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Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:39 pm
by Bill Sikes
From another thread, T. H. said:

>> That is the kind of level (of Vitamin D) our paleolithic ancestors achieved when

>> they lived naked outdoors and that is when our DNA evolved.

How do we know that they both "lived naked outdoors", and didn't have problems with cancer?

Which particular ancestors, BTW?

>> I would still suggest you take any opportunity to get plenty of sun on as much skin

>> as you day without getting burnt. 20mins is sufficient and it won't push you over the

>> limit. you need 40,000iu /d to do that and that's not possible with one 5000iu/d and

>> a bit of sun.

So, there should be a correlation between cancers in people who get lots of sun (e.g. people who sunbathe) and people who don't (workaholic office personnel). Where is it?

I shall be quite interested by replies to these specific points.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:48 pm
by G-man
Bill Sikes;1178922 wrote: From another thread, T. H. said:

>> That is the kind of level (of Vitamin D) our paleolithic ancestors achieved when

>> they lived naked outdoors and that is when our DNA evolved.

How do we know that they both "lived naked outdoors", and didn't have problems with cancer?

Which particular ancestors, BTW?

>> I would still suggest you take any opportunity to get plenty of sun on as much skin

>> as you day without getting burnt. 20mins is sufficient and it won't push you over the

>> limit. you need 40,000iu /d to do that and that's not possible with one 5000iu/d and

>> a bit of sun.

So, there should be a correlation between cancers in people who get lots of sun (e.g. people who sunbathe) and people who don't (workaholic office personnel). Where is it?

I shall be quite interested by replies to these specific points.

I highly recommend that everyone run around naked everyday for at least twenty minutes. :D

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:18 am
by Bill Sikes
What, no Ted?

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:32 am
by fuzzywuzzy
hhhmm I'm prone to cancer because they say the damage is done in early days, not adulthood. And if you lived as I lived ...a normal Australian child we got lots of sun. But since I was about 13 I covered up . but i"m still prone to it ...had a couple of scares actually ...all to do with childhood sun bathing and being outdoors mostly naked.

My niece on the other hand has the inablility to absorb vit D and suffers for it. Her skin is turning white in some places and she's quite sick some of the time and had to have radio therapy to hype up her degree of vit D .

There have been concerns though that girls of the muslim faith need to sunbathe a little more to make up for the lack of sunlight on there bodies.

what do you do eh?

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:16 am
by minks
Naked in Canada eh? I dunno about that, not much fear of sunburn, more frostbite :yh_rotfl

Interesting topic, one of our guys came in yesterday to show us his GF's ultrasound pics of his baby to be and said the health nurse said society as a whole is greatly lacking in vitamine D.

Yes take pills, get out in the sun, whatever it takes get your "D"

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:41 am
by qsducks
I get loads of D from sitting outside in the mornings in the sun:-6

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:51 am
by tedhutchinson
qsducks;1181551 wrote: I get loads of D from sitting outside in the mornings in the sun:-6But have you had a 25(OH)D test?

The reason I ask is that most people find when they get tested that their vitamin D status is lower than is safe and lower than they think.

We know that over the last 15~20 years 25(OH)D levels are dropping.

We don't know the precise reason. It may be more time indoors, more use of sunscreens, more driving round in cars and indoor shopping malls.

It may be upper atmospheric pollution.

We know that as vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin it gets stored in adipose tissue (fat cells) as people put on weight. Low Vitamin d status is not just a cause but and effect of weight gain. We also know that the more overweight you are the more vitamin d your body uses/needs to keep status optimal.

We know also that some foods, like a high fibre diet, shortens the lifespan of D3 and foods like High Fructose Corn syrup has an adverse effect on the metabolism of D3.

I could go on, and on. The gist of the post is that unless you test your 25(OH)D it's likely you will find your current estimate of your vitamin d status is wrong. Maybe if you are getting FULL BODY sun exposure for 20~30 minutes around midday I will be proved wrong but I doubt it. Remember also that for people living above latitude 35 the winter period doesn't produce D3 as the angle of the sun means UVB gets absorbed in the upper atmosphere and doesn't reach the ground so you then need to take 5000iu/daily in order to achieve optimum status.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:11 am
by tedhutchinson
minks;1181439 wrote: Naked in Canada eh? I dunno about that, not much fear of sunburn, more frostbite :yh_rotfl Sure Vitamin D production is a heat driven process using UVB RAYS. No UVB reaches the ground in Winter north of latitude 35 so levels drop from October through to the end of Feb. Also the best UVBUVA ratio is around midday. UVA harms skin, UVB makes vitamin d so midday sun gives you the most UVB for the least UVA exposure.

The more skin exposed the better, The least tanned areas make most D3. So the more pale skin you expose the shorter the time you need to be out there.

Interesting topic, one of our guys came in yesterday to show us his GF's ultrasound pics of his baby to be and said the health nurse said society as a whole is greatly lacking in vitamine D. if you look at the chart at the top of this page you see of the 2500 people tested worldwide so far the majority have levels below 50ng which is where we find the least incidence of chronic illness occurs.

Yes take pills, get out in the sun, whatever it takes get your "D"But for most people we find in practice nude midday sunbathing isn't practicable. It is safer to take a 5000iu/d3 just to be certain you are in the safe zone. We know that 10,000iu/daily is safe together with ample sunlight and you can all see that 5000iu is just half that amount so must be even safer that is if you can be safer than safe.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:27 am
by tedhutchinson
fuzzywuzzy;1181430 wrote: hhhmm I'm prone to cancer because they say the damage is done in early days, not adulthood. And if you lived as I lived ...a normal Australian child we got lots of sun. There is a problem with Australian sunlight. Skin Cancer/Sunscreen - the Dilemma It's explained by Edward Gorham in this video. You need the section where he is talking about the ozone hole, layer and lip. Exposing skin to UVA when there is no UVB reaching the ground will cause harm.

Those who live in the Southern Hemisphere have to understand the sun shines about 10% brighter. I can explain why if you want to know, just ask.

My niece on the other hand has the inablility to absorb vit D and suffers for it. Her skin is turning white in some places and she's quite sick some of the time and had to have radio therapy to hype up her degree of vit D . Low Vitamin D status is implicated in the development of autoimmune conditions like Vitiligo You may like to show you niece this link.

There have been concerns though that girls of the muslim faith need to sunbathe a little more to make up for the lack of sunlight on there bodies. but you kid yourself if you think it's only muslims that wear concealing clothing that are at risk.

Hers is a recent report on the subject Bear in mind they say human breast milk is not a good source of vitamin d, but they don't explain why that is the case.

The paper here explains that in order for breast milk to flow replete with D3 the mother has to have a 25(OH)D status around 55ng 137.5nmol/l and that requires roughly 5000iu/daily.

what do you do eh?If you take 5000iu daily for 3 months then get a 25(OH)D test. That will show if 5000iu is sufficient for your body or if you need more or less.

10,000iu+ sun exposure is absolutely safe so as there is no risk at 10,000iu there are only benefits to be achieved from half that level.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:38 am
by tedhutchinson
Bill Sikes;1178922 wrote: From another thread, T. H. said:

>> That is the kind of level (of Vitamin D) our paleolithic ancestors achieved when

>> they lived naked outdoors and that is when our DNA evolved.

How do we know that they "lived naked outdoors" What hunter gather peoples are you aware of that don't live mainly outdoors wearing little if any clothing?

and didn't have problems with cancer? If we just go back to fairly recent primitive cultures we find they are virtually cancer free.

Which particular ancestors, BTW?I think Carole Baggerly covers this point in her video here.

YouTube - Vitamin D Prevents Cancer: Is It True?]

So, there should be a correlation between cancers in people who get lots of sun (e.g. people who sunbathe) and people who don't (workaholic office personnel). Where is it?[ ... s_ylo=2009]These are the most recent studies

I shall be quite interested by replies to these specific points.Sorry I've been busy elsewhere and rather neglected this forum recently.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:06 am
by worshiper
Vitamin D-quite interesting point for discussion.Well in latest news I have heard that Promotes Weight Loss.A recent study by researchers at the University of Minnesota found that overweight people are more successful in their weight loss vitamin D to increase.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:04 am
by fuzzywuzzy
tedhutchinson;1213315 wrote: There is a problem with Australian sunlight. Skin Cancer/Sunscreen - the Dilemma It's explained by Edward Gorham in this video. You need the section where he is talking about the ozone hole, layer and lip. Exposing skin to UVA when there is no UVB reaching the ground will cause harm.

Those who live in the Southern Hemisphere have to understand the sun shines about 10% brighter. I can explain why if you want to know, just ask.

Low Vitamin D status is implicated in the development of autoimmune conditions like Vitiligo You may like to show you niece this link.

but you kid yourself if you think it's only muslims that wear concealing clothing that are at risk.

Hers is a recent report on the subject Bear in mind they say human breast milk is not a good source of vitamin d, but they don't explain why that is the case.

The paper here explains that in order for breast milk to flow replete with D3 the mother has to have a 25(OH)D status around 55ng 137.5nmol/l and that requires roughly 5000iu/daily.

If you take 5000iu daily for 3 months then get a 25(OH)D test. That will show if 5000iu is sufficient for your body or if you need more or less.

10,000iu+ sun exposure is absolutely safe so as there is no risk at 10,000iu there are only benefits to be achieved from half that level.

So when you get sun burn in early morning sun you say there is no risk? I beg to differ . Pammy gets a different sun and humidity level to me . She is able to tan it up a little without causing harm but in the south it's not like that.

You are more likely to get skin cancer where I am than in Sydney. At the same levels and amount of time spent in sunlight.

Anyway I'm already doomed because of my exposure during cchildhood.........well that's what the experts say.:)

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:08 am
by tedhutchinson
fuzzywuzzy;1318161 wrote: So when you get sun burn in early morning sun you say there is no risk? I have never ever suggested that there is NO RISK FROM SUNBURN.

Sunburn is what causes skin cancer so you will never ever find me saying anywhere online ever that I think it's safe to get sunburnt.

If your skin is burning even with early morning sunlight then you have to ask yourself how you have become so maladapted to your environment.

We are having a spell of hot summer sunshine in the UK.

I can stay near naked outdoors all day long in the hot sun without my skin burning.

Maybe I would have to be a bit more cautious in Austalia but I still doubt my skin would burn.

Raising your vitamin D status BEFORE you start sunbathing increases it's natural photo protection. You need around 1000iu D3 daily for each 25lbs you weigh.

You need to take that for 2~3 months and then get at 25(OH)D test to show you've got to around 60ng/ml 150nmol/l the natural level that allows breast milk to flow vitamin D replete.

Omega 3 resolves inflammation and omega 6 promotes inflammation. Most people now have about 20 times too much pro inflammatory omega 6 and not enough omega 3. Therefore while you are building up your omega 3 levels with at least 2g omega 3 EPA + DHA daily you also need to eliminatet industrial seed oils such as corn, soybean, safflower, sunflower and cottonseed oil and all the foods that contain them.

It will also take around 3 months to make a significant change in omega 3 status but you will need to continue high omega 3 low omega 6 for about 5 years before all the cells in your body have reached a level of 1 omega 3 to below 4 omega6.

Drinking green tea also protects from sunburn and lowers skin cancer risk.

If you can't get used to the taste then pour cold green tea on your skin. Ideally for a couple of weeks before sun and for a month if you ever do get sun burnt.

There are many other ways of improving your skin's natural photo-protection. Tomato puree (lycopene) and anti oxidants too numerous to mention here.

Remember we evolved living mainly outdoors with little if any clothing. If being in the sun was as dangerous as now claimed humans would not have survived the evolutionary process.

It's because of modern diets our skin has changed and is now charged with pro inflammatory oils and carbohydrates. We need to return to the foods human bodies evolved to thrive on before the invention of farming. Low Carb, little or no sugar/hfcs, omega 3 rich, low omega 6, more magnesium rich foods.

Change the inflammatory nature of your skin and you will no longer burn in morning sunshine, or even, midday sunshine.

But it takes time so starting now and you'll be better prepared for next years sun.

I should perhaps have mentioned that Vitamin D is made from the cholesterol in your skin. The UVB turns cholesterol into vitamin D. No cholesterol or low cholesterol, after being on statins or a cholesterol lowering diet and your capacity to make vitamin D is much reduced as happens with old people who have thin, low cholesterol content in skin.

The amount of ozone in the local atmosphere also blocks UVB penetration so if your city has an ozone alert then the chances of making much vitamin D by sunbathing is much reduced.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:16 am
by Ahso!
My wife and myself have been taking 10,000iu of v-d3 daily for more than a year now and I can report the following changes in both of us;

1) Better skin tone and elasticity

2) More control over eating

3) less cravings because of blood/sugar levels stabilizing

3) hair less dry looking (even the gray is not brittle)

4) more energy

5) more stamina

6) better sex? (not sure about this one actually)

7) more alert - clearer mind

8) less mood swings

9) less anxiety

10) I suspect its had a positive effect on my teeth (bone)

Thanks, Ted, I mainly have you to thank for alerting me to the importance of vitamin d3.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:17 am
by tedhutchinson
fuzzywuzzy;1318161 wrote: Anyway I'm already doomed because of my exposure during cchildhood.........well that's what the experts say.:)The evidence is that people who keep their vitamin D status high by continuing to go into the sun survive melanoma better than those who shun the sun.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:24 am
by tedhutchinson
Ahso!;1318215 wrote:

6) better sex? (not sure about this one actually)

.Association of vitamin D status with serum androgen levels in men.

More androgen = more testosterone (for men that is)

Most people require only 1000iu for each 25lbs they weigh.

If you look at the graph at Grassrootshealth you see 10,000iu/daily gets most people a bit higher than is necessary. Between 40~60 is fine (but I like to stay just a bit above the 60ng/ml)

If you get a 25(OH)D test you can then cut back a bit if needed.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:30 am
by Ahso!
I received my reminder email yesterday that its time for me to be tested again. Last time I was at 68. I'm currently over 230lbs (all muscle mind you) but I'm feeling good about the prospects of that slowly declining.

See, I knew the sex was better, its her thats argued otherwise. :lips:

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:29 pm
by fuzzywuzzy
tedhutchinson;1318211 wrote: I have never ever suggested that there is NO RISK FROM SUNBURN.

Sunburn is what causes skin cancer so you will never ever find me saying anywhere online ever that I think it's safe to get sunburnt.

If your skin is burning even with early morning sunlight then you have to ask yourself how you have become so maladapted to your environment.

We are having a spell of hot summer sunshine in the UK.

I can stay near naked outdoors all day long in the hot sun without my skin burning.

Maybe I would have to be a bit more cautious in Austalia but I still doubt my skin would burn.

Raising your vitamin D status BEFORE you start sunbathing increases it's natural photo protection. You need around 1000iu D3 daily for each 25lbs you weigh.

You need to take that for 2~3 months and then get at 25(OH)D test to show you've got to around 60ng/ml 150nmol/l the natural level that allows breast milk to flow vitamin D replete.

Omega 3 resolves inflammation and omega 6 promotes inflammation. Most people now have about 20 times too much pro inflammatory omega 6 and not enough omega 3. Therefore while you are building up your omega 3 levels with at least 2g omega 3 EPA + DHA daily you also need to eliminatet industrial seed oils such as corn, soybean, safflower, sunflower and cottonseed oil and all the foods that contain them.

It will also take around 3 months to make a significant change in omega 3 status but you will need to continue high omega 3 low omega 6 for about 5 years before all the cells in your body have reached a level of 1 omega 3 to below 4 omega6.

Drinking green tea also protects from sunburn and lowers skin cancer risk.

If you can't get used to the taste then pour cold green tea on your skin. Ideally for a couple of weeks before sun and for a month if you ever do get sun burnt.

There are many other ways of improving your skin's natural photo-protection. Tomato puree (lycopene) and anti oxidants too numerous to mention here.

Remember we evolved living mainly outdoors with little if any clothing. If being in the sun was as dangerous as now claimed humans would not have survived the evolutionary process.

It's because of modern diets our skin has changed and is now charged with pro inflammatory oils and carbohydrates. We need to return to the foods human bodies evolved to thrive on before the invention of farming. Low Carb, little or no sugar/hfcs, omega 3 rich, low omega 6, more magnesium rich foods.

Change the inflammatory nature of your skin and you will no longer burn in morning sunshine, or even, midday sunshine.

But it takes time so starting now and you'll be better prepared for next years sun.

I should perhaps have mentioned that Vitamin D is made from the cholesterol in your skin. The UVB turns cholesterol into vitamin D. No cholesterol or low cholesterol, after being on statins or a cholesterol lowering diet and your capacity to make vitamin D is much reduced as happens with old people who have thin, low cholesterol content in skin.

The amount of ozone in the local atmosphere also blocks UVB penetration so if your city has an ozone alert then the chances of making much vitamin D by sunbathing is much reduced.

Very pretty talk Ted. Only one problem, are you blaming me for getting burnt? do you honestly believe it's my skin that is causing the problem? I can assure you you don't have to try here, and I am constantly covered up. You know why? Because it only takes five minutes under an ozone layer hole to begin the burning process. You see I've been in the European sun and it's a lot different to what it is here . I didn't burn in Europe. I've noticed and people around me have noticed that the sun even in winter these days is hotter . Some are actually sunbathing in winter instead of summer. There's actually nothing wrong with my skin, my pigmentation is of protugese and british type . The only protection to keep me from getting melonoma is to cover up and put on 30 + sun screen on.

Dousing myself with green tea and the like is not going to do a damn thing to protect me from the UV I live under. And you havent taken in the individual pigmentation of an individuals skin.

Living in a country with the highest skin cancer rates in the world don't you think we would know a little more about it?

Interesting that I read a magazine called 'Grassroots' for people who live a self sustaining existence.

I think you need to bring your scientific knowledge to Vic and check it out.

I can garantee your skin would burn here . lets do the experiment post haste.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:35 pm
by Odie
fuzzywuzzy;1318337 wrote: Very pretty talk Ted. Only one problem, are you blaming me for getting burnt? do you honestly believe it's my skin that is causing the problem? I can assure you you don't have to try here, and I am constantly covered up. You know why? Because it only takes five minutes under an ozone layer hole to begin the burning process. You see I've been in the European sun and it's a lot different to what it is here . I didn't burn in Europe. I've noticed and people around me have noticed that the sun even in winter these days is hotter . Some are actually sunbathing in winter instead of summer. There's actually nothing wrong with my skin, my pigmentation is of protugese and british type . The only protection to keep me from getting melonoma is to cover up and put on 30 + sun screen on.

Dousing myself with green tea and the like is not going to do a damn thing to protect me from the UV I live under. And you havent taken in the individual pigmentation of an individuals skin.

Living in a country with the highest skin cancer rates in the world don't you think we would know a little more about it?

Interesting that I read a magazine called 'Grassroots' for people who live a self sustaining existence.

I think you need to bring your scientific knowledge to Vic and check it out.

I can garantee your skin would burn here . lets do the experiment post haste.

I have never heard that Vitamin D can protect you from the suns rays.

30plus sunscreen as you just said Fuzzy, is your only protection and that needs to be applied often. You cannot just go out in the sun with one application.

Even ones who are covered up completely, the hot rays go right through it.

common sense.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:50 pm
by tedhutchinson
Odie;1318435 wrote: I have never heard that Vitamin D can protect you from the suns rays.In vivo relevance for photoprotection by the vitamin D rapid response pathway

30plus sunscreen as you just said Fuzzy, is your only protection It is that kind of thinking that produces ever increasing sales of sunscreen matched by further increases in melanoma incidence. The more sunscreen you apply the longer you stay in the sun and the more damage to your vitamin d status and skin condition occurs.

Vitamin D: UV The Original Source - How to Use It In this video Edward Gorham explains. About 25minutes into the talk.

and that needs to be applied often. You cannot just go out in the sun with one application. If you listen to the science you will understand why you shouldn't go out at all with sunscreen on.

this picture shows the increase in melanoma incidence compared to the progressive use of sunscreens.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:06 pm
by tedhutchinson
fuzzywuzzy;1318337 wrote: are you blaming me for getting burnt? Yes No one should ever get sunburnt or allow anyone they are close to get sunburnt. If you are about to burn or you see someone else getting to that point then go inside out of the sun. Much safer than applying sunscreen.

do you honestly believe it's my skin that is causing the problem? Yes absolutely. if you eat foods that raise the inflammatory status of your skin it will burn more easily. What happens if you soak the wood for a bonfire with petrol before striking a match.

If you soak the wood in PRO INFLAMMATORY substance before applying heat they will burn more easily. What is hard to understand about that?

I can assure you you don't have to try here, are you really telling me that NO HUMANS LIVED where you now live prior to the invention of sunscreen. Surely you don't really expect me to believe that.

and I am constantly covered up. No wonder your vitamin D level is so low and you have such a poor ability to stay in the natural sunlight.

You know why? Because it only takes five minutes under an ozone layer hole to begin the burning process. Well is it a layer or is it a hole?

If it's a layer how thick is that layer and to what extent does UVB penetrate?

If the ozone is so thick UVB does not penetrate to ground level then there is no benefit to laying naked in the sun at all, just as there is no point at latitude 52 in the winter. We don't lay naked in the midday sun in winter because it cannot and will not improve Vitamin D status (and it's too cold)

If it is an ozone hole above you then TOO MUCH UVB will reach ground level and again there would be no point in sun exposure because it would be too dangerous. But applying most sunscreens only makes the damage worse.

If you look at the gradient of ozone that surrounds the hole you can see it's a bit like a saucer with a lip. If you live under the lip then insufficient UVB reaches the ground. If you live under the hole then too much UVB reaches the ground for safety. But if you live in a city or large town the local ground level/troposopheric ozone will prevent Vitamin D production while UVA reflection from hard surfaces exacerbates the damage UVA causes.

You see I've been in the European sun and it's a lot different to what it is hereThere are reasons for that. The two most obvious are that in the southern hemisphere there is more sea less land so fewer places to build cities, factories and create UV blocking pollution, also it's to do with the way the earth tilts slightly on it's axis through the seasons round the sun and when it's summer in the southern hemisphere your are actually nearer the sun than when it's summer in the northern hemisphere.

. I didn't burn in Europe. Maybe you have a skin colour more appropriate for northern latitudes. But there are ways you can harden your skin during the winter by regular UVB exposure from tanning lamps so that you raise your natural photo-protection and develop a skin pigmentation more like those who inhabited your country prior to the arrival of Europeans.

Some are actually sunbathing in winter instead of summer. That sounds like a good idea. Better still to Get a 25(OH)D test to check you have attained a level around 60ng/ml to ensure you always have a reserve store of Vitamin D3

The only protection to keep me from getting melonoma is to cover up and put on 30 + sun screen on. I'm afraid you haven't quite grasped what science and recent history is telling us.

More sunscreen = more melanoma.

You try and find me one paper showing that sunscreen use actually prevents melanoma?

Dousing myself with green tea and the like is not going to do a damn thing to protect me from the UV Where is your evidence?

Look at the evidence I can produce

Of course it's stupid to put all your eggs in one basket and it's better sense to spread your risk by using as many different photoprotection strategies as possible but one thing we know for certain is the more you apply sunscreen to allow you to stay longer under UVA the greater your chance of skin cancer.

Living in a country with the highest skin cancer rates in the world don't you think we would know a little more about it? Absolutely not, It appears you haven't studied the science at all.

If you want to learn then Go through this thread where I cover a lot of the evidence

Here is a post I did about 5 years ago on the subject There is now lots more evidence to support what I was saying then.

I am more certain than ever that by relying solely on sunscreen you are endangering your life far more than paying attention to your diet, raising your omega 3 level, reducing your omega 6 intake, correcting your current Vitamin D deficiency status, and improving your anti oxidant intakes.

Where the sun does not shine: Is sunshine protective against melanoma of the vulva?latitudinal trends seem to support the assumption that vulvar melanomas are not generated by UV radiation, and the possibility exists that solar UV radiation, probably via its role in vitamin D photosynthesis in exposed skin, may have a protective effect against vulvar melanoma

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:59 pm
by fuzzywuzzy
So what you're saying is that Australian skin specialists and doctors and the CSIRO havent studied the science of skin cancers and the preventative measures surrounding it?

You are also assuming my health (skin ) is poor . I eat fish because i live on the coast and fish often. My anti oxident levels are extremely good.

You have also assumed that no Australian knows how to apply sun screen .

As I suggested bring your science here and see how your own skin goes under our sun.

community annoucements since eons ago .

As you can see the message is more urgent these days when referring to outdoor activities in our sun.

When I was young the danger times for sun damage was between the hours of 2pm and 4pm in the afternoon, These days it's between 10 am and 5 pm. In the height of summer it's all day .

Forgive for being so blunt about all this but there is a reason why children are told in this country to wear sun glasses at school, and long sleeves and hats are now part of school summer uniforms. And why our life savers are fully covered up and wear hats and sunglasses.

In this country (or where I live) ten minutes of sun will tan you. 20 minutes will burn you . Yes it is that critical .

And just for your info Tomato (the vitaminE ) and cold tea is used to cool sunburn not prevent it.

And if you are ever burnt severly here, it's not a case of " I can't move without hurting myself".................... It's a hospital visit . And the treatment is the same as in the burns unit of hospitals.

Please don't tell me about the (indoors) science of this ...........I've had the pleasure of doctors telling me to my face. No, I'm not going to die, but I now have a visit to a hospital every month so they can check me over......................... fun times! fun times.!

At least in your announcements make it clear that you have the neccesary geography to back up your own science.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:15 pm
by fuzzywuzzy
Hmmm, You report that you are 66 years of age . May I ask that you do a comparison of diet and sun exposure for yourself and those of the same age group as yourself, in Australia?

And while your at it compare the fashion expressions of those years (circa 1900's to present day) to ours .

(Observing as I usually do) I've found that when we started to peel the clothing off (so to speak) the cancer rates years later in life, suddenly surfaced. Our lovely beach life is now turning in the opposite direction . If you are into science i applaud you, but this is an international forum and I would like to see some kind of comparative accuracy here. :)

I just ask you to compare the two. Oh and in a previous post I acertained that I have a neice who has a vit D (born with) defficiency. she is of a pigmentation of skin that even dumbfounded the doctors.

So in your travels you may want to look into individual pigmentation. And while you're at it tell me why Aboriginals die of skin cancer too.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:29 am
by tedhutchinson
fuzzywuzzy;1318742 wrote: So what you're saying is that Australian skin specialists and doctors and the CSIRO havent studied the science of skin cancers and the preventative measures surrounding it? If the current understanding of skin cancer incidence was correct and the use of sunscreen actually prevented skin cancer starting we would see lower rates of incidence in populations that use the most sunscreen.

The reverse is true.

The use of sunscreen suits cancer experts and dermatologists because it increases their work load. Trust your health professional as much as you would your banker.

You are also assuming my health (skin ) is poor . I eat fish because i live on the coast and fish often. My anti oxident levels are extremely good.So you say but typically people eating modern diets have between 20~30 times more pro inflammatory omega 6 than omega 3 so have skin that is primed for conflagration. An omega 3 test would show for certain But the fact remains if your skin burns with extremely short UV exposure it isn't fit for purpose and you need to work on improving it further.

That means paying attention to the ideas I've suggested in previous links and persisting with those ideas for a sufficiently long period of time for the composition of each cell in your body to change. If you have been using sunscreen and avoiding the sun inevitably your 25(OH)D level will be low. Only after you attain and maintain a level around 60ng/ml will your body have a stored reserve of D3 and only then will it have the reserves available to control inflammation.

You have also assumed that no Australian knows how to apply sun screen .I am sure the use of too much sunscreen leads to too long under UVA and consequently more damage to the skin.

It's the UVA that causes the damage.

Sit behind glass on a sunny day and think what is happening to your skin and your vitamin D status.

UVA damages skin and converts Vitamin D3 into supra sterols the body doesn't use.

The more UVA you get (by sitting behind glass or wearing sunscreen) the lower your 25(OH)D and the more damage you cause to your skin. It may not burn but that is not the same as saying it is not being damaged.

When I was young the danger times for sun damage was between the hours of 2pm and 4pm in the afternoon, These days it's between 10 am and 5 pm. In the height of summer it's all day . That is more an indication that dietary changes are making people more not less vulnerable.

How much MORE alcohol is being drunk now that when you were young?

Alcohol reduces the intake of nutrients and thus increases the potential for damage.

How much more junk food is consumed now than 50yrs ago?

More sugar/sweeteners to feed the cancer and speed it's growth.

Make the effort to understand what feeds cancer growth

Forgive for being so blunt about all this but there is a reason why children are told in this country to wear sun glasses at school, and long sleeves and hats are now part of school summer uniforms.

And why our life savers are fully covered up and wear hats and sunglasses. Where have I suggested that you should not wear sunglasses or cover up to protect from excessive UV exposure and burning?

Of course you shouldn't get burnt.

But applying sunscreen and staying longer in the sun will only make matters worse.

Improving the NATURAL SUNSCREEN POTENTIAL of your skin is the most intelligent way to go.

In this country (or where I live) ten minutes of sun will tan you. 20 minutes will burn you . Yes it is that critical . That is where you are wrong. It will burn people have a low vitamin D status, It will burn people whose omega 6 level is higher than their omega 3 level.

Humans survived at your latitude originally by consuming an omega 3 rich diet, a low carbohydrate (sugar) diet and before excessive alcohol consumption became the norm.

And just for your info Tomato (the vitaminE ) and cold tea is used to cool sunburn not prevent it.Try educating yourself to the facts of life

And if you are ever burnt severly here, it's not a case of " I can't move without hurting myself".................... It's a hospital visit . And the treatment is the same as in the burns unit of hospitals. I am not encouraging people ever to get burnt. How many times do I have to say that.

It's to prevent sunburn that you need to understand the basics of why modern skin is more prone to burning that skin was before the invention of sunscreen. It's the sunscreen use that allows people to stay in the sun longer and cause more damage to their skin.

Please don't tell me about the (indoors) science of this ...........I've had the pleasure of doctors telling me to my face. No, I'm not going to die, but I now have a visit to a hospital every month so they can check me over......................... fun times! fun times.! Yes your right. It's very good for the dermatology business. The more victims they create the better their career prospects.

Thats why you find consultants for diabetes promoting carbohydrate rich diets.

That's why the Heart Association people suggest unsafe high omega 6 intakes.

It's just like bankers offering loans to poor people without the means to repay them.

It all makes for lots of profit and big bonuses.

You can choose to be a victim or not as you want.

If you ever bothered to read the science papers I've linked to you will understand the truth of the matter.

Over our lifespan EVERYONE will have some cancer cells in their bodies.

Perhaps six episodes maybe a lot more.

What matters is your body's ability to deal with that challenge and stop the proliferation of those potential cancers.

That is why you would be better understanding the mechanics of cancer metabolism.

That is why you should, if you value your health, make more effort to understand that true cancer prevention is NOT MORE SCREENING and MORE CANCER MEDICATIONS, but paying more attention to the circumstances under which cancer cells are stopped naturally in the body before they have a chance to proliferate.

That is why you would be better drinking more green tea and less alcohol.

At least in your announcements make it clear that you have the neccesary geography to back up your own science.It's not my science.

It's all available online ready for anyone to study.

Prevention of photocarcinogenesis by Green Tea Polyphenols is mediated through IL-12-dependent DNA repair and a subsequent reduction in skin inflammation.

You can learn what that means if you make the effort.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:00 pm
by BellaVega
I love the sun and get pretty tan in the summer time from spending so much time at the pool. The sun makes me feel really good compared to lack of sun in the winter. I hate the winter as the sun tends to disappear for days.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:59 am
by tedhutchinson
BellaVega;1321173 wrote: I love the sun and get pretty tan in the summer time from spending so much time at the pool. It may be unwise to assume that time spent sunbathing at the pool necessarily raises your vitamin D status.

Vitamin D is fat soluble.

If you lay in hot sun and your skin gets sweaty that perspiration will contain some body oils. Those oils MAY be drawing the newly made vitamin D to the surface of the skin. If you then spend time in the water or shower with detergent or rub down vigorously with a towel it may be possible to remove that vitamin D with the sweat.

Also it's often a problem with athletes, marathon runners, cyclists who spend a lot of time practising/performing their sport outdoors vigorously (getting sweaty) also may have low vitamin D status.

The only way to be sure is to get a 25(OH)D test from time to time to be certain what you are doing is working for you and your level is about 50ng/ml 125nmol/l ~60ng/ml 150nmol/l and you always have a stored reserve of vitamin D3 to deal with infections.

Your skin regulates the amount of vitamin D it makes according to the state of your circulating level. If you take a daily basic amount of vitamin D such as 5000iu/daily that meets basic needs and then go in the sun your skin will reduce the amount of vitamin D it makes/absorbs so you won't overdose from the extra vitamin D your skin creates.

The fact skin naturally creates 10~20,000iu vitamin D given the chance is an indication the "Official" RDA amounts are totally unnatural and inadequate.

This recent story

Amid the Murk of 'Gut Flora,' Vitamin D Receptor Emerges as a Key Player implies that DAILY oral vitamin D supplementation as well as sun derived vitamin D may help improve immune function in the digestive system.

Vitamin D receptors may also be activated by curcumin, omega 3, Vitamin E,

The sun makes me feel really good compared to lack of sun in the winter. I hate the winter as the sun tends to disappear for days.Part of this effect MAY not be vitamin D related (though vitamin D does affect depression and mental health itself) but BRIGHT LIGHT is important for maintaining your circadian rhythm.

Getting OUTSIDE for 4 hrs daily is important to keep your melatonin production well regulated.

Bright light switches OFF melatonin production, thus making you feel more awake and better able to perform. From early evening onwards subdued lighting allows melatonin production to commence so their is sufficient available to enable you to sleep properly.

The use of nightlights, urban light pollution, TV/ computer use late evening may disrupt melatonin production in the evening as would alternating shift work/day work patterns, switching on light if you need the loo during the night.

Melatonin is used to regulate cell performance as extensively in the body as vitamin D so it's fundamental to our wellbeing.

Enabling kids to WALK to school (adults to walk to work) each morning gives them sufficient time outdoors to switch off daytime melatonin production and may be as important in weight regulation as the calories required for actually walking. (melatonin regulates body temperature which determines rate of calorie expenditure) It also improves performance through the day.

(kids who walk to school are also more active throughout the day)

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:49 pm
by kevinchamp
Vitamin D is unique because it is derived both from sunlight and foods. Active vitamin D is a potent immune system modulator. Vitamin D is an important part of a healthy diet. New benefits of this vitamin are being discovered every day, but many people still do not receive enough vitamin D to reap the wonderful benefits it can provide to their health.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:44 pm
by lucasluis
Vitamins are most important for health. Vitamin d is very good for skin. it is most important for kids. Vitamin D provides calcium balance in the body that prevents osteoporosis or arthritis and it is prevents osteomalacia and rickets.

Vitamin D stuff.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:45 am
by ganeshagro
Great views. It is must to take vitamin D for strong bones but it is not necessary to go out without wearing anything. Go in full wearing & also cover your face to avoid tanning. Thanks for this post.