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I was just about to call you

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:03 pm
by koan
Most people experience this at least once. You start thinking of a friend and they phone you. Also, you start humming a song, turn on the radio and it starts playing. What other strange but common phenomenon can you think of. Maybe they are not all that common. What "coincidences" have made you say hmmmm?

I was just about to call you

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 1:50 am
by Suresh Gupta
koan wrote: Most people experience this at least once. You start thinking of a friend and they phone you. Also, you start humming a song, turn on the radio and it starts playing. What other strange but common phenomenon can you think of. Maybe they are not all that common. What "coincidences" have made you say hmmmm?
You are thinking of someone or talking about someone with your friends and suddenly that someone phones you or come in person. In such situations, we say that someone will live for 100 years.

I was just about to call you

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 3:43 am
by persephone
I answer my mum before she gets to verbally call me and I'll also phone her and ask her what and who she's talking about me too, while she's in the process of talking about me... She lives 120 miles away now and I still do it.

I was just about to call you

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 7:24 am
by Paula
My husband and I are the same, when i think of him--he calls me, or when we are together i will speak out the same thought as he has? It is like a normal thing for us, every few hours of the day we call each-other or think about each-other at the same time...we have been together for a long time, we are very close...

I was just about to call you

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 10:02 am
by koan
letha wrote: I answer my mum before she gets to verbally call me and I'll also phone her and ask her what and who she's talking about me too, while she's in the process of talking about me... She lives 120 miles away now and I still do it.

You and your mother are very connected. I think this has come up before, as well as you being in the mother role in a number of ways. Usually its the mum who knows what the child is up to. Does this annoy her or does she think its funny?

I was just about to call you

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 8:24 pm
by persephone
koan wrote: You and your mother are very connected. I think this has come up before, as well as you being in the mother role in a number of ways. Usually its the mum who knows what the child is up to. Does this annoy her or does she think its funny?
She gets a little annoyed when I answer her but thinks the phone calls are funny, the person who she's talking to never believes her though.

I do the same with the b/f, I've often thought about him just before he calls or he'll answer the phone when I call him saying how strange it is as he was about to call me.

Something a little of topic, mum gave me her wedding and engagement rings today... I've had to put them away in a box as when I went to put them on, an immense feeling of unhappiness came over me... I didn't feel it until they were on my finger though and it was a very heavy feeling, and I am certain it wasn't mine.

I was just about to call you

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 10:57 pm
by koan
Stick a really nice clear quartz crystal in the box with the rings. They don't cost that much. If you want to speed it along, say "all that is not wanted be gone" before you close the lid. Let them cleanse for a while and try them on again in about a week. Five days will probably do it but give it a week for good measure. If that doesn't work, give it a day for each year of the marriage.

I was just about to call you

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 4:36 am
by greydeadhead
Hey Koan...

With me it always seems to be music. Be sitting there thinking of a particular song, jump in the truck and there it is. And it always seems to be when I take off in the truck. I have experienced several strong "deja vu" experiences also.. Usually I just chalk them up to kharma.. anyway.. have a great day and be well...

I was just about to call you

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 8:49 am
by koan
I was going to mention deja vu in the opening but thought I'd wait and see if anyone else brought it up. Deja vu is so amazing because it is a universal experience of an altered state that seems to feel the same to everyone when it happens. I remember as a child living in a kind of deja vu state and every once in a while it would go away, leaving me terrified and disconnected feeling. Now I just live in the disconnected state and revisit deja vu every so often. To me it has definate psychic connections. I decided that it is probably a sign that you are in the right place at the right time doing what you are supposed to be doing. What do Atheists think about Deja vu? Does anyone else have a theory on what this is about?

I was just about to call you

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:37 pm
by persephone
I agree with you Koan about it having psychic connections, and the childhood thing, as we grow up deja vu happens less and less.

Have to admit when it happens now I wonder if it's just imagination.

And thanks for the advice Koan :-6

I was just about to call you

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 4:32 pm
by capt_buzzard
That happens to me all the time. Even when I'm just going to say something round our home, my wife says it.