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Going to the sun.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:08 pm
by KB.
“The only man who makes no mistakes is the man who never does anything.”

~Teddy Roosevelt

“I think I’m about ready to get out of here again.” “It’s about time. I figured I’d been hearing that six or seven months ago.” “I just got to go.” “I know; it’s who you are, and who you’ll always be.” “Mom, I’m 32 years old.” “So what. You think you’re dad wouldn’t go with you if he could? You get it honest and never let anyone tell you different.”

“If you get a call today about a reference do me right. It’s a job in Montana.” “I’ll do it. Ramble on brother. I love ya.”

“Montana huh? A new chapter begins. Beautiful country up there; watch out for bears they are kind of like women if you make them mad they bite.”

“You caught me just in time. Why? I ain’t seen you in two years almost you leaving again? What the hell are you even still doing here?” “I’m, heading to Montana in May.” “Montana? You always wanted to go to Alaska, even in high school, you’re getting closer.” “Yeah, time to go.” “Ramblin’ man.”

“I think it takes one hell of a man to leave a place where he has what he wants so someone else can figure things out.” “You know I was supposed to go to work at the Grand Canyon 14 years ago and I let an almost 6 foot tall brunette in a Catholic School girl skirt talk me out of it.” “What happened?” “She left two months later.” “Well I didn’t try and talk you out of it.” “I know. And that makes me smile.”

“You’re boring. You never do anything. You ought to just join a monastery.” “I stayed in a monastery once.”

And as a side note finishing up those recent conversations, I almost joined one this time around.

I’ve never been to Montana and I’ve always wanted to go. So I’m going to go. I am 32 years old after all; no need to waste time. I’m going to go work in one of the most beautiful places in the world. I’m going to wake up every day for four months and walk outside to see mountains, crystal clear lakes, green forests, real forests, I’ll have trout fishing outside my back door and when I look out the window of the little shop I’ll be managing I’ll be able to see big horn sheep and bears.


I bet there is some old bear that has been languishing under the influence of hibernation induced dreams of what it would be like to tangle with a skinny ass white boy. I can’t freaking wait. Be waiting for the first picture of me with my arm shoulder deep down his throat.

I ain’t scared to start over. Never have been. I’ll be starting over at the end of May and I’ll be starting over again sometime around November this year. I’m looking forward to it. People tell me I run away from my problems. The only problem I have is these four walls and waking up to a ****ing IHOP sitting outside my back door. Best way to fix that is to change my location. My reasons are many and complex. They are also singular and simple.

“I’m a walking contradiction.” “You’re a bearable difficulty.”

I love that.

Who says a man has to settle down at a certain time in his life? Who says I haven’t already settled down? Come may 28th I’ll be drinking a beer while looking out over this.

That’s where I’ll be working. That’s my backyard, those mountains, and that lake, that’s my front yard.

I’ll get to put four or five new states visited under my belt on the way there and add one more to the list of “lived” in. I think dad is going to drive up with me. He is as excited as I am about the whole thing. He’s giving me dates when he can go and when he needs to be back. “We’ve got to go to the Going-to-the-Sun Road”

“Okay dad, settle down.”

Mom laughs and smiles at me. “He really wants to go. I told you he’d be jealous. I hope you can take him.” “I’ll try my best.”

More later. I’ve got a date to go eat some fried chicken livers and I need to put some clean drawers on.


“Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe.”

~Anatole France

Going to the sun.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:44 pm
Big Sky country just beautiful. I have spent lots of time in Montana in Bolder and there abouts. I have a friend who owns a mountain, bought if from the railroad. He built a huge log cabin that you have to hike up a 2 mile hill to get to it. We put packs on the dogs(4 really big german sheperds) and head up the mountain. He has a stream right by the cabin put a windmill on it so fresh water inside the cabin. Also has a 2 horse that stays on the mountain year round. Just breath taking you will love it there. :-6

Going to the sun.

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 4:12 am
by OpenMind
And why not, KB. Hope it goes as well as you wish and better.:-6

Going to the sun.

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 4:49 am
by kayleneaussie
wow how beautiful is that to work and live in .....I am jealous :-6