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The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:44 pm
by koan
He's been rather quite at FG lately but let me assure you, this man is wild and sexy.

G-man plays the dating game.

The game begins when G-man posts his questions.

Comments and curiosities can be posted in the companion thread here.

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:18 pm
by G-man
*adjusts shirt and strolls out onto the stage and sits down * :)

Hi ladies! :D Okay , for my first question... How would you describe the "perfect" man for you and do you believe that that man exists... gleaning from your own experience, would you please explain why you believe that?

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:35 pm
by contestant2
I don't think perfect exists, but at the same time I think everything is perfect... all it takes is the desire to explore and find all the inner secrets. From my own experience the best relationships are between people who excite each other, always keep things new and only try to change themselves.

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:02 pm
by contestant3
let me see....the perfect man for me would be my friend first...and grow from there....

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:11 pm
by contestant1
There is no Perfect Man...just the Man Perfect for Me. He's not a set type of guy, isn't necessarily the traditional flower-bearing kind and doesn't have cookie cutter sex appeal. He is what he is and I know it when I see it. There are some requirements though. He must be kindhearted, have a sense of humor that's a little twisted, and must be willing to be a friend as well as a lover. He has to be able to keep up with me in all aspects. And it helps if he's good with his hands.

The last but probably most important thing is that he realizes I'm not anywhere near perfect either and this would be acceptable to him.

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:42 pm
by G-man
Very nice... I agree with that... well thought out and with a lil' touch of sexiness, as well. ;) I like that.

Excellent Contestant #2've really put some thought into it...

Exactly... I like that Southern accent Contestant #3, by the way...

Question number two, Ladies...

What do you believe is the most important thing that men should understand about women but don't seem to? Why do you think that is?

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:11 pm
by contestant3
The most important thing men miss about women is they need to be romanced emotionally not just physically!!!!!......alot of men dont engage in enough courting....women need to feel close in their heart to a man to maintain a long term relationship and feel sexually inclined to the man....foreplay is another part of the emotional connection....spending time and attention on the woman makes her feel close in the heart . a real turn miss this because they dont really get anything out of it initially but in the LONG run they will get a very sexually wanton woman....a SMART man will give his woman emotional connection and in return receive the physical connection he craves....because she will want it just as much.....:-4 imho

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:20 pm
by G-man
Well said Contestant #3... very nice! You sound like a SMART woman. :D

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:48 am
by contestant2
I think it's important for men to know that women use their entire body as a sex organ. You could make love to me just by standing closely behind me and stroking the inside of my elbow, with your breath hot on the back of my neck. I think that a lot of men don't realise this because they either don't explore enough or aren't paying attention to the way a woman moves while they make love.

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:10 pm
by G-man
*fans self* Whew... is it getting hot in here or is it just me? :D

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:10 pm
by contestant1
I can't elaborate on anything Contestants 2 and 3 have said so well because I haven't really had any problems relating to men in that fashion. If men and women understood everything about each other and how the other works, there would be no mystery and the mystery is what makes it good. I'm sure if there were something my man did not understand about me, I could explain it in three strokes- er- steps or more....

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:13 pm
by G-man
Very nice... I had to go back and re-read that after coming across the word strokes... you did that intentionally to get me to review it didn't you? Sneaky... ;)

Wow, those are some really well thought out and insightful responses... this is going to be tough. I don't suppose I can talk the game show host into turning this into more of a Fifth Wheel sorta' thing or The Bachelor where I can go out on a date with all three contestants at the same time is there? :D

Okay, let's see... I need to penetrate a bit deeper here... So tell me, Ladies... describe to me your idea of the "perfect" date... where there are no limitations, whatsoever... we've got all the time in the world, we have no jobs to return to on Monday morning, and money is no object... where would we go and what would we do? Also, please explain why you would consider this to be your idea of the perfect date?

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:12 pm
by contestant2
Assuming the date starts on Friday night, we should have enough time if we take Monday off as well. ;)

I think I've dealt with the word "perfect" already. If things went perfectly we'd have a lifetime to complete the date and not enough time to describe it. I'll have to settle for choosing some sequences of events that would be pleasing.

I'd love to be taken to a jet with no idea where we were going, I like spontaniety and want to know I can trust the man I am with. I love art galleries and opera but I also like jumping on a bus and seeing if I can get a stranger to talk to me. I like going to a pub with a live band and drinking with the regulars or going to club and dancing on the stage with the wall vibrating behind me and a well muscled leg to slide down.

But it doesn't matter where you are if you don't like the company. The best date is one where you never want it to end. Someone that you want to explore every inch of and who I'm not afraid to have examine every part of me. So I'd let you take me anywhere and if things went right, I'd let you take every part of me. That's a date that never ends and the time you are apart makes the time when you are together even better.

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:41 pm
by G-man
Wow... very nice, Contestant #2. I'm ready! Let's go! :D

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:30 pm
by contestant3
good conversation, laughter, being together. not so much as to where it is or what it cost....its more about the enjoyment of the company of the other..that being said i love excitement and fun...whatever made the date happy and he enjoyed and WANTED me there to experience it with him would do it for me...I'm up to pretty much anything...

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 6:44 pm
by G-man
Well said Contestant #3! I agree with you entirely. You're my kinda' woman. :)

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 6:58 pm
by contestant1
A good time is what you make of it and I've had fun in some pretty unexpected places. It's about who you're with, not necessarily where you are. That said, I think a private picnic up in the hills with cheese and champagne and good conversation followed by a night on the town....if we got that far...would be perfect.

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:48 pm
by G-man
Wow, this is going to be tough... very well said Contestant #1 I really like that...

Okay, thinking back to a time, (which may not be all that long ago for some of you) in which you felt was the happiest time of your life... describe that period and tell me if you believe that you'll ever reach that level of happiness again?

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:19 pm
by contestant2
I try to stay in a mellow state of happiness, taking pleasure in simple things and not focusing on expectations. Still, I would have to say the happiest, most serene moment I've had so far was when I was handed my child the day she was born. I have had many moments of happiness like that since but I don't compare them as if there is some marker to be beat. There were lots of things about giving birth that were unpleasant but it was probably, so far, the most significant single event that changed my life for the better. Each accomplishment or moment has its own feeling, unique and valuable. If I look to time periods of happiness instead of moments, it is more complex. Sometimes an extended period of happiness is superficial. I don't see it as something that happens to me. It is something I need to know how to find for myself.

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:28 pm
by G-man
That's very beautiful, Contestant #2. Very nice. :)

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:32 pm
by contestant3
i am very happy in the company of good friends...but i also find the same kind of happiness in the smile of my children...unexpected phone calls, the color of the sky, watching the clouds roll in before a thunderstorm...for me , i can find happiness and peace in alot of singular moments everyday. You cant buy it, take it from others, or borrow or bargain for happiness...its a state of being....its every singular moment that you take the time to see and feel and wonder at the gloriness of it...

Its true life is not perfect...there is a good amount of bad, sorrow and hurt handed out to all of us...but in between there is also alot of laughter, love and joy.

We each make a choice...we can choose to see the good or roll in the bad...i see what isnt perfect like we all do, but i choose to live in the good...and i am happy.:)

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:24 pm
by G-man
That's very well put Contestant #3... and very true. :)

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:35 pm
by contestant1
Not to sound gloomy but I am still waiting for the happiest time of my life. I've come close but it pretty much eludes me....can't lie about it.

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:52 pm
by G-man
Well then at least you've got something to look forward to, Contestant #1! :)

...and you're open and honest. Those are truly wonderful qualities to have. :D

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:13 pm
by G-man
So, it's late on our first date and things have been going exceptionally well all evening, the mutual attraction is undeniable, there's flirtation flying from both directions and neither of us have to be anywhere the next day... not to sound too presumptuous, but... what comes next? ;)

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:09 pm
by contestant2
PG version

You invite me back to your place for a drink. I don't want the date to end because it's still only Friday and, as I've heard, we have until Monday night. We take a cab. On the way back, we talk and laugh and I exaggerate a bit so that I fall forward and my hand brushes over your lap. I pretend to not notice that you... react, but I'm slow to straighten up again.

I wait by the door as you pay the driver, leaning against the doorway on the back of my heels. When you get there I'm blocking the keyhole. I shift slightly to the side so that you have reach between my arm and my waist. Our faces are close as you release the lock but you don't kiss me. We stand like that for a moment before you turn the handle and the door swings open from the weight of my shoulders. You step inside the foyer, lit by a soft glow from the lamps within. You take two steps in and gesture for me to follow. I tilt my head with a mischievious look, smile and roll to the other side of the door closing it behind me. I can feel you standing behind me. Close. I wait.

Your hand touches my shoulder then moves down my side, feeling my curves, then closes around my hips. I can sense your lust. I lean backwards until my weight is against your chest and my head falls back to your shoulder. I love the feeling of your breath against my neck. My hand moves to your side then I feel you pressing against me.

I'm not permitted to tell the rest of the story here but I'll send it to you by email if you decide to choose me. :D

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:59 pm
by G-man
Whoa!!! :D

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:43 pm
by contestant1
You know, G-man, as much as I would love to make this a weekend fling...I'm not that easy. There's something to be said for anticipation and I don't mind a good tease as long as it has an end result....eventually. This doesn't mean we couldn't have the cab drop us off in the park so we could fool around in the shrubs for a while but on this date...the *first* date...I'm going home alone. ;)

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:53 pm
by G-man
Well said Contestant #1! :D

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 2:37 pm
by contestant3
sorry to say but on a first date i would go contestant number one..i believe in anticipation too...and not jumping into anything to quick....:) dating is to get to know someone..not commiting to them first date.....

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:48 pm
by G-man
Great answer contestant #3... well said. This is going to be very tough. Three really spectacular women...

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:17 pm
by G-man
*Saunters back out onto the stage and sits down*

Sorry for the delay... it *ahem* took me awhile before I could stand up after a few of those responses... :o *ahem*

Alright, so... this was a very tough decision... to be honest, I would be honoured to have the opportunity to go out with any one of you on a date, anytime and I believe we'd have a wonderful time in each others company. I appreciate your investment in responding to my questions in a very open and honest manner... thank you.

Okay so lets get down to business here... Contestant number... erm is there supposed to be some sort of dramatic delay or drumroll or anything? Anybody? No? Okay then... well then I'll get on with it... *ahem* I chose this person based on their response regarding the happiness question in which I felt that she delivered so eloquently. It truly spoke volumes regarding her personality and really just how she is all around... and NO, Guppy and Wendy... it did NOT have anything to do with the fact that she'd give it up on the first date or her comments regarding the rest of that last question which I received in my email, as promised. Well, ...who are we kidding? may've had a lil' to do with it. :wah:

Contestant number two... I would be most honoured if you would accept my invitation for a date. how about it? :D

The Dating Game - G-man

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:25 pm
by koan
There it is.

The only player who actually figured out who all the contestant were.

contestant1- RedGlitter did an excellent job despite all the trouble she has been going through, so thank you.

contestant3- guppy you're just so darn cute

and lucky contestant2- me :o yep. couldn't resist the G-man

I'm looking forward to the date thread :D