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Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:11 pm
by southern yankee
today i was saved. i thought i was before. but there was confusion in it. but now it is crystal clear. the word changes i use in my title. Friendships. I this morning have lost a friend due to my beliefs. At first i was hurt, but now i can remember when i thought born again was just for BIBLE THUMPERS, as i call them. some call them holy rollers. But to get back to my friend. when anger, pain, and resentment fills our heart and soul. it is hard to see or feel anything else. so i wish my friend well. hoping she can find peace. wherever it leads her. has aNYONE HAD THIS HAPPEN??


Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:25 pm
by Kathy Ellen
Oh Southern Yankee:-6

I am sorry that you've lost your friend because your roads were going in different directions. That's very sad.

Maybe this person was not a true friend. True friends accept you for who you are and do not try to control your life.

I hope you find peace and happiness with your new religion and the decisions that you've made.

***** I left you a message in your FG room about how to use a cell phone to send pictures.


Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:03 pm
by southern yankee
Kathy Ellen;1292215 wrote: Oh Southern Yankee:-6

I am sorry that you've lost your friend because your roads were going in different directions. That's very sad.

Maybe this person was not a true friend. True friends accept you for who you are and do not try to control your life.

I hope you find peace and happiness with your new religion and the decisions that you've made.

***** I left you a message in your FG room about how to use a cell phone to send pictures. .YES DEAR I HAVE. i think you are right dear, about being true friends. but on the other hand i have been on the other side. when someone born again came around me. i would have ran to the hills to get away from that person, and i once thought their "weirdness". so i can see both sides now. but i wish this person peace in her life. isn't that something we are all in search of??


Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:59 pm
by hoppy
Sometimes, when people get religion they go on a mission to "save" everyone around them. I was boss over a department in a plastics plant once. One of the crew got bit by the bible bug. He used each lunch break to sermonize his workmates. They had about enough and had I not heard the uproar coming from the lunch room, I think he might have got a thrashing.

To make it short, I was told to tell him to lay off the preaching or hit the pavement.


Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:17 am
by Raven
southern yankee;1292206 wrote: today i was saved. i thought i was before. but there was confusion in it. but now it is crystal clear. the word changes i use in my title. Friendships. I this morning have lost a friend due to my beliefs. At first i was hurt, but now i can remember when i thought born again was just for BIBLE THUMPERS, as i call them. some call them holy rollers. But to get back to my friend. when anger, pain, and resentment fills our heart and soul. it is hard to see or feel anything else. so i wish my friend well. hoping she can find peace. wherever it leads her. has aNYONE HAD THIS HAPPEN??
You may not have lost her. Give her time, and be an 'Andrew'. You can lead by example.


Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:19 am
by Jazzy
Sorry to read this SY. You are one of the sweetest people I know here. I agree to just give your friend some time to think about things. I also agree with Kathy Ellen that perhaps this person wasn't a true friend to begin with.