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geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:19 am
by kashif
aslamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatahu

please find attached something i have been working on, and something that inshallah will bring to light some of the problems we face and how we to provide a solution to them. Personally I am journeying on a path to reach spiritual enlightenment, this is something i have found on the way.

thank you for your time, and pray that this may be the start of a change, through knowing rather than ignoring.

wa salaam

Attached files the two sides.doc (30 KB) 

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:22 am
by koan
How do you know them to be opposites?

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:23 am
by spot
Wa'alaikum assalam, kashif.

Several of your contrasts are indeed opposites, yes.

Perhaps Kafir should be contrasted with monotheists in general, I can see no reason for excluding Dhimmi. If you mean "Muslim apostates" by the word then it makes sense and I apologise, but there seem to be several alternative uses of Kafir.

Contrasting America with Islam ignores the fact that around three million American citizens are Muslim. Perhaps Islam would contrast more effectively with Error? There are so many gray areas that I don't think you can get more focused than that.

Since four of the Prophets were Jewish I'm not convinced by that contrast either.

I fear there have been far too many devout Islamic slave-masters in history, surely they were also themselves slaves of Allah?

Your use of Dua has me puzzled too, unless you mean Money in a very metaphorical sense. That's a strained connection.

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:20 am
by kashif
salaam alaikum,

Thank you for your reply, it has open my mind to your criticism, how can i explain some of the choices, the one i must admit is an error is the one which you correctly pointed out that they were devout Muslim slave masters too, this I only became aware of yesterday where i read in the Quran something concerning the freeing of slaves when one has done wrong, therefore i cannot really apply that term to anyone as slavery was apparent at the time that the Holy Quran was revealed.

When i said America was the antithesis to Islam, i thought more of the establishment than the people, and the way it works in manipulating or effecting the populace or the world, in that it has created an identity and image which may not really be apparent or reflective in the whole of society, but is shown by the establishment and its history and development and its relation to Islam. And it was more a chain of thought, leading from the previous ones, but i guess it leads to confusion, i tried to create an image of the two sides by using my own perception of them to decide what determined them.

I'm not sure if i ever heard of the four prophets that were Jewish, from what i have read and believe is that the word Muslim in arabic, means one who submits to the will of Allah/God, i thought that was how we differentiated between them, and in the Quran it says that they were Muslims.

It all varies on how people view it, but you are right in that it should not be seen with any real value, it is just my own tainted view of the world, from where i stand

salaam alaik

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:59 am
by spot
The Qur'an says of Abraham that he was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but instead he was an upright man who submitted to God's will and was not one of the polytheists. I don't think any Jew or Christian would disagree with those words. Jews count Abraham as their ancestor just as the Arabs do. A similar case could be made for Noah.

Moses would be described by both Jews and Christians as a Hebrew.

By the time of Jesus the description Jew is applicable. He was certainly an upright man and a prophet. He would have called himself a Jew. All four of these prophets are prominent in Jewish history, it seems reasonable to describe them as Jewish when speaking loosely.

I hope you would like to continue posting here, it is interesting to have many perspectives in a conversation.

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:06 pm
by spot
As an additional thought, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus were none of them Christians.

The difficulty in language is that Muslim is used in two senses, it means an upright man and it also means an adherent of the Islamic faith. All four of these prophets were muslim in the first sense, of course. I do not think one can back-date the Islamic revelation so easily. One can say that had they known the Islamic revelation they might have recognised its truth, but that is a different matter to saying that they were Muslims in the sense of adherents to that revelation.

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:51 am
by kashif
besm Allah alRahman alRaheem

Sorry for my delayed response.

I would agree, the Quran does say that Abraham, pbuh, was neither a Jew or a Christian, it says of him he was a 'hanifan muslima'- hanifa meant those who rejected all other religions but worshipped only one God, the hunafa were people before the revelations of the Quran who believed in Allah, swt and those who followed Abraham, and Muslim means one who submit to the will of Allah, swt. I can understand why you would describe them loosely as Jewish, but it isn't correct. The followers of Abraham, were called hunafa.

The reason why there was no further guidance for the people pre the ministry of the Prophet Muhammad, is because the people chose to wrangle, and therefore Allah,swt, left them to wrangle. That is what the Quran states.

But to return to topic the true antithesis of Kafir, which means disbeliever and those who reject faith, would be Mu'min, which means believer, or one who accepts faith. However i chose Muslim, which really means those who submit to the will of Allah. as the antithesis, because, Kafir loosely applies to non-Muslim people, and Muslim is usually applied to the adherants of the Islamic faith. But there were Muslim before the perfection of din al Islam by Allah,swt, to the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh. This is mentioned in the Quran, where the disciple of Jesus, pbuh, say we submit to the will of Allah, swt, and declare they are Muslims.

The perfection of religion was favoured upon the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, this perfection of religion will sometimes be challenged or even attempted to be destroyed, but it will spring forth from other places if it has been destroyed elsewhere, it cannot be totally destroyed, therefore it is not really the right course of action to attempt to destroy din al Islam. However there has been those who attest that they haven't found the meaning to life to continue to ignore and to not recognise Islam, because they cannot see beyond their own wrangling. Sometimes the revival of din al islam occurs if Allah wills, but only through the Quran because the Quran is the criterion that gives meaning and purpose to ones life, and the perfection of din is only realised through the Quran, but there are some 'against whom error is due' (the Quran, 16:36)

However as Muslims, all Praise is due to Allah, we praise Him, and seek His help and forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah, Most High, from the evils of our own selves and from our wicked deeds.

[23.97] And say: O my Lord! I seek refuge in Thee from the evil suggestions of the Shaitans;

[23.98] And I seek refuge in Thee! O my Lord! from their presence.

To continue and conclude those two sides:

the accursed------------------------------------------------- the blessed

leads to Hell-----------------------------------------------------leads to Heaven

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 7:11 am
by kashif
besm Allah alRahman alRaheem

Another antithesis I would consider, which i have again sort to test and exchange with you, and that is wahhabism or salafism is the antithesis of sufism.

Let me explain my reason, there are those who think that these two distinct groups in Islam, need to come to some sort of moderate way. However they are on contrasting positions of Islam.

I would put wahhabism or salafism on the newer or modern thinking whereas Sufism, and tasawuf, have their ways embedded in age old traditions. There is a book which can verify that in the time of the Prophets sent to the Children of Israel, Sufis were then called prophets, but after the last messenger Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, the door of prophet hood closed but one of friendship or sainthood was open. This book which somehow explains more deeply what tassawuf is and where sufism originates, is the The Articles of the Bishop of Uramiah. People mainly consider Sufism as an Islamic group, but this book shows that the mystery of Sufism lies in Judaic times. For that reason I would be inclined and find that Sufism is right.

Another reason why these two groups are in contrast to each other, is because the newer and more modern group the Salefis or Wahabbis accuses the other of being mushrik, polytheist, and therefore has taken up the sword against the other group. This is therefore arguably seen as those who resort to violence, the group Salafism has now become so disillusioned, in that these people rather than say they are the slaves of Allah, swt, say they are the soldiers of Allah,swt. This you can see evidently by men sporting "SOLDIER OF ALLAH" on their hoodies. Their ways of dealing with people is by way of aggression than by compassion or humility. The wahhabis and the salefis when they began, they resorted to violence, they spilt the blood of men, who were in the sacred places of Mecca and Medina, and destroyed the graves and tombs of previous Muslim people in Arabia, this they called the purification of the din. First they chose to wrangle with people, but then they took the step of taking up the sword against Muslims, but this they justified by calling them mushrik, polytheist. To allow them a term of reproach it would be to tell them that, "anger is from Shaytaan", and that's not from me but the Rasoolallah salalaho alaihi wa salam.

To this day the violence in Arabia has not subsided, they have chosen an extremity and therefore bring about disillusionment.

There is always light to be found in the way and life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. This should bring a bit more clarity of what is the correct way to bring a comprehensive conclusion. During the latter parts of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, when the Muslim were refused access into the sacred city of Mecca to perform Umra, by the obvious, self-proclaimed and blatant polytheist of the city.

But before I continue, shouldn’t that point to you what polytheist are like how then can they call people who do not profess polytheism who have known themselves as Muslims who have bore witness that there is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, therefore be called polytheist.

Let me return to an event which should clarify things, the Muslims were outside of Mecca the truth is the Rasoolallah, peace be upon him, did not resort to violence, even when his close companion Hazrat Umar, ra, asked the Prophet, pbuh: "Are you truly a Rusoolallah?" to which the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, said he was. Then Umar, who was known to be very angry type and one who was strict in discipline, said let's killl the mushriks and take Mecca by force, i.e. resort to violence. The Prophet Muhammad, refused and instead chose to sign the Treaty of Udaybaya with the Meccans, then the Treaty was broken by the polytheist in Mecca, and the Rasoolallah returned to Mecca with 10,000 men and a sight that the Meccans had never beheld before, when lights around the city lit up at night. Then the Rasoolallah, entered Mecca, saying he would show to the people there the same clemency as the Prophet Joseph, pbuh, showed his brothers. This was when the biblical prophecy came true concerning the 'House of My Glory' (i.e Allah's Glory) which was cleansed of the idols within the Ka'aba and no blood was shed. Only for Wahhabis in the 18th century to claim that Muslims had become polytheistic and that the people were ignorant, and began killing the Muslim people. This disease, which has poisoned the heart of Islam, is evidently the work and trickery of Shaytaan, and some say it was under the tutelage of the British spies that sought to destroy Islam, that Wahhabism began. To this day the Wahhabis have resorted to violence, people like Osama Bin Laden, of the Saudi family, is their leader. But so many innocent people have been killed because the West ultimately wants to taint or ruin the light of Islam, rather than see it apparent, and only the West wants to show the incompatibility, and the darkness that Wahhabism has caused Islam. Three hadiths, traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to end with.

"A Muslim is he from whose hand and tongue the Muslims are safe"

'I do not fear polytheism for my Umma, but fear materialism will consume them'

'the pen is mightier than the sword'

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:08 am
by kashif
bismillah harrahman niraheem

The British are the type of people who would fight over a very small thing, but when a big thing happens they ignore it. These people care more about my mental health, but the millions of people living in complete despair seeing their children starve, seeing themselves unable to bring in the necessary things in life, that is IGNORED, but they are too well keen to be aware of my mental health. Now they would say look how sane and normal he is at this moment, and guess what the tragedy is, it is because the medication's working, but when look, look he's not too well, it is because the medication is not working. So whether the sun is shining or it is pouring with rain, doesn't make a difference.

Now look at what human intervention and human touch achieves, more problems and an increase in manifold trouble. It's like they try rectify a really, really small problem but somehow bring about the destruction of millions of other things and cause of many problems.

I will not give an answer why this happens yet.

For example, the pharmacuetical companies, do they believe in God, or do they prefer to believe in science, because pharmacists and scientists, use created beings for laboratory tests, they are put under controlled experience where they are undergone various tests. From my perspective, they have never understood that the dominion of heaven and earth , and all that is in between belongs to Allah,swt, and theblessed life on earth, is from Allah,swt.

So to produce one drug to treat the symptoms of a few people, they undergo with their croooked hands the manipulation and the torturing and the testing on God's creatures, by testing synthetic drugs on rats, guinea pigs, monkeys. Just by writing those last three things, provides an argument, ARE PEOPLE-Rats, guinea pigs, monkeys??? That is the unseen question that scientist are asked when they are going about the ignorant ways with these creatures. They are making people out to be rats, monkeys and guinea pigs. Then check the list of the damn side-effects of each drug, and find that they are treating maybe four or five conditions but they can cause some serious side-effects. Are they worth it? The answer is no!

Pain and suffering is a test from Allah, Exalted is He! When you are ill, Allah wants you to rely on Him, but people in this day and age, trust not these words, but when afflicted by some sort of pain or illness, will go straight to the doctors!

the Prophet Muhammad, alaihis salaam, said that illness is from Allah, to test people to bring them closer to Him.

Now my point is, what respect have those creatures in scientific labs had, they are not considered creatures of Allah, Exalted is He! and never is the name of Allah invoked when they are going to do something. These scientist are Haramis, those who do forbidden things or what is haram, they are not even Muslim, they are blatant Kafir. They are of the type who would rather see the death of million things with their chemicals or drugs than see the effect it has by experimenting it on themselves.

Allah, subhana hu wa tala, will not allow any good to come from Kafir because they are accursed, for rejecting faith in Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the earth.

Back to why human touch causes so many more problems than solves, is because people love this world, they love the dunya.

Another example would be what the scientist have done in Africa, they went to cure them of some minor illness which the human body itself could deal with, this lead to the exact opposite it lead to AIDs, which is a virus which attacks the human imune system and has killed many, many people. They trust doctors rather than trust Allah!

The Kafir cannot control life on earth, they cannot control nothing, because YOU CANNOT CONTROL TIME!

there is no power, there is no will except with Allah!

Why are trying to control things on earth O Kafir?

If you wish to solve things then start by saying

bismillah harahman niraheem

in the name of Allah Most Compassionate Most Merciful.

Then may Allah grant you success, because you have recognised Allah, Exalted is He!

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:53 am
by crazygal
The British are the type of people who would fight over a very small thing, but when a big thing happens they ignore it. These people care more about my mental health, but the millions of people living in complete despair seeing their children starve, seeing themselves unable to bring in the necessary things in life, that is IGNORED, but they are too well keen to be aware of my mental health.

Huh, how dare you generalise!

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:52 pm
by spot
crazygal;627922 wrote: Huh, how dare you generalise!It seemed a remarkably accurate reflection, I thought. The fight to reduce legal immigration would be a prime instance of the British caring more for their own comfort than for the survival of outsiders.

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:11 pm
by crazygal
spot;627979 wrote: It seemed a remarkably accurate reflection, I thought. The fight to reduce legal immigration would be a prime instance of the British caring more for their own comfort than for the survival of outsiders.

This is not England anymore, have you seen London recently? I think there are way TOO many let in!

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:20 pm
by spot
crazygal;628001 wrote: This is not England anymore, have you seen London recently? I think there are way TOO many let in!What's your worry? Overcrowding?

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:21 pm
by crazygal
No not at all.

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:22 pm
by spot
crazygal;628014 wrote: No not at all.

Then "a prime instance of the British caring more for their own comfort than for the survival of outsiders" seems a fair assessment.

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:26 pm
by crazygal
Not at all, I just wish there were more English, they all seem to be being forced to move away.

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:52 pm
by spot
crazygal;628023 wrote: Not at all, I just wish there were more English, they all seem to be being forced to move away.

Just be thankful that all the living British expatriates and their families aren't forcibly repatriated here, that's all I can say. For one thing they outnumber all the living immigrants to Britain and their families by a million and a half, for another many of them have terribly outmoded attitudes toward the glorious days of Empire - they'd probably vote the Conservatives into power for the next hundred years.

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:55 pm
by koan
Well, you're getting rid of me for awhile so that should ease the strain. If I find a Brit in Canada when I get there I'll send him back your way. :D

geometrics, how we know things by their opposites

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:59 pm
by spot
You could have stayed if your weren't so damned foreign in your pesky ways. Strange tastes in food, odd ways of dressing, no prudish reticence - and you smile too often.