Outrageous drugs and pharmaceutical companies

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Outrageous drugs and pharmaceutical companies

Post by koan »

Big alert to anyone sucked in by the Depo Provera craze.


Law suits regarding bone mass loss are starting to pop up and the company is even admitting to a two year limit on recommended use (now that teens have been taking it for a decade)...so you know it's bad.

Side effects are extensive and include psychological effects that people may not even realize are related to the drug. If you are taking or considering depo provera please search the net keywords depo provera negative side effects and look for one of the sites with user comments (not the ones issued by physicians and drug companies.
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Outrageous drugs and pharmaceutical companies

Post by RedGlitter »

Speaking of outrageous drug and pharms,

I have a lawsuit against Zyprexa right now. (Bipolar/antipsychotic drug) Eli Lilly knew the drug caused diabetes and yet they put it out for market anyway. Well, I ended up with diabetes. Trying to save my life, I took a drug that gave me a life threatening disease.
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Outrageous drugs and pharmaceutical companies

Post by koan »

The Constant Gardener (great film) is yet another Hollywood plot with pharmaceutical companies at the heart of evil. You know there just might be some validity to that.

Kudos for taking action to defend your rights. I've never met a prescription that didn't have a concealed weapon.
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Outrageous drugs and pharmaceutical companies

Post by Sheryl »

I took the depo provera shot for 18 months. I was a super b*tch and gained nearly 60 pounds. It took me another 4 years to concieve a child. I don't recomend it to anyone.

I hate all the drug ads on tv. Hey we have a great new drug that will relieve your migraines. However it's gonna cause constipation, stomach cramps, blah blah blah. Gee whiz why take a drug that gonna cause you to hurt somewhere else.
"Girls are crazy! I'm not ever getting married, I can make my own sandwiches!"

my son
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