Send This To Your Congressman

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Send This To Your Congressman

Post by BTS »

Dear Congressman,

Could you explain something to me?

Why the hell isn’t our Army on the Mexican border? Why the hell do you and your pals sit up there in Washington with your heads up your butts while our territorial integrity gets gang-raped everyday along the Rio Grande?

Pull out the Border Patrol and send in the 82nd Airborne and get the job done.

Or quit.

We can easily find some other vote-for-hire idiot to do your job. Because you’re clearly not getting the message. There is one freaking issue in this country and you stuffed-shirt, tax-and-spend welfare pimps are pretending not to know what it is.

So I’ll say it once.

Illegal immigration.

A flood of invaders is gutting our nation, and their insolent homeland is backing them up, and you’re leading our country in a long round of grab-your-ankles.

Maybe you don’t love this country, but the rest of us do, and we’re sick and damn tired that you’re doing nothing to protect it. You tax us at some of the highest levels in history – world history – and you demand our obedience to law, and yet you fail in the most fundamental aspect of your job.

You don’t protect the country.

You don’t protect the law.

You don’t protect the economy.

You don’t protect the tax money you suck out of us.

Because you don’t protect the border and you don’t repel the invaders.

So why the hell should we keep you around?

What exactly is your function? You are as useless as tits on a boar hog. I believe the saying is: Lead, follow or get out of the way.

And having failed to lead, maybe you should try following the will of the people. The people you theoretically represent.

The people who think that the increased violence against our Border Patrol agents can’t be tolerated. The people who think that daily gunfire on our border – aimed at our citizens – is pretty damn close to an act of war. The people who think that catching and releasing 1.2 million illegals crossing our border each year isn’t good enough.

The people who fear those 1.2 million illegals are just the tip of the iceberg when compared to the ones we don’t catch. The ones who are threatening the prosperity, culture and sovereignty of the United States.

You and your chucklehead friends were sent to Washington to do the bidding of your constituents. But it seems you’ve decided you work for Vincente Fox instead of We The People. That insolent whelp lectures and castigates this country on a daily basis and not a one of you has the stones to tell him to shut up. There’s plenty of time to call your reporter pals and leak national secrets to them, but not a one of you can offer up a press quote suggesting that the president of Mexico ought to mind his own freaking business.

Like this deal with the guy who was trying to brain a Border Patrol agent with a rock. The rate of violent attack against our agents has doubled in recent months, and one of these infiltrados is heaving rocks at an officer of the United States trying to enforce the laws of the United States, and the agent has to fire his gun.

Which caused the invader to develop a nasty leak.

Which caused him to meet 72 virgins in heaven.

Oops, my bad. That’s the other guys who are trying to destroy us.

Anyway, your daddy, Vincente Fox, is crapping his pants down there demanding justice and calling it an international outrage and all sort of other insane prattle. Of course, next election, when he’s thrown out by Hugo Chavez Jr., we’re going to miss him.

But that’s ok, your constituents have lots of ammunition.

And unless you get off your hands and start protecting this country some generation not too long from now they’re going to have to use it.

You are Nero fiddling while Rome burns.

Only this nation is far greater than Rome. Because it is not a nation of empire, it is a nation of liberty. The world’s first, last and best hope for freedom. And you are allowing it to be plundered and pillaged by the vandals.

(Hey, moron, if any of these historical and literally allusions escape you, have a staffer explain the hard parts to you. As a test, have them explain what the phrase "from the halls of Montezuma" refers to in the Marine Corps Hymn.)

Now, you Washington boys are pretty good at screwing your buddy and passing the buck. But that game’s gotten old. Pointing a finger at the White House and another finger at big business and sticking a third finger up your, well, none of that gets it anymore.

You took an oath.

Be man enough to live up to it.

Defend this country.

Get over your political correctness. Get over your spinelessness. Get over your cowardice. Take your lips off the Latino backside long enough to say what all your constituents are shouting.

Illegal immigration has to be stopped.

The border has to be secured.

The invasion has to be repulsed.

American policy must be made by American officials, not Mexican bandits. And you bastardos are pretty cold-hearted to ask young men to defend America in Iraq when you won’t defend America at home.

Do your job.

Defend this country.

Protect our borders.

Or get ready to face the consequences. Because we’re not mad at the illegals anymore. We’re mad at you – and all those like you who won’t do their constitutional duty. And we’re coming after you. And all your lobbyist pals and all their money won’t be able to protect you.

Because this is an even-numbered year.

And we’ll vote for a dog before we’ll send you back for another term of treason. As far as your political career goes, you can either protect our borders or you can go to hell.

It’s as simple as that.


A Voting American

P.S. -- The next time you see your Mexican daddy, tell him Winfield Scott said hello.

- by Bob Lonsberry © 2006

"If America Was A Tree, The Left Would Root For The Termites...Greg Gutfeld."
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Send This To Your Congressman

Post by nvalleyvee »

It is a long article -----screw Clinton and Bush you better back off.
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Send This To Your Congressman

Post by Accountable »

These politicians closing the border is like the pharmaceutical companies finding real cures for diseases. It's not in their best interest.

Well we need to make it in their best interest. We need to figure out and expose what it is that Fox has over Bush and others that makes it okay for the Mexican gov't to print instructions on how to safely cross the border, and publicly complain about putting up a barrier to prevent illegal crossings. If we can figure that out and clean out that cancer, we can then secure our borders and have more jobs available for our poor citizens relegated to welfare. (okay, I put maybe a little sarcasm on that last bit)
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Send This To Your Congressman


If we annex them, the border wouldn't be a problem

and we could tax Fox to death.............. :D
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