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What you see is not what you may get.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:16 pm
Read the following and then tell me what it says.

John McCain Will Reform The Tax Code To Offer More Choices Beyond Employer-Based Health Insurance Coverage. While still having the option of employer-based coverage, every family will receive a direct refundable tax credit - effectively cash - of $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families to offset the cost of insurance. Families will be able to choose the insurance provider that suits them best and the money would be sent directly to the insurance provider. Those obtaining innovative insurance that costs less than the credit can deposit the remainder in expanded Health Savings Accounts.

Time is up.

Here is a good example of politico speak. Take this literally and each American will receive a tax credit. That sounds good except they left one part of this plan off the McCain-Palin website. That little detail is that the tax code with regard to employer sponsored health benefits will be set on its ear and anyone who has employer based coverage will be hit by more taxes, in some cases a lot more and that affects over 100 million Americans. :-1

So what’s the rest of the story, well by eliminating the tax free status of employer contributions toward health care the average family will have additional taxable income of between $8,000 and $12,000 per year depending on your benefits plan and where you live. So here is the deal, say you have imputed income of $10,000 and you are in the 20% tax bracket. In year one you pay $2,000 in additional taxes on the $10,000, but you get a credit of $5,000 and in year two the $10,000 goes to $10,900 because of increasing health care costs and you pay $2,180 in taxes and get a $5,000 credit and in year three, you get the idea. :-5

But wait, won't the tax credit also increase, good luck with that. :rolleyes:

Whether you like the plan or not (and if you have no employer coverage it is better than nothing), is not the point. The point is here is another example of a politician trying to obfuscate the facts.

And what the heck is “innovative insurance?” :-3 I will tell you, it is high deductible, catastrophic type coverage which means you pay now or pay later. Again, something you may like, but gees, say the words will you guys.

Not to worry, like just about everything being promised by both campaigns, the chance of this actually going into effect is as good as Obama affecting "change."

What you see is not what you may get.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:56 pm
by DrJ
Finding a reason for the need for change,, has sure gotten easy these days,, I mean these times are so bad,, every retirement account in America has a bullseye painted on it,, so everyone in this country will,, or should be turning up the volume on their televisions,,, and putting milage on their search engines,, looking for answers to where everything their whole life for has wound up,, or is in danger of winding up,,, and who is living off of it..

I believe this government has no choice but to act on the bail outs,, because an in-action will result in ' ARMEGEDDON',, or so they say,,, the voters have a choice to take a chance on the democrats,, or keep the same party in power,,, only unlike the politicians who have to choose between an up or down vote,, on one issue,,, the bail out proposal,, the voters have to choose between Two sets of candidates,,, both who are promoting change... Regime change,,,or the first Black American President in history...

History making,, or just more trickle down spin politics with the same ole players

Only the voters,, most of which can't stomach most of the complexities of political double talk,, or why it even matters,,, are the true gamblers of this land,, and can't afford four more like the last eight,,, or enjoyed the gravy train for the few and are hoping the last eight,,, turn into the next eight...

What a choice!

I'm sure the clouds of the wedge issues will have some impact into peoples decisions this election,, but no where near to what the wedges were supposed to receive... I believe the cloudy economic world has darkened way to many doors in this country,, for people to have anything else on their minds when they step into that voting booth.. Whether this fact turns into more independent votes is yet to be determined,, but I predict it won't,, considering how everyone feels in todays economic darkness,,, every vote will be so much more important,, I don't think people will want to waste theirs, on independents...

I am guessing but there it is,, but I do believe the independent candidacy will grow in interest,, and might possibly grow out of its role as election spoilers,, and become legit enough to be taken more serious in future elections.

This election however,, I am going to predict the second wave of the blue Tsunami,, and this my friends is going to have that changing effect some think isn't possible,,, I only believe this because of one simple truth,, which in this election happens to favor the democratic platform of change,, and that is the question of the decade,,,

Are you better off than you were eight years ago?

The second wave of the blue tsumai,, will end the trickle down philosophy, which has truly hurt all Americans,, all who have always had pride in their country anyway.. Giving this way of thinking up may be painful to some,, but I think inevitable...

The question is,, will it correct the direction of America in this new very much more complex world? All I can say for sure is,, like the politicians,, the voters really don't have a choice,, because an in-action could be just as dangerous as making the wrong one....

This is definitely the super bowls of elections,,, hopefully this will bring more interest in the election process and involve more than just half the country...


What you see is not what you may get.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:05 pm
by qsducks
Oh how terrific is this plan? I and hubs will be screwed through the roof. Hope none of the kids get really sick.:mad:

What you see is not what you may get.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:24 pm
by DrJ
qsducks;993407 wrote: Oh how terrific is this plan? I and hubs will be screwed through the roof. Hope none of the kids get really sick.:mad:

it's still a mystery,,,but I worry about anything they have a rush order on,,,

I don't have any confidence in the Bush White House at all,,so any response I bring will of course be tainted, i realize this,, I'm just hoping they don't reward the wrong people with it,, like those that have caused it,, as they have in the past,,,

I mean..

The way they put it out there,,, like its final,, no way to readjust if it fails to help,, like they expect people to trust their judgement on who gets what,, no questions asked...

What you see is not what you may get.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:27 pm
by qsducks
DrJ;993416 wrote: it's still a mystery,,,but I worry about anything they have a rush order on,,,

I don't have any confidence in the Bush White House at all,,so any response I bring will of course be tainted, i realize this,, I'm just hoping they don't reward the wrong people with it,, like those that have caused it,, as they have in the past,,,

I mean..

The way they put it out there,,, like its final,, no way to readjust if it fails to help,, like they expect people to trust their judgement on who gets what,, no questions asked...

Yes, I was watching the news today and the congress is still not into yet because the taxpayers are screaming their heads off and then I see ******** Cheney trying to push it through. Of course, he won't have to pay for this financial disaster.

What you see is not what you may get.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:34 pm
by DrJ
qsducks;993417 wrote: Yes, I was watching the news today and the congress is still not into yet because the taxpayers are screaming their heads off and then I see ******** Cheney trying to push it through. Of course, he won't have to pay for this financial disaster.

As of now all I've learned about who this is going to effect are those involved in the giving and receiving of credit...

Time to get the jewelry together,,, :guitarist

The barter system may have its big come back,,, Lets see,, I got two horses,,, four dogs,, a cat,, and five grand kids,,, any takers?