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Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:01 am
by Oscar Namechange
Please Vote.

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:30 am
by minks
It would never happen here in Canadaland cause of our privacy act.

I voted yes because obviously he is a repeat offender and is a threat of some sort. I don't care if it is just because he stole a 2 cent bubble gum, he is still committing a crime and looks as though rehabilitation was a fail with him.

Just my opinion.

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:31 am
by Oscar Namechange
minks;1295268 wrote: It would never happen here in Canadaland cause of our privacy act.

I voted yes because obviously he is a repeat offender and is a threat of some sort. I don't care if it is just because he stole a 2 cent bubble gum, he is still committing a crime and looks as though rehabilitation was a fail with him.

Just my opinion.
A good opinion Minks.

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:40 am
by minks
oscar;1295269 wrote: A good opinion Minks.

Thanks O. I think if more criminals were exposed there may be less crime, we have created such a monster with the justise system that the common criminal no longer has viable consequences... I say bull.

I honestly think one of the best things in history that ever happened to a criminal was the day the found Jeffery Dahmer back in 1994 dead. I don't mean to railroad this thread... in a nutshell he was thrown into mainstream jail and did not survive. People will bitch and moan about his rights but he took away rights from many innocents without the blink of an eye.

I also am in favor of the death penalty. Given todays DNA testing and how accurate it is, there is no excuse.

Jeffrey Dahmer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

again Just my honest opinion. (i think i bitched up the link again ugh)

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:00 am
by gmc
It's not about his rights it's about the rights any one of us has if arrested to a fair trial regardless of who it is and what the offence is. You of all people oscar should understand why we don't allow the police to jail everyone they want to without a trial. Nor do we want a home secretary overruling the court system on a political whim. I know you want to create a fascist state but you haven't managed it yet.

You cannot decide on a case by case basis how people should be treated when they go to court it has to be the same for everybody regardless whether you like them or not. Once he has had his trial you will know what the charge is. It's hardly going to be a big secret is it.

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:25 am
by Oscar Namechange
gmc;1295283 wrote: It's not about his rights it's about the rights any one of us has if arrested to a fair trial regardless of who it is and what the offence is. You of all people oscar should understand why we don't allow the police to jail everyone they want to without a trial. Nor do we want a home secretary overruling the court system on a political whim. I know you want to create a fascist state but you haven't managed it yet.

You cannot decide on a case by case basis how people should be treated when they go to court it has to be the same for everybody regardless whether you like them or not. Once he has had his trial you will know what the charge is. It's hardly going to be a big secret is it.
That's the whole point, It Is going to be a secret. He Is not to be tried In his own name nor that of his present Identity. I'm not sure yet but the papers are saying It will be behind closed doors of the Parole Board.

It's a catch twenty two situation. he has been appointed a human rights lawyer who will no doubt claim that due to publicity, he can not have a fair trial. Frankly, I don't care. He was on License, and there Is a world of difference between that and any-one else getting arrested and being entitled to a fair trial. I myself could have argued that Media coverage Influenced my trial and I was told that was an option we could have gone for but I chose not to.

This Is not the rtun of the mill case Is It? He tortured and murdered a baby. That Is not any-where near the same vien as your normal Judicial proceedure. It Is extrodinary Circumstaces of an Extrordinary case and It must be dealt with on It's own merits. You can not apply Common law to this case as your examples.

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:29 am
by Bruv
Oscar Oscar Oscar.........calm down.

He was sentenced to life first time around, he was secretly allowed parole on the understanding that any breech would send him back to jail.

He WILL be going back to jail.

Public trial or not.

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:33 am
by Oscar Namechange
Bruv;1295290 wrote: Oscar Oscar Oscar.........calm down.

He was sentenced to life first time around, he was secretly allowed parole on the understanding that any breech would send him back to jail.

He WILL be going back to jail.

Public trial or not.
:wah: You do have a strange Image of me don't you? If only you could see me lying on the sofa In my Jim Jams writing this. :yh_rotfl You see to visulise me pacing the floor. :yh_rotfl

Yes, whatever, he will be In Jail for life.

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:56 am
by Bruv
oscar;1295293 wrote:

Yes, whatever, he will be In Jail for life.

I was thinking you wanted him crucified, or stoned.

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:58 am
by Oscar Namechange
Bruv;1295298 wrote: I was thinking you wanted him crucified, or stoned.
What me? No... I'm a Little Kitty Kat In RL :yh_rotfl

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:52 pm
by K.Snyder
I see absolutely no relevancy to informing the public of an offense having been commited by a prior offender and the law having aloud the "person" to harm said public. The only relevancy to what the person did lies in the eyes of those with the authority in either incarcerating or ignoring the offense.

The only exception would be so that a particular group of the public can evaluate the offense that may lead to a possible conclusion as to the mind set on john venables exclusively so that the appropriate action can be taken in response to the apparent virtues of a known murderer.

I see absolutely no possibility in changing the mindsets of those that feel murder is of no indication of future behavior and those opposed so I personally find it to be a waste of time worrying about what "you" cannot control. It's like worrying about being dead as opposed to worrrying about not living.

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:58 pm
by K.Snyder
I may have the same sentiment in regards to this being's freedom as those that have voted "yes" but because "you" cannot control the course, worrying and creating neurotism where none should be is unnecassary to the extreme.

A better question is whether the public should know they're living next to a murderer because otherwise is a law enforced suggestion that a select few is more morally correct than all else and I'll NEVER cotton to that! NEVER!

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:25 pm
by LarsMac
He was on parole, right?

It would seem he violated parole, and was therefore returned to jail.

Case closed. why do we care?

If he was a child molester, I am more concerned about why he was allowed parole in the first place.

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:36 am
by beowulf
voted yes

but a 5 foot rope with a 6 foot hole below it would be a better option

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:49 am
by Oscar Namechange
beowulf;1295429 wrote: voted yes

but a 5 foot rope with a 6 foot hole below it would be a better option

Not Initially at the age of 10 when he murdered James Bulger but If the tabloid reports are true that he has Catagory 4 Child porn which Is sexual violence with children, then He should swing now.

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:51 am
by Oscar Namechange
LarsMac;1295375 wrote: ?

If he was a child molester, I am more concerned about why he was allowed parole in the first place.
He tortured and killed a two year Old. Why was he ever released after just 8 years re-hab? That's the Issue I have.

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:46 am
by beowulf
oscar;1295479 wrote: Why was he ever released after just 8 years re-hab? That's the Issue I have.

very very true

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:56 am
by Oscar Namechange
beowulf;1295502 wrote: very very true
I Love your Signature. That's my male dog to a tee :yh_rotfl

If he can't hump It, fight It or eat it, He doesn't want to know.

Fg Poll.. Should the public be told why Jon Venebles has been returned to Prison?

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:14 am
by CailinRua
Jon Venables should be executed. He is evil. He will never change because he was born evil.