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Does God Need Love ?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:29 pm
by Daniyal
Does God Need Love ? Of course some of you will say '' No God doesn't need anything , '' However , Throughout every Religion each tells you that you have to Love God or some kind of Supernatural Force . Why ? Because you were told that God provides your Food , your Clothes and your Shelter and for that you should Grovel and Prostrate on The Ground which means that you Love God for what he can do for you . This makes God you Provuder or as The Muhammadans eould say Allahu Ar Razzaqu '' Allah Or God Is Your Provider '' .

If this is the reason why you '' Love '' God , Then you should be using the word ''Thankful '' or Grateful '' And leave the word '' Love '' Alone , Because you don't know what Love means or how to use it . All of the reasons why you say you Love God are surrounding you which can be seen in The 12 Forms Of Love Which Are ;

1 . Love Of Oneself ~ Which is the most deadly because there is no one you Love more than yourself .

2 . Love Of Wealth ~ Because you desire to have and gain as many material possessions as you can .

3 . Love Of Fame ~ Because you want to be popular and known .

4 . Love Of Success ~ Which is still the desire to be popular , Just so that you can say '' I'm on top of the world .

5 . Love Of Mate ( Husaban Or Wife ) Your mate becomes your personal possession or property .

6 . Love Of Child ~ Your child is in the image and likeness of you thus your child is a reflection of you .

7 . Love Of Parents ~ Who gave birth to you .

8 . Love Of Brothers And Sisters ~ For what they can do for you .

9 . Love Of One's Word ( Tongue ) . It seems that people like nothing more than to hear themselves talk . And most of the time when people are talking they really aren't saying anything . This is why I say '' If You Listened To Yourself More Tou Would Talk Less '' And '' That The Creators Has Given You Two Eyes , Two Ears And One Mouth . He Expects You To Watch And Listen Twice As Much As You Speak ''

10 . Love Of Life ~ How life function around you and your purpose .

11. Love Of Prophets ~ Because to you they are the closet thing to the heavenly father that has walked the earth .

12 . Love Of The Heavenly Father ~ Because you try to make The Heavenly Father look like you by giving him physcial arrtibuts which give The Heavenly Father a form . Then you begin to paint the face of a being that you feel needs your Love .

So the Love you think you have for Yahweh or Allah or Thehos is based around you . But what you fail to realize is that just because someone is giving you things , You still don't necessarily have to Love or like them . For instance , If you have a disease and that doctor heals you , You will say that you Love that doctor , Or if you were starving and someone gave you a plate full of food you would Love them wouldn't you . However . Again that is not Love . It is sad that you have been misled into thinking that The Heavenly Father '' Needs '' Anything from you . Your so-called leaders will continue to use this same word called '' Love '' To take all of your money . They will tell you if you Love God , Then give God Your earning which they call Alms ,

Tidings , Charity , Zakaat and Donations . And because you are give a Guilt Complex and called names like Heathen or a Child Of The Devil or a Blasphemer about not '' Giving To God '' . You give them Your Earning when your Child needs Shoes . Now think would any '' Loving God'' , As you would call him , Want you to give Your Money To Him and Neglect your Child ? You should ask your leader what could A God who is The Creator Of The Heaven And Earth Possibly Need ? ( Genesis 1 ; 1 and Koran 112 ; 2 ) . Your Religious leaders also have you under the impression that prayer , Worshipping , Meditation or Fasting are ways to show your '' Love '' For God . You teel me why would God need your Prayers or your Worship or need for you to Meditate to him ? Ask yourself why would God want you to Starve yourself for 30 Days to show that you Love Him ? If that is the reason , Then you should never Eat again . Any real God wouldn't '' Need '' You to do these things . Because any real God would already know what you feel in your Heart . As you can plainly see , The word '' Love '' Has been and is still being used by your leaders for their own selfish personal gain . ( Now This May Make You Angry , But The Facts Usually Do . This post will be dealing with facts and mraning of words that are misinterpreted as '' Love '' Which are found in The Scriptures in The Original Language . They were translated into Hebrew , Arabic and Greek and that there are serveral words used for the one word '' Love '' . This brings us to the first question .

Does God Need Love ?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:31 pm
by Daniyal
What Does Love Mean ? If you were to look up the word '' Love '' In The Hebrew , Arabic and Greek Language which are The Languages that The Scriptures are in , You will see that there are Various meaning and Derivatives of the word Love . According To The American Heritage Disctionary , Page 772 , Love Is Defines as ;

love ( luv ) n. 1 . An intense affectionate concern for another person . 2 . An intense sexual desire for another person . 3 . A beloved person . Often used as a term of endearment . 4 . A strong fondness or enthuiasm for something ; a love of the woods . 5 . Capital L . Eros or Cupid , the god of love in classical mythology . 6 . Theology . a . God's benevolence and mercy toward man . b . Man's devotion to or adoration of god c . The benevolence , kindness , or brotherhood that man should rightfully feel toward other men . 7 . Capital L. Christian Science God 8 . A zero score in tennis .

According To A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary Of The English Language , Page 431 Love Is Defined As ; love , n . -ME . luve , love , fr, OE , lufu , 'love affection , friendliness , rel , to OE , leof , OS , liof , OFris , liaf ,Du, lief ,OHG, liob , MHG. liep , G , lieb , ON , Ijufr , Goth , liufs , dear beloved', OHG , liubi , joy , MHG , liebe , joy; love', G . Liebe , love' , OE , ON , Swed . OFris , Du , lof , Dan , lov , OHG ,lob , NHG , lop , G lob , praise, fr , I.E. base *leubh - , to love , approve , praise , whence also L. lubet , later libet , pleases' , OI. lubhyati . desires , OSlav . l'ubu , dear beloeved ' , luby , love , lubiti , to love , Lith , liaupse , song of praise , Cp. leave , n . lief , belief, believe , and the second element in furlough. Cp. also libidinous .

What Does The Word Love Mean In The Greek Language ? In The Greek Language , Which is the language that The New Testament was originally translated into , There are several words that are used for Love . According to The Hebrew Greek Key Study Bible , Compiled and edited by Spiro Zodhiates , Th.D. The word The Agapao Means '' Love , Beloved , This kind of Love is '' The Love Of Persons Or Things ; To Welcome , To Entertain To Be Fond Of , To Be Well Pleased '' , Agapao is used in Matthew 5 ; 44 , And Matthew 19 ; 19 And many other places in The New Testament where Jesus says to '' Love Thy Neighbour ,

Phileo Means '' To Kiss , To Love , To Approve Of , To Like , To Sanction , To Treat Affectionately Or Kindly , To Welcome Befriend , To Show Signs Of Love , To Kiss , To Be Fond Of Doing , , Be Wont , Used To Do '' Phileo Describes an emotional and affectionate kind of Love as it is used in Matthew 26 ; 48 and Luke 22 ; 47 . Then you have the word Philadephia .. Which is another word for Love Which means '' Brotherly Love , Brotherly Kindness , Love Of The Brethren , Love Of Brother Or Sisters , In The New Testament The Love That Christians Cherish For Each Other As Brethren , As you can see , From the defintion that this is the kind of Love that is share between Siblings . This word is used in Hebrew 13 ; 1 and 1Thessalonians 4 ; 9 , Which uses the term '' Brotherly Love , '' This is why The City Of Philadelphia , Penn , U.S.A. Is called '' The City Of Brotherly Love .

Then you have Philarguria Which is the '' Love Of Money ( 1 Timothy 6 ; 10 ) Philandros Means '' To Love Their Husbands , Loving Her Husband '' ( Titus 2 ; 4 )

. and Philoteknos Means '' To Love One's Children '' Which can also be found in ( Titus 2 ; 4 ) . Philanthropia Means '' Kindness , Love , Love For Mandkind , Benevolence '' , This word is used in reference to being kind and is used twice in The New Testament in Acts 28 ; 2 And Titus 3 ; 4 , The above words that have the Phila - greek - Prefix all come from the greek root word Phiols - greek - Which means '' Friend , To Be Friendly To One , To Be Well .

Does God Need Love ?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:33 pm
by Daniyal
What Does The Word Love Mean In The Hebrew Language ? According to The Hebrew Greek Key Study Bible , Compiled and edited by Spiro Zodhiates , Th.D. The word Dode or Dowd - aremic - Means ''Beloved , Love , Uncle , Loved One '' . The Hebrew word for Uncle is Dode which also can be used to refer to a '' Loved One Or A Beloved One , '' In 1Samuel 10 ; 14 Dode is used as Uncle '' And Saaul's Uncle Said Unto Him And To His Servant ...' And in Song Of Solomon 1 ; 2 Dode is being used to describe the '' Love '' Between Two People And I Quote '' Let Him Kiss Me With The Kisses Of His Mouth ; For Thy Love Is Better Than Wine , ''

Ra'yah - aramic - Meaning '' Attendant , Maiden , Companion '' , Solomon 1 ; 9 another Hebrew word for Love is Khaw -Shak - aramic - Which means To Love , Be Attached To , To Long For , To Desire , '' Which is used in Deuteronomy 7 ; 7 .

Are There Other Forms Of The Word '' Love '' In Hebrew ? Yes . Another form of this Hebrew word used for Love is Aw - Hab Which mean '' To Love '' This kind of Love is used to describe human Love for another , Which includes sexual and human appetite for object such as Food , Drink , Sleep and Wisdom . This word is used in Genesis 27 ; 4 by Isaac then he was asking his son Jacob for food and I quote ; '' And Make Me Savory Meat , Such As I Love ... And in Leviticus 19 ; 18 ... But Thou Shalt Love They Neighbor As Thyself ..

Ahabaw - aramic - Is another form of meaning '' Love , Human Love For An Object , Love Of Man Towards Man , Love Of Man Towards Himself , Love Between Woman And Man , Sexual Desire , God's Love To His People , '' ;.... Before you go any further , I would like you to read the meaning of this word again . Now , First I want to stree that the meaning of 'Ahabaw - aramic - Started out meaning human love for himself and each other . Why was it necessary to make a separate definition for the Love between Man towards Man and Woman and Man when it is understood in The English language that when you say Man it is referring to Male and Female .

Then it goes on to say the Love for objects and sexual desire . Now if Ahabaw - aramic - Means all of these things then what does '' God's Love To His People '' Have to do with this word ? In 1Kings 10 ; 9 ' Ahabaw is used when referring to the Lords Love For His People And I Quote '.... Because The Lord ( Yahweh ) Loved Israel Forever , Therefore Made He Three King , To Do Judgment And Justice , '' And in 2Samuel 1 ; 26 The exact same word Ahabaw is the word used when describing the '' Love '' Between Jonathan and David And I Quote ; '' I Am Distressed For Thee , My Brother Jonathan ; Very Pleasant Hast Thou Been Unto Me ; Thy Love To Me Was Wonderful , Passing The Love Of A Women . ''

If you are talking about Love from The Heavenly Father then shouldn't it be separate ot have it's own meaning , because the '' Love '' for lack of a better word , That The Heavenly Father has would not be the same as Earthly or Human Love . According to the definition of this word '' Love '' , Are you sayying that God's Love towards human beings is like Man to Woman or Man to Man or are you saying Man should God Love the same way he Loves A Woman or Himself ? This is what I mean when I say you are being misled by Mistranslation , Misconceptions and Opinions . It is more than obvious that Either the Wrong words or Definition was Chosen or someone has played A Malicious and Demonic game with the words in The translations of The So-called Holy Scriptures . The reason why I say so-called is because of these kinds of Lies and Errors that are in The Bible as well as The Koran that you hold in your hand today . Which renders these Errors , Which renders these books unholy because '' Holy '' means '' Pure , Undiluted , Unadulterated , Untampered With '' . And Holy Is What The Translation Of The Koran And The Bible Are Not .

Does God Need Love ?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:34 pm
by Daniyal
How Is The Word Love Defined In The Arabic Language Of The Koran ? In The Arabic language which The Muhammadans say The Koran , The Holy Book of their Religion was Revealed , One of the many words used for '' Love '' is The Arabic word A - Hab Which you look in The Koran for different verbs for the word '' Love there aren't alot of them . There is actully one word for Love that talks about Love in the sense of Loving someone or an object , Is the word Hubb - arabic - Which can be found in Koran 2 ; 165 ; 2 ; 177 ; 3 ; 14 ; 12 ; 30 ; 38 ; 32 ; 76 ; 8 , 89 ; 20 ; 100 ; 8 , According to The Hans - Wehr Arabic - English Dictionary , Page 151 Hubb - arabic - Is defined as '' To Love , Like , To Evoke , A Liking For Something Or Someone , Dear Lovable For Someone , Something On Someone , Suggests Something To Someone , To Love , To Like , To Wish , To Want To Do Something , '' This kind of Love is like saying '' Boy '' , I would Love to have a glass of lemonade, '' Or you would like something .

There are many derivatives of the word Hubb - arabic - Like the word Ahibba - arabic - Meaning '' Beloved , Sweetheart , '' This word is used once in The Koran 5 ; 18 . Mahabba - arabic - Is another derivative which means '' Love ; Affection , Attachment '' In The Feminine form and can be found on Koran 20 ; 39 . Mahaba In used to describe affection . Ahabb - arabic - Means '' More Beloved Dearer '' And can be found in Koran 9 ; 24 , 12 ; 8 , 12 ; 33 , Habbaba - arabic - Means to '' Endear '' Which can be found in Koran 49 ; 7 . Ahabba - arabic - Means '' To Like Love , Long For , '' Ahabba Is an ordinary kind of Love that you would have for a child . This form of Love can be found Koran 28 ; 56 ; 38 ; 32 ; 3 ; 146 ; 49 ; 9 And in many other places in The Koran . These quotes show that Allah Loves or Likes a certain kind of people . Yet you never see a clear example of Allah showing his Love for something . You never see a clear manisfestation of his Love ; And the word Istahabba - arabic - Is also a derivative of the word Hubb - arabic - Istahabba Means '' To Prefer '' And can be found in Koran 9 ; 23 ; 16 ; 107 ; 41 ; 17 ; 14 ; 3 .

One of The Attributes or name of Allah ( God ) is Al Waduwd - arabic - Which is The 47th Attribute of Allah or God . Waduwd comes from The Arabic root word Wadda - arabic - Which means To Wish , To Want ; To Yearn ; To Like To Love , '' According to The Dictionary of Islam by Thomas Patrick Hughes , B.d., M.R.A.S. Page 659 , Al Waduwd Means '' The Loving One Or The Beloved One '' Which appears twice in The Koran 85 ; 14 And I Quote '' And He Is The Oft - Forgiving , Full of Loving - Kindness '' , And in Koran 11 ; 90 '' .... For My Lord Is Is Indeed Full Of Mercy And Loving - Kindness '' . The only way this form of Love is used is when it's referring to Allah or God's Attribute Al Wadudu - arabic - Which human gave him . Both Hebrew and Arabic have the same words for Love as I have shown you .

There is no place in The Koran that speaks of Allah having any divine Love for anything ? Yet you'll say that he does Love in Koran 5 ; 42 Which states that God Loves '' The Just '' Then this means that Allah discriminates against one of his own creations because . According to you , Allah created Everything ( Koran 6 ; 101 - 102 ) Which also includes The Evil Doers . And if he did create The Evil Doers then what was the point in him creating these Evil or Disagreeable people . Because according to your Scriptures , Be it The Bible or The Koran , You say that God knows all things . So therefore , God knew that these people who he created were Bas or Unrighteous , From The Very Beginning . So God created them just to condemn them To Hell ? Is this God that you are calling Al Waduwd - '' The Loving '' In your Koran . And This can be Verified in The Koran and The Bible where Allah '' Loves Not '' His creations ; Koran 2 ; 190 , 2 ; 205 , 2 ; 276 , 3 ; 32 , 3 ; 140 , 4 ; 36 , 4 ; 107 , 4 ; 148 , 5 ; 64 , 6 ; 141 , 28 ; 76 , 30 ; 45 .

However , There is a Love that is attributed ro God only and that word can be found in Arabic called 'Ishq - arabic - Which describes '' Divine Love '' Or the kind of Love that makes The Heavenly Father continue to let the sun shine every morning Ishq means '' Divine Love Excessive Love , Spiritual Passion And Complete Devotion . A Supreme Fervent Love '' , And is the kind of Love that you are able to understand on you realm which has nothing to do with lust and Desire . Material things as mentioned in the previous definitions . The word 'Ishq cannot be found in The Koran Or Bible , 'Ishq is much more powerful than The Love that humans feel for each other and can therefore be hard to describe by a person who only attributes Love to things that they desire ; A Man , Woman , Clothes , Food Cars Etc , The best way I can describe this Love to you is the kind of Love that The Anunnaqi ( Eloheem ) felt when they saw you , In their mind , Working in The Goldmines in Raphali ( South Africa ) And decided to save you . This kind of Love is what The Heavenly Father felt when he decided to create The Universe and Humans and gave you The Divine Spark Of Life . Not that they expected anything from you , Or needed you to Love them . As you can see , This is a degree more powerful than the other words used for Love , In Arabic , English , Greek or Hebrew which all describe some type of human Love or Love in general that is felt between people and the objects that people Love .

Does God Need Love ?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:38 pm
by Daniyal
Does Love Breed Jealousy And Envy ? Yes . Love can breed jealousy and envy . In Hebrew Jealous and Envy ( Qin'ah ) - aramic - Have the same meaning which is '' Envy . Zealous , Jealous '' , However according to Webster's New Compact Format Dictionary Envy Means ; A Feeling Of Discontent And Ill Will Because Of Another's Advantages Possessions , Etc ,; Desire For Some Advantage , Quality , Etc . Jealous ; ''Very Watchful Or Careful In Guarding Or Keeping Of One's Rights ; Resentfully Suspicious As A Rival ; Rquiring Exclusive Loyality [ A Jealous God ] .''

In fact , In Exodus 20 ; 5 The God of your Bible even admits that he is a '' Jealous '' God And I Quote ; '' Thou Shalt Not Bow Down Thyself To Them , Nor Serve Them ; For I The Lord ( Yahweh ) Thy God ( Eloheem ) Am A Jealous God ( El ) ... ''Now according to this quote you cannot show reverence to or serve anybody except God . And because God is Jealous and demands this undivided attention , Does this mean you are not to give your husband who you pledged to honor , Love and serve for The rest of your Life Until Death Do You Part , The allegiance you promised in your wedding Vows ? Does this also mean your children who you are to protect and serve until they become Adults ?

And lets not forget your Rabbi , Reverend or your Imams who helped you purify your soul . If this is True , Then that must be an Insecure God that has emotions So much so that he admits that he is a '' Jeaous God '' 10 Times in The Bible ( Exodus 20 ; 5 , 34 ; 14 , Deuteronomy 4 ; 24 , 5 ; 9 , 6 ; 15 , Joshua 24 ; 19 , Nahum 1 ; 2 , Zechariah 1 ; 14 , 8 ; 2 And 2 Corithians 11 ; 2 ) . And Exodus 34 ; 14 , Says That God's Name Is '' Jealous '' And I Quote '' For Thou Shalt Worship No Other God ( El ) ; For The Lord ( Yahweh ) , Whose Name Is Jealous ( Qanna ) , Is A Jealous God ( El ) ; '' The word being used for Jealous in the above quote is The Hebrew word Qanna Which means '' Envy , Zealous , Jealous '' From The Hebrew root word Qana - aramic - Meaning '' To Be Envious , To Be Jealous , To Be Zealous , To Excite To Jealous Anger , To Provoke To Jealous Anger , '' All of these are Human Attributes And Emotions . So it is clear that this God can be provoked to anger if you pay attention to anybody else but him . And Jealous Anger In Most Cases Leads To Violence , So This Loving God Will Also Hurt You .

Now , Let's get back to the point , Not only is your god able to be provoked into anger , But in Deuteronomy 6 ; 14 - 15 ,

The Lord is so Jealous that if you kindle his anger he will destroy you , And I Quote ; '' Ye Shall Not Go After Other Gods ( Eloheem ) , Of The Gods ( Eloheem ) Is A Jealous God ( El ) Among You Lest The Anger Of The Lord ( Yahweh ) Thy God ( Eloheem ) Be Kindled Against Thee . And Destroy Thee From Off The Face Of The Earth . These quote alone explain why some people go out and kill their Husband and Wives or Boyfriend and Girlfriend in the name of Love such as in the case of a Woman who killed her Lover because she threatened to leave Her , Your Bible tells you that it is okay for The God of Israel to punish the Pharoh and the land of Egypt simply because they chose to worship their own God ( Jeremiah 46 ; 25 - 26 ) .

Has the God of Israel even thought for a minute that he was good enough for them . And because it is this the kind of example that God has made , You're God figures here on earth called Reverend , Pastor , Pope and the likes feel justified in cursing someone out and calling them all kinds of Devils simply because the person doesn't believe as they believe . Or as in the case of a Georgian man who killed his wife because she had planned to divorce him . To the people who committed these Murders , They felt the same emotion called Love . And because you say that you were created in The Image And After The Likeness Of Your God ( Genesis 1 ; 26 ) Then you inherited this Jealous Rrait . This same Jealous Love becomes possession which leads to Obsession .

However , The Bible commands you to Love God With Your Heart , Mind and Soul In Deuteronomy 6 ; 4 - 5 , 10 ; 12 , 2Kings 23 ; 35 , Matthew 27 ; 37 - 39 , Mark 12 ; 30 And Luke 10 ; 27 Without explaining to you just what is meant by Love and how far to take it . The New and Old Testament of The Bible , are saturated with Commandments and Demands and Do's and Do Not's and How's and How Not's about the way you should Love Yahweh or Thehos . Although the Koran uses the word Love in its many different forms , It doesn't have any commandments that you love Allah or any one else for that matter . Another point that I must make is In Exodus 20 ; 5 There must be more than one God for him to have to declare '' I The Lord ( Yahweh ) Thy God ( Eloheem ) Am A Jealous God ( El ) '' Because Who Else Is There For God To Be Jealous Of Other Than Someone Who Is Equal Or Greater Than Himself . You Cannot Be Jealous Or Envious Of Someone If You Created Everything That Exists In The Universe .

In Deuteronomy 8 ; 6 God Says That He Wants Us To Fear Him . So Isn't Loving Him The Same Things As Fearing Him ? No . There are many form of fear . And the kind of fear spoken of in Deuteronomy 8 ; 6 is one of reverence and respect and not terror, And I Quote ; Therefore Thou Shalt Keep The Commandments Of The Lord ( Yahweh ) Thy God ( Eloheem ) , To Walk In His Ways , And To Fear Him , '' ;.... In Deuteronomy 8 ; 6 And many other places in The Bible as well as The Koran 2 ; 2 , It says And I Quote ; '' To Those Who Fear God ... Your God Demands That You Fear Him And Follow The Laws Or Instruction In The Bible Called '' Commandments ''

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Authored By ;

Dr. Malachi Z . York

For The Holy Tabernacle Ministeries

1994 A.D.