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Drug Culture Turning Parts of London Into Open Toilet

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 3:24 pm
by CVX
By Arifa Akbar

The Independent - UK

Jonathan Miller, the award-winning opera director and academic, has warned that London's crime and drug culture is turning parts of the city into an "open toilet".

Dr Miller, who lives in Camden Town, believes his neighbourhood is overrun by "uncontrollable drug dealing" and antisocial behaviour. Residents who venture out after dark were "taking their lives into their own hands", he said.

"We need to restore order. The street is full of misconduct, from the dangerous to the disgusting."

Neighbours believe a group of drug-dealers stash their wares in plant pots, above shop door frames and under market stalls. Addicts also foul the pavements. Dr Miller said: "It has become an open toilet. People relieve themselves against the doorways, so their urine seeps into the basements of the shops."

At a public meeting last week, Dr Miller criticised Camden council - which plans a £3m revamp - for not adequately managing the area and its markets. "Camden revels in the economic advantages of buyers for the awful tat available, but has no plans to manage the weekly influx of strangers."

A Camden council spokeswoman said the £3m scheme was aimed at improving public spaces, and that street wardens and drug action teams patrolled the area. It also expected its use of antisocial behaviour orders to produce improvements soon.

© 2004 Independent Digital (UK) Ltd ... ory=580008

Drug Culture Turning Parts of London Into Open Toilet

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:17 pm
by weeder
CVX wrote: By Arifa Akbar

The Independent - UK

Jonathan Miller, the award-winning opera director and academic, has warned that London's crime and drug culture is turning parts of the city into an "open toilet".

Dr Miller, who lives in Camden Town, believes his neighbourhood is overrun by "uncontrollable drug dealing" and antisocial behaviour. Residents who venture out after dark were "taking their lives into their own hands", he said.

"We need to restore order. The street is full of misconduct, from the dangerous to the disgusting."

Neighbours believe a group of drug-dealers stash their wares in plant pots, above shop door frames and under market stalls. Addicts also foul the pavements. Dr Miller said: "It has become an open toilet. People relieve themselves against the doorways, so their urine seeps into the basements of the shops."

At a public meeting last week, Dr Miller criticised Camden council - which plans a £3m revamp - for not adequately managing the area and its markets. "Camden revels in the economic advantages of buyers for the awful tat available, but has no plans to manage the weekly influx of strangers."

A Camden council spokeswoman said the £3m scheme was aimed at improving public spaces, and that street wardens and drug action teams patrolled the area. It also expected its use of antisocial behaviour orders to produce improvements soon.

© 2004 Independent Digital (UK) Ltd ... ory=580008
Drugs are destroying The United States also. Keeping our youth in a continual state of lethargy. My town has the highest incidences of Aids in the Country.

Men who come here to train at a law enforcement training center here are warned about not MINGLING during their free time. Back in the 70" my parents used to say that pot was being used to undermine the country. We laughed at them. They were correct. The excuse for drug use now is that young people are living in an angry and terrible world. They dont know if there will be a tomorrow.

The climate certainly has changed in daily living. But Ive often thought why couldnt it come bact to being the way it was? People joining together to promote a common cause... with enthusiasm and passion? I miss those times so much. And I wish the young of today could experience one day of what it was like. It might turn them around, give them hope, and make them want to stay straight.

Drug Culture Turning Parts of London Into Open Toilet

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 3:44 am
London HAS become a toilet im lucky i live in trendy islington but venture out after dark its a big fat NO two of my local shops have had fatal stabbings and robbery and mugging are at an all time high its about time the police do their job its what they are paid to do .I believe they are more interested in being politically correct than getting out there and arresting scum. sarah jane

Drug Culture Turning Parts of London Into Open Toilet

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 4:34 am
by capt_buzzard
Most of these drug pushers come from Middle Eastern countries.