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Cumbrian Floods (12 rain in 24 hours, plus high winds !

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:31 am
by G#Gill
This devastation occurred in the Lake District (famous tourist area) when 12" of rain fell in 24 hours, accompanied by high winds. Sorry about our Australian friends looking at these videos, when they are in desparate need of water down under !

But I am more sorry for all the people in Cumbria, who have been so badly affected by this terrible downpour ! I wish them all the best, and hope that there is no more rain like that.

We do know that a police officer, trying to stop people going onto a dangerous road bridge, was swept to his death when the bridge suddenly collapsed. I feel for his family.

YouTube - Just Before Cockermouth

YouTube - Cumbria: Cockermouth Flooding Workington - Bridge collapse

YouTube - Cockermouth devastated by storms and floods

Cumbrian Floods (12 rain in 24 hours, plus high winds !

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:31 am
by Kathy Ellen
OMG Gill. How awful:(

I just watched part of the 1st video and will watch the rest after work today.

Those poor people:(

Cumbrian Floods (12 rain in 24 hours, plus high winds !

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:16 am
by AussiePam
Awful Gill. My husband heard it on the news. He's from further south, but we've been to that area.

Here, while Sydney was sweltering, Melbourne got the whole month's rainfall in 24 hours too... but that was only a couple of inches. Still, enough for flash floods.

Flash floods to hit Melbourne - australia - world |

Stay dry!!