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In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:35 pm
by MustangSally
Hello everyone,

I promised Pinky I'd be back. I have been working on Lela's memorial service and some special things to post on the internet for all her friends around the world to have a place to be able to do their own personal memorial in their own way.

It's important to me that all this memorial stuff is perfect - it's the last thing I get to do for her. I have uploaded her music, her actually singing, onto a website along with several pictures of her life - all of them with her big huge bright smile. That girl could light up a room - thank God we're left with her voice.

I want to post the links to the video memorial I did and also the site with her music but it says I have to have 15 posts to post url's. I understand....don't want spam. If someone can assist me, I'll PM them to you and you can add them to this thread.

Once they're here, go as often as you like - listen to her sing to your hearts content - download her music if you wish. It is my gift to you all who loved my sister....I only ask that you remember her.

Some have asked about her service. She did not want a funeral and she didn't want people looking at - she asked to be creamated. Her Memorial will be Sunday at 4pm central time at Arrington Funeral Home in Jackson, TN. Her dear friend John Kilzer, whom you can listen to on the 1st website, is singing one last time for her and a family friend is officiating. We will be using her own voice throughout the service and also that of our granddaddy who passed before her. We are blessed to have both of them recorded before they left us so we always have a part of them. I plan on saying a few words and will also be reading a poem Pinky wrote for her. My boyfriend Erik is doing a pencil portriat of Lela to use at the Memorial and we're using reds, golds, oranges and deep purples as the colors of the flora. There are no 'funeral' flowers. We will scatter her ashes as she asked - to be a part of everything - privately as a family at a later date when we can bring ourselves to do so.

I appreciate all the messages to my parents - they're holding on well enough but I'm afraid that it's when all this is over that it's going to hit them - and everyone for that matter. I still can't believe that I'm even having to do any of this.

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:47 am
by OpenMind
Sally, thank you for sharing this with us. I am still getting over the shock, God knows how it is for you and your family. Your sister was a very special person.

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:09 am
by cherandbuster
Oh MS --

Thank you for everything. Now we will have it to treasure.

And Pinky, I am very moved that you wrote a poem for the service. You, my friend, are an exceptional human being.

As I've said before, when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing, I wil know that CSquared is smiling with me :-4

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:09 am
by chonsigirl
Thank you for sharing the links and the info with us. We were priveleged to have her as a part of our little family here, and the loss for you all must be so difficult during these times. Please remeber we are keeping you all in our prayers.

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:13 am
by cherandbuster
Pinky wrote: Cher, I'll remember that one. Do you mind very much if I pinch your sentiments?

I know Lela wanted to be cremated so she could go back to nature and be part of it, so thinking of her in this way is perfect.:-4

I would be HONORED. Thank you for including my thought.

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:42 am
by RedGlitter
Dear Mustang Sally,

You did a beautiful, beautiful job in your memorial of CC. In all those pictures from babyhood on up, it is so evident how CC's light shone from within. When I saw the photos of her with the cats and dogs, I grinned. That is how I connected with her- over animals. Even before I knew her as little as I did, I knew she was a good person because she loved animals so much. I am stunned by her voice. My gosh, it's so beautiful. Thank you Mustang Sally, for sharing that with us, especially for those of us who never spoke with her in person. Seeing your memorial to her and hearing CC's voice is bittersweet but I am thankful to you as I know the other FGers are and I think you are wonderful to share her with us.

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:28 am
by Nomad
ian wrote: Let me offer you and your family my deepest sympathy..

How unbearably sad this is, i cant believe the effect lela is having on me, i miss her so much, her death seems to be changing me, i've started to question my outlook on life i really wanted to meet her, but in my own ignorance i didn't make time for her, i feel like i missed a great opportunity to improve my life, i feel so ashamed of leaving her here on FG, but i always thought time was on our side,

i wont forget Lela, thank you for the memorial page it's beautifull......

God bless you all my love... ian xx

Consider this an opportunity my friend.

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:52 am
by Uncle Kram
Wow that was a great song and well performed. Reminded me a bit of Amy Grant. Very moving.

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:05 am
by Rapunzel
Cheryl, the music and pictures are absolutely beautiful, you have made a stunning memorial for Lela. You have shown her beauty, inside and out. Thankyou for giving us a share in a Lela we didn't know; we could only see her inner beauty through her writing, but to be able to see and hear her shows us what a truly beautiful person she was.

My thoughts, prayers and love go out to you and all your family at this sad time. I hope you know how glad we are to have been a part of her life and how she has touched us all. I'm glad she was so happy to be a part of us too.

God Bless you all,

All my love,

Melanie. :yh_flower

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:07 am
by cherandbuster
Rapper :-4

That was beautiful :-6

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:55 am
by cars
Yes it's amazing in how just so very a short time, Lela has touched so many hearts here in our Garden. She will be always be remembered & loved. :-4

RIP in Heaven CC, singing, smiling, & laughing with the rest of the angels!

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:14 am
by Shweet tatersalad
I am speechless once again at how amazing She was.Even In spirit she continues too blow me away.I am soooo lucky too have even known someone like her.I was not worthy of such kindness,but One door closes and another one opens.And she taught me that you must go on and do what makes you happy.I want too take this moment too thank those of you here who have Pm's me and showed your support,It's great too a net too fall into.

And MS.bless your soul for letting us share those memory's with you about such a special person.I hope you come laugh with us someday,as your sister did.I can still hear the echos.(((((((((((((:wah: )))))))))))))))

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:34 am
by pina
What can I say, that was so beautiful to watch and she had the voice of an angel it made me cry just to listen to it.

MS thats just the most wonderful way of keeping CC's memory in peoples hearts no one could have done it better. Thank you for sharing it with us.

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:49 am
by Sheryl
in all the photos, her smile struck me the most. A beautiful person with a beautiful soul and voice. i'm sorry for your loss mustang sally, but your family is in my prayers. :yh_hugs

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:59 am
by venus
Mustang, words seem cheap in times like these, but l want in some way to offer yourself and you family and cc's friends my condolence's.

There are people in this world whose light burns brightly and with a radiance that most of us can only hope for, cc was one of those people. Sadly that light has been extingueshed, but l am glad that l got to know her a little, and feel a little of that radiance.

She will ever be etched in my memory grinning as she proudly shpws off her fg t-shirt.

She will never be forgotten and her beautiful voice will live on as many around the world get the pleasure of hearing her sing.

Much love to you all and may the loving happy memories you all hold help ease you in the coming hard times xx

steph xx

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In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:22 pm
by chonsigirl
Oh, such a very beautiful memorial of Lela, a true angel who dwelt among us. It honored her is such a sweet way.

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:53 pm
by Lulu2
I hope it comforts you to see how your sister touched so many people here, with kindness and humor and a generous, sweet nature. The memorial you've created is simply beautiful and fitting. I'm sending you love and a wish that your tears will fade while memories continue to shine.

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:47 pm
by weber

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:39 pm
Beautiful and moving, she had such a lovely voice I could listen to her sing forever. The pictures show what a wonderful family she was blessed with, her smile is ever bright in each one. :-4 I will miss her daily and offer my deepest sympathies to your Family MS your hearts must be broken, they will heal in time. You have such wonderful memories of her to look back on..:yh_flower :yh_flower

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 2:38 pm
by Lulu2
Thinking of Lela and her family this afternoon. I imagine the memorial service is just finishing. We were chattering away here in the Garden and I know she'd've been right in here, adding her good humor and sweet personality to the mix.

XOXO, Lela! :(

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:54 am
by chrisb84uk
Wow I'm speechless.... What horrible, tragic news to hear this is. I only knew Lela for a short time, but she was undoubtedly one of the kindest, funniest and most positive people I have ever had the joy of meeting. Seeing her everyday was a joy, and seeing that wonderful tribute emphasises this so much, as in every picture she is always smiling and looking so upbeat. I can't imagine what her family are going through, and my sincerest thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.

If anyone would be so kind as to PM me if there are anymore threads or details on this, I would be most greatful!

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:35 pm
by MustangSally
Hello all,

I updated the webistes today with new pictures our friend from California brought with her to give to me.

The service was lovely and I think we served Lela well. I read Pinky's poem and told everyone it represented her all her friends from here that loved her and could not be there in person.

Attached files

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:22 am
by chrisb84uk
MustangSally wrote: Hello all,

I updated the webistes today with new pictures our friend from California brought with her to give to me.

The service was lovely and I think we served Lela well. I read Pinky's poem and told everyone it represented her all her friends from here that loved her and could not be there in person.

Thank you for the update, we really appreciate you keeping us up to date on all the events, during what must be such a hard time for you and the family. :) :-4

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:49 am
by Shweet tatersalad
Thank you MS,It was important too me that i knew she was memorialized the way she deserved.

I hope you find solace int he fact that she touched so many before her time came,and that she has forever changed many lives for the better.Give your mom my best and by all means stop in and chat with us form time too time just to let us know every one is doing .

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:04 am
by cherandbuster
Hi Mustang Sally :)

I echo the warm thank-yous from everyone here. It would be our pleasure if you chose to drop in and let us know how your family is doing. We truly care :-4

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:10 am
by zinkyusa
Thanks MS, bless you and your family we miss CC (Lela very much)..

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:37 am
by Lulu2
Echoing everyone elses' thanks....we'd be happy to see you any time you feel like chatting about anything. It's what we do. I hope you're all ok.

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:00 pm
by MustangSally
I'll be around from time to time - maybe more often....

Guppy's become attached to me so I think I'd better come say hello often

In Memory of CheshireCat (Lela)

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 3:25 am
by guppy
MustangSally wrote: I'll be around from time to time - maybe more often....

Guppy's become attached to me so I think I'd better come say hello often