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The right time to bite!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:05 pm
by valerie
Dog's bite keeps owner safe in SUV


KITCHENER (Dec 16, 2005)

It could have been a terrible situation. A man ran up to a woman as she was stopped at a red light and tried to get in her car.

But Teresa Ardron of Guelph is safe today, thanks to her protective pooch, who bit the intruder as he was trying to climb in.

Shortly after 2 a.m., the 18-year-old was on her way to pick up her boyfriend at a Kitchener friend's house when she stopped at the intersection of King and Pine streets, near Grand River Hospital.

That's when the man ran up to her GMC Jimmy and grabbed the handle of the passenger side door.

Ardron tried to lock the door, but flipped the central-locking switch the wrong way in her panic.

The man got the door open, and Ardron screamed, waking up her two-year-old German shepherd, who had been snoozing on the back seat.

The man had his arm inside the car and was about to sit down when Bear lunged and bit the man hard on the wrist. The man withdrew his arm and ran off, visibly bleeding.

"It all happened so fast," Ardron said.

Ardron went to her friend's house and tried to call 911 but was so shaken she accidentally called 411 instead.

Initially, she was scared something would happen to her normally gentle dog -- and Bear was evidently also scared.

"He was hiding in the back and he wouldn't come out until the police officer got there," Ardron said. "I think he thought I was mad at him."

Officers assured Ardron nothing would happen to her dog, although he is in quarantine at the moment.

"It was strange to see my dog react like that . . . he's never attacked anyone before," said Ardron, adding Bear is gentle with her newborn baby.

"In a way, I used to wonder what he'd do (in a dangerous situation) but now I know. When I walk with him at night, I'm safe."

Police called in their dogs to try to track the man, but weren't successful, said Det. Sgt. Rudy Smith.

Neither police nor Ardron are sure what the man's intentions were -- if he wanted to steal the car or worse. He appeared to be intoxicated, Ardron said.

The man is described as white, about 25 years old, six foot two inches tall, clean-cut and clean-shaven. He wore a big grey coat with a hood.

"He was just a normal-looking guy . . . that makes it scarier in a way," Ardron said.

As for Bear, Ardron and her family are treating him as a hero.

"He got a full box of cookies when we got home."

The right time to bite!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:15 pm
by pompeygirl
well done to that dog :D

my dog would have just sat there shes a bit dumb like that lol :rolleyes:

The right time to bite!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:47 pm
by venus
I love to hear of our furry friends helping us out and letting the bad guys know that they won't sit back and drool...

My dog goes mental if the postie comes nad lve had to fit a seriously strong mail box, this he sometimes manages to rip from the door.

I really would dread to think what would happen if a burgular tried to enter:-3

but l know l am safe when l walk him, if another dog or human comes near me he enters protective mode, as l was nearly attacked by a large dog once whilst walking him, he chased it off and ever since is my protector.

The right time to bite!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:54 pm
by venus
When l got my dog he was brought into the home not just to be a family pet, but also for security. So for that reason l taught him to not accept attention from strangers unless l say so.

He is friendly, but raise your voice or act aggresively or such and he will get between me and you and give you his Elvis impression.

He is just as soft as can be with family and certain friends, but once again l dont want him getting too friendly with everyone..:o

The right time to bite!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 2:03 pm
by venus
Well hes not one of those he is a mutt...

Staffordshire terrier/rhodesian ridgeback on moms side

German sheperd on dads

The right time to bite!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 2:07 pm
by venus

l actually do have a problem with small dogs, they just yap at you and try to bite you ankles...:wah:

The right time to bite!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 2:27 pm
by venus
I had this problem with a friends cat l was watching, you have to really get the smell out and try some thing citrus, they dont like the smell

The right time to bite!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:40 am
by DogsLoverMe!
I am not lying. Teresa is my aunt! this is my aunti Teresa! And most of this is wrong but whatever! Bear was too agressive :-3so he was given to a family friend. We get to see him a lot tho. to my cousin, the "newborn baby" Bear was VERY aggressive because he loves my aunt! thanks for posting this the man was found, he was 16! Thank you for this! It mean a lot i miss him running around the house and takling us down! ;(

(this is what is wrong, he had attacked a lot of people, and bear was in the WAY back od the car :) )

The right time to bite!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:21 pm
by valerie
Hello DogsLoverMe and welcome to FG.

While it is usually not good to re-home an aggressive

dog, I'm glad it has worked out for Bear, and I hope

it continues as long as the owners practice vigilance.

Stick around, it is always good to have dog lovers here,

we have many but another is always welcome!