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Any Metal Detectorists Here?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:33 am
by Hamster's Knight
I have a White's XLT and love it. Found a few Civil War bullets and alot of junk, but still love it and will find that gold coin one day. it's out there waiting for me right NOW! :)

so....anyone else diggin stuff up? Lots of Roman coins in the UK...some of you have GOT to be in to this :)

Any Metal Detectorists Here?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:47 am
by Oscar Namechange
Hamster's Knight;1144549 wrote: I have a White's XLT and love it. Found a few Civil War bullets and alot of junk, but still love it and will find that gold coin one day. it's out there waiting for me right NOW! :)

so....anyone else diggin stuff up? Lots of Roman coins in the UK...some of you have GOT to be in to this :) I haven't been for a while but i used to do it a lot. I've never found much except some 'groats' but it's exciting all the same.

Any Metal Detectorists Here?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:23 am
by Clodhopper
Not into it myself, but I can see the appeal and if I didn't live in a city might well be attracted to it. Glad to see that detectorists and archaeologists now co-operate with eachother - well, some of the time!

:wah: When I was a lad and we went to the beach my Mum had a metal detector and used to "hoover" the beach for dropped coins. Never made her fortune at it, though.

Any Metal Detectorists Here?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:29 am
by Oscar Namechange
Clodhopper;1144658 wrote: Not into it myself, but I can see the appeal and if I didn't live in a city might well be attracted to it. Glad to see that detectorists and archaeologists now co-operate with eachother - well, some of the time!

:wah: When I was a lad and we went to the beach my Mum had a metal detector and used to "hoover" the beach for dropped coins. Never made her fortune at it, though. When we were kids, we would wait for the annual fair to pack up and leave. We used to find so much dropped money.

Any Metal Detectorists Here?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:31 am
by Hamster's Knight
I"ve seen people that live in the city swing a loop on those grass covered medians. you can find coins anywhere.

Yeah, after a fair leaves town, the pickings are there!!

I actually was gonna go work for an archeologist once in Florida but that didnt pan out unfortunately. it's a fun hobby...gets you outside and just the fantasy of finding something really cool is enough to keep me going :)

Any Metal Detectorists Here?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:03 am
by qsducks
We see peeps on the beach in Noo Joisey every summer doing this. They walk along the oceans edge and always digging up goodies. Went swimming last summer and my new $20 ring fell off....darn it!:mad:

Any Metal Detectorists Here?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:20 am
by Sheryl
I watched a show on the Travel channel about folks who would go and do this on old plantation sites. They would find old buttons, coins, rings, and such.

I've always wanted to go and do it. But just haven't. But I did find an old bottle once on one of our sections that we farmed. It was near where a dugout house was in the early 1900's. Made me wonder what else I could of found.

Any Metal Detectorists Here?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:26 am
by qsducks
Sheryl;1144780 wrote: I watched a show on the Travel channel about folks who would go and do this on old plantation sites. They would find old buttons, coins, rings, and such.

I've always wanted to go and do it. But just haven't. But I did find an old bottle once on one of our sections that we farmed. It was near where a dugout house was in the early 1900's. Made me wonder what else I could of found.

How cool is that? When we bought our house and found it was built in 1916, we decided to put a garden out back and dug up dirt, etc. We came across several little steel childrens cars (like Matchbox cars), all built in the USA. I saved them both. Also found old postcards stuck in the tops of the closets from the 1930's.

Any Metal Detectorists Here?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:22 pm
by Hamster's Knight
Old bottles could be worth alot of $$ to a collector. especially colored glass :)

I think I forgot to mention, my granddad used to own a marina in Ocean City and he lived in Stone Harbor. My dad used to live on 52nd ST in Ocean City ;) Good memories.

but anyway....yeah..if there was a glass bottle, I'd bet there is other stuff to dig up

Any Metal Detectorists Here?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:24 am
by qsducks
Hamster's Knight;1145563 wrote: Old bottles could be worth alot of $$ to a collector. especially colored glass :)

I think I forgot to mention, my granddad used to own a marina in Ocean City and he lived in Stone Harbor. My dad used to live on 52nd ST in Ocean City ;) Good memories.

but anyway....yeah..if there was a glass bottle, I'd bet there is other stuff to dig up

It is becoming a smaller world as that is where we vacation in Ocean City! We are on 36th street. We go down for a month in August, but this year we are going to Ireland for 2 weeks and then might take a trip down to OC the last 2 weeks of August. I need my beach time!:wah:

Any Metal Detectorists Here?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:15 pm
by Hamster's Knight
IS 36th St near the boardwalk? it's been years since i've been there. The marina used to be right over the bridge on the right when you crossed INTO Ocean City. it's gone now...i think it's condo's. Used to be called Blue Water Marina. Dad used to live most of the way down 52nd St...west end of it I guess. but we could walk to the beach. My older brother had a job one summer as the guy who peddled aroudn taht ice cream thing wiht bells selling Italian Water Ice and other yummies :D haha....those were the days!