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being neither hear not there

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:08 pm
by hoxtonchris
my problem is my grandmother felt she had to deny her jewishness,she married a gentile,was frowned at mercilessly,hounded by mosleys blackshirtsd in londons east end ,she then denied any connection to being a jewess,of course we knew different but i always felt denied,ime in my middle years but want to feel fully a jew.what can i do?

being neither hear not there

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:11 pm
by Bez
hoxtonchris;506498 wrote: my problem is my grandmother felt she had to deny her jewishness,she married a gentile,was frowned at mercilessly,hounded by mosleys blackshirtsd in londons east end ,she then denied any connection to being a jewess,of course we knew different but i always felt denied,ime in my middle years but want to feel fully a jew.what can i do?

Have you got a Rabbi locally that you can go and talk to ?

being neither hear not there

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:13 pm
by buttercup
Move to the north east or highlands of Scotland, we dont mind what religion or colour people are, pretty laid back up here but it is very cold, bring lots of jumpers ;)

being neither hear not there

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:15 pm
by hoxtonchris
its not the people around me giving me problems ,its worrying that i may not be accepted as a bonafide jewish person.

being neither hear not there

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:21 pm
by Shimon
hoxtonchris;506498 wrote: my problem is my grandmother felt she had to deny her jewishness,she married a gentile,was frowned at mercilessly,hounded by mosleys blackshirtsd in londons east end ,she then denied any connection to being a jewess,of course we knew different but i always felt denied,ime in my middle years but want to feel fully a jew.what can i do?

read Talmud (Sanhedrin 44a), If your mother and father are Jewish, your a Jew.

It does not matter what your grandmother did or did not do.She can deny all she wants the same Halachah is for all Jews