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Something to brighten your day

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:59 pm
by spot
Stories like this don't happen often. I might print a copy for my wall.

It puzzles me the way we survive, given the things we do. An 87-year-old Cornish woman was rescued by police five miles from home when her mobility scooter sped off out of control. Eileen Bishop, from Perranporth, and her husband Anthony were on their way to church when, he said, she "disappeared off the radar". Officers later found her heading along the A3075 towards Newquay.

[...] Officers found Mrs Bishop after a motorist reported a mobility scooter "swerving" across the road near Pendown Cross, five miles away. Mrs Bishop said she was not sure how she got separated from her husband. "I just lost him. I was half asleep to tell you the truth," she explained.

BBC NEWS | England | Cornwall | Runaway scooter carries off woman

The A3075 is one of those lethal single-lane Cornish roads I'd not even ride a pushbike on, much less an 8mph mobility scooter.

What she thought she was going to do in church I can't imagine.

Something to brighten your day

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:08 pm
by Oscar Namechange
spot;1168792 wrote: Stories like this don't happen often. I might print a copy for my wall.

It puzzles me the way we survive, given the things we do. An 87-year-old Cornish woman was rescued by police five miles from home when her mobility scooter sped off out of control. Eileen Bishop, from Perranporth, and her husband Anthony were on their way to church when, he said, she "disappeared off the radar". Officers later found her heading along the A3075 towards Newquay.

[...] Officers found Mrs Bishop after a motorist reported a mobility scooter "swerving" across the road near Pendown Cross, five miles away. Mrs Bishop said she was not sure how she got separated from her husband. "I just lost him. I was half asleep to tell you the truth," she explained.

BBC NEWS | England | Cornwall | Runaway scooter carries off woman

The A3075 is one of those lethal single-lane Cornish roads I'd not even ride a pushbike on, much less an 8mph mobility scooter.

What she thought she was going to do in church I can't imagine. She just didn't seem at all fazed, that's the bit that got me. :wah:

Something to brighten your day

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:15 pm
by Snowfire
Blimey !

I really do think she should be wearing some sort of hi-viz or at least something bright on the back of her scooter. She didnt look very visible driving up that lane

Something to brighten your day

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:00 pm
by dubs
The A3075 is one of those lethal single-lane Cornish roads I'd not even ride a pushbike on, much less an 8mph mobility scooter.

Especially the way those crazy sods drive in Cornwall...I'm not joking they're lethal!! :thinking:

Something to brighten your day

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:11 pm
by Nomad
spot;1168792 wrote: Stories like this don't happen often. I might print a copy for my wall.

It puzzles me the way we survive, given the things we do.

An 87-year-old Cornish woman was rescued by police five miles from home when her mobility scooter sped off out of control. Eileen Bishop, from Perranporth, and her husband Anthony were on their way to church when, he said, she "disappeared off the radar". Officers later found her heading along the A3075 towards Newquay.

[...] Officers found Mrs Bishop after a motorist reported a mobility scooter "swerving" across the road near Pendown Cross, five miles away. Mrs Bishop said she was not sure how she got separated from her husband. "I just lost him. I was half asleep to tell you the truth," she explained.

BBC NEWS | England | Cornwall | Runaway scooter carries off woman

The A3075 is one of those lethal single-lane Cornish roads I'd not even ride a pushbike on, much less an 8mph mobility scooter.

What she thought she was going to do in church I can't imagine.

Eileen Bishop

Thats Betty Boops real name.

Something to brighten your day

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:53 pm
by Betty Boop
dubs;1168875 wrote: The A3075 is one of those lethal single-lane Cornish roads I'd not even ride a pushbike on, much less an 8mph mobility scooter.

Especially the way those crazy sods drive in Cornwall...I'm not joking they're lethal!! :thinking:

:wah: Oyyy!!

Something to brighten your day

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:55 pm
by Betty Boop
Nomad;1168919 wrote: Eileen Bishop

Thats Betty Boops real name.

:yh_rotfl so now I'm eighty something :thinking: i feel it right now, my feet are killing me :wah:

Something to brighten your day

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:07 am
by Swimming maggie
Betty Boop;1169062 wrote: :yh_rotfl so now I'm eighty something :thinking: i feel it right now, my feet are killing me :wah:

I know the truth Betty, you're not eighty and you aren't a lethal driver, I have witnessed that with my own eyes:driving:

Something to brighten your day

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:20 am
by Betty Boop
Swimming maggie;1169123 wrote: I know the truth Betty, you're not eighty and you aren't a lethal driver, I have witnessed that with my own eyes:driving:

Thank you :-6 (my feet hurt less now and no hangover, although my mate, well, least said the better, youngsters and alcohol :rolleyes: no stamina! :wah:)

Something to brighten your day

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:31 am
by Betty Boop
spot;1168792 wrote: Stories like this don't happen often. I might print a copy for my wall.

It puzzles me the way we survive, given the things we do. An 87-year-old Cornish woman was rescued by police five miles from home when her mobility scooter sped off out of control. Eileen Bishop, from Perranporth, and her husband Anthony were on their way to church when, he said, she "disappeared off the radar". Officers later found her heading along the A3075 towards Newquay.

[...] Officers found Mrs Bishop after a motorist reported a mobility scooter "swerving" across the road near Pendown Cross, five miles away. Mrs Bishop said she was not sure how she got separated from her husband. "I just lost him. I was half asleep to tell you the truth," she explained.

BBC NEWS | England | Cornwall | Runaway scooter carries off woman

The A3075 is one of those lethal single-lane Cornish roads I'd not even ride a pushbike on, much less an 8mph mobility scooter.

What she thought she was going to do in church I can't imagine.

Bless her, she was not bothered one bit was she?

Maybe she just fancied a change from church every wednesday every week, she's a rebel!!

You could be right about single lane roads and pushbikes, very dangerous twisty turny narrow roads down here :wah: :-)

Something to brighten your day

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 11:21 am
by Snowfire
Betty Boop;1169062 wrote: :yh_rotfl so now I'm eighty something :thinking: i feel it right now, my feet are killing me :wah:

Make sure you wear that thick cardie when you whizz about on that scooter. You'll catch your death, this weather :D

Something to brighten your day

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:21 pm
by Betty Boop
Snowfire;1169419 wrote: Make sure you wear that thick cardie when you whizz about on that scooter. You'll catch your death, this weather :D

This weather? What you talking about, it's been lovely down here, I even risked leaving the thermals off today! :D

Re: Something to brighten your day

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 2:29 am
by spot
spot wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:59 pmIt puzzles me the way we survive, given the things we do. An 87-year-old Cornish woman was rescued by police five miles from home when her mobility scooter sped off out of control. Eileen Bishop, from Perranporth, and her husband Anthony were on their way to church when, he said, she "disappeared off the radar". Officers later found her heading along the A3075 towards Newquay.
It just happened again sort of. Same place, same result.

An 87-year-old record producer's unmanned space rocket "disappeared off the radar" and into the Atlantic, an hour after taking off from Newquay airport slung below a Boeing 747.

The difference this time is that, unlike Eileen Bishop, today's disappearance was being televised nationally and the failure was papered over for the rest of the broadcast. It's only this morning that the lack of second stage ignition was admitted. The "success" script was followed for a half hour after the rocket telemetry disappeared. Spanish air traffic controllers were unfairly blamed for the total lack of data, despite the speed switching to 0 mph and altimetry plummeting from "500,000 feet" to "204,000 feet" before someone pulled the plug on that bit of the display.

If North Korea broadcast their rocket launches they'd behave exactly like that. The occasional glimpses into the on-site control room showed hangdog boffins play-acting a successful launch with absolutely no conviction whatever, once they got past the first stage separation.

Newquay is a really odd place to launch from anyway. Every other rocket launching satellites heads East. If this rocket had headed East it would have come down near Moscow instead of the coast of Portugal. Given the geopolitics of 2023 it's just as well it went South.

Another plucky British Space attempt along the lines of Beagle 2. We really ought to do better than this.

Re: Something to brighten your day

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:56 am
by spot
Here we are - the official account. The second stage ignited, and after an unspecified period (within ten seconds, as far as I remember the broadcast events) it exhibited Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly at an altitude of 111 miles.

Virgin Orbit said initial data indicated the first stage of the rocket performed as expected, that it reached space altitudes, and that stage separation and ignition of the upper stage occurred in line with the mission plan.

Later in the mission, at an altitude of approximately 180km (111 miles), the upper stage experienced an anomaly which "prematurely ended" the first burn.

The company said this event ended the mission, with the rocket components and payload falling back to Earth within the approved safety corridor without ever achieving orbit.

Re: Something to brighten your day

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 12:08 pm
by Betty Boop

Re: Something to brighten your day

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 4:59 am
by Bryn Mawr
Expensive hiccup.