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E-Petition for Pensioners

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 12:03 pm
by PaulaH
Hi everyone, I hope I'm OK to post this on here:confused:

As well as been a full time carer, I also moderate on a carer forum, we campaign for carers rights.

We've started a e-petition on the No. 10 website asking for an allowance to help pensioners on low incomes eat more healthy food, in line with the Governments proposals to award a similar allowance of £200 to pregnant women.

Age Concern are currently looking into elderly patients who leave hospital malnourished through poor food and the inability of staff to help them to feed, this is a follow on from that issue.

The link for the petition is

It's open to UK residents and ex-pats, we currently have 184 signatures in less than 2 weeks (it runs for a year), if we get over 200 names then we are guaranteed a response.

Thanks for reading this, I hope you can support this good cause.

Paula xx

E-Petition for Pensioners

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 12:30 pm
by randall

Thanks PaulaH,

I get a bit tired of writing individual e-mail and ordinary letters to the Mandarins and leaders of the government in London and Edinburgh - any party will do.

I believe in being heard and tell everyone who tells me I am just wasting my time that if it helps only one person in Britain it is well worth it.

God Bless.



E-Petition for Pensioners

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:24 am
by PaulaH
Thank you Randall:D

Paula xx