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Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:55 am
by G#Gill
I just thought I would create a thread of my own, one that anybody can join in with, to chat about anything, so long as it is within the rules of FG ! Post interesting pictures, poems, jokes, issues, anecdotes, general chat, real-life exploits etc. The neighbour's unruly kids - you know the sort of thing .......... :D ;)

Nottingham Castle grounds (part)

(my home town)

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:56 am
by qsducks
Gill, loved your winter email the other day. I sent it on, but some peeps had a hard time opening it. It was easy for me. The last pic reminded me of Mustang as he's been using his snowblower alot this winter.:yh_rotfl

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:18 pm
by Helen
hi mrs.

was just gonna text you cos id not heard from you in a while.

me and wally are settled in for the night. its ruddy awful out there, think noah must be buildin another flippin ark cos we are definately going to need it at this rate !!!

havin trouble downloading pics from the P/B site. i choose me pic. click on it, then click on copy and it wont !! any ideas wot im doin wrong ??

better still, any ideas wot im doin at all :-2 :rolleyes: :rolleyes::yh_rotfl

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:29 pm
by qsducks
Hi Helen...lots of rain for you and we are getting hit with a whopper tonight with snow, ice & rain. Won't let up till tomorrow afternoon. Kids will all be off tomorrow as I'm not driving in this crap.:p

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:31 pm
by G#Gill
qsducks;1119726 wrote: Gill, loved your winter email the other day. I sent it on, but some peeps had a hard time opening it. It was easy for me. The last pic reminded me of Mustang as he's been using his snowblower alot this winter.:yh_rotfl

Hi Ducky ! Hope you are OK..................... Hey I first sent that to you on 24 December !!!!!!!!!!! Saw that you hadn't picked up on it, so I re-sent it :wah: We haven't had proper snow for some years ---- just nuisance stuff, about 3-4" fall and settle, then during the day it thaws, then freezes over night and the next day it's flippin dangerous, mucky, brittle ice ruts. It doesn't stay long enough for the children to get much enjoyment out of it either ! We always miss out on any decent snowfalls in the Midlands of England :(

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:36 pm
by qsducks
G#Gill;1119765 wrote: Hi Ducky ! Hope you are OK..................... Hey I first sent that to you on 24 December !!!!!!!!!!! Saw that you hadn't picked up on it, so I re-sent it :wah: We haven't had proper snow for some years ---- just nuisance stuff, about 3-4" fall and settle, then during the day it thaws, then freezes over night and the next day it's flippin dangerous, mucky, brittle ice ruts. It doesn't stay long enough for the children to get much enjoyment out of it either ! We always miss out on any decent snowfalls in the Midlands of England :(

Gill, we are ok and yeah, we haven't had good snowfall either. I remember years ago we had a white hurricane and that got us a good foot of the white stuff. But, it's been dragging over the years and we usually get a good storm come February. This storm that's coming is from the south so we should be in for some nice wet stuff tomorrow..a real mess is what they are predicting. Anyways, it's coming at night which stinks for Quin. But he will at least be on the Wii tomorrow with Chez's daughters playing Mario Kart:wah:

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:18 pm
by G#Gill
Helen;1119750 wrote: hi mrs.

was just gonna text you cos id not heard from you in a while.

me and wally are settled in for the night. its ruddy awful out there, think noah must be buildin another flippin ark cos we are definately going to need it at this rate !!!

havin trouble downloading pics from the P/B site. i choose me pic. click on it, then click on copy and it wont !! any ideas wot im doin wrong ??

better still, any ideas wot im doin at all :-2 :rolleyes: :rolleyes::yh_rotfl

Hi Helen ! It's pissing it down here as well ! PB has changed a little bit.

Once you are on the page in PB that you want to get a pic from, click on the little pic that you choose - it should come up on a new page, by itself (if you move the cursor over the pic it should show you a % size. e.g. 76% means that the picture when reproduced in your post will be another 24% bigger ! This is a good way to make sure that your pic will not blow the margins. Be advised that around 76% or higher will be fine for your post, some pics though say 59% - these will be too big for the post !

Anyway once you've ascertained that the size will be OK then scroll down and over to the far right of that page, there you will see a selection, go to the bottom one (img) click left button and carefully slide your cursor along that link - preferably a fraction above the link. You will find that not all the link will be visible but when you reach the far right of the link, it should run on under the cursor till (img) shows (sometimes this isn't necessary, so long as you have the final 'img' there) indicating that you have the complete link. Right click on the blue shading, a drop-down will appear, right click on 'copy', then move the PB page away so you can see your post window. Left click to make sure the cursor is below any text you have written. When you are happy about the position of the pic, then right click again and a drop-down will appear, right click on 'paste'. Job done ! Check that all is OK and how you want it by pressing 'preview', if OK just press 'submit' !!

They are sooooooo naughty those monkeys !!! :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:25 pm
by G#Gill
qsducks;1119772 wrote: Gill, we are ok and yeah, we haven't had good snowfall either. I remember years ago we had a white hurricane and that got us a good foot of the white stuff. But, it's been dragging over the years and we usually get a good storm come February. This storm that's coming is from the south so we should be in for some nice wet stuff tomorrow..a real mess is what they are predicting. Anyways, it's coming at night which stinks for Quin. But he will at least be on the Wii tomorrow with Chez's daughters playing Mario Kart:wah:

Aw, it is such a shame for the youngsters when it doesn't snow much and doesn't stay. Well bless him, I expect you will be hearing squeeks and much laughter when he gets on the Wii. I must say I haven't tried it yet, but my son Andy says that it is really good. Also a lot of Care Homes and retirement homes are installing them, because they are a fun way to exercise, and keep people from vegetating .......... I think I had better try one soon then !! :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:30 pm
by qsducks
G#Gill;1119843 wrote: Aw, it is such a shame for the youngsters when it doesn't snow much and doesn't stay. Well bless him, I expect you will be hearing squeeks and much laughter when he gets on the Wii. I must say I haven't tried it yet, but my son Andy says that it is really good. Also a lot of Care Homes and retirement homes are installing them, because they are a fun way to exercise, and keep people from vegetating .......... I think I had better try one soon then !! :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl

Quin has played several times with Chez whom he calls Birdo:wah: and her girls. It's really funny to watch him play it with them and I always laugh when they are really competitive and knock peeps off. It's hilarious. Yes, you need to get a Wii...I'm addicted to bowling at the mo.:wah:

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:39 pm
by Helen
G#Gill;1119843 wrote: Aw, it is such a shame for the youngsters when it doesn't snow much and doesn't stay. Well bless him, I expect you will be hearing squeeks and much laughter when he gets on the Wii. I must say I haven't tried it yet, but my son Andy says that it is really good. Also a lot of Care Homes and retirement homes are installing them, because they are a fun way to exercise, and keep people from vegetating .......... I think I had better try one soon then !! :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl

at least i'll have somethin to do with me time then :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

two of my grandaughters have sprained things playin baseball on their wii !!!

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:43 pm
by qsducks
Helen;1119858 wrote: at least i'll have somethin to do with me time then :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

two of my grandaughters have sprained things playin baseball on their wii !!!

You need alot of room to play some of those games. With mario kart you just need the wheel and can sit on the sofa. Bowling requires you get off your arse adn pretend your really doing it. Your arm will hurt for a few days, but hey, it's exercise.;)

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:45 pm
by Helen
got a busy weekend comin up...........

eldest daughter is 39 on thursday, one of her girls is 18 on monday and one of her other ones is getting engaged.................

OMG !!

great grandmotherhood comin up----------------:-2 :(

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:48 pm
by qsducks
Helen;1119864 wrote: got a busy weekend comin up...........

eldest daughter is 39 on thursday, one of her girls is 18 on monday and one of her other ones is getting engaged.................

OMG !!

great grandmotherhood comin up----------------:-2 :(

Congrats Helen...I'm not there yet as me own daughter turned 19 in November and I've still got several teens and an 7 yr old to get through life with.

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:53 pm
by G#Gill
I'm not a grandma yet, but I'm a great great aunt ffs !!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:55 pm
by G#Gill
Helen;1119864 wrote: got a busy weekend comin up...........

eldest daughter is 39 on thursday, one of her girls is 18 on monday and one of her other ones is getting engaged.................

OMG !!

great grandmotherhood comin up----------------:-2 :(

That should keep you busy, and your purse empty !! ;) :D

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:55 pm
by qsducks
G#Gill;1119882 wrote: I'm not a grandma yet, but I'm a great great aunt ffs !!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

I've got 4 godchildren here...3 girls and 1 boy. Christmas was a tad expensive for those ones...and two of them have birthdays very close to the big day.:-5

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:02 pm
by G#Gill
Since Chris found his 'blood' family - he was adopted when he was 6 months old - we decided that we could only send birthday cards, otherwise we would be bankrupt, there are soooooooo many relatives and they are all very close. It's very nice I must say, but could be terribly expensive if you weren't strict with buying stuff.

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:58 pm
by Oscar Namechange
G#Gill;1119893 wrote: Since Chris found his 'blood' family - he was adopted when he was 6 months old - we decided that we could only send birthday cards, otherwise we would be bankrupt, there are soooooooo many relatives and they are all very close. It's very nice I must say, but could be terribly expensive if you weren't strict with buying stuff.I have approx 40 neices, nephews, great nieces and great nephews. I have truely lost count. We have a rule in the family that once they reach 16, they don't get birthday or Christmas gifts so we can concentrate on the younger children. Most of mine are teenagers. I haven't a clue who they are talking about or what they are saying except for the stroppy 'Yeah, whatever?????' All are fantastic kids with good college records and jobs except one. Bailing him out of his local police station has become the norm. He has been arrested 10 times in one year. I just don't get it. He's been brought up exactly the same as the others. He gives his seat up on the bus for a lady, holds doors open for the elderly and will always look for a bin for his rubbish. What is it with him???I can't even say that he's in with the wrong crowd.......... he is the wrong crowd.

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:29 pm
by Odie
nice place you have here, but that monkey has to go!:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:49 pm
by G#Gill
Hi Oscar !! Wow what an extended family you have !! I suppose every extended family has to have a 'black' sheep (oops dark grey :rolleyes:). Chris's side have one of those :yh_rotfl, languishing in jug doing a second stint of porridge - can't get off the drugs, mixing with idiots etc. Seems to be the usual thing for causing them to go off the rails. I thank goodness that none of my side have one of those.

Hope you are OK Oscar, and looking forward to the 'meet' at the weekend, it's a shame that poor old Jimbo is incapacitated (not through drink :lips:) - of course it may be that you frightened him to death with your promises of practising your karate on him ! But I will warn you that he is my fave FG fella Mrs.................. ;), he has a big heart !

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:53 pm
by G#Gill
Odie;1119944 wrote: nice place you have here, but that monkey has to go!:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

Hiya Odie..............'fraid the monkey stays ! I crack up every time I see that little film :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl ......... it's just the sort of thing our cat used to do to my mum's dog - when I was not long married ! It's lovely to see you on my new thread :-6:D

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:38 am
by Helen
G#Gill;1120089 wrote: Hiya Odie..............'fraid the monkey stays ! I crack up every time I see that little film :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl ......... it's just the sort of thing our cat used to do to my mum's dog - when I was not long married ! It's lovely to see you on my new thread :-6:D

where my daughter used to live. there was an old lady who used to walk about seven dogs at once.................... now said daughter had a big black long haired cat called fluffy wuff !!:rolleyes:

this darn cat would lay in wait in the bushes and leap out at this poor old soul as she walked past, scattering dogs all over the place !! she never learnt her lesson and still walked the same path every day !!

sadly fluffy wuff met his end on the nearby road and i saw the old girl in the care home next door to us a while ago................

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:48 am
by G#Gill
Hi Helen !! Hope you're OK chuck !

That sounds rather sad, Helen, I wonder where her dogs all fetched up ! Yes cats are little torments sometimes, I think it's their way of having a bit of fun, cos they know they can scram quickly if things get iffy ! :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:00 am
by pinkchick
Hi Gill :-6

How are you doing? :D;):-4

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:08 am
by G#Gill
Hi Rosie !! Long time no see !! I'm not too bad thanks for asking, and I hope you are OK and looking forward to the 'meet' this weekend. Seems that poor Jim is laid up for a while, with back trouble (can't get off it in the morning ! :yh_rotfl oops, sorry Jim ;) ). I was trying to get down, but things have conspired to prevent me :(.

Maybe there will be another 'meet' organised later in the year - I hope so ! :-3

I hope you take your camera with you and manage to get some good pics of everybody, and where you went :D :-6 :-4

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:17 am
by G#Gill


Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:18 am
by G#Gill

Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire (Lord Byron)

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:32 am
by qsducks
Afternoon all. Wish I was going to the meet but will be stuck here in Pennsylvania. I'm looking forward to Ireland in early summer and maybe I'll meet up with somebody from the fg.

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:14 pm
by Hope6
G#Gill;1119724 wrote: I just thought I would create a thread of my own, one that anybody can join in with, to chat about anything, so long as it is within the rules of FG ! Post interesting pictures, poems, jokes, issues, anecdotes, general chat, real-life exploits etc. The neighbour's unruly kids - you know the sort of thing .......... :D ;)

Nottingham Castle grounds (part)

(my home town)

Hi Gill! :-4

nice place sweetheart!

have you got any brownies? :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:34 pm
by Oscar Namechange
G#Gill;1120087 wrote: Hi Oscar !! Wow what an extended family you have !! I suppose every extended family has to have a 'black' sheep (oops dark grey :rolleyes:). Chris's side have one of those :yh_rotfl, languishing in jug doing a second stint of porridge - can't get off the drugs, mixing with idiots etc. Seems to be the usual thing for causing them to go off the rails. I thank goodness that none of my side have one of those.

Hope you are OK Oscar, and looking forward to the 'meet' at the weekend, it's a shame that poor old Jimbo is incapacitated (not through drink :lips:) - of course it may be that you frightened him to death with your promises of practising your karate on him ! But I will warn you that he is my fave FG fella Mrs.................. ;), he has a big heart !

Hi Gill,

I am looking forward to the meet but i think your right in that i've scared Jumbo off :yh_rotfl

I have just found out that my nephew is now to become a father at 15 years old!!!!! I'm hoping it will be the making of him.

The last time my 'Little Erbert' was up before the Magistrates, i really thought he was going to youth offenders institution. He 'borrowed' a car and got caught driving round Dorset at one in the morning drunk. Or 'twoking' as the police call it. No licence, no insurence, the lot. I couldn't believe the magistrate as even with his previous, he gave him 40 hours community service, a £55 fine and told my sister she was a caring parent and didn't need a parenting order. She could pay him some more attention between you and i.

It was Judo Gill, not Karate. :wah: I was going to throw Jumbo in the Thames but decided London didn't deserve a tsunami when he hit the water :yh_rotfl

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:09 pm
by G#Gill
qsducks;1120409 wrote: Afternoon all. Wish I was going to the meet but will be stuck here in Pennsylvania. I'm looking forward to Ireland in early summer and maybe I'll meet up with somebody from the fg.

Hi Ducky, thanks for dropping in ! Yes it's a pity that we're all scattered around the world, but at least we can see pics of each other, and some of us can even talk to each other on Skype or MSN, or even on the phone ! I bet you are excited about your trip to Ireland, you'll have to arrange to meet Pinkchick somewhere, or Mikeinie, or even Galbally ! Pinkchick will be coming over for the 'meet'. I'd love to visit Ireland, the scenery looks gorgeous !

Galway bay, Ireland.

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:25 pm
by G#Gill
Hope6;1120608 wrote: Hi Gill! :-4

nice place sweetheart!

have you got any brownies? :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

Hi there Hope !! Thanks for popping in, you'll have to do it again - it's nice to see you :-6 :)

No I haven't got any brownies, I presume you mean chocolate brownies - ooooh they're yummy, and once I start eating them, I don't just stop at a couple !!!!:lips::D


Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:29 pm
by Kathy Ellen
Hello Gill:-6

Love your hut:-6Wish I could leave you a house-warming gift, but my computer is acting badly and shuts me down when I upload pictures and graphics. Have to wait for my tekkie guy to fix this little mother:lips:

Think I have a bad program that's crashed.

Hope you're well Gill and have your boiler back on again soon. I haven't been on too much lately....and haven't read back. Do you have enough heat?

Take care Gill and I hope all is well;) Love your pictures:D

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:40 pm
by G#Gill
oscar;1120658 wrote: Hi Gill,

I am looking forward to the meet but i think your right in that i've scared Jumbo off :yh_rotfl

I have just found out that my nephew is now to become a father at 15 years old!!!!! I'm hoping it will be the making of him.

The last time my 'Little Erbert' was up before the Magistrates, i really thought he was going to youth offenders institution. He 'borrowed' a car and got caught driving round Dorset at one in the morning drunk. Or 'twoking' as the police call it. No licence, no insurence, the lot. I couldn't believe the magistrate as even with his previous, he gave him 40 hours community service, a £55 fine and told my sister she was a caring parent and didn't need a parenting order. She could pay him some more attention between you and i.

It was Judo Gill, not Karate. :wah: I was going to throw Jumbo in the Thames but decided London didn't deserve a tsunami when he hit the water :yh_rotfl

Oscar, I think sometimes that some parents are a little out of their depth with regard to discipline. Yes and also do not have enough 'quality time' with their children - go out with them, take them go-karting, ice-skating or even go with them to a football match, or just sit down to a meal together and talk to each other. They seem to leave them to their own devices a lot of the time - doesn't matter, so long as they aren't under foot! If only they could see what is happening to their growing child, how the child gets the impression that they are in the way, that nobody cares any more. Sad, and avoidable.

I don't think the Thames Barrier would do the job if you did throw Jim into the murky waters !!! :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:58 pm
by G#Gill
Kathy Ellen;1120943 wrote: Hello Gill:-6

Love your hut:-6Wish I could leave you a house-warming gift, but my computer is acting badly and shuts me down when I upload pictures and graphics. Have to wait for my tekkie guy to fix this little mother:lips:

Think I have a bad program that's crashed.

Hope you're well Gill and have your boiler back on again soon. I haven't been on too much lately....and haven't read back. Do you have enough heat?

Take care Gill and I hope all is well;) Love your pictures:D

Hi Kathy, lovely to see you Mrs !! Oh I'm sure you will get your computer sorted and you'll be back in full swing !

We're still waiting for the flippin assessor to come round !! But we are managing, thanks to Chris's endeavours, and the fact that we have a couple of halogen electric heaters, which are performing magnificently, thank goodness. It will be getting colder again this week and next, so I do hope we can get things fixed before it gets too bad. Without central heating, the whole house gets cold, and even though we have large window areas facing south to catch what sun warmth is going, because we haven't had much sun the house hasn't been given a chance to have a warm through during the day !! grrrrrrrrrrrr and brrrrrrrrrr :rolleyes:

You take care of yourself too Kathy, and stay safe ;) :-4

Perhaps I could put something warming here for you :-6 :D


Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:31 pm
by G#Gill
Night night, or day day my friends XXX :-6 :) ;)

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:45 pm
by Kathy Ellen
G#Gill;1120959 wrote: Hi Kathy, lovely to see you Mrs !! Oh I'm sure you will get your computer sorted and you'll be back in full swing !

We're still waiting for the flippin assessor to come round !! But we are managing, thanks to Chris's endeavours, and the fact that we have a couple of halogen electric heaters, which are performing magnificently, thank goodness. It will be getting colder again this week and next, so I do hope we can get things fixed before it gets too bad. Without central heating, the whole house gets cold, and even though we have large window areas facing south to catch what sun warmth is going, because we haven't had much sun the house hasn't been given a chance to have a warm through during the day !! grrrrrrrrrrrr and brrrrrrrrrr :rolleyes:

You take care of yourself too Kathy, and stay safe ;) :-4

Perhaps I could put something warming here for you :-6 :D


Oh Gill:-4

I'm really so sorry that you're going through this...but as long as you're warm...that's all that matters.

Good night Gill:-6

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:51 am
by Helen
mornin gill and everyone,

gill i hope you get yer heating sorted pretty soon, have you seen the weather forcast :eek::eek:

its coming from siberia next week and we've even had snow forcast for down here !!

my new glasses are workin a treat, got some BIG scores at darts last night and we won 5-4. nearly had to take em off at one stage cos it felt like the board was about 2" away from me nose lol.

hoping to go to eldest's tomorrow so will have to do two days work when i go in tonight. :-5

something goin on in town, ambulances racin about and the air ambulance has just flown over.

not such a nice day as it was yesterday but its still dry.

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:52 am
by Helen
who do you think mr valentine is ............. ??

ive got my ideas lol

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:28 am
by G#Gill
jimbo;1121189 wrote: not that i'm interested in posting about girlie things you understand :D:D

but i just wondered if men was banned from here:D:D

Jim, me little owd mate, anybody can come in and have a natter, the more the merrier. I'm so pleased to see you here me fave FG fella !

How is your back? I do hope it gets a little more comfortable for you soon - it is no fun, I know. I suppose you will come in for micky-taking and leg-pulling when people know you take the 'p' out of others :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl even so, a little compassion and sympathy can go a long way !

About talking 'about girlie things', personally I prefer to talk about other things, although it can be quite funny, and I enjoy the repartée that can develop in such chat ! Anyway I like to talk about anything and enjoy the friendships that can develop from regular chatting in the forum.

I look forward to seeing you again on here Mr. Jim :D ;) :-4

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:31 am
by G#Gill
Blinkin eck, that sounded a bit bloody formal ffs. I think I must be trying to make out that I know what I'm talkin abart !!! :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:35 am
by qsducks
G#Gill;1121270 wrote: Blinkin eck, that sounded a bit bloody formal ffs. I think I must be trying to make out that I know what I'm talkin abart !!! :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl

Sounded fine to me Gill. You are one posh chick:)

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:43 am
by G#Gill
Helen;1121181 wrote: mornin gill and everyone,

gill i hope you get yer heating sorted pretty soon, have you seen the weather forcast :eek::eek:

its coming from siberia next week and we've even had snow forcast for down here !!

my new glasses are workin a treat, got some BIG scores at darts last night and we won 5-4. nearly had to take em off at one stage cos it felt like the board was about 2" away from me nose lol.

hoping to go to eldest's tomorrow so will have to do two days work when i go in tonight. :-5

something goin on in town, ambulances racin about and the air ambulance has just flown over.

not such a nice day as it was yesterday but its still dry.

Hiya Helen, ooooooh thanks for that !:eek::eek::eek:

Glad your glasses are good - no stopping you now ay ???

Have a good time at your eldest's, wish her a happy birthday from me please ! ;)

Doesn't sound very good when they call in the air ambulance, you'll have to keep me posted on that, if you can.

Don't work too hard Mrs. If you can't get it all done in your shift, then somebody else will have to do it ............... I don't think they think of you if the positions are reversed :( You can only do what you are able to do, so don't knacker yourself up !! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr :-5

:-4 :D

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:45 am
by G#Gill
qsducks;1121272 wrote: Sounded fine to me Gill. You are one posh chick:)


Hi Ducky ! You OK ?? :-6:D

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:58 am
by qsducks
G#Gill;1121281 wrote: :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

Hi Ducky ! You OK ?? :-6:D

Fine today but it's still freezing. Kidlets were looking for a two hour delay this mroning from school...didn't happen but the roads were very slippery.:wah:

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:11 am
by qsducks
Idgie;1121291 wrote: Good morning/afternoon Gill! :-6

How lovely to see you have your own thread going here! :) Hope things are going well for you.

We've been pounded with snow storm after snow storm lately. I've been spending more time outdoors than inside contending with clean up. It's really pretty though....

Have a lovely day Gill! :yh_hugs

My grill is frozen and has icicles on it:wah:

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:57 am
by Mustang
Hi good looking! Just what go's on here at this new thread of your's. :)

Gill's talk mutter hut

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:59 am
by G#Gill
Idgie;1121291 wrote: Good morning/afternoon Gill! :-6

How lovely to see you have your own thread going here! :) Hope things are going well for you.

We've been pounded with snow storm after snow storm lately. I've been spending more time outdoors than inside contending with clean up. It's really pretty though....

Have a lovely day Gill! :yh_hugs

Hi Idgie !!! Lovely to see you here Mrs !!!! Well I've been meaning to start my own thread for a while, but have felt that I didn't have enough time to devote to it as I feel I should, however, I'm giving it a try !

Well, you all have trouble with snow over in the States it seems - ere how about sending some of it over to the UK !!! There hasn't been a decent snowfall in the Midlands of England for years now !!! :( And as you say, it is sooooo pretty. All we get is the flippin cold, but with no benefit of pretty snow !!! The children round my neighbourhood have mostly got sledges, but they're deteriorating with neglect and age !!! (the sledges I mean :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl )

Take care Idgie, and keep popping in :-6 :D ;)