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prophetic statements, religious v secular

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:18 pm
by charles_r51
when it comes to prophecies (religious) vs prognostications (secular), which is easier to accept/dismiss in today's political/social/economic/religious conditions?

there are many fundamentalist groups (all religions) which are seeking to prove their positions based on current events. there are also many who are saying such positions are ridiculous and irrelevant (to some degree or other) and should be ignored, or at least not to be considered relevant to today. what do you, as an individual, think about the validity of the various claims, whether from a religious or a secular point of view?

in some ways, the religious can be applicable, but only in part, while the secular may be more relevant though less acceptable until something actually occurs. yet there are those who claim that both views can be acceptable, but only in hindsight which causes some to lay claim to having prognosticated something, but only after the fact. i guess what i'm asking is, does it really matter whether it is or isn't seen as real to the public at large? if it is real, dare we ignor it, and if not should we deny it is possible? :yh_think :driving: :yh_ttth

prophetic statements, religious v secular

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:07 pm
by Nomad
Much of what I say is prophetic. I open my mouth and really wonderful things come out. Its one of my favorite things about myself.

prophetic statements, religious v secular

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 4:09 pm
by Ted
The prophesies of the Bible have absolutely nothing to do with the distant future.

Those prophets were speaking about their own time and the immediate future they faced.

As far as secular prophesies go they may or may not be correct depending on the information used to make them.



prophetic statements, religious v secular

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 5:47 pm
by Lon
An atheist of course, would have no choice as which to consider accepting.

prophetic statements, religious v secular

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 7:01 pm
by Ted

Neither would a great many religious people.

