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Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:51 pm
by KnightDeBrian
Anyone here have any information on Odinism pleace let me know or email me at thanks


Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:22 pm
by Lon


Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:47 am
by gimli3
Read The Lord of the Rings.

Gandalf (meaning = elf-wizard) is actually an Odin-type character.



Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:42 pm
by tr0lle
gimli3;102096 wrote: Read The Lord of the Rings.

Gandalf (meaning = elf-wizard) is actually an Odin-type character.


Nice try, but Odin had:

1 eye

A spear that never missed


thrist for violence

wounds from being impaled on a branch upside down for seven days.

Although obviously I don´t doubt the Lord of the Rings has Norse influence, as Tolkien himself admitted, Gandalf is not very odin-esque


Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:43 pm
by Rapunzel
Pinky;544665 wrote: Don't foget his magical hammer. Mjollnir.

And his ravens Hugin and Munin.

Hugin and Munin travel the world bearing news and information to Odin. Hugin means "thought" and Munin means "memory". They are sent out at dawn to gather information and return in the evening. They perch on the god's shoulders and whisper the news into his ears.


Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:44 pm
by Rapunzel
Oh, and he was also known as Woden. Wednesday (or Woden's Day) is named for him. :)


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:21 pm
by tr0lle
Rapunzel;544681 wrote: Oh, and he was also known as Woden. Wednesday (or Woden's Day) is named for him. :)

Woden was not Odin, regrettably


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:22 pm
by tr0lle
Pinky;544665 wrote: Don't foget his magical hammer. Mjollnir.

Mjöllnir is Thor's hammer


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:29 pm
by spot
tr0lle;574730 wrote: Woden was not Odin, regrettably
In what way is any of that true?

I have a sad suspicion that Odinism these days is tied up with white supremacism but I could be barking up the wrong tree. What aspect of the Norse religion is specifically Odinist?


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:35 pm
by Bryn Mawr
tr0lle;574730 wrote: Woden was not Odin, regrettably

In what way different?

Both derived from Wōđinaz - whether it be Norse or Germanic or English it is the same legend surely?


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:42 pm
by Bryn Mawr
Pinky;574751 wrote: Wasn't Odin the Scandinavian version while Woden was the Saxon version?

Could it be just a regional thing? I know some of the Norse names got morphed somewhat over here when the Saxons settled...In East Anglia, Thor became Taranis (or integrated with the local storm god, anyhow.)

Fits with my understanding


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:46 pm
by tr0lle
Basically, but their still not the same. Kinda like how Norway is not Sweden


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:01 pm
by Bryn Mawr
tr0lle;574759 wrote: Basically, but their still not the same. Kinda like how Norway is not Sweden

It's more like saying a cat is not un chat - different name for the same animal


Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:39 am
by BlackBear
Hi, new forum member here. I'm a bit confused but is Odinism and the Asatru religion one and the same thing being discussed here?


Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:49 am
by minks
BlackBear;647701 wrote: Hi, new forum member here. I'm a bit confused but is Odinism and the Asatru religion one and the same thing being discussed here?

hello and welcome go on into the introductions vein and post an intro and we all can welcome you proper like. I have no idea about this topic mind you.




Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:58 am
by spot
BlackBear;647701 wrote: Hi, new forum member here. I'm a bit confused but is Odinism and the Asatru religion one and the same thing being discussed here?

I'm not sure one could call it a discussion, exactly, but yes. In a neo-revivalist sense. They both qualify for that these days.


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:14 am
by BlackBear
I didn't mean to infer there was a discussion per se going on about Odinism. I was curious because I had not been aware of the unfortunate link between the resurrection of the Scandinavian/Germanic pagan religions under Odinism or Asatru, which I find interesting since I am fond of Viking history, and the white supremacy movement, which I find utterly repugnant.


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:44 pm
by luciferjohn
hello to all,

i am an odinist, of the classic german faith, ive heard alot of missinformation on this topic and would like to offer my knowledge on the subject.

1) odin, wotan to us germans, is the alfather, goes by the titles odin, wotan,wodan,the wanderer, the alfather, the wise one, depending on your tribe,location,or religious beliefes.

2 odin would not demand us to be racist, loki is part god and part giant, and odin and thor both had a thing for human women.

3 hitler has nothing to do with odinism, he outlawed it in germany on his rise to power, he feared the old faiths would undermine his propaganda with the truth.

4 all odin was saying in the purity speach was follow no other gods, for belief in a god that is not yours will destroy you,translation: only marry a person who will carry on the heritage, the bible and torah say the same thing almost word for word.

5 i have a big problem with ignorant racists using my faith as an excuse, if you hate thats on you. i have studied religions of the world for over 5 years and found no true faith that preaches such hate, mistranslation and fault of humans is what brings the hate.

yes we were a warliking people, still are, but war does not mean hate, we are told by odin, to always be respectful, to push hate is in no way respectful, we are also told to be honest at all times,no matter how i hope i have helped clear up a few things, and if i offended,you have my appologies, that wasnt my intension.


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:00 pm
by luciferjohn
Pinky;544665 wrote: Don't foget his magical hammer. Mjollnir.

that was thors hammer, odin had slepnir, and a ring that dropped from it 7 idenicle rings every 7 days.


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:03 pm
by luciferjohn
tr0lle;544655 wrote: Nice try, but Odin had:

1 eye

A spear that never missed


thrist for violence

wounds from being impaled on a branch upside down for seven days.

Although obviously I don´t doubt the Lord of the Rings has Norse influence, as Tolkien himself admitted, Gandalf is not very odin-esque

he had no more a thirst for violance than any other god of the age.:-5


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:05 pm
by luciferjohn
Rapunzel;544680 wrote: And his ravens Hugin and Munin.

Hugin and Munin travel the world bearing news and information to Odin. Hugin means "thought" and Munin means "memory". They are sent out at dawn to gather information and return in the evening. They perch on the god's shoulders and whisper the news into his ears.

he could also see through their eyes, he also had to wolves when going into battle or on the great hunt.:D


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:15 pm
by luciferjohn
:-6spot;574740 wrote: In what way is any of that true?

I have a sad suspicion that Odinism these days is tied up with white supremacism but I could be barking up the wrong tree. What aspect of the Norse religion is specifically Odinist?

Odinism is not the cause of hate, ignorance is, odin teaches us all to be respectful, and honest at all times, the hate is brought in by human ignorance,loki is part god and part giant, odin and thor both have a thing for human woman, does that sound racist ? i appologize i meant no disrespect i just get angry when people blame my faith for thier stupidity, but unfortunatly many racists do claim "odin made them do it". the name odinist is modern, it is the entire pantion of norse gods, odin is the alfather, creator, teacher,and so forth, we gain knowledge from odin, strength from thor, balder gives us the ability to respect the one we dont like, but there are many clans or tribes who worship them in their own order and purposes.


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:18 pm
by luciferjohn
Pinky;574751 wrote: Wasn't Odin the Scandinavian version while Woden was the Saxon version?

Could it be just a regional thing? I know some of the Norse names got morphed somewhat over here when the Saxons settled...In East Anglia, Thor became Taranis (or integrated with the local storm god, anyhow.)

wotan is the germanic version, the others i believe you are correct.:D


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:23 pm
by luciferjohn
BlackBear;648346 wrote: I didn't mean to infer there was a discussion per se going on about Odinism. I was curious because I had not been aware of the unfortunate link between the resurrection of the Scandinavian/Germanic pagan religions under Odinism or Asatru, which I find interesting since I am fond of Viking history, and the white supremacy movement, which I find utterly repugnant.

the odinists of the old faiths never left it has been passed down, from family member to family member, i am of the germanic clans, the truth is odinism has nothing to do with the aryian nation or white supremisy, the racists just feel they need some reason to hate instead of just saying they hate for hate sake. and hi


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:04 pm
by spot
Welcome to ForumGarden LJ, I'm delighted to meet you. I look forward to chatting.


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:21 pm
by luciferjohn
spot;1237431 wrote: Welcome to ForumGarden LJ, I'm delighted to meet you. I look forward to chatting.

as do i :)


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:32 pm
by spot
luciferjohn;1237436 wrote: as do i :)

Would you like a bit here or would you prefer a clean thread?

Each religion produces a different mindset for its adherent. I have a fair grasp of the beliefs of Odinists - the background stories, if you like - but I know little of any practices which might be associated with them, it strikes me as something individuals practice rather than the congregational focus you'd find in Christianity, Islam, Judaism or the Latter Day Saints (they're the four monotheist religions which spring into my mind as examples).


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:40 pm
by luciferjohn
spot;1237442 wrote: Would you like a bit here or would you prefer a clean thread?

Each religion produces a different mindset for its adherent. I have a fair grasp of the beliefs of Odinists - the background stories, if you like - but I know little of any practices which might be associated with them, it strikes me as something individuals practice rather than the congregational focus you'd find in Christianity, Islam, Judaism or the Latter Day Saints (they're the four monotheist religions which spring into my mind as examples).

:D you sound as versed as myself in ancient religions, i am an odinist of the original germanic faith, odinists are family or clan based, the monthiestic faiths you mentioned before are socially based, odinists want to rule the family, monothieists want to rule the world lol:wah:


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:42 pm
by luciferjohn
here is good maybe we can clear up some confusion on the subject of rligions lol


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:47 pm
by luciferjohn
luciferjohn;1237453 wrote: here is good maybe we can clear up some confusion on the subject of rligions lol

just as long as i dont talk about spelling lol


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:48 pm
by spot
luciferjohn;1237450 wrote: :D you sound as versed as myself in ancient religions, i am an odinist of the original germanic faith, odinists are family or clan based, the monthiestic faiths you mentioned before are socially based, odinists want to rule the family, monothieists want to rule the world lol:wah:

I may have entirely inaccurate ideas, it's something I'd do well to read a book about sometime. I have it in mind that there's a focus on making a good death, for example. It doesn't matter when so much as how, the readiness to stand up and face it with a suitably grave flippancy showing how trivial an event it is. Any religion capable of inspiring that degree of clear-thinking is a step up from the average state of humanity.


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:59 pm
by luciferjohn
spot;1237459 wrote: I may have entirely inaccurate ideas, it's something I'd do well to read a book about sometime. I have it in mind that there's a focus on making a good death, for example. It doesn't matter when so much as how, the readiness to stand up and face it with a suitably grave flippancy showing how trivial an event it is. Any religion capable of inspiring that degree of clear-thinking is a step up from the average state of humanity.

the basis for that individual example is based on courage, if you are brave and honest in all you do and say, you get taken to valhalla, if you die in battle a valkyrie takes you from the field to valhalla,to die with courage and honor garentees you a seat at odins table, if a faith can make you more like the gods and less like man, then in my oppinion it is a positive force,being honest and respectful is harder to come by today with the human race being what it is,hopefully one day the true religions of the world will get along and then the people will follow, back to the explanations , if you die a "cowards" death you must go to hella to be judged.


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:24 pm
by fuzzywuzzy
The Vikings were Odinists perhaps?


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:26 pm
by luciferjohn
fuzzywuzzy;1237531 wrote: The Vikings were Odinists perhaps?

yes indeed they were, all of the europian countries in the northern hemisphere

sweedes, germans, danes,you get the idea.:D


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:26 pm
by fuzzywuzzy
luciferjohn;1237464 wrote: the basis for that individual example is based on courage, if you are brave and honest in all you do and say, you get taken to valhalla, if you die in battle a valkyrie takes you from the field to valhalla,to die with courage and honor garentees you a seat at odins table, if a faith can make you more like the gods and less like man, then in my oppinion it is a positive force,being honest and respectful is harder to come by today with the human race being what it is,hopefully one day the true religions of the world will get along and then the people will follow, back to the explanations , if you die a "cowards" death you must go to hella to be judged.

See I've been saying that for ages . Hella "hell" is an adaptation used in the doesn't belong in the Bible. They just stuck it in there without thought .


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:40 pm
by luciferjohn
fuzzywuzzy;1237534 wrote: See I've been saying that for ages . Hella "hell" is an adaptation used in the doesn't belong in the Bible. They just stuck it in there without thought .

yes sort of, the term was adopted by many peoples in many variations, and it basically just refers to a darkened underworld, the judeo/christian version with the fire and brimestone was adopted from the greeks version, the stories of all the old worlds got so mixed up do to miscommunication, that the names and so forth get clustered together the closer you get to the modern era, the best thing to do is look in the bc era to find the roots of the ancient religions and follow them forward, youll be suprised what the romans did, they mixed them all up to control the populace , hope that helped:D;)