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Finding Our Children Under Stress (f.o.c.u.s.)

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:12 pm
by teramiabullfrog
another missing children issue has come to the attention of the F.O.C.U.S. Org. Board of Directors is the need to standardize the updating of missing person notices/flyers. currently the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) stamp all flyer s "Recovered" whether or not the missing person was found alive or their remains were found. after talking to tens of thousands of people at County Fairs, over the past twelve years, everyone agrees the update after finding a missing person should be standardized to coincide with the terminology used in search and rescue work after a disaster: when stamped "LOCATED" it should mean the missing person was found alive. when stamped "RECOVERED" it should mean the missing person's remains were found. we've found people appreciate knowing the result of some of these missing person cases. F.O.C.U.S. Org. has been updating the missing person notices we distribute, post, and display using the "Located", "Recovered" description for years. we update our flyers at least every six months.

With all the media coverage involved with catastrophic disasters over the past several years, one thing becomes very clear: every inch of available space in the disaster area has missing person flyers posted. missing persons is a very critical result of a catastrophic disaster, and their families become very visible victims of a catastrophic disaster. before the earthquakes, the resulting tsunami, the hurricanes, etc. we had over 100,000 missing persons reported and recorded in the NCIC; therefore, over four million relatives of a missing person living in this country - over four million victims of a catastrophic disaster.

It's about time the U.S. government did something about managing the national programs, they created to help find and prevent missing children, so they function at the level of efficiency they are suppose to. Jennifer's Law and the Child Alert Program are two fed managed help find missing children "tools" that need to be upgraded so they operate at the efficiency level they were originally intended. if the Child Alert Program is operated at the efficiency level it's suppose to, the Amber Alert would become much more effective.