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My Self Determination Program

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:48 am
by Kimber767
I know Marie has told you she works with me, so I thought I would explain the program I am in that allows me to do this. It is called Self Determination.

Self Determination is being able to spend my Medicaid money the way I want to rather than the way someone else tells me to. I was in a day program for 18 years but it wasn't for me. I found out about this project a few years ago when I was involved with AmeriCorps. My service co-ordinator and I formed a circle of support. This is a group of people who believe in my dreams and want to help me achieve them. We put together a plan for a wheelchair accessable van and a personal assistant.

This process took three years, but it was worth it. I was able to hire my own staff which is Marie!:)

Here is what I do with my time. I volunteer every day at the Self Advocacy Office and also do a presentation for children called Making Friends. In this presentation Me and other presenters use dolls who also have disabilities to explain to kids we are alot like them..we have the same interests, hopes dreams and ambitions as they all do. It goes over really well, and the kids usually really like it.

Believe it or not, I never had a wheelchair van of my own before this!! It is awsome, I feel much more independant, because now I can use my power chair when I go out. I used to have to switch to my manual chair and go places in a car!

I have my own personal web page, which tells more about everything I do. Please visit if you would like, and be sure to sign my guest book!!

My Self Determination Program

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:43 am
by Supersilly@rse
Sounds like it's made a positive difference to your life and you're determinted to share this with others. Opening minds!

Good on you!

My Self Determination Program

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:00 pm
by Marie5656
Is this too cool or what??

My Self Determination Program

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:04 pm
by cherandbuster
Hiya K :)

I have an enormous amount of respect for you for *going after* your dreams

I find it inspirational :-6

My Self Determination Program

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:14 am
by Brownley
I just love reading such positive and exciting things happening in peoples lives, especially those with a disability

I worked with people with Intellectual and Physical disabilities for more than 13 years(in New Zealand), it was an honor and a priviledge to be excepted into their families with love and open arms

I ran a vocational daybase for young adults (20-30 ish), all the people I cared for were non verbal, in wheelchairs, and some with behavioural difficulties and the challenges they faced with a smile and determination were truely thrilling to be a part of

I also ran a residential home for 6 young adults for several years

It is a part of my life I will forever be proud of, I have never laughed, cried, hugged, loved and been loved by such an amazing bunch of people, as those I worked with

I wish you all the luck in the world Kimber, congrats on your power chair and wheelchair van! You deserve that and more!

May ALL your dreams come true :yh_hugs

My Self Determination Program

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:41 am
by Kimber767
Hey Brownley:

What you did sounds great! Thanks for sharing. In a few years I hope to be moving into an apartment. An agency here is in process of building a totally accessable apartment building, and I have already applied for an apartment to live in. I am looking forward to it. :-6

My Self Determination Program

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:44 am
by cherandbuster
Brownley wrote: I just love reading such positive and exciting things happening in peoples lives, especially those with a disability

I worked with people with Intellectual and Physical disabilities for more than 13 years(in New Zealand), it was an honor and a priviledge to be excepted into their families with love and open arms

I ran a vocational daybase for young adults (20-30 ish), all the people I cared for were non verbal, in wheelchairs, and some with behavioural difficulties and the challenges they faced with a smile and determination were truely thrilling to be a part of

I also ran a residential home for 6 young adults for several years

It is a part of my life I will forever be proud of, I have never laughed, cried, hugged, loved and been loved by such an amazing bunch of people, as those I worked with

I wish you all the luck in the world Kimber, congrats on your power chair and wheelchair van! You deserve that and more!

May ALL your dreams come true :yh_hugs

Awesome post, Brownley :-4

You know I'm one of your *biggest* fans :)