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hi guys

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:27 pm
by strongirl56
hi guys. theres two reasons why i havent been here. one is cuz i didnt want to update you guys on the fact that i still wasnt able to let go of james and two cuz i've been so busy. the last time i saw him was thursday. everytime i hang out with him i get hurt or it feels awkward being with him. on wednesday i met up with him i had to listen to him rap and talk to other girls. he pissed me off so much cuz he treated me like i'm invisible cuz he treated me like crap. he has lots to say to other girls just not to me. on thursday we hung out but we didnt really talk to each other. why is james so clueless or am i the one who clueless? sometimes i think to myself am i such a hard person to get? i miss the relationship i had with him seven months ago, we could talk to each other, he has no problem asking me out, holding my hand and now its like hes changed into a different person :( i'm ashamed of myself why would i continue to hang out with a person like him knowing how he is going to end up treating me so badly. today i read on an article that if a guy says hes not ready for a relationship hes actually serious about that and thats what james said to me. on that article it also says if you still hang out with him then it means you're ok with not being his girlfriend. the problem now is no i'm not ok with being just his friend, no i'm not over him yet. then i snap at one of my best buddies, i let my feelings get the best of me. i've hurt so many people that way, its not like i meant to do that, i'm really trying to control my temper, but my best buddy doesnt believe me. i'm really really frustrated now guys. there are guys who i'm talking to who wants to be my boyfriend, none of which i could take seriously, cuz i don't have that time to think about getting a boyfriend, i dont have time for anything else right now. my schedule is jam packed. my ex boyfriend have turned my best friend against me. i feel like the entire world is on my shoulder. my moms on the venge of losing her job, i have to work and take five classes, pick my schedule for next quarter, its midterm week, got to apply for the master's program, do volunteer work, i feel like i'm falling apart. i feel like i'm living a double life. one part of me is wearing a mask who protrays a happy stress free girl to my friends and parents and another one who protrays a stressed out girl whos dealing with too much which only a few of my closest friends know about and of course all my fans on forumgarden. my life is so full of stress and worries right now. i just feel like hitting my head on the wall :-5 or climbing on top of mount. everest and scream until i lose my voice. i have too much stress and i just dont know if i have enough power in me to deal with all this stress right now. sigh. i'm so lost stressed and unsure of myself right now.

hi guys

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:09 am
by OpenMind
You're in a mess Strongirl. A real emotional one. It's clear from what you say that this guy has no interest in you. Forget about him and look out for someone else. Plenty more fish in the sea.

Find somewhere else to go out. Treat your best friend and try to make up for hurting her. Perhaps find a new hobby to occupy yourself with. There's all sorts of things you can do to take your mind of this guy.

Give yourself a real treat. Remind yourself that you are no.1.