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'Vaccinate 11-year-olds against sex virus'

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:30 am
by Bill Sikes
From "The Daily Telegraph": ... cancer.xml

"Girls as young as 11 should receive compulsory vaccinations against a sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer, according to an influential medical journal.

The Lancet published an editorial calling for compulsory jabs for 11- and 12-year-olds despite fears that they could encourage under-age sex."

Apparently this is already done in the 'States, in Mitchigan.

"The Lancet said Europe should take its lead from the US state of Michigan, which passed a bill on Sept 21 ruling that all 11 to 12-year-old girls must be immunised."

There are also calls for boys to be immunised too.

'Vaccinate 11-year-olds against sex virus'

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:20 am
by DesignerGal
I COMPLETELY AGREE that this immunization should be given. We are talking about a preventative for CANCER, Cervical CAncer is aweful. You cant have children with this type of cancer. And if the kids are brought up right and have a role model to teach them about sex, we shouldnt worry about this little shot encourageing them. There are far bigger things out there that should scare the begeesus out of kids: like AIDS, ABORTION, etc...

'Vaccinate 11-year-olds against sex virus'

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:29 am
by LilacDragon
Kids get shots all of the time - do I explain to them what they are for? NO.

It is pretty simple as far as my kids are concerned - you can't go to school without this shot. End of discussion.

If the administration of a shot makes your 12 year old daughter think that she is now free to go out and have sex then your family has some issues that really should be addressed.

My oldest daughter started carrying condoms in her purse when she started dating. I bought them for her. She didn't use them before she left for college. I explained to her when I gave them to her that I didn't approve of her having sex at 16 but if it was something she felt she had to do I wanted her to be somewhat protected from any diseases that might kill her.

'Vaccinate 11-year-olds against sex virus'

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:12 am
by koan
Vaccinations are generally a good thing. Don't know about England but there are a few people in Canada that don't vaccinate their kids at all. They have some problems with the school system but it is usually the same people who opt to homeschool. I don't see how a vaccination can be compulsory when the others aren't but this one sounds like it should be included in the ones offered for those who immunize.

'Vaccinate 11-year-olds against sex virus'

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:31 am
This is one Vaccination that just might save their life. I don't know how you is the cut off age but every female below the age of 65 should get the Vaccination in my opioion.:cool:

Now we need a Vaccintion for Breast Cancer..

'Vaccinate 11-year-olds against sex virus'

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:00 am
by Lizard Lips
In my profession, I give immunizations to kids every day. We are very excited about the immunization to prevent HPV in girls & possibly in the future, for boys too.

Yes, we have people in the U.S. who refuse to immunize their kids.

'Vaccinate 11-year-olds against sex virus'

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:25 am
by Lulu2
Vaccinations are compulsory here in California, and this is just another one. With the influx of illegal immigrants, we've seen a rise in childhood diseases, adult diseases such as tb and STDs, too. Vaccinations save lives.

I realize there are religious objections from a few, but if everyone else is vaccinated, it's a LOT safer!

How lucky we are to have this new vaccine! And how petty and short-sighted are those who would deny it to young women on a "morals" clause!

'Vaccinate 11-year-olds against sex virus'

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:31 am
by koan
It's not always a religious objection. Some kids have died after routine vaccinations. It was a natural health movement.

'Vaccinate 11-year-olds against sex virus'

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:32 am
by weber
It might be a good idea to vaccinate them against sex instead of sex virus.

'Vaccinate 11-year-olds against sex virus'

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:41 am
by LilacDragon
Some kids have died after routine vaccinations.

Some kids have died crossing the street. Yet we still drive cars.

There are a million and one way that a child can die every single day of the week. As a society we need to stop living our lives in fear of what "could be".

I have a daughter that won't put bird seed in a bird feeder because she is afraid she might get bird flu for goodness sake!!

'Vaccinate 11-year-olds against sex virus'

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:57 am
by cherandbuster
LilacDragon wrote: Kids get shots all of the time - do I explain to them what they are for? NO.

It is pretty simple as far as my kids are concerned - you can't go to school without this shot. End of discussion.

If the administration of a shot makes your 12 year old daughter think that she is now free to go out and have sex then your family has some issues that really should be addressed.

My oldest daughter started carrying condoms in her purse when she started dating. I bought them for her. She didn't use them before she left for college. I explained to her when I gave them to her that I didn't approve of her having sex at 16 but if it was something she felt she had to do I wanted her to be somewhat protected from any diseases that might kill her.

I like the way you think :-6

'Vaccinate 11-year-olds against sex virus'

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:56 am
by Squid
I think this vaccine is great. They offer it in Sweden as well.

I just wish it'd been available before I became sexually active.