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Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:17 am
by mikeinie
OK this is weird and I don’t know what to make of it, but these are the facts:

My wife’s dad past away almost 10 years ago now, since then every Christmas that I can remember at the family get together without fail, a Monarch Butterfly shows up out of no where in the house. One year it fly over and landed on the side of her mom’s face for a moment.

It has happened again this year and it is up stairs in one of my daughter’s room as we speak and it has been there since Christmas day. (I am surprised that it is still alive).

I wife believes that it is the spirit of her dad coming to visit, and I don’t argue that as there is no reason to if it gives her comfort. I do not believe it, but I do think that it is very strange that in the middle of winter a butterfly can show up in not only our house, but in the house of who ever is having the get together.

Strange or what?

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:20 am
by minks
mikeinie;750337 wrote: OK this is weird and I don’t know what to make of it, but these are the facts:

My wife’s dad past away almost 10 years ago now, since then every Christmas that I can remember at the family get together without fail, a Monarch Butterfly shows up out of no where in the house. One year it fly over and landed on the side of her mom’s face for a moment.

It has happened again this year and it is up stairs in one of my daughter’s room as we speak and it has been there since Christmas day. (I am surprised that it is still alive).

I wife believes that it is the spirit of her dad coming to visit, and I don’t argue that as there is no reason to if it gives her comfort. I do not believe it, but I do think that it is very strange that in the middle of winter a butterfly can show up in not only our house, but in the house of who ever is having the get together.

Strange or what?

yet very cool

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:25 am
Very strange but peacful at the same time. Monarch Butterflies are suppose to be on their way to Mexico for the winter at this time of the year.

I'm with your wife on this it is a spirit of a family member. :-4

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:28 am
by kazalala
mikeinie;750337 wrote: OK this is weird and I don’t know what to make of it, but these are the facts:

My wife’s dad past away almost 10 years ago now, since then every Christmas that I can remember at the family get together without fail, a Monarch Butterfly shows up out of no where in the house. One year it fly over and landed on the side of her mom’s face for a moment.

It has happened again this year and it is up stairs in one of my daughter’s room as we speak and it has been there since Christmas day. (I am surprised that it is still alive).

I wife believes that it is the spirit of her dad coming to visit, and I don’t argue that as there is no reason to if it gives her comfort. I do not believe it, but I do think that it is very strange that in the middle of winter a butterfly can show up in not only our house, but in the house of who ever is having the get together.

Strange or what?

and yet you still dont believe? :rolleyes::wah: Do you have another explanation?

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:49 am
by Accountable
Do you really want the scientific explanation?? I wouldn't ruin the moment. Just enjoy it and remenisce.

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:53 am
by lemon_and_mint
by the way, what colour is a monarch butterfly?

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:58 am
by Accountable
lemon_and_mint;750390 wrote: by the way, what colour is a monarch butterfly?

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:00 am
by Kathy Ellen
That is waaay toooo cool Mike and a peaceful remembrance of your Dad-in-Law. We have lots of Monarchs during the spring and summer and now they're sunbathing in Mexico. What a beautiful omen of good things to come.

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:17 am
by lemon_and_mint
Thank you accountable, it's beautiful.

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:00 pm
by RedGlitter
mikeinie;750337 wrote:

Strange or what?

Not strange Mike, if you believe.

Maybe it's his spirit or maybe it's simply a messenger sent by him.

Our mortal world is full of signs if only we would be receptive to them.

The butterfly is meant to be, I am sure of it. What a great story. Thank you for sharing that with us. It's the first thing I have read today and it just refreshed my hope. :-6

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:07 pm
by watermark
I think this is certainly awesome!!

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:41 pm
by WonderWendy3
I think it is cool too...I agree that it is a sign for your wife....:-4:-4

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:58 pm
by RedGlitter
It might interest you to know Mike, (not telling you what you should believe, just offering this up) that butterflies are a common messenger used in the spirit world. They are often seen during funerals, death anniversaries and other occasions meaningful to the spirit and their family. In my case, it was a moth which is still a form of butterfly. Maybe the butterfly is chosen because of how the cocooned worm "dies" to become a free butterfly. That may represent the transition between life and death or as some of us know it, life and afterlife. I really thank you for sharing this with us. :) I think you are all very lucky to have this visit.

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:58 am
by mikeinie
Up date: The butterfly is still alive in the bedroom, (which is very strange that it can live so long, I have no idea what it is eating. We put a couple of flowers on the windowsill just in case, but I don’t know) and today is the anniversary of my wife’s father death.

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:08 am
by Accountable
Found this for you:

Monarchs can live a life of twenty to eighty weeks in a garden having their host Asclepias plants and sufficient flowers for nectar. This is especially true if the flower garden happens to be surrounded by native forest that seems to be lacking in flowers.

Monarch Butterfly in the house

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:41 am
by mikeinie
Accountable;752265 wrote: Found this for you:

Monarchs can live a life of twenty to eighty weeks in a garden having their host Asclepias plants and sufficient flowers for nectar. This is especially true if the flower garden happens to be surrounded by native forest that seems to be lacking in flowers.

Thanks for that information, I may stop by a flower shop on the way home today to see if I can pick up one of those plants. If so I will put it in the window.