tells me how people react differently, believe me i study how people react. this guy's a nut, involved or not. he also said THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE DOES NOT TELL HIM ANYTHING and he doesn't know the progress of the investigation!.....there go all my bells and whistles at code 3.:eek:


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 2:10 pm
by abbey
Beth wrote: will provide some links to see your county's sex offender registry. You can also go to your county's sherriff's website, if it is anything like Hills. Co., then it will provide a link to find registered sex offenders by zip code.

edit: Citrus County sex offender registry.
This is interesting, does anyone know if we have a similar register for public access in Britain??


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 2:13 pm
by lady cop
abbey wrote: This is interesting, does anyone know if we have a similar register for public access in Britain?? if so, please post it or any other limks of that nature in thread "be your own private investigator". thanks!


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 2:15 pm
by abbey
lady cop wrote: if so, please post it or any other limks of that nature in thread "be your own private investigator". thanks!
Oops sorry hon x :o


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 2:16 pm
by lady cop
abbey wrote: Oops sorry hon x :ocut out that embarrassment stuff Abbey luv! xoxoxoxoxox :yh_flower


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:58 pm
by lady cop
the father is on larry king right now, he is sucking up to larry, it is nauseating. he also lied...intimated he has taken a he has not, he took a voice stress test. he is trying to appear slick, and is clearly enjoying his 15 minutes of fame. whether he is involved or not, i don't like him. he's a weasel. :(


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 8:51 pm

DAD is a weasel for sure.. :-5 From my non professional eyes and ears he hasn't answered one question right, or showed me any reason not to make him a prime suspect. :thinking:

This reminds me of the DANIELLE VAN DAM case all over again.. :-1

I hope they get a lead soon..!!


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 8:57 pm
by lady cop
just now on greta's show the daddy made BIG mention of donations wanted!! $$$ OMG i can just imagine what the sheriff is thinking! i know what I'M thinking! this guy is acting like he's auditioning for american jerkwad. and he's got bad DTs.


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:02 pm
by valerie
lady cop wrote: just now on greta's show the daddy made BIG mention of donations wanted!! $$$ OMG i can just imagine what the sheriff is thinking! i know what I'M thinking! this guy is acting like he's auditioning for american jerkwad.and he's got bad DTsAnd didja notice how quickly he backpedalled when Greta asked him

WHERE the money was going? What an absolute dork. I couldn't

believe it!! And all that about making sure people gave to the RIGHT

one... HA!



Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:18 pm
by mominiowa
So nothing new tonight? ~ I have not seen the shows, so I am hoping to see something tonight..They need a lead and they need one fast..How has the weather been Lady? Are they working on anything new? Are there still a lot of people volunteering?

Keep the faith - but my candle seems to be burning low...If this father has anything to do with this - I hope he fries in HELL...My kids get so upset over stuff like this on TV. How can someone come into your home and take your child.. It scares the hell out of them.

Good News Soon - I pray.........Have a good night.. Keep us posted Lady...THANKS!


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:39 pm
I'm watching NANCY GRACE now. The parents are on, as well as Mark Klass..

The father is answering the questions somewhat better tonight. He just keeps saying that everyone is being questioned, and he means everyone including himself.

He is listening the Mr. Klass now as he give him advice. The mother just looks totally out of it. She is just not able to communicate.

I will say the father seems genuine in his plea tonight.

I hope they find something soon.. just so very sad.. :-1


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:14 am
by lady cop
then FOX mis-reported. :( i hate that. i do know however, that the polygraph is routine and is also inadmissable. ........i am really bothered that the father is really enjoying appearing on TV, behaving like he's on a book tour.


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:39 am
by robinseggs
Hi I am new here.....I have a couple of scenerios that I think are very possible with this little girl's disappearance. First I agree with legaleagle about the possibility that she snuck out. Someone at church or even grandfather gave her a reason to come outside...maybe "just for a minute" and thinking she was coming right back in, she went barefoot and grabbed her dolphin. Maybe they told her to wait til grandma went to sleep. Remember the grandma said on tv that Jessica was bugging her to "put me to bed"! Why was she so eager to go to bed? So grandma would go to sleep sooner and she could leave? I think she went outside willingly and it cost her her life.

The other possibility is the grandfather ...has this man even spoken to the media? I have not seen that (but someone earlier maybe mentioned he had). Seems to me he is clammed up. The only time I saw him on camera, he was walking by and didn't even look into it. I know it sounds crazy but I watch a lot of true crime documentary on tv and 9 out of 10 child molesters wear those creepy eyeglasses that have HUGE lenses and are sometimes tinted. Well guess what---the grandfather is wearing them!!!!! YIKES! Ladycop, what do you think?


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:59 am
by lady cop
hello and welcome Robinseggs (love your name:) ) know what i think you'll have to read the entire thread! LOL....i sure wish i could ID the bad guys by virtue of their glasses! could grandpa be a dirty old man? sure. once again, there is a reason this has not been deemed an AMBER alert per se. and two other items i have not mentioned thus far...the dog , which is yappy, did not bark, and the girl made no sound, although that is always possible of course. ......another thing on my mind...that child's body is not in the immediate surroundings. she had to be taken out of area, dead or alive. ...someone asked me a question i am not sure whether i answered...yes true stranger abductions are extremely rare statistically. sorry if i repeat myself, this has been days of speculation.


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:12 am
by robinseggs
Thanks for the welcome! Well I know it sounds crazy about the glasses but it is almost a joke now with my husband....whenever we watch court tv documentaries and true crime stories, those wierdos always have a pair of those big almost square shaped lense glasses! We don't even say a word--we just glance across the room at each other and laugh. It was me that first noticed it but my husband can't believe it now either! Anyhow, silly stuff aside, yes I have read the entire thread and find your info/insight interesting....I do hope they find this little girl, but statistics/time is not on her side. I have 3 kids of my own...2, 4 and 8 yrs.......this so saddens me!

Someone mentioned (maybe you) that she could be dumped in a there marsh near her? And if so, could she be eaten by gators so that she was never found? I ask of this possibility because you seemed sure she is going to be found.......police always know!!! But what about alligators? If you had to guess and go out on a limb and point a finger, who would it be?


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:31 am
by lady cop
there's a lot of swampland all over florida, including that area. and gators are a factor everywhere, but they wouldn't eat her in her entirety. we are not their food of choice. (are you listening Bothwell??) yes i am sure she will be found ultimately, but i am not prepared to say WHO i think did this. i keep my mind open until all the evidence is in, and i am interested in what the sheriff is NOT saying.


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 1:13 pm
by lady cop
all tips are checked out of course. people see a little girl and just like in the video, see similarities. but they usually don't pan out. it was announced that the official search is ended, and 20 experts on this type case have been brought in as consultants. further it is said they are concentrating on a three-quarter square mile around the home, but frankly i don't think that's likely since cadaver dogs were used already. unless there is a body of water involved.


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:58 pm
by mominiowa
Another day has passed.. I just got off work and was hoping that something good or bad -or other was found to help solve the case~ or at least end this nightmare for the family and find the killer... This reminds me of the Johhny Gosh case and Eugene Martin.. Nothing...Not a word or clue was ever found.. I know its early to give up but its cold at night isn't it Lady Cop?..and like the other posts...gators and swap land are a factor...

I will check back later this evening...Take care all..... :cool:

I should not of said killer....that was wrong when I should be saying positive things.. I apologize.. :(


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:37 pm
by lady cop
3kidzforme wrote: "Over the weekend, Citrus County Sheriff Jeff Dawsy said the family had been given polygraph tests in addition to the voice stress tests and that they showed "no deception" on the polygraphs." This came from: ... index.html in the 5th paragraph. I found this through cybersleuths CNN reports the grandfather has NOT been polygraphed. and to answer Mominiowa...we are under freeze warnings tonight.


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:48 pm
by kensloft
lady cop wrote: CNN reports the grandfather has NOT been polygraphed. and to answer Mominiowa...we are under freeze warnings tonight.
That doesn't sound good!


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:05 pm
by lady cop
3kidzforme wrote: It's true he hasn't taken a polygraph but he was given the FBI voice stress test ~ maybe they feel he didn't need a polygraph after that test?there have been erroneous reports. CNN says he will be subject to polygraph later in week, why the delay? in any case, the polygraph is simply a tool and not evidence. it can let investigators know whether there may be deception, it is not infallible. and though the sheriff stated there was nothing alarming about the father's polygraph, what would i expect him to say in public? i've never gone out and said to the news truck guy that i thought a polygraph looked hinky, that would get you thrown out of court so fast as a prejudicial statement. i still have not decided the father is good for this, but i still think he's a weasel of the first order.


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 10:26 pm
by legaleagle

I wasn't coming back on this as I thought my speculation was maybe throwing undue suspicion on people that maybe didn't deserve it but now I see that Lady Cop has noted the existance of a dog in the house. Secondly, now the grandfather has not taken a lie detector test.

Well, we've had a pet dog, two of my children have dogs and if a stranger comes to the door, never mind enters the house, the dogs always "announce" their presence not with a snarl but just loud barking. I am trying to remmber a dog that didn't bark when a stranger arrived on the scene - I can't remember any.

The existance of the dog just makes it more certain to me that a "stranger" did not enter the house in"silence" as I see it. I am more convinced than ever that if either the grandparents or the father were not involved, Jessica left the house on her own for some reason. The added point about wanting to go to bed early does add some additional credence to a theory like that as well. Maybe someone had requested to see her prized dolphin so she was taking it out to show that person who might have been outside. Maybe that was the ruse used to get her to come out of the house at night because Jessica new the dad/grandparents would not have approved of her being with the person. (teen/adult).

No one has contradicted me either on the possible limited supervision of her activities in general. If I read into the quote correctly the standard was that she be home on time which she met. Home from where? Do they know where Jessica spent her time?

So I guess as others have speculated that you go back to the church group - were the kids in the church group all the same age or was this a group which spanned a large age range? What adults frequented the church when the kids were around. I guess you have to check the school as well. Obviously in a group, there is some safety - no perpetrator is going to try something with a lot of other people around. And lastly, where did she spend her time in the neigbhorhood? Could it have been a friend's father or sibling?

I still rather doubt that the family is involved if they passed a lie detector screening. These are not sophisticated people who might know how to control their nerves. Even if the grandfather did not take one, if he was guilty of something that happened in the house that night, the grandmother and/or father would likely have known. That "knowledge" would have likely jumped out on a lie detector test. Seems like the grandfather could have many opportunities to be alone with Jessica without having to get her out of the house in the middle of the night.

Also, did the grandparents have a car? If grandpa did not have a car and did murder Jessica, how did he get the body out of the immediate area? If Jessica has been murdered, the body has obviously been dumped a long way away from home otherwise the cadaver dogs would most likely have found it.

Do any homes in Florida have cellars? I did not think they did but if there are any, they should be searched. We had one case around here where a girl was murdered by the next door neigbhor who buried her body in his cellar which did not have a cement floor.

In any case, all the events just point to a tragedy not a good outcome no matter who the person involved is.


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 10:46 pm
by lady cop
hello Eagle...a couple small points...what i think is speculation like everything here, it's OK to speculate, so don't stop offering your thoughts. i do not think 10 Pm is early for a 9 year old to be going to bed. and if in fact daddy was sleeping at the MYSTERY female's place, he could not know if grandpa was involved. i also have no faith in the veracity of the polygraph, further, the sheriff is playing it close to the vest, as i mentioned previously, he's not about to announce what the polygraph may have indicated. you don't let the fish know you're suspicious. and why did the daddy say he has no clue what is going on in investigation? he should be camped at the SO, not running around on the talk show circuit grinning like a baboon. cellars are nearly non-existant down here, and once again cadaver dogs would have alerted. from all accounts the girl was always where she was supposed to be, school and church, not a case of her running wild in the streets, evidently she did not need constant supervision.


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 8:24 am
by robinseggs
Interesting point about the hearing aid/poor hearing....but that aside, I wanted to point out that the alarm clock is a "normal" sound in the house during sleep. So I think they could have slept through it. They were obviously used to her alarm clock going off early if that was the routine. But a dog barking however is another story. Anyone who owns a dog knows that a barking dog in the middle of the night must be checked out. It is simply what a dog does to alert us of even a slightly unusual sound to them. I find the fact that the dog didn't bark, EXTREMELY disturbing. I have slept thru my own alarm, yet awoken to just a small gruff bark from my dog at the end of the bed! And believe me, it wakes you up! I wonder where the little dog was sleeping? Does anyone know? I think it nearly impossible that they could have slept thru their own dog barking! Well, may sound terrible but I still think the grandpa did it. I think he either went in and woke her after grandma went to sleep or maybe even told her before she went to bed to meet him at a specific time (she was obviously well versed on using a clock by the bed). Maybe he wanted to show her some baby frogs that could only be seen with flashlight??? Who knows.....God forgive me if I am wrong.


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 8:38 am
by BabyRider
3kidzforme wrote: LadyCop ~ If there's a body in the water, will the "scent" carry through water and if so how far out could it go? Basically if she were one place could the dogs picked up a scent 1/2 a mile away? or just a few feet away?

Specially trained "cadaver" dogs CAN pick up the scent of a body underwater. The air movements, currents, and how long the body has been underwater can all change how the scent moves. But these dogs are trained to be very accurate. They will "alert" to the scent, and then they will get more and more excited as they get closer. Lots of cadaver dogs who work on water have been known to jump from the boat when they are right on top of the scent. Let's hope she's not found there.... :yh_pray


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 8:49 am
by lady cop
Thanks Babyrider! this morning the dogs are out again,---- and BTW 3kidz,it's not 'footprints' they are looking for. .....and i wanted to say "welcome" to Katsleuth :) opinion, this girl is NOT a runaway, no way. i haven't heard any reference to NC, but it is normal to go back to prior residences to ask about the family.


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 9:50 am
by lady cop
welcome to FG Cool Mom! :-6 we're gaining lots of floridians lately! ....i would say i doubt she's at someone's house, at least not in that area, the dogs would have tracked her.


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:41 am
by lady cop
hi 3Kidz...they would be able to pick up her scent, the difficulty is that her scent is naturally all over the home surroundings anyway. the dogs are given an item of her clothing and then spread out into the nearby woods and scrub pine and palmetto hammock. the other possibility is that her scent could have stopped at the carport. and hello again Kat...i don't know who said it, but it is a reasonable question to ask if she could be a runaway, it simply doesn't fit. as to footprints, the footprints of family members would be expected to be around the house. and there were a couple days of drenching rains which would obliterate prints and some scents as well.


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:59 pm
by robinseggs
Sooooooooo it true they have called off the searches in FL? Or do they mean just a live search? I am confused....In most cases, authorities know a great deal more than they are letting on to, and at times for us it seems depressing as if they have no leads and the wait is agonizing. For some reason, I just feel as if she is in the immediate area.........although it would seem impossible. And I am hoping the police are working on some major leads that we know nothing about! My son is same age as Jessica....I just want them to find her alive....and I hope she is not suffering. Does anyone have any info on the fathers girlfriend? Maybe she just didn't want the little girl in the picture? May sound far-fetched but this scenerio has been played out before............


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:41 pm
by lady cop
the VOLUNTEER search has been called off. there are 20 experts from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children on the scene to pool their expertise. for the father's girlfriend, i asked way back in the beginning of this thread whether she was just some one-nighter, because nobody has seen her by his side at any time.


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:57 pm
by Beth
i wonder, would a murderer volunteer for a search so he could do his best to throw off the search or to cover up evedence that he left?


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:07 pm
by Beth
I know. Plus, a week or two ago, we had three rapes within three hours in the same general area, a woman was nearly snatched from a Dollar General at night, and several times over the past few weeks girls have been nearly snatched from either walking to their bus stops or walking home from them.


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:12 pm
by lady cop
Beth wrote: i wonder, would a murderer volunteer for a search so he could do his best to throw off the search or to cover up evidence that he left? absolutely, for the same reasons they go to their victims' funerals, it's a sense of power and 'outsmarting'

the police.


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:27 pm
by Beth
lady cop wrote: absolutely, for the same reasons they go to their victims' funerals, it's a sense of power and 'outsmarting'

the police.Ah, I see. Then I think it is extremely wise to end the volunteer search.