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So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:25 pm
by Adam Zapple
Last year some friends got me into a fantasy NASCAR league. I had never been interested in NASCAR before and about the only drivers I had ever heard of had last name of Petty or Waltrip. Last year I only turned on the race to see if my driver was winning. This year, I am actually getting into the sport and enjoying it. I still don't have any favorite drivers or drivers I don't like but that is changing to. I'm starting to get a dislike for the Busch brothers and even Tony Stewart who comes across as an arrogant SOB. Maybe I am wrong. I kinda like cheater Jimmie Johnson for some reason.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:56 am
by Mongoose
I like it but they don't show it much in this country. Which is a shame cos it is actually better than the snorefest that is Formula One :yh_sleep . The only driver I really know of is Matt Kensith, he drove the number 17 DeWalt car if I remember rightly. Oh and I also remember Dick Trickle because that name is hilarious! :wah:

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:33 am
by Shweet tatersalad
Iused be huge into it back in the day,Then i got sick of Dale SR.Then he finally got his and became somewhat interested again so I watch when I can,I don't really follow any one driver but i do pull for Stewart.I like his demeanor and i met him at a home depot opening once.Least year I went too daytona on a off week-end and got too ride in a nascar for three laps at about 190-200 mph.THAT WAS AWSOME,JUST UNREAL.

So I tune in when I can,I like the close neck and neck rubbin' is raceing kind of thing.If it's a blow out then I move on.




So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 5:35 pm
by K.Snyder
Shweet tatersalad wrote:




I never did like the way gordon came into Nascar and dominated like he did to make it look so easy, but one thing is for sure, people who consider Gordon to be light in the toes, and hesitant to give him a chance as a Nascar driver couldnt be more ignorant. He dont take no sh!t from no one on or off the race track(happen to see the race where Matt Kenseth recked Gordon on the final lap, and upon climbing out of the race car shoved him five feet into another Dewalt guy? Kenseth wanted no part of it-infact I lost all respect for Kenseth as he backed down in the weakest way possible....made him look like a 10 year old kid.) The man wins 1 out of every 9 races he drives in, so do me a favour and dont judge the man by the color of car his sponsors pay for, and deam it sissy just because his car happens to be the colors of a damn laundry detergent, ok?

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:47 am
by Shweet tatersalad
Look,if you want too talk nascar,then you need be ready for some heated debates.

If you think these conversation can stay calm and civilized then you are following the wrong sport,try golf or men's gymnastics.Out on the track,racing is not a "team" sport,One man(or woman) per car,competing with other cars and turn signals and right of ways are not in the rule book.Gordon was good at whining

and crying when things did not go his way,hence the name "diaper boy".Even his trophy wife got sick of him.Nascar has a tradition of having drivers that are tough and strong and there is no room in the fans hearts for a wussy type of driver who makes excuses for his short comings.

I you not ready too rumble,than don't dwell in this subject.I have seen the Daytona 500 three times,once in the stands and twice in the infield.My first time in the infield was the day dale Sr. died,Evil lurks at that track,you can taste and the smell the hate this man brought too the sport.It is he that installed the mind set of alot of fans today,the "my driver is the best and yours sucks".Lines are drawn all across America depending on your driver at every track,it's not a soft sport,so One must learn too take the bad with the good about your driver or car.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:41 am
by CheshireCat
Hey guys, play nice.

My driver is not the best, but he is a good sport and a super guy. Michael Waltrip. :yh_love I don't get to watch many races, but when I do I always like to see Mikey do well.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:19 am
by K.Snyder
Shweet tatersalad wrote: Look,if you want too talk nascar,then you need be ready for some heated debates.

If you think these conversation can stay calm and civilized then you are following the wrong sport,try golf or men's gymnastics.Out on the track,racing is not a "team" sport,One man(or woman) per car,competing with other cars and turn signals and right of ways are not in the rule book.Gordon was good at whining

and crying when things did not go his way,hence the name "diaper boy".Even his trophy wife got sick of him.Nascar has a tradition of having drivers that are tough and strong and there is no room in the fans hearts for a wussy type of driver who makes excuses for his short comings.

I you not ready too rumble,than don't dwell in this subject.I have seen the Daytona 500 three times,once in the stands and twice in the infield.My first time in the infield was the day dale Sr. died,Evil lurks at that track,you can taste and the smell the hate this man brought too the sport.It is he that installed the mind set of alot of fans today,the "my driver is the best and yours sucks".Lines are drawn all across America depending on your driver at every track,it's not a soft sport,so One must learn too take the bad with the good about your driver or car.

Nascar is the most frustrating sport in my opinion, I should know, my family has been racing since the late 70's from ARCA to NDWRS. People get frustrated. When I see someone shove a guy twice his size and gets no response I dont call them a "diaper boy". Gordon isnt the only one to complain......almost every race driver complains....its a frustrating sport.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:30 am
by Shweet tatersalad
When I listen in it seems all they talk about is who is gonna bump who for what they did last week or some other drama,so it gets old sometimes.

And with that said and the mention of the rainbow retard for the third time,I will now close out this subject as far I am concerned.I do not come here too argue,there are nice folks here too chat with about good things and happy times.So I bid you good bye and light my Fans Against Gordon

candle and never speak of this again, a bunch of red necks driving in circles is not worth fighting over.See Ya at the beer stand,I'll be the one with the co-ed naked auto racing shirt on.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 3:04 pm
by K.Snyder
Shweet tatersalad wrote: When I listen in it seems all they talk about is who is gonna bump who for what they did last week or some other drama,so it gets old sometimes.

And with that said and the mention of the rainbow retard for the third time,I will now close out this subject as far I am concerned.I do not come here too argue,there are nice folks here too chat with about good things and happy times.So I bid you good bye and light my Fans Against Gordon

candle and never speak of this again, a bunch of red necks driving in circles is not worth fighting over.See Ya at the beer stand,I'll be the one with the co-ed naked auto racing shirt on.

Stereotypical ignorance. I dont like arguing either but when people go around calling other people fags and sissies just because the color of his sponsor happens to be fluorescent orange and pink, when to be honest he is one of the best Nascar drivers to ever race in the pro circuit, I tend to get a little irritated.

Ill end saying this....

Rusty Wallace was known throughout all of the racing community as one of the biggest complainers on the pro cup, and hes not labeled a know why?...

because he drove a Miller Lite car....

all typical BS and its rather tiresome.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 3:32 pm
by Shweet tatersalad
K.Snyder wrote: Stereotypical ignorance. I dont like arguing either but when people go around calling other people fags and sissies just because the color of his sponsor happens to be fluorescent orange and pink, when to be honest he is one of the best Nascar drivers to ever race in the pro circuit, I tend to get a little irritated.

Ill end saying this....

Rusty Wallace was known throughout all of the racing community as one of the biggest complainers on the pro cup, and hes not labeled a know why?...

because he drove a Miller Lite car....

all typical BS and its rather tiresome.

So this not so much about Nascar as it is about people making fun of homosexuals,The impression Get is you have a problem with homophobia.You don't like fans giving same sex partners a hard time in any way shape or form.

I misunderstood your intent.

I certainly do not want too get into debates about fair treatment of alternative life style folks,I don't got no queer eye for the brown eye.I did not know this was a major part of nascar for some people.But I suppose we avoid it.Maybe they add yet another race too the season like the "Trojan 300" and perhaps Gordon can win the first race at that track,or at least make lap 69 a dedicated lap too Gordon.;)

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 4:52 pm
by K.Snyder
Shweet tatersalad wrote: So this not so much about Nascar as it is about people making fun of homosexuals,The impression Get is you have a problem with homophobia.You don't like fans giving same sex partners a hard time in any way shape or form.

I misunderstood your intent.

I certainly do not want too get into debates about fair treatment of alternative life style folks,I don't got no queer eye for the brown eye.I did not know this was a major part of nascar for some people.But I suppose we avoid it.Maybe they add yet another race too the season like the "Trojan 300" and perhaps Gordon can win the first race at that track,or at least make lap 69 a dedicated lap too Gordon.;)

You couldnt be more blind....

Its about typical ignorance and the choice to not form their own opinions...

Its about people going along with others belittling people before they give them a chance....

I could care less about homophobes or the use of the word fag, for that matter......I just care about the blatant typical disregard for people that obviously wont be given a chance...

again, I must say rather uncivilized

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:14 pm
by Shweet tatersalad
Let it go,Bubba.....Let it go.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:28 am
by CheshireCat
Shweet tatersalad wrote: So this not so much about Nascar as it is about people making fun of homosexuals,The impression Get is you have a problem with homophobia.You don't like fans giving same sex partners a hard time in any way shape or form.

I misunderstood your intent.

I certainly do not want too get into debates about fair treatment of alternative life style folks,I don't got no queer eye for the brown eye.I did not know this was a major part of nascar for some people.But I suppose we avoid it.Maybe they add yet another race too the season like the "Trojan 300" and perhaps Gordon can win the first race at that track,or at least make lap 69 a dedicated lap too Gordon.;)

Seet Tater, you are a moron and a bigot!

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:08 am
by Shweet tatersalad
Shweet tatersalad wrote: Look,if you want too talk nascar,then you need be ready for some heated debates.

If you think these conversation can stay calm and civilized then you are following the wrong sport,try golf or men's gymnastics.Out on the track,racing is not a "team" sport,One man(or woman) per car,competing with other cars and turn signals and right of ways are not in the rule book.Gordon was good at whining

and crying when things did not go his way,hence the name "diaper boy".Even his trophy wife got sick of him.Nascar has a tradition of having drivers that are tough and strong and there is no room in the fans hearts for a wussy type of driver who makes excuses for his short comings.

I you not ready too rumble,than don't dwell in this subject.I have seen the Daytona 500 three times,once in the stands and twice in the infield.My first time in the infield was the day dale Sr. died,Evil lurks at that track,you can taste and the smell the hate this man brought too the sport.It is he that installed the mind set of alot of fans today,the "my driver is the best and yours sucks".Lines are drawn all across America depending on your driver at every track,it's not a soft sport,so One must learn too take the bad with the good about your driver or car.

Just like the sport,even the conversations are redundent and going in circles.

Once you go against the grain of a certain drivers fan base,you will be Battered.

Push the right button and the hate come through,because You don't like my driver.

This is what Nascar has come too teach us.

Bigotty,Bigotty,Bigotty boys..Let's go racing.

Lighten up,the fumes are getting too ya.

I rest my case.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:57 am
by CheshireCat
CheshireCat wrote: Seet Tater, you are a moron and a bigot!

I TAKE IT BACK, TATER! You big lug! :-6

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:36 pm
by Shweet tatersalad
No harm done,I needed too prove a point,I am often misunderstood until the end.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:35 pm
by K.Snyder
Shweet tatersalad wrote: Just like the sport,even the conversations are redundent and going in circles.

Once you go against the grain of a certain drivers fan base,you will be Battered.

Push the right button and the hate come through,because You don't like my driver.

This is what Nascar has come too teach us.

Bigotty,Bigotty,Bigotty boys..Let's go racing.

Lighten up,the fumes are getting too ya.

I rest my case.

I was going to end the conversation, but considering this post I feel I have to let a few things be known.

Gordon isnt "my driver"

I root for Earnhardt jr...

I resented Gordon coming into the cup and stealing the limelight away from Earnhardt Sr., but over the years I have grown to respect Gordon....he will go down in the books as being one of the best Nascar drivers to ever step into a race car....he dont back down from confrontation(unless of course he feels it isnt worth it, as we all should, being civilized)....He wins 1 out of every 9 races he drives in....If you know anything about racing then you wouldnt be against a guy with those kind of would respect him, as opposed to going along with the crowd who neglect to give the man a chance.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:00 am
by Shweet tatersalad
K.Snyder wrote: I was going to end the conversation, but considering this post I feel I have to let a few things be known.

Gordon is "my driver"

I root for Earnhardt jr too...

I resented Gordon coming into the cup and stealing the limelight away from Earnhardt Sr., but over the years I have grown to respect Gordon....he will go down in the books as being one of the best Nascar drivers to ever step into a race car....he dont back down from confrontation(unless of course he feels it isnt worth it, as we all should, being civilized)....He wins 1 out of every 9 races he drives in....If you know anything about racing then you wouldnt be against a guy with those kind of would respect him, as opposed to going along with the crowd who neglect to give the man a chance.

Theres your sign;)

No further questions your honor:rolleyes:

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:08 pm
by K.Snyder
Shweet tatersalad wrote: Theres your sign;)

No further questions your honor:rolleyes:

How old are you "Sweet Tatersalad"...

about 10?

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:41 pm
by Sheryl
Wow you two reminded me of two old men sitting on a porch getting drunking arguing over the best fishing lure. :D

Anyways I used to watch the race all the time. However the races grew boring quick, unless it was a short track. I like drag racing.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 6:00 pm
by K.Snyder
Sheryl wrote: Wow you two reminded me of two old men sitting on a porch getting drunking arguing over the best fishing lure. :D

Anyways I used to watch the race all the time. However the races grew boring quick, unless it was a short track. I like drag racing.

Have you ever been to a live race Sheryl??

If not, I will take you some time...:-4

its a date then? ;)

im jk...

wouldnt want to be a home wrecker....

ok, actually i dont care about being a home wrecker.....

i mean ive wrecked a few homes before...

more so the kitchen, up the stairs, and ultimately leading into the bedroom. :yh_rotfl

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 8:35 pm
by K.Snyder
tmbsgrl wrote: I do! I am watching it now.. I have been into it for about 8 or 9 years now-maybe more. My favorite is Dale Jr. #8 and Kevin Harvick #21 & 29 .. My ex got me into it & we always went to races-today they are at Chicagoland raceway (Route 66) in Joilet- Illinois. I am so wishing I was there today!!

Those pictures in your attachments reminds me of my brother and I...

His favorite driver is Kevin favorite driver is Earnhardt Jr.....

we dont necessarily feud with each other about it, rather we just joke about each others favorite drivers misfortune.

But its kind of ironic, considering I have bought the race car that he and my family have put together, and he has bought my fathers race car....

same class so if we were racing now would be racing against each other every saturday night at Shadybowl Speedway in DeGraff Ohio...He isnt racing right now because he works seven days a week, and im not racing because after buying the race car i cannot afford the money it takes to supply the race car with tires, gasoline, and the money it costs to race the car(although we get payed for the places we finish in the races each week, I would only be able to be ahead if I finish significantly well in the feature events-- and I just dont have the money to put up right now to take that chance-- although im getting closer to my Rookie season)

My brother won Rookie of the year 2 years ago when he started, and considering my drive to always "one up him", I am looking forward to the day I actually start.

Right now he is thinking about selling his race car, due in large part to him working seven days a week, so that he can buy Quarter midgets for his son....Quarter Midgets are race cars for ages about 5-10. I dont really feel bad about it because it gives me relief in knowing that if something happens and we were to tangle up and wreck each other, theyre will be no love lost....although i think once both of our experience levels were to our liking, I think I would enjoy competing against him...and also my father...he races the same class as well(But hes a known veteran around southwestern Ohio so competing against him is like Earnhardt Jr. competing against Sr.....experience level is completely one sided.)

My car is the second one...the first car is my fathers old car that he has sold to my brother....the picture is one of my father winning with what is now my brothers car.

My oldest brother of the two is our crew chief and to be honest we wouldnt be where we are today without him....building the fastest cars anywhere in the world in reference to each specific track the cars are actually made for.

Attached files

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:38 am
by K.Snyder
Sheryl wrote: No I've never been to a live race. I've thought about going to the races in Dallas a couple of times. But I want to be infield not in the stands. :D

Reason I ask, is because everyones enthusiasm changes when they actually attend a live race....

I never really liked watching Nascar on television growing up, but I always looked forward to going to the race track. And even more so when my father got back into racing again after sacrificing the sport he practically lives on a daily basis to raise us all as a family. I still love going to the tracks as my fathers race car(now my brothers) is the fastest car at Kil-Kare Speedway in Southwestern Ohio. Im looking forward to my first race, although, everyone whom Ive talked to about it, says they practically throw up from the nervousness, but after you drop the fear its cool.....and thats what i plan to be. :cool:

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:26 am
by Shweet tatersalad
K.Snyder wrote: How old are you "Sweet Tatersalad"...

about 10?

R U hitting on me?

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:34 am
by Sheryl
K.Snyder wrote: Have you ever been to a live race Sheryl??

If not, I will take you some time...:-4

its a date then? ;)

im jk...

wouldnt want to be a home wrecker....

ok, actually i dont care about being a home wrecker.....

i mean ive wrecked a few homes before...

more so the kitchen, up the stairs, and ultimately leading into the bedroom. :yh_rotfl

No I've never been to a live race. I've thought about going to the races in Dallas a couple of times. But I want to be infield not in the stands. :D

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:14 am
by G-man
I try to lately, as I have an ol' buddy whom I grew up with, who races... plus I do some work for him, on occasion. I always try and attend in Richmond and in Indy... when I can.

I realise after missing all three Nascar questions on the Forum Garden Trivia quiz, that I know very little regarding who's who..., though. I just haven't gotten into the sport that much, really. It's good to see that it's really catching on in recent years, though.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 1:04 am
by Wolverine
tmbsgrl wrote: As long as you don't like Gorden.. lol :D
i like the races where all they do is make LEFT turns. man, that takes some skill.:sneaky:

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:21 pm
by dubs
I've never got into NASCAR, there's no coverage of it in the UK. I prefer open wheels racing myself, I've been to a few F1 Grand Prix races, Silverstone is just a few miles from me. The CART series was great racing, but again coverage dried up, and IRL is non existant, as far as our TV networks are concerned. BTW can anyone tell me why Montoya would leave an International series, like F1, to go to a domestic series like NASCAR?:thinking:

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:28 pm
by K.Snyder
dubs wrote: I've never got into NASCAR, there's no coverage of it in the UK. I prefer open wheels racing myself, I've been to a few F1 Grand Prix races, Silverstone is just a few miles from me. The CART series was great racing, but again coverage dried up, and IRL is non existant, as far as our TV networks are concerned. BTW can anyone tell me why Montoya would leave an International series, like F1, to go to a domestic series like NASCAR?:thinking:

Perhaps the difference of income?

I don't exactly know how much F1 makes, but NASCAR is a multiple billion dollar a year industry. Even some of the local tracks we race at are sanctioned under NASCAR rules at the same time contribute a percentage of all income by each NASCAR sanctioned track to NASCAR itself. Not to mention selling anywhere from $200 - $2000 tickets to over 100,000 fans each race. (Something like 30 races a year) As I said, I'm not quite sure the exact amount, but its borderline drool material.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:24 am
by dubs
I wasn't thinking in financial terms K, I don't think he's short of a few quid! More in actual audience, bearing in mind that ego is a large part of a drivers make-up! It certainly is in JPMs case...;)

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:52 am
by Shweet tatersalad
Wolverine wrote: i like the races where all they do is make LEFT turns. man, that takes some skill.:sneaky: do not want too upset the nascar race fans.They are a funny bunch.Your gonna get K-boy's pantie's in a bunch.

As far as the money aspect of F-1 compared too Nascar,it's just like night and day.Nascar is a monopoly of racing,television,merchandising all sorts of other making prospects.

It's not about racing anymore.None of the drivers care about racing,they all care about the money because thats what their sponsors want from them.,and NSC.You drive for a team and better drive well enough too sell hats and shirts and bring sales in for your Spenser.Otherwise you will be released for a more popular driver,younger,more handsome,hopefully single, with a charisma too get fans too follow.

F-1 is more about respect and being gentelmenlly and not about the dollar.

Alto more skillfully of a sport wheel racing is much tougher than a nascar that can bump and go on with duct tape and chicken wire.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:22 am
by dubs
There's no gentlemen in F1 anymore Shweet! the top drivers earn up to a million dollars a race, the money floating about in the F1 series, makes NASCAR look like chicken feed! :driving:

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:01 am
by K.Snyder
dubs wrote: There's no gentlemen in F1 anymore Shweet! the top drivers earn up to a million dollars a race, the money floating about in the F1 series, makes NASCAR look like chicken feed! :driving:

I never knew they paid that much in F1....thats a lot....

Although with Nascar you have to add in merchandising as well, but I'm sure F1 has its fair share of that...I never would have guessed F1 payed more than Nascar. Nascar is a huge money maker in America.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:02 am
by K.Snyder
Shweet tatersalad wrote: do not want too upset the nascar race fans.They are a funny bunch.Your gonna get K-boy's pantie's in a bunch.

Nah, I don't get upset by facts....

I get upset by ignorance.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:37 am
by dubs
Yea! What you were describing about the commercialism of NASCAR, which even though the size of the US, makes for a very large racing series, if you multiply that about fifty times, you get the global, screw the fans fest, which is F1...Jeez! I was up at 5.30 Sunday morning to watch the F1 GP from China, that's one of the newer GPs, they've only been going there the last couple years....I mean how many Chinese are there to sell team caps to?.. A fair few...LOL! That's the way F1 works K, always looking to find new markets... I think F1 would like a bigger slice of the US market, but that balls up at the brickyard a couple of years back, caused by Michelin, pretty much put paid to that! Now I aint sayin nuthin' but guess who's outta F1 at the end of this season?.......Yeah! that's right...Michelin!:thinking:

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:58 am
by K.Snyder
Only thing I can think of then, is that he wanted to race something different than F1. Once you're a racer you're not biased on what it is you race....most of it is for the thrill really. Maybe he wanted to see how he could compete against Nascar drivers. After all, F1 is a completely different aspect of racing, I think we can all agree on that.

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:19 pm
by dubs
I wouldn't mind watching NASCAR personally, it's just there's no coverage here, the nearest thing to stock saloon racing is BTCC, which is bloody exciting! No ovals though! The thing with Montoya was slightly dodgy, inasmuch as he left half way through the season, no-one in F1 seemed to know why. I thought that you K seemed to be the most knowlegeable(sp) person on NASCAR, and you would be bound to know! Oh well! it'll have to stay a mystery to me then.....

Good luck with your own racing....! Dubs

So who here watches follows Nascar?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:36 pm
by K.Snyder
dubs wrote: I wouldn't mind watching NASCAR personally, it's just there's no coverage here, the nearest thing to stock saloon racing is BTCC, which is bloody exciting! No ovals though! The thing with Montoya was slightly dodgy, inasmuch as he left half way through the season, no-one in F1 seemed to know why. I thought that you K seemed to be the most knowlegeable(sp) person on NASCAR, and you would be bound to know! Oh well! it'll have to stay a mystery to me then.....

Good luck with your own racing....! Dubs

I dont really pay much attention to Nascar on the pro circuit....I am just afiliated with the local race tracks around where I live, as my family races in southern Ohio.

My father would probably know. I will ask him about it next time we speak and will let you know.