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Introducing a new cat

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:18 am
by Yavanna
Hi folks - be grateful for any tips.

I'm a new-ish cat owner, having got my first cat from the local rescue place 12 months ago. She's a 5 year old queen, who's adorable.

I have am about to collect another cat from the same rescue home ; a 9 month old female, who has been stray for 2 months. She looks a bit traumatized to me - very nervous and not curious. The home tell me that she's coming out of her shell a bit. I'm due to pick her up next week.

I guess it's a case of "suck it and see" - but is there anything I can do to make the introduction as smooth as possible? For example, should I keep the new cat in a confined room for a while (with litter box etc in it) - or should she have the run of the house? Should I introduce them to each other gradually ie 10 minutes at a time, or leave them to establish their natural order?

Sheesh, now I know how parents feel when they have a new baby and an older sibling!

Introducing a new cat

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:59 am
by pompeygirl
well i introduced our dog after having my cat for 2 years i knew the dog wouldnt go for the cat so i just left them to get on with it they still not best friends but they seem to understand each others terrotry (sp) :)

Introducing a new cat

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 10:05 am
by valerie
Don't let the new cat have the run of the house. Keeping her confined

to one room with her own things is a good idea.

Gradual introduction is also best. If you have crates/carriers (And you

SHOULD!) you can put each cat in its' own carrier and let them just see

each other that way.

I'm a little concerned that you refer to your current cat as a "Queen"

I'm hoping BOTH of these cats are spayed? If not, please see to it as

soon as possible. It also might make the process a little easier.

Each cat should have its' own food and water bowls, and separate

toys, at least at first. Give your current cat plenty of time and


It should work out. Good luck!!


Introducing a new cat

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 2:30 pm
by Yavanna
Oh yes, both have been spayed - they do that automatically in rescue homes.

Thanks guys!

Introducing a new cat

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:40 am
by Yavanna
I'm collecting her today, Snoozecontrol. She's a cute, tiny, pure black-and-green-eyes cat who will never get much bigger. I'll keep you posted!