The Worst Boss

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The Worst Boss

Post by CheshireCat »

My first job, 16 years old, was at a movie theater. This wasn't a multiplex, just one screen, kind of quaint. We had one of those old popcorn poppers with the kettle in the box where the popcorn stays warm and you have to dump the kettle into hte box, ya know? So we are really busy on a weekend night, I am scooping popcorn out of the box while it is popping, you had to. The kettle slips and hits my arm! Hot oil and metal, hurt like a son of a b***c! Second and third degree burns. My a*****e boss wanted me to finish out my shift! And he fired me when I took the next night off! What a d**K!

Oh, pardon my potty mouth here, just ticks me off, still.
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The Worst Boss

Post by Marie5656 »

Had a job where I shared an office with my supervisor. She "reprimanded" me once for taking "too many breaks". If I got up, went to the bathroom and returned to my desk inside of a minute, she considered that a break. Get up to get a glass of water to drink at my desk..a break. Just resting my eyes for a second after reading a long boring file..a break. :-5
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The Worst Boss

Post by Bryn Mawr »

helefra wrote: Oh dear, Marie and CC you have my condolences on your posts. Going back to my last job and the nasty boss, I was talking to someone who worked in the Accounts Department. This person told me that the head of the Accounts Department, who is a female, would have access to all the accounts staffs' emails so that she could see who was sending what to. Also she would not allow any staff to speak to one another, even if it was a request to do something which was work related. The staff would have to email one another so that the task could be done by the other person.:-5

and which Dicensian hell did she grow up in?

That's straight out of the dark ages!
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The Worst Boss

Post by Sheryl »

I've had a few bosses from hell. But the worse was a guy who somehow expected you to be in a hundred places at once. It was a convient store that also served pizzas, subs, and other food. I usually got the opening shift which was at 6:00 a.m. It was usually really busy in the mornings, with our regular coffee drinkers, students on way to school, and others getting their morning coffee or sodas. One morning my boss came in and the cooler doors had fogged over. I was busy at the register and hadn't had time to go wipe them down. He came round the counter and asked me if I had seen cooler doors, I said yea but hadn't had a chance to get to it yet. He said that I'd better find the time. I rolled my eyes and told him sure but my Go go gadget arms weren't working that morning. The customers in line just laughed, and he rolled his eyes and walked out of the store. :rolleyes:
"Girls are crazy! I'm not ever getting married, I can make my own sandwiches!"

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The Worst Boss

Post by RedGlitter »

Hair salon: Boss didn't like the way I cut hair. Put me on "probation." I was cutting a blond kid and that's hard hair to cut as it must be blended real well or it looks choppy. Boss flicked kid's hair and yelled "That looks like ****!" I could have died. He canned me not long after.

Boiler room: my fiance had just dumped me and my sales were off. Boss called me into his office to tell me I'd be fine, that I "just needed to get laid." I thanked him for his concern. :thinking:

Hallmark: Boss had coworker tell me I was using too much toilet paper. Seriously.

I tripped over a stack of long giftwrap tubes that were placed haphazardly in the closet that served as our breakroom, coming down onto the concrete floor on one knee. Hurt like nothing I'd ever felt before, so much I couldn't even cuss which is a lot for me. ;) Knee blew up to grapefruit size, I went to doctor. Boss called me that night to ask me how I was (aka: did I file workmen's comp, I bet) and to tell me I needed to be more careful. I said "No Mark, you need to clean up your store."

Coyote Gift (same boss): I worked my butt off at this store and it seemed every time boss came in he caught me sitting down. Never mind I had just put up three shelves of crap, I was "sitting down on the job." Like my elderly coworker said "I had underwear older than him."

There were many jerks in between those but those are the standouts.

Forgot one.

Payless Drug: Boss was a Mexican dude who spoke little English and ate blood sausage. He had the vilest breath ever. A supervisor stuck a tomato plant on top of my cash register and walked off. Hey she was the supervisor, I let the plant stay. Well the plant fell over and got dirt all over and in my machine. Machine wouldn't work. I called over Bad Breath Boss and told him what happened and he asks me "Why did you put dirt in the machine?" :thinking:
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The Worst Boss

Post by CheshireCat »

RedGlitter wrote: Hair salon: Boss didn't like the way I cut hair. Put me on "probation." I was cutting a blond kid and that's hard hair to cut as it must be blended real well or it looks choppy. Boss flicked kid's hair and yelled "That looks like ****!" I could have died. He canned me not long after.

Boiler room: my fiance had just dumped me and my sales were off. Boss called me into his office to tell me I'd be fine, that I "just needed to get laid." I thanked him for his concern. :thinking:

Hallmark: Boss had coworker tell me I was using too much toilet paper. Seriously.

I tripped over a stack of long giftwrap tubes that were placed haphazardly in the closet that served as our breakroom, coming down onto the concrete floor on one knee. Hurt like nothing I'd ever felt before, so much I couldn't even cuss which is a lot for me. ;) Knee blew up to grapefruit size, I went to doctor. Boss called me that night to ask me how I was (aka: did I file workmen's comp, I bet) and to tell me I needed to be more careful. I said "No Mark, you need to clean up your store."

Coyote Gift (same boss): I worked my butt off at this store and it seemed every time boss came in he caught me sitting down. Never mind I had just put up three shelves of crap, I was "sitting down on the job." Like my elderly coworker said "I had underwear older than him."

There were many jerks in between those but those are the standouts.

Forgot one.

Payless Drug: Boss was a Mexican dude who spoke little English and ate blood sausage. He had the vilest breath ever. A supervisor stuck a tomato plant on top of my cash register and walked off. Hey she was the supervisor, I let the plant stay. Well the plant fell over and got dirt all over and in my machine. Machine wouldn't work. I called over Bad Breath Boss and told him what happened and he asks me "Why did you put dirt in the machine?" :thinking:

Idiots, all idiots! Hey, you could have gotten that one guy an sexual harassment, if that's not, I don't know what is! :o
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The Worst Boss

Post by Rapunzel »

In my first job I started off with a great boss, but after a while they had a big office reshuffle and I ended up with a boss I hated. He found out I'd learnt to speak German at school and he used to swear at me in German because he knew I understood him and no one else could, so he could get away with it.

I also worked as a live in nanny in people's houses in various countries. The worst was for some very rich americans. (Some of the best people I've worked for were americans also!) Anyway, there was a water shortage on and even though I did the family's laundry and cleaning and watered their garden illegally, I was only allowed a 2 minute shower per day and told not to waste their water! There was also no lock on the bathroom door and the husband used to "accidentally" walk in when I was in there!
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The Worst Boss

Post by puppgirl »

i had a boss who i hated at this job i work at now i work at costco and igive out the free food samples the first day he was VERY nice to me cuz i sold out my product but then after awhile i started asking to change my shift just ONCE A MONTH to first shift which ended an hr earlier he wouldn't take it and then i asked him to cookl which at costco cooking is just reheating food he wouldn't let me cook b/c he said i was either "too slow" or "i'd blow up the place" and i'd alos asked him if i could be breaker meaning less hrs yes but i wouldn't be standing in one spot for 6 hrs giving out the same crap he wouldn't let me do that cuz i could't cook he discriminated against me and favered his own race what alos pissed meoff is he'd usually call me in the mornings and "cancel" my demos but all is good now he got fired 2 1/2 yrs ago cuz of me and other pple and b/c he didn't pick up the phone whenever his boss called and he left work early to work somewhere else and now i have boss who i LOVE but she's leaving soon :( i'm a breaker now :D and i can cook :D cuz when she came to our store i told her first thing i said was "i can cook i don't care what the others say and i can give you proof" i had foods calss in HS for 2 yrs and i'm ITALIAN!!! we're practically born with wooden spoons in our hand lol
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The Worst Boss

Post by jana fraser »

We have all had some lousy ones from reading this, how horrible we try to make a living and a few dollars and have to put up with such crap.

I started teaching just a few years ago and aside from one principal who did nothing as she neared retirement, the other one I have had has been good.

Prior to that, some real dough heads.

One manager was having an affair with one of my colleauges and did the old double standard thing. We collectively got sh*t all the time for being late, for sloppy work, for talking too much on the phone...while she pranced in late EVERY single day, while she spent 1/2 the day in the office , sometimes with the door closed & spent the other half doing email. But as a group we all got crapped on, he was blinded by her baby blues I guess. She ended up leaving the company with no notice, he sulked for weeks with his office door closed and was even more ineffective then. Having affairs with your boss, huge no no.

One of my first managers used to come on to me and everything else in a skirt I bet. He was over twice my age, was rich but certainly not because he treated his staff well that they were loyal to him. The only thing that saw more turnovers were apples ) I lasted 9 months. I was 22, working part time while going to university and I'd be working the shift alone and he'd show up. Tell me I smelled nice, be standing one inch away from me and breathing heavy. He was disgusting. His wife had left him for religion he said, she ran off with some evangelist -type preacher. I wanted to say no, she left you because you're a freak. He was supposed to be teaching me the job and all he'd do is pull out profiles of people through a dating service he wanted to meet. He was late forties and advertised that he was 38. Yeah maybe his waist size was. Anyway, I am only ashamed that it took me 9 months of putting up with him, never telling him off and finally getting out of there.
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The Worst Boss

Post by cherandbuster »

SnoozeControl wrote: This sounds terrible, but I'm hoping she'll burst a vein during one of her tirades.:o


Be sure to get us a nice picture of it if it happens :p
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The Worst Boss

Post by CheshireCat »

Pinky wrote: I'd have to say my bosses are really nice, but some of the other people I come into contact with can get very stressed. One in particulaer is Margaret the reprographics lady - she's evil! She's shouted at me in front of the kids several times. Once because I was trying to find them a computer room to type up GCSE coursework, and she threw an absolute wobbly saying I should have pre-booked it, etc. She was that loud even the Head came out of his office to see what was going on!

Nowadays I stop her when she starts to be rude. I just tell her 'Margaret, you're being really rude to me and it's unproffessional. Come and talk to me when you can be civil.' The look on her face when I said it the first time was so funny!

You Rock Pinky!

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The Worst Boss

Post by sunny104 »

Pinky wrote: I used to support a shop that had a foreman that would come out to watch me eat my banana at breaktime.

I used to do that to the music technician at Yarmy college because I knew it made him go all stuttery. Mean aren't I? :D
popsicles have a strange effect on men too....:yh_whistl
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The Worst Boss

Post by minks »

my boss the freak

Once upon a time a decade or so ago I had a very Obsessive Compulsice Anal Boss.

Here are just a smattering of things that irked me about him

he feared germs

-never shook anyones hand

-opened push doors by stretching way up over his head and pushed them from up high

-opened our office door with a wad of paper towel in his hand

-would not order a water cooler because he feared the spout breeded germs

always jumped up and down about 20 times when walking between his office and someone elses said it aided in his digestion.

had to have his in condo portable humidifier water dumped once a day for fear it would break down and water would pour out over his hardwood floor. (he hired someone to do this)

has someone take his car (high end BMW) for a ride daily when out of town for fear of gawd knows what.

Arranges his magazines in date order on a shelf

His obsessiveness overflowed into the office so bad everyone feared doing a bad job. He was unbearable. He was a fake as hell, always came across to clients as the nice guy yet knifed his partner in the back when it came time to split the company 50 50.

I am happy I no longer work there.....:D
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The Worst Boss

Post by allisonthegreat »

I walked out of a job I had from 81' to 96' because of a micro manager. she really was an administrative head. it was rediculous. i stayed out of corporate jobs for almost ten years. i went back in feb 2005 and was fired from that job last May 2006. i have decided at age 52 the corporate world may never be ready for me. and number two i learned if you don't have a boss who likes you. you might as well hang it up. or look for another job. eventually you will be got. just my opinion.
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