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A Pathetic Looking Handsome Man

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:53 am
by Ahso!
Mitt Romney was a guest on Fox News this morning, and the man just walked all over himself, even though that unbiased(?) joker of a journalist Chris Wallace threw him mostly softballs and let the guy get away with obvious inconsistencies and blatant untruths for the first half of the interview. Wallace actually challenges Romney during the second half (probably due to the fact that most Fox conservatives disagree with Mitt on almost everything he stands for except hating the n%^#@r in the White House) and the man simply fell apart. It was easy to see because watching Romney's eyes, his brow began to tighten.

Anyone else see the 'show'? What did you think?

A Pathetic Looking Handsome Man

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:00 am
by LarsMac
I tend to avoid Fox News.

A Pathetic Looking Handsome Man

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:08 am
by Ahso!
I hadn't watched it in a dog's age either, but decided to tune in this morning. It's fun once in a while, though I dare not make a habit of watching if I want to keep my blood pressure under control.

Wallace cut off the thoughtful Mara Liasson (NPR) to give Dana Parino (cheer-leading conservative cutie) more time twice by my count.

A Pathetic Looking Handsome Man

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:25 am
by Amythest
Mitt is a "Mormron" talking head. He's vieing for presidency?:yh_rotfl

Gawd. They get dumb, Dumber and dumbest. I'm dumbfounded(maybe not)

Mitt's interview with Dawkins in "The God Delusion" was classic foot in the mouth stuff. Ya gotta see that!

Oh yes. I NEVER watch Fox. Won't watch this cause my minds made up about Mitt. What a waste of brain cells...and I have to protect what i have left!:thinking:

A Pathetic Looking Handsome Man

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:26 pm
by hoppy
Maybe his telepromptor wasen't telling him what to think or say.

A Pathetic Looking Handsome Man

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:31 pm
by LarsMac
Actually I do, on occasion (mostly because my favorite burger joint always has Fox on their TV) watch Fox.

I will watch to O' Reily and Beck now and again as a head check.

When I start agreeing with them a lot, I know it is time to go hang out with the kids and grandkids for a while to adjust my perspective.

As for Romney, I didn't see much there in the last pres. primary, and don't see an improvement since then.

Empty, talking head.