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Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:34 am
by BabyRider
How many times do I have to offer my spare room to you guys before I'm getting a knock on my door????:-3 :D

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:46 am
by Rapunzel
Pinky;492008 wrote: It's just so bloody cold in here!

I always forget how bad it gets, as it's quite nice during spring, summer and even autumn is ok. Even sitting here like I am with two pairs of socks on, a tshirt and two jumpers, I still can't get warm:rolleyes:

Wood and coal cost us a fortune, so I really REALLY want to move before next year. Plus everything is falling to bits - there's damp everywhere and the window lintels are crumbling upstairs, but the landlords won't do anything about it...typical eh?

OMG I SOOO know where you're coming from!

Our house is also freezimg and damp! Every outside wall has damp and mould spots on! The windows and window sills are covered in mildew!

The house was built in 1938 and the landlord bought it then and has rented it out ever since - but does NO work on it! he put double-glazing in the back of the house about 6 years ago and promised to put it in the front of the house a year later! he finally did it last year! But there are huge cracks under the window sills letting in damp and draughts and spiders! Yuck!

There seem to be so many laws for landlords allowing them to demand this or that - but nothing for a tenant to demand warmth or even security sometimes!

My house is still cold - even with the cheap double-glazing. My daughters bedroom is painted pink and lilac, but the mould remover has removed some of the colour so she has blue streaks all over her wall and around the window! The bathroom ceiling is always mouldy and disgusting, doesn't matter how often you clean it!

I also really REALLY want to move before next year! Blooming landlords! Huh!

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:04 am
by Bez
Oh I really feel for you guys and I hope you get your wish of a move before next winter.

It's really cold in my rented flat as well. It's not damp though. There is Night storage heating that keeps the temperature above 'freezing' but it's cold at night. I wear extra jumpers and a fleece jacket to bed + a hot water bottle .

At the weekend, I had 2 extra heaters going but one blew a fuse......cannot wait to move where there is Gas Central heating.

Big warm :yh_hugs hugs coming your way ...

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:11 am
by BabyRider
Pinky;492052 wrote: Oh bless ya...don't think I'm not thinking about it!

I'd want to do things properly this time though, sorting out work permits etc, as last time I moved country I got deported for working illegally while my d1ck of a boss was supposed to be arranging a permit for me!
Yeah, and I have a job for you, too! What does the Hubby do? I could probably hook him up too, but YOU'RE a done deal! Soon as you're ready, drop me a note. I need 1 day's notice. :-6

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:13 am
by BabyRider
Bez;492115 wrote: Oh I really feel for you guys and I hope you get your wish of a move before next winter.

It's really cold in my rented flat as well. It's not damp though. There is Night storage heating that keeps the temperature above 'freezing' but it's cold at night. I wear extra jumpers and a fleece jacket to bed + a hot water bottle .

At the weekend, I had 2 extra heaters going but one blew a fuse......cannot wait to move where there is Gas Central heating.

Big warm :yh_hugs hugs coming your way ...
Bezzie, I've got an idea for you, too. Next summer when Bullet comes home we are moving to Georgia. (We'll have to buy a big enough house for Pinkster and hubby, :) ) but you're in too!! We'll have some decent sized property so all can join us!! :yh_bigsmi

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:16 am
by Hugh Janus
Well about three weeks ago I finished installing "The Beast." It's output is in the region of 14kw. We leave all the downstairs doors open and it warms the whole house. (large 3 bed victorian detached) It's the best thing we have ever done.

Wood is free, providing you have a 4wd and a chainsaw, and know where the trees grow.....:wah:

And, yes. It will fry an egg. See the pic.

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:25 am
by Bez
BabyRider;492120 wrote: Bezzie, I've got an idea for you, too. Next summer when Bullet comes home we are moving to Georgia. (We'll have to buy a big enough house for Pinkster and hubby, :) ) but you're in too!! We'll have some decent sized property so all can join us!! :yh_bigsmi


Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:50 am
by Patsy Warnick

Love it - I grew up with a coal furnace, Now the only heat source is my fireplace or kitchen oven.. @25 degrees this morn.


Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:21 am
by chrisb84uk
It's been so cold lately that my goosepimples have goosepimples hahaha. And do you know how hard it is to type on this tiny keyboard with huge gloves on, near impossible I tell you! And don't get me started on the fog!

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:29 am
by chrisb84uk
Pinky;492185 wrote: Ah, you have fog too!!! It's a pea souper out here, it has been all day!

I wonder if there's a blanket of the stuff right over the UK?

Oh we have fog alright, you can hardly see next door, let alone trying to look down the road. I feel really sorry for anyone who is out driving in this, especially on country roads, must be a real nightmare!! Doesn't seem like it is going to go away anytime soon either.

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:31 am
by Rapunzel
Pinky;492185 wrote: Ah, you have fog too!!! It's a pea souper out here, it has been all day!

I wonder if there's a blanket of the stuff right over the UK?

If there is I think its moving. We've had pea-soup fog for 3 days but today was a nice sunny spring-like day! :-6

Group hug for all us chilly penguins! Tis the season to be freezin'! :wah:

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:33 am
by chrisb84uk
Rapunzel;492191 wrote: If there is I think its moving. We've had pea-soup fog for 3 days but today was a nice sunny spring-like day! :-6

Group hug for all us chilly penguins! Tis the season to be freezin'! :wah:

In that case the fog must be heading over our neck of the woods, because the forecast is fog over the next 24 hours at least. Group hug sounds good though!! :)

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:34 am
by chrisb84uk
Pinky;492192 wrote: I'm off out to my friend's later, from one foggy place in the middle of nowhere to another...luckily I'm used to it! At least it will be warm round hers!

Well make sure you take care, I know that drivers can be really reckless in the fog!!

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:46 am
by Uncle Kram
Pinky's got Georgia on her mind :D

Leaving work in ¼ hour. Should be interesting as visibility at home is down to a few yards. Nice. :rolleyes:

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:51 am
by sunny104
this thread is making me feel colder than I already am! :D

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:43 am
by gmc
I'm spending christmas and new year in a caravan. Hillwalking and such. Small van BIG heater thermal underwear. No phone no computer no TV.

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:55 am
by chrisb84uk
gmc;492248 wrote: I'm spending christmas and new year in a caravan. Hillwalking and such. Small van BIG heater thermal underwear. No phone no computer no TV.

Wow now that takes guts, don't think you would find many people doing that for Christmas! Is this on your own, or with family?

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:32 pm
by Bez
It's cold outside....and foggy....but I turned the heating up high and it's quite cosy at the moment.....sod the expense.

I've had crumpets for tea.....with marmite...yum !!!!

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:46 pm
by BabyRider
Pinky;492129 wrote: OMG!!! Br, that would be so fantastic! Nice and warm in Georgia, huh?:-6
Think 3 words: YEAR LONG RIDING!!!! OH YEAH!!!!

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:49 pm
by Bez
Clancy;492320 wrote: Some people will do anything to get out of buying Christmas presents....

.....miserable 'ol git.

You said it.....guess a few 'hot toddies' will warm him up.

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:04 pm
by chrisb84uk
Hahaha are those stain glass windows!! GMC must have some luxury caravan if that's the case!! :D

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:09 pm
by chrisb84uk
Clancy;492368 wrote: No chris. What your looking at is, gmc peeking into someones else's caravan

........he was getting a heat from their window :)


:yh_rotfl Ah that explains it then hahaha!!!

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:13 pm
by AussiePam
I've got a very big sunny back yard !!

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:15 pm
by chrisb84uk
AussiePam;492372 wrote: I've got a very big sunny back yard !!

Rub it in some more why don't you!! :p I can't remember the last time I saw the sun, I hope he comes back soon, seeing grey skies every morning is getting sad.

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:21 pm
by AussiePam

We were going to have 40 degrees for Christmas Day, of our degrees I mean... way over the century. But the forecast now say mid seventies.. Perfect.

And we can play cricket.

If we just had some rain, and no bushfires .......................

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:16 am
by HelenA
Pinky;492129 wrote: OMG!!! Br, that would be so fantastic! Nice and warm in Georgia, huh?:-6

Hugh's pic makes me fancy fried egg on fact that's what I'm going to have for dinner seeing as only I'm here at the mo.

Thanks for the warm hugs Bezzy, and Rapz, it's crazy how we put up with this stuff really isn't it? No chance of us getting double glazing!
Oh I know where you're all coming from! I moved into my own place in the summer - brand new, just built - and the heating is sooo good, I've been really impressed I can control the temperature in the sitting room or my bedroom, it's brill, but before that lived in a rented studio flat, and the storage heating was not effective - I had to buy a separate oil radiator and huddle next to that! I hope you all get some heat soon - they're saying we're in for a really cold snap - minus 12!!!!!

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:34 am
by Bez
HelenA;507931 wrote: Oh I know where you're all coming from! I moved into my own place in the summer - brand new, just built - and the heating is sooo good, I've been really impressed I can control the temperature in the sitting room or my bedroom, it's brill, but before that lived in a rented studio flat, and the storage heating was not effective - I had to buy a separate oil radiator and huddle next to that! I hope you all get some heat soon - they're saying we're in for a really cold snap - minus 12!!!!!

Same for me....rented flat....nice but cold. Storage heaters just don't seem to 'cut it' specially in the evening. When I go to bed I have to wear a fleece jacket.

The flat I'm hoping to buy is not so nice but has gas central heating and felt cosy when I went to view.

Minus 12 !!!! :eek: scary thought !

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:13 am
by buttercup
Pinky;492008 wrote: It's just so bloody cold in here!

I always forget how bad it gets, as it's quite nice during spring, summer and even autumn is ok. Even sitting here like I am with two pairs of socks on, a tshirt and two jumpers, I still can't get warm:rolleyes:

Wood and coal cost us a fortune, so I really REALLY want to move before next year. Plus everything is falling to bits - there's damp everywhere and the window lintels are crumbling upstairs, but the landlords won't do anything about it...typical eh?

Have you noticed all the recent advertizing for New zealand? I had a kiwi girl in the salon just before xmas over visiting her grandma & she was telling me that she just bought a 2 bedroom house in the south island for 10,000 :eek:

Given that small business premises would cost about the same its worth looking at hun :-6

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 7:34 am
by Accountable
In the meantime, what you need is a tanzen. It's a Japanese quilted robe. Imagine a down comforter with sleeves. Mmmmmmmm!

Don't want to still be in this house next winter

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 8:33 am
by Accountable
Pinky;508013 wrote: That looks nice and cosy!
Oh it is! Now combine that with a kotatsu, a table with an electric heater attached underneath,

And you can withstand the worst winters.