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Just us two..

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:54 pm
by Chloe_88
Bruv;1457044 wrote: Babies have an aroma, all animals have an aroma, most homes take on an aroma that the full time residents get used to and fail to notice.

There is an industry built around creating or blocking smells, many homes and their occupants use them.

I don't use any because of my budgie and his little lungs, but thats beside the point. I understand what you are saying bruv, but for me and that is for me personally: the smell or aroma of children, babies, even grown up humans is not a smell/aroma that I can enjoy. For others okay, they might not like the smell/aroma of a dogs bod.

Agree to disagree I guess..

Saint: That is why I don't breed with any of my pets, well the birds in the aviary do their own little thing. But no baby kittens, guinea pigs or spiders. My pets never roam free, as I do not believe they should s.hit in my neighbours garden and that's why I have spent a lot of money on huge bird houses, terrariums and several cat trees. But hey that's me, others do it their way.

Just us two..

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:57 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Bruv;1457044 wrote: Right then lets make my stance very clear.

Best of luck to you for following your own life Chloe_88, it is entirely your choice and I have no reason to object what so ever.

I have no phobias about animal cleanliness or any illusions concerning snotty noses and other baby secretions.

Babies have an aroma, all animals have an aroma, most homes take on an aroma that the full time residents get used to and fail to notice.

There is an industry built around creating or blocking smells, many homes and their occupants use them.

I've been In houses with no pets and no babies and they stink.

A couple of years ago, we came to realise we would always have dogs so up came all the flooring and we had slate quarry tiles laid throughout. We ditched fabric sofa's for leather and replaced all pet baskets with vinyl and bedding that goes In the washing machine regually. We also have windows open all the time even In winter all of which helps cut down the doggy smells but I still get a whiff sometimes I must admit.

Just us two..

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:12 pm
by Saint_
Oscar Namechange;1457050 wrote: I've been In houses with no pets and no babies and they stink.

A couple of years ago, we came to realise we would always have dogs so up came all the flooring and we had slate quarry tiles laid throughout. We ditched fabric sofa's for leather and replaced all pet baskets with vinyl and bedding that goes In the washing machine regually. We also have windows open all the time even In winter all of which helps cut down the doggy smells but I still get a whiff sometimes I must admit.


Just us two..

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:25 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Saint_;1457052 wrote: Smart. I can honestly say, In that respect, It changed my life. Sofa's a quick wipe down, floors, a quick mop and bucket job. the vinyl beds, quick wipe down with disenfectant, blankets, In the washing machine, dogs toys, In the washing machine, rugs are only the size I can get In the washing machine.

The downside of the slate flooring Is they can be cold In mid winter and If you drop anything, It'll smash to pieces.

Just us two..

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:42 pm
by Chloe_88
Oscar Namechange;1457054 wrote: I can honestly say, In that respect, It changed my life. Sofa's a quick wipe down, floors, a quick mop and bucket job. the vinyl beds, quick wipe down with disenfectant, blankets, In the washing machine, dogs toys, In the washing machine, rugs are only the size I can get In the washing machine.

The downside of the slate flooring Is they can be cold In mid winter and If you drop anything, It'll smash to pieces.

So have we :wah: we have wooden floors, no rugs. Not as good as slate flooring but it works for us.

Just us two..

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:44 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Chloe_88;1457057 wrote: So have we :wah: we have wooden floors, no rugs. Not as good as slate flooring but it works for us. I didn't go for wood because It can swell from spillages.

Just us two..

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:57 pm
by Chloe_88
Oscar Namechange;1457058 wrote: I didn't go for wood because It can swell from spillages.

it came with the house but I see what you mean.. although that is what made me fall in love with this house, yes I can see slate flooring is more practical than wood.

Maybe when we have to have it re done we'll have slate flooring.. it's a thought!

See now my mum had to have the carpet cleaned after having the grandchildren one week, she has 2 dogs and a parrot, it never needed deep cleansing before the grandchildren came over.......

Just us two..

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 6:53 pm
by High Threshold
Chloe_88;1457039 wrote: ... my mum let the dog snif the baby and lick his feet. ... he never got sick or died from being licked by a dog!

Yes, but how did the dog fare?

Just us two..

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:00 pm
by FourPart
While it's obviously true that all animals have their own scent, I'm not so sure that babies have their own particular 'aroma', rather than the smells that are associated thereof, such as talcum powder, antiseptics & baby feed (be it bottle or early solids).

It's no secret that certain smells are associated with different things. For instance, Estate Agents usually advise sellers to have some fresh coffee on the go and / or some bread baking in the oven as these are just 2 of the aromas that give out the association of 'home'.

Just us two..

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:50 am
by Victoria
Chloe_88;1457029 wrote: True. And not to offend (she might pop up again :wah: ) but my mum isn't very maternal. Great mum but we had to keep up and adapt. No pee pee's and poo poo's, body parts were referred to by the correct names, no I want! I want! always please and thank you.

Because of saying please, thank you and not sitting down before asked at a friends house, I was classed as being a bit "stupid" when I did a test at primary school to determine what level of schooling I was going to follow at secondary school. Mother was the first to be up the school and complain. She managed to bump me up a level. I bumped most classes up another 2 levels when arriving at secondary school.


Cheeky madam... I knew my ears were burning for a reason...

I used to read you bedtime stories and kiss you and the dreaded Barbie goodnight! I even phoned you to tell you a goodnight poem when I worked late..

Seriously I never wanted you or the boys to need anyone else thats why you can all cook clean and do DIY. Without family around to call on it was important for you to be able to make your way in the world by yourself.. We had one rule in the house if you remember... Respect.

I used to tell you to look in the mirror and take a good look at what you saw, if the person looking back was someone you really wanted to be friends with then you were doing it right, if the person in the mirror made you feel ashamed or uncomfortable then you knew you were doing something wrong.. I didnt feel I should have to police your every thought or decision.

I think a mothers duty is not to wrap thier child in cotton wool and fairy tales but to equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to be decent human beings.. I think I can look in the mirror and be proud that Ive achieved that... You are all decent and good people... even R.. !

Just us two..

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:23 am
by Chloe_88
See I told you she would pop up again! :wah:

anyway, yes mother I know I know. I ment you are not like other mums, the "we treat our kids like babies even when they are 18". You just used your commen sense and got on with it and we were not babied, if you see what I mean. We knew not to run with scissors and open the knife drawer, no need for baby proofing the house.

Now saying that, I guess that has nothing to do with maternal instincts, that's just a choice in type of parenting skills.

Just us two..

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:25 am
by Chloe_88
High Threshold;1457075 wrote: Yes, but how did the dog fare?

He ended up with halitosis.

Just us two..

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:05 pm
by recovering conservative
Oscar Namechange;1457040 wrote: It depends... some Muslims are Ok with dogs. We have close Muslim friends, In fact, one's just left my house. Some Muslims even keep dogs but they are kept outside the house. When our friends call, out of respect, I do put the dogs In the back yard until they have gone. It's not that they think my dogs are dirty. They know us well enough to know all my dogs and cats are vaccinated, wormed, micro-chipped, groomed, bathed etc... It's just a different culture to some Muslims who have just not known life with dogs Inside the house. It tends to be the more fanatical who takes the holy word on dogs to the extreme.
I haven't done the microchip thing, but a Shih Tzu on a leash isn't going anywhere very fast! All the other stuff, we have to observe to keep a dog healthy and disease-free.

I was aware that the concern about dogs being unclean depends on local cultural factors. From what little I understood of the situation, it's more to do with a religious purity issue (the division of animals into clean and unclean categories). Some are afraid to have a dog cross their path, while others will let their children come up and pet the dog.

For my part, I keep in close to me when Muslims are passing by, because his first instinct is to walk up to everybody he sees outside.

Just us two..

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:54 pm
by High Threshold
Chloe_88;1456716 wrote: Just us two.. now what's wrong with that?

Just for the two of you:

Just us two..

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:56 pm
by High Threshold
Chloe_88;1457184 wrote: He ended up with halitosis.

Damn those babies!

Just us two..

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:05 pm
by Chloe_88
High Threshold;1457196 wrote: Just for the two of you:
