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--(( The Man )--

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:51 am
by Johnny 5
Ok, so I'm gonna go into the whole rundown of what is really happening with the world right now. I'm going to go way back in the Egyptian Times, as far back as 2,500 B.C. We know ancient Egypt had secret societies. As far back as then. Try to follow me here, at the end I will explain who the "man" is.

A small little group called the Knights Templar, were formed and there was 9 of them. They supposedly went to Jeruselum fighting in a war for 9 years. But is fact they were searching for something, what? Nobodies quite sure but whatever they found out or discovered or went for, It appears as they found it and brought it back with them. Upon return they started allowing memberships into the "Knights Templar" secret society, and a membership fee? Entire estate's, Castle's, land all kinds of wordly goods. Within a very short time they became very very wealthy, and had alot of "pull" politically. This put off France. And they sent to capture these "Knights Templar" but they fled England and went to Scotland, changing their name to "Scottish Right of Free Masonry"

This group which is essentially the "Knights Templar" under a new name; (Scottish Right of Free Masonry) proceeded to run it's secret society getting more powerful... And established the first offshoot of themselves tightled the "Free Masons" of London...They also established what are now called "Lodges" and within 3 years of this new London group the "Free Masons" being created it appeared in America. 1730 is the first year of recorded "Free Mason" meetings....and the establishment of the group here in America....

Did you know that 50 out of the 51 signature's on the Constitution are from openly known "Free Mason's" ???

Now around the same time period a group called the "Illuminati" formed in London and were the elite of the elite who liked to get together and discuss the politics of Governments. Well as you might see very clearly, most any country wouldn't allow that out in the open. They were basically the first version of "The Council of Foregn Relations"....They lasted for 8 years and are reported to not be a real group since.


We see later on down the road here a handfull of secret societies set up at the pristine elite college's.....Primarily "Skull and Bones" at Yale. Formed in 1832... About 100 years after Free Mason's appeared in America... And by "Free Mason" money and member's who founded it.

The amount of people who were in the Skull and Bones society, almost every single member goes on to later hold a very important or powerful position in public and world affairs.

"President's are not elected, but more chosen and selected based on Blood"

I mean both the last choices Bush and Kerry were both in the Skull and Bones admittingly. Even across party lines these societies are all connected because the are all offshoots from the one before..... Almost like having a cup covering another cup that's covering another cup and so on and so on. Until you have many layers...

These secret societies are the pecking order and structure of promoting "family names" and "old money" and preserving it. Also the control of the entire world.

Which brings me to the dollar bill. ... lar7il.jpg

Notice the eye on the pyramid? Well that is a "Free Mason" Symbol... And notice what's writtin under it?

Novus Ordo Seclorum = The Latin motto "novus ordo seclorum" was suggested by Charles Thomson when he put together the final design for the reverse side of the Great Seal in June 1782: "Novus" means: new, young, fresh, novel. "Ordo" means: series, row, order. "Seclorum, a shortened form of seculorum (sæculorum), is the plural of seculum (sæculum), means: generations, centuries, ages.

And...."The single eye was a well-established artistic convention for an 'omniscient Ubiquitous Deity' in the medallic art of the Renaissance. In 1614 the frontispiece of The History of the World by Sir Walter Raleigh showed an eye in a cloud labeled "Providentia" overlooking a globe." hmmm could be interesting.....

But what I'm getting at is "The New World Order" The NWO, is real and in effect currently. And for that matter has been damn near controlling everything that happens since the Knights of Templar......There were 4 who worked on the design of the dollar bill...out of them. Only 1 was was a known free mason (Benjamin Franklin)

And guess who signed and approved the dollar bill design? Have fun finding out who was the president in the year 1782.....I find it very odd that George Washington wasn't president until 1789-1797..... Yet someone and who approved the symbols on our American Currency in 1782.


Now I want to talk about a certain trait we all seem to have. And that is that "Birds of a Feather will flock together" People have been partitioning out and segregating themselves for a long time. We even see clique's form on a forum that has been around a while.... And it's a perfectly normal thing and we all do it. You feel more comfortable being around people who are like you or similar to you... We can all relate to this right?


OK, Apply that principle to VERY VERY WEALTHY FAMILIES... Nothing has changed even since the days of ROME when you married according to "blood line" and "social class" We do it today ourselves.....Only not so methodically thought out. Imagine a select few people who had so much control and so much power they could pretty much do or effect anything to happen and they got together and organised against those who aren't in the "know" You'd always have a head us. We are the Barbarians to them, believe that.

In 1921 The Council of Foreign Relations (secret society) was formed by elite member's of the "Free Mason's" Group and was formed by a David Rockefeller.... They allow a place to have a "free forum thinking community were no-one is held accountable for whatever they say" even if it's treasonous. Going back to the Illuminati, see the resemblance now? Only this time it is formed as a secret society and allowed to be... They in return form the "Tri-Lateral Commision"

It's important to note that some member's of the Tri-Lateral Commision and the Council of Foreign Relations are: British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, the head exec of the World Trade, George Bush Sr. and Jr., Also people like Jimmy Carter and many many more, If asked I'll get a list of openly known Tri-Lateral Member's....

These people at the Tri-Lateral Commision basically wrote the whole thing for the formation of the U.N. and handed it over to the president to sign it. He taking all the credit. And boom there's a UN.

All of this builds up to the infamous "Bilderberg Group" And they are so secret we don't even have a name for them. They are the ultra super elite of the elite who meet up once a year at the ultra exclusive Bilderberg Hotel and Estates.... Now you tell me if I'm crazy but, I'm willing to guess that if you get 100-120 of the most powerful men on the planet who's names include and are not limited too:

Henry Kissinger

Peter Jennings

Bill Clinton

The entire royalty of all European Countries and alot more names, people like Bill Gates... Basically if you had to sit around and name 100 of the most wealthy and powerful people on Earth, (yes, they were there)

And I bet the didn't have actual Military Forces on a shoot to kill with ultra supreme security surrounding all these people. This meeting is where all the business world wide happens...I am talking about people from England, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, Japan, America, and pretty much the power player's.....Across party lines and political beliefs and government's. Yet they all meet up together.

The media, well all the head of Washington Post, New York Times, USA Today, and all the major Networks (for TV) have an open invite to the meeting, but must first agree that they will not report about it. AT ALL......

So here's who the man is......It's what 120 super elite rich people decide and that's what goes.

"Whoever has the Gold, Makes the Rules" it, learn it, and realize what's going on around you!!!

I believe in this 100% and it's not even a conspiracy, I have demonstrated how all the way back to Egyption Times people had secret societies that affected the Government's and World around them..........................

If these people get what they are aiming for, I fear that we will have a

(((Global Version of Nazi Germany)))

Now i may have missed a few things but over all I think I nailed it on the head.

The New World Order is here...........................

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:59 am
by Johnny 5
SnoozeControl wrote: Well, I don't know about all of that, but I think its interesting to note that Catholics aren't allowed in the Masons... supposedly because the Pope feared their power and announced he'd excommunicate anyone that joined.

Interesting...............because I would guess what:

Catholics are the good Vs. Secret Societies are the Evil?

And now we have the classic tail of good versus bad.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:16 pm
by chonsigirl
What about the Rosecrucians?

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:18 pm
by Johnny 5
chonsigirl wrote: What about the Rosecrucians?

The Rosecrucians are a secret branch of the Catholic Church dedicated to bringing humanity to its highest evolutionary point. Because of this, it seeks to destroy any group that wants to keep humanity down, including the Discordians, the Masons, the Men in Black, and the Atlanteans. The Greys, who seem to be helping humanity, can be co-operated with in times of need.

The Rosecrucians possess many extraordinary abilities because of their pursuit of the greater good. They can make themselves invisible, they can augment their senses, and they can peer into some one's soul, issuing them a short command that they must obey. In order to use this power, they must beat that person in a challenge. In addition, the can call upon the church for aid whenever they need it. Rosecrucians pack guns that deal out two ZOT marks on a succesfull hit.

They know a good deal bout their enemies. They know that the Men In Black have genetic tester devices which can identify someone as an Alien, an Atlantean, or a Mason. Some kind of sample with genetic material must be acquired in order to use the device. This could include a cup with saliva on it, a hat with a few hairs in it, etc. approach the host with a sample and he will tell you what the genetic scanner reads. Discordians often use foul language, and carry a golden apple on their persons at all times. Atlanteans have slightly lower body temperatures than normal human beings. All of the other groups, apart from the Discordians have invisibility devices. The Men In Black will kill anyone they suspect of being a Discordian and ask questions later. Masons will always carry the Masonic symbol on them (the compass-looking thing). And greys can not use contractions.

Rosecrucians cannot eat, drink, or smoke, they cannot use profanity, and dislike speaking of sex or bodily functions.

ohh yea..................good idea.............we should get the Smurf's and He-Man to help out too......

Invisable people.......Haaaaaaaa:wah:

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:19 pm
by chonsigirl
Big group of them in the West, remember sitting in college classes with them.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:28 pm
by Johnny 5
chonsigirl wrote: Big group of them in the West, remember sitting in college classes with them.

And you saw them?

sorry...................I'm being a smartass...............:wah:

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:34 pm
by chonsigirl
This is the link Johnny 5 copied from Snooze...................(you should quote your sources) ... secrucian/

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:35 pm
by Johnny 5
and a partridge in a pair treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I'm sorry but if these rose astions wanna be taken seriously they are going to have to not talk about the Atlantiens and the Grey's...............

Because I know I'm talking about a tight group or powerful money men who controlour government's but my statements don't claim anything that isn't an actual fact.

Google Tri-Lateral Commision or Counsil of Foriegn Affairs, or Skull and Bones.....

Now go google Grey, and Atlantiens and all that. They are not comparable.........maybe in another thread.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:28 pm
by Rapunzel
Johnny're obviously a film buff as you use the name Johnny 5.....but you need to take a break from too much viewing!

Admit it, you've been watching "National Treasure" with Nicholas Cage far too much recently, haven't you? Too much viewing cn cause a Short Circuit! :wah:

Try watching "Sahara", you'll enjoy that one too! ;)

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:47 am
by Bothwell
Et in Arcadia Ergo

On the note of catholics and freemasons there is of course the infamour P2 in Italy, tied up with the Murder of Roberto Calvi and the Banco Ambrosio OKA God's bank

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:56 pm
by Johnny 5
Rapunzel wrote: Johnny're obviously a film buff as you use the name Johnny 5.....but you need to take a break from too much viewing!

Admit it, you've been watching "National Treasure" with Nicholas Cage far too much recently, haven't you? Too much viewing cn cause a Short Circuit! :wah:

Try watching "Sahara", you'll enjoy that one too! ;)

I actually never seen that film, (either) and no I am not a real film buff. I picked this name because the other ones were taken.

What i wrote about may be a secret society and a conspiracy to control all the government's of the world. But it is not taken from any film. It is the truth. It is written everywhere. And if you know any history at all then you will see that there is alot of fact in what I write.

This is not about Dan Brown and the holy Grail and bloodline, It's not about any of those other movies. I havent seen. It's about the "MAN" and how eventually there will be a (private funded army) That will take over, because the people with all the money can do whatever they want.

You realize that there are certain wealthy men out there that have a personal net worth more than alot of countries? Then take all these men and sit them in one room, Thye aren't playing cards I bet you on that!

Now if your serious then post, if all you want to do is make ignorant remarks about movies and fairly tales then just shut your hole. I am in the conspiracy section am i not? So poke fun elsewhere big boy. Whether you people understand this or not, doesn't matter to me really. Because i kjnow it's the truth, you can keep telling your selves these lies that the politicians and media keep feeding you.......And I will know the truth.

Or you can open your mind and see whats going on everywhere around you!

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:00 pm
by lady cop
hardly conducive to civil conversation.-----quote J5 Now if your serious then post, if all you want to do is make ignorant remarks about movies and fairly tales then just shut your hole. I am in the conspiracy section am i not? So poke fun elsewhere big boy. Whether you people understand this or not, doesn't matter to me really. Because i kjnow it's the truth, you can keep telling your selves these lies that the politicians and media keep feeding you.......And I will know the truth.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:08 pm
by Johnny 5
lady cop wrote: hardly conducive to civil conversation.-----quote J5 Now if your serious then post, if all you want to do is make ignorant remarks about movies and fairly tales then just shut your hole. I am in the conspiracy section am i not? So poke fun elsewhere big boy. Whether you people understand this or not, doesn't matter to me really. Because i kjnow it's the truth, you can keep telling your selves these lies that the politicians and media keep feeding you.......And I will know the truth.

And i guess you are posting by example then?

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:10 pm
by Jives
So there's a secret society of the super-rich that controls all governments and decisions.

Here's my take on that....Who freakin' cares?

No...seriously. If everyone was starving, unemployed, and not entertained. That could be a serious problem. It certainly was for the super-rich in the French Revolution. But the rich have learned since then.

Now, being poor means:

1. You have to eat frozen food which is well-adjusted to nourish you and doesn't taste too bad.

2. You only get to watch a few channels of television, most of which are pretty entertaining, or you can steal cable.

3. You don't have a plasma screen, instead you must settle for a 25" tube TV with stereo speakers.

4. You may have to ride a bike, but most likely you have an older car.

5. You have to live in a mobile home that is actually quite well-built, although the doorknobs are plastic.

6. You have unlimited access to clean water.

7. You have a minimum wage job, or get a welfare check.

Times are pretty good, eh? Sure there are a few countries still around that are worse off than that, why do you think the Global Gang of 6 made it their priority to introduce these things to those countries?

The upshot is this, if being poor is comfortable, the rich can go on being super-rich forever, and the rest of us just won't mind too much.


--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:10 pm
by lady cop
i'll tell you what you snotty-nosed little have no clue what i am educated in, and your comments to Rapunzel were rude and crude... a sure sign of the inability to engage in intelligent discourse.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:12 pm
by Johnny 5
Until you cannot afford gas no longer......................or what happens when the power grid fails?

Or when the unemployment levels rise to an area where you have no choice but to be a legal slave for the government.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:14 pm
by Johnny 5
lady cop wrote: i'll tell you what you snotty-nosed little have no clue what i am educated in, and your comments to Rapunzel were rude. a sure sign of the inability to speak intelligently.

And you lead by example I see......................[webmaster edit: offensive comment deleted]

You want to argue with me huh? You only make yourself[webmaster edit: offensive comment deleted]

You have a better chance at ignoring me now and looking smarter. Any comment back will only insite me more...

I am 26 yrs old lady. I am a Marine and have served my country 5 years. I have been over sea's...... Now check your self I am sure repunzel is a grown person who dont need you to fight their battles huh?

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:16 pm
by Jives
That's my point Johnny! The Super-Rich aren't stupid, how do you think they got that rich? When there were rolling blackouts in California, guess what the government did? They commissioned new power sources.

Now that gas is soaring, what do you think Detroit is doing? Rolling out hybirds and 4 / 8 cylinder technology. They always had it, they just never let it out. Why? Because the super-rich didn't want to. They were making great profits as it was.

Don't worry Johnny, let them run the world, after all, if you're right...

They've been doing it for centuries!

And it's certainly a better place now than it was, isn't it? :D

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:19 pm
by Johnny 5
Jives wrote: That's my point Johnny! The Super-Rich aren't stupid, how do you think they got that rich? When there were rolling blackouts in California, guess what the government did? They commissioned new power sources.

Now that gas is soaring, what do you think Detroit is doing? Rolling out hybirds and 4 / 8 cylinder technology. They always had it, they just never let it out. Why? Because the super-rich didn't want to. They were making great profits as it was.

Don't worry Johnny, let them run the world, after all, if you're right...

They've been doing it for centuries!

And it's certainly a better place now than it was, isn't it? :D

I suppose that is the best point made yet...........:D

I will concede that.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:26 pm
by anastrophe
Johnny 5 wrote: And you lead by example I see......................

You want to argue with me huh? You only make yourself look

You have a better chance at ignoring me now and looking smarter. Any comment back will only insite me more...

I am 26 yrs old lady. I am a Marine and have served my country 5 years. I have been over sea's...... Now check your self I am sure repunzel is a grown person who dont need you to fight their battles huh?

ForumGarden administrator here. Johnny 5, if you are indeed a Marine, then you'd better check your attitude, because you are disgracing your uniform right now. This kind of flaming and trash talk dishonors the creed of the Marines.

If you really are a Marine, you'll know the proper reply to this message. Wrong reply, we'll know you're not really a Marine, and I'll deal with you accordingly.

Have an absolutely scrumptious day!

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:27 pm
by ForumGarden
This is your first warning. Re-read the Terms and Conditions. These type of remarks are not allowed here.

Johnny 5 wrote: And you lead by example I see......................

You want to argue with me huh? You only make yourself look

You have a better chance at ignoring me now and looking smarter. Any comment back will only insite me more...

I am 26 yrs old lady. I am a Marine and have served my country 5 years. I have been over sea's...... Now check your self I am sure repunzel is a grown person who dont need you to fight their battles huh?

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:30 pm
by Johnny 5
I apoligize to the Admin for any mis understanding. Lady cop can go somewhere.

What is this? I can make a case for my arguement/debate with Repunzal, but then lady cop wants to enter my convo and make (obviously positive remarks) and defend repunzel, putting me into a defensive posture, because now I am being attacked and first.

I will not apoligize to lady cop. I am sorry that repunzal is not given the opportunbity to reply herself. and I am sorry to the Admin if I have offended but lady cop can go somewhere.

You'd think one with 7,000+ post's would have a little class and not try to bully and boss me around.

Carry on!

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:18 pm
by Nomad
Have you ever met someone and they just put you off right away ? Somethings not quite right but you cant really put your finger on it. Thats you cowboy. I knew you wouldnt disappoint. Its always just a matter of time. Keep on talking, everything will just fall right into place.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:30 pm
by anastrophe
Johnny 5 wrote: I apoligize to the Admin for any mis understanding. Lady cop can go somewhere.

What is this? I can make a case for my arguement/debate with Repunzal, but then lady cop wants to enter my convo and make (obviously positive remarks) and defend repunzel, putting me into a defensive posture, because now I am being attacked and first.

I will not apoligize to lady cop. I am sorry that repunzal is not given the opportunbity to reply herself. and I am sorry to the Admin if I have offended but lady cop can go somewhere.

You'd think one with 7,000+ post's would have a little class and not try to bully and boss me around.

Carry on!

okay Johnny 5, you made your choice. Clearly, you are not a Marine.

And you're no longer a forumgarden member, either.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:43 pm
by Jives
(Jives salutes solemnly)

Good night, marine.

(Jives plays taps.)

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 3:27 pm
by Galbally
Now now, what's been going on here then? Johnny 5 are you being nasty to lady cop? A solider should know better than that. Look lad, you shouldn't be getting too wrapped up in this stuff as its about 90 percent nonsense and 10 percent wishful thinking. I would feel a lot safer if there was some big mentalist conspiracy behind everything as it would mean that everything is happening for a reason (nefarious or otherwise) but the truth is that no-one controls things to that much of a degree, not even Opus Dei! Seeing as your a marine I would suggest you spend more time on Miltary History and less on this stuff, its far more rewarding.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:00 pm
by abbey
Please someone tell me that was'nt another Brit

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:07 pm
by anastrophe
judging by the expletive-laced message he sent to the FG admins after we banned him, i think not. i mean, he never uttered 'bloody', 'bollocks', or 'wanker' at all!


--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:10 pm
by lady cop
anastrophe wrote: judging by the expletive-laced message he sent to the FG admins after we banned him, i think not. i mean, he never uttered 'bloody', 'bollocks', or 'wanker' at all!

:yh_bigsmi:yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl only because he couldn't spell them. ...he made me sad actually, i have a son his age who even looks a bit like him...but i would be ashamed if my son spoke to anyone like that...most servicemen respect the police. and we them. we recruit 85% from their ranks.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:45 pm
by G-man
No Johnny 5 (aka. Hawk, T.W.I.S.M., Adam, Whitesoxfan, Scooby, Shadow, etc., etc... ) is definitely not a Brit... (about the only thing he didn't lie about was the fact that he currently resides in Elgin, Illinois) and didn't have too much caffeine... (try illegal drugs and alcohol... he's an abuser of both.) and I know exactly what's not right about him too... he fits a certain criminal (don't even get me started on his rather lengthy criminal background) profile to a T... he just has issues. He's been banned from every single site he's ever been a member of until he finally had to create his own site... and he's even been "banned" on that site! ...Twice! :wah: And no... he's not a Marine either... that's all too apparent. You don't fool anyone who has an inkling of intelligence, johnny boy. 168 iq you claim? Not even close... those of us with a true genius IQ or at least higher than his, can all too readily see through that . :wah:

You have absolutely no respect for authority... and until you eventually grow up and respect authority, the law and yourself... you're always gonna' be held down to the low level you are at currently by people like me, schultzy. I knew tracking you over here it'd only be a matter of time before you stirred something up, Tex. :rolleyes:

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:03 pm
by Jives
ROFLMAO! That was WhiteSoxfan?!! figures! Shame on you impersonating a military man!

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:36 pm
by abbey
Jives wrote: ROFLMAO! That was WhiteSoxfan?!!

Are you thinking of our old troll redsoxfan Jives?

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:11 pm
by G-man
Troll will work... of course, some might say he's a disgrace to all trolls too, though! :yh_rotfl

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:44 pm
by Jives
abbey wrote: Are you thinking of our old troll redsoxfan Jives?

Whoops! Pardon Me! That's who I thought it was alright, stupid senility.:o

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:09 pm
by goldie
To say the least I found your original posting interesting. Pat Robertson's book THE NEW WORLD ORDER written in the early 90's pretty much parallels what you had to say.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:37 am
by freemason
SnoozeControl;161604 wrote: Well, I don't know about all of that, but I think its interesting to note that Catholics aren't allowed in the Masons... supposedly because the Pope feared their power and announced he'd excommunicate anyone that joined.
you can be catholic and join free masonry. the reason catholics and free masons have tension is a couple hundred years ago when free masonry was much larger the catholics saw us as a religion, and they were, at the time the dominant religion and we were imposing on them or something. i dont know, but everyone here convinved we are taking over the world, we arent. i would worry about bilderberg and the federal reserve, not us. thanks

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:09 am
by Clodhopper
hiya freemason. Welcome to the garden!:)

Suggest you check the date on posts - the one you are replying to is nearly three years old...doubt you'll get a reply except from someone like me coming to point that out!

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:33 am
by mikeinie
I think that there may be an element of truth to that, I think it them may become a bit exaggerated and distorted but let’s say it is all true for a moment.

So What?

If as you say 50 out of the 51 signatures on the American Constitution were representatives of this organization, and given that in those days the world was full of absolute monarchs, a race for colonialism, slavery and the grabbing of wealth for kings, then let’s look at what these terrible scary people that are taking over the world believe in:

establish justice,

ensure domestic tranquility,

provide for the common defense,

promote the general welfare,

secure the blessings of liberty

oh ya, and the other stuff like:

Freedom of free speech

Freedom of religion

All people created equal.

Abolition of slavery

The right to vote

And so on and so on.

If these are the beliefs and convictions of those who are trying to take over the world, then I sure wish that they would hurry up and do it.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 8:14 am
by mikeinie
I just noticed that the original post was from Oct 2005, who dug this up??

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:36 pm
by freemason
Clodhopper;1168476 wrote: hiya freemason. Welcome to the garden!:)

Suggest you check the date on posts - the one you are replying to is nearly three years old...doubt you'll get a reply except from someone like me coming to point that out! im still learning how to navigate the site but none the less i figured it was important to share that information with people. theres alot of conspiracies about free masons and none of them are true, bilderberg, council on foreign relations, the federal reserve and the complete obliteration of the constitution as we know it are far more important issues affecting us. free masons just about founded this country, we are not out to take over the world. we want to let everyone be their own person, live and let live.

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:17 pm
by TruthBringer
Just wanna say that this is a very good thread. Also....if you look at it like this,

If you were so extremely stinking rich that you already had everything material wise that you had ever dreamed of and had grown bored of most of it, and you also just so happened to be Evil at your core, and you had many friends who were also very Evil at their core, and they were extremely filthy stinking rich just like you and had everything material wise that they ever wanted, and you all got together to sit around and discuss things, what would be the number one topic on your list?

I would say....Taking over the World. It has long since been the goal of Evil people on this planet. People like Adolf Hitler, Genghis Khan, The Roman empire at it's worst, the list goes on. Wherever you find evil that is organized, blood-thirsty, wealthy beyond imagination, and intelligent, you usually also find a single goal - To Rule The World.

Now...ask yourself this. Do we have people in the World who hold high positions of power and control today? Even in our own country? And are they 1. Evil? 2. Wealthy beyond imagination? 3. Highly Organized? 4. Blood Thirsty?

If you answered yes to all of those questions, then now you have to ask yourself whether or not they would currently be gathering around and discussing different possible ways to Rule The World. And if they are, how soon would their agenda begin? Or has it already begun? And if it has, how much longer until they reach their desired outcome?

These are all things you should be asking yourselves. They are legitimate, because once you know the true nature of Evil and all of it's many faces, when you put them all together you will come to understand that Evil only craves one thing in the end, and that single thing = power and control. And if we have organized Evil on our planet today, then that means that it will always seek that power and that control and that it will stop at nothing in order to attempt to achieve it.

We do have Evil on this planet today. This is a fact. Some Evil group out there right now as we speak, has built up the connections, the wealth, the man-power, and all the necessary resources in order to take over the World. This you can bet the farm on. It has happened all throughout history. And our current time is no exception. So now, the only thing left for each and every one of you to do, is to ponder in your own minds, without anyone interfering with your thoughts, in order to decide just what country or group of countries, government organization or group of government organizations, army organization or group of army organizations, civilian organization or group of civilian organizations, is currently RIGHT NOW as we speak, in a prime position to move towards taking over the World for their own desires?

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:15 pm
by Daniyal
SnoozeControl;161604 wrote: Well, I don't know about all of that, but I think its interesting to note that Catholics aren't allowed in the Masons... supposedly because the Pope feared their power and announced he'd excommunicate anyone that joined. .

Most Anyone Can Be A Masons All One Have To Swear On Their Holy Book Bible / Quraan Etc , Most Of Your Decacon In Your Churches Are Masons , Many Of President / Leaders Were / Are Mason Also .

--(( The Man )--

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:28 pm
by Daniyal
Many wonder if the freemasons received their teaching from the root of Egipt . According to the '' American History Dictionary '' the word freemasonry mean ;

1, The institutions , precepts , and rites of the freemasons .

2 . Spontaneous fellowship and sympathy among a number of people .

Well in the book '' Freemasonry , A Journey Through Ritual And Symbol '' written by ; W. Kirk MacNulty , on page 66 where he states '' this picture of the Masonic aprons goes far in its speculation as to freemasonry origins nevertheless there has been conjecture that freemasonry comes to us directly from Egipt '' .

Here's another book entitled '' Freemasonry Of The Ancient Egiptian '' written by ; Manley P . Hall Where he states '' the language of the ancient Egiptians was rediscovered , and that modern interest in the whole subject of Egiptology is largely due to the impulse given to this field of reserach by the body of learned men whom Napolenon carried with him to Egipt and was published under his patronage a set od massive tomes , magnificently illustrated , setting forth with starting accuracy the art and architecture of the ancient Egiptian empire . It is now generally accepted that the Rosetta stone furnished the master key to the secret knowledge so effectively concealed beneath the old Egiptian hieroglyphs .

But that is not true , it was created as a detour to protect that which is secret . Equipped from the decipherment of this stone , they really thought they had solved it , with the elements of the ancient hieratic alphabet , Egyptplpgist essayed the task of classifying the literary fragment of this magnificent civilization '' .What they did not know is that there were many Egiptian dialects and mystery languages one namely called Nuwaupic , the ancient Egiptian mystery language . They want you to think nothing remain of Egipts ancient glory but crumbling monuments .

battered inscrutable stone faces , that have gazed down upon Nice for these seral thousand years , they are wrong . But what they have not given back is answers to the queries of the secret sciences . The how's and why's of the lips of Khem ( Kam or Kami means '' to be black '' this is where Kham or Ham who was the son of Noach of your bible in Genesis 5 ; 32 ) ( the real Tama - Reans ) are sealed with the dust of time . An alphabet is not a language , and although much progress has been made in the decipherment of the curious legends which adorn the ancient carving , the religions and philosophies of the Egiptians have not yet been released from the symbolic characters to which they were entrusted , only The Ancient Egiptian Order can give you that information .

To express the difficulty in the words of a great Egyptologist , the late Sir . P . Le Renouf wrote ; '' The Difficulty is not in literally translating the text , but in understanding the meaning which lies concealing beneath familiar words '' . A great part of Egiptian literature is cryptic ; its true significance is unknown in the Ptolemaic period even to the mixed race of Egiptians themselves . You should therefore not be too confident of the accuracy of your translations . realizing that be-neath the surface you have lighted with the small ray of our knowledge , which in turm be unfolded .

In the great hall of darkness is a pitch black darkness deeper than Egipt's night where the true Deity of all Deities exist . Now LQQk at the U.S. dollar bill . It is obvious that the mystery of freemasonry comes from Egipt . The eye on top of the pyramid is freemasonry . The eye on the apron , The pyramid has four coener at the base but as it comes up it forms three ; the pyramid on the dollae bill shows three perpendicular angles . These three lines represents the physical , mental , and spiritual . The freemasons believed that nothing grows out of space down from air . Everything grows from out of the ground upwards . Our ancient fathers had this knowledge of the natural world and their sign was the pyramid ... this kind of knowledge was known to the people of ancient Egipt .

Ancient Egiptians built great pyramid and they knew the psychological nature and composition of man . In observing the pyramid on the dollar bill we see the geometrical figures ; the aquare , the circle and the triangel . At the base of the pyramid we find four angles or squares . These four angles or corners symbolically represent the four basic elements of the universe ; Fire , Air , Water . and Earth ( material ) In the ancient mystery system ( freemasoney ) the candidate was tested by each element during his initiation in order to prove his worth . In the 24th Honorary degree of the true 3rd degree of freemasonry we find this same ceremony .

The candidate is tested by fire ( a lighted candle is placed to his arm ) . He is then conducted to the south where a few drops of water is poured upon his head . The base of the pyramid points in the four directions , North East , South and West . Representing the universal constitution of man and various levels of knowledge . This was all rituals that took place in Egipt now you tell me where freemasonry originated from . The Egiptian pyramid that appears on the dollar bill is the Pyramid Of Khufu ( Cheops ) and repesents the Egiptian project , still they don't know how we did it . The word pyramid when separated in two , Pyra meaning '' in our midst '' . Thus you get '' Giving order to chaos '' ,

Which is where the saying on the back of the dollar bill '' NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM '' . Come from . This is the bondage of the Nuwaubians in America the true Egiptians . 400 years under the Amorites , fourth son of Canaan mention in Genesis 10 ; 16 , And I Quote ; And the Jebusite '' desolate dryness '' son of Shingarah , who had a confidante wife named Salimat , Amorite '' mountain dweller '' son of Hitarah , a Halaabean Flugelrod , who had a confidante wife named Qiynat , and the Girgasite '' rough ones '' son of Hildar , a Horite , who had a confidante wife named Betha .

In A Book Entitled '' The Craft And Its Symbols '' Written by ; Thomas W.Davis , Pg . 10 this shows the apron presented to Washington by Lafayette . Notice that George Washington is wearing a square as a pendant . which symbolizes morality , The word pyramid mean '' middle fire '' that's why we use the Jaheez symbol . Because the Jaheez is the highest symbol in freemasonry , the third degree , 3rd degree burn coming from The Sun Of Righteousness . You see the first degree of freemasonry is the entered apprentice , is symbol of Mahachi , the son of righteousness , Malachi The masons believe that it keeps them in touch with god , and without all three standards the world would perish .

By Dr.M.Z.York-El 33 / 720