khyra let down by social services the AA grumpy column

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khyra let down by social services the AA grumpy column

Post by pantoandy »

good evening and welcome to grumpy towers

the palours warm and the tea freshly made so come in and make yourself at home

a senior judge yesterday condemned social services as the mum of tragic Khyra Ishaq was finally convicted of starving the child to death.

Mrs Justice Eleanor King said the seven-year-old would probably be alive today if her case had been better monitored by officers.

Social services condemned as mum of Khyra Ishaq is convicted -


so yet another child is let down by social services.

will this lead to another round of sackings like sharon shoesmiths or will khyra.s case be quietly swept under the carpet ?

yet another sad and needless death yet the judge directed the jury not to find the couple guilty of murder but only manslaughter which means a lighter sentence before they even get to court .

yet she admitted cruelty of 5 other children in her care yet this has been passed up by our so called toothless legal system.

gordon and abuhamza will possibly get 7 to 10 years for what they have done

yet khyra was robbed of her life at just 7 years old.

its time for a complete reapriasal of the legal system with 56% of the populaton prefering a return to executions.

we could do it how the americans and chinese do it by leathal injection.

my other point is this is the real face of teflon tony,s immigration policy just throw open the doors and let any tom dick and abdul in .

truth is we dont know just who we are letting in.

hopefully if justice is sensible they will be deported as foreign criminals when and if they get out .

how many more khyras must there be before we execute people like this.
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Oscar Namechange
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khyra let down by social services the AA grumpy column

Post by Oscar Namechange »

This Is easy to solve. Immediate Deportation to save the tax payer paying for her life In our Prisons.

This Is actually worse than murder. Murder can be losing your temper for a brief moment. This was cold calculated pre-meditated torture.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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khyra let down by social services the AA grumpy column

Post by Bruv »

pantoandy;1293273 wrote:

Mrs Justice Eleanor King said the seven-year-old would probably be alive today if her case had been better monitored by officers................. yet another child is let down by social many more khyras must there be before we execute people like this.

Apparently in your world more people would prefer to execute/kill a wrongdoer than blow the whistle/get involved in their society, and so prevent such wrongdoing ?

It is ALWAYS someone else's fault ennit ?
I thought I knew more than this until I opened my mouth
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khyra let down by social services the AA grumpy column

Post by Issie »

Any mother (and I use that term loosely in this case) who would put a lock on the fridge and watch her own flesh and blood waste away in front of her own eyes, and stands by while her partner hits her child(ren) with a cane, and makes them stand in the garden for some kind of detention.....

I agree with Pantoandy...they want hanging from the nearest lamp post with barbed wire around their necks.

It's calculated murder and not manslaughter......hang the barestwards high.

But, don't worry, lessons will be learnt.!
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Oscar Namechange
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khyra let down by social services the AA grumpy column

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Issie;1293387 wrote: Any mother (and I use that term loosely in this case) who would put a lock on the fridge and watch her own flesh and blood waste away in front of her own eyes, and stands by while her partner hits her child(ren) with a cane, and makes them stand in the garden for some kind of detention.....

I agree with Pantoandy...they want hanging from the nearest lamp post with barbed wire around their necks.

It's calculated murder and not manslaughter......hang the barestwards high.

But, don't worry, lessons will be learnt.!
In actual fact, this Is a classic example of what we were discussing on the BNP thread.

It Is an example of how social multi-cultural engineering by our Governments have failed miserably.

Governments have this picture of a wonderful harmonious GB when this Is a perfect example of how our cultures clash. Although we have our own appalling cases of cruelty In this country, what Is an abhorant case to us here, may seem perfectly normal to her.

I know an elected Tory Councillor well here and he has just told me how he Is dealing with many complaints re: a Somalian family. The council housed them and kitted out their home yet they cook meals on a bonfire In the Garden. When he went to see them, he needed an Interpreter as they didn't speak any English at all but It was revealed that they refused to use the oven the Council had given them In the kitchen because It was possessed by evil spirits.

Sometimes the divide Is so deep between cultures that the Eutopia our Governments envisage of a Multi-Culture Society here, Is made Impossible. In that case... How are these people suppossed to Understand they are breaking By-laws by lighting fires In the Garden every night If they can not even understand a word of English.?

It may be perfectly OK to torture and starve their children In their own country so Immediate deportation Is the only answer. 'Victoria Climbie' was another case such as this.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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