My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by binbag »

If a project being introduced in November on the Isle of Wight. Uk. is successful and extends to mainland UK, my twelve year old granddaughter, in a little over a year, will be able to walk into a pharmacey such as Boots, Lloyds, or some smaller independant chemists, ask for, and be given, the contraceptive pill, and, without even the need of consultation or advice from a doctor.

Thirteen years old!!! and the pill would be available to her if that project is successful.

It makes we want to weep.

It doesn't matter if that project is scuppered before it begins, the fact it was even considered at all, makes me want to weep even more.

And we wonder why society is crumbling at the foundations.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by G#Gill »

And what about getting the 'Day after' pill, no questions asked from the doctor ! Soon there will be no such thing as 'childhood' .......... That is so very sad.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

I can understand how you feel BB.

You are the same age as my husband and the world today is sadly far removed from our days as children and teenagers. In our day, there was no pill available at that age and the only way we avoided getting pregnant was simply not to have sex until you were ole enough to get It.

In those days we had no Internet, no lurid tv ad's, etc but these days we have sexuality rammed down our childrens throats at every turn. Sex Education Is being taught to children younger and younger these days. Stores sell bra's for 8 year olds. Half naked slappers fall out of bars and pubs at all times of the day and night. The world Is far more sexually aware today than It was when we were that age and children are exposed to sexual Images through the media and tv far more.

This sadly means that children are maturing earlier these days simply due to that of which they are exposed and It is the duty of any Government to protect Un-wanted pregnancies however young the girls may be.

Girls begin their periods at any-thing from 11 years old and hormonal changes make them become sexually aware. There Is also peer pressure. If a girls friends are bragging they have 'done It' with a boy, they can feel left out and will have sex just In order to fit In with their peers.

Surely It is far far better to prevent un-wanted pregnancies than to run the risk of leaving young girls un-protected given the times we live In?

Weather your 12 year old will go out and have sex Is not down to weather she can get the contraceptive pill with-out question over the counter, but down to how she was raised, how she values her body, weather she wants to wait for the right one In her life and all other reasons.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by Lon »

oscar;1332731 wrote: I can understand how you feel BB.

You are the same age as my husband and the world today is sadly far removed from our days as children and teenagers. In our day, there was no pill available at that age and the only way we avoided getting pregnant was simply not to have sex until you were ole enough to get It.

In those days we had no Internet, no lurid tv ad's, etc but these days we have sexuality rammed down our childrens throats at every turn. Sex Education Is being taught to children younger and younger these days. Stores sell bra's for 8 year olds. Half naked slappers fall out of bars and pubs at all times of the day and night. The world Is far more sexually aware today than It was when we were that age and children are exposed to sexual Images through the media and tv far more.

This sadly means that children are maturing earlier these days simply due to that of which they are exposed and It is the duty of any Government to protect Un-wanted pregnancies however young the girls may be.

Girls begin their periods at any-thing from 11 years old and hormonal changes make them become sexually aware. There Is also peer pressure. If a girls friends are bragging they have 'done It' with a boy, they can feel left out and will have sex just In order to fit In with their peers.

Surely It is far far better to prevent un-wanted pregnancies than to run the risk of leaving young girls un-protected given the times we live In?

Weather your 12 year old will go out and have sex Is not down to weather she can get the contraceptive pill with-out question over the counter, but down to how she was raised, how she values her body, weather she wants to wait for the right one In her life and all other reasons.

Reluctantly, I agree with every thing you have said in the above post, except it being the duty of any government to protect against unwanted pregnancies.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by Rapunzel »

oscar;1332731 wrote: I can understand how you feel BB.

You are the same age as my husband and the world today is sadly far removed from our days as children and teenagers. In our day, there was no pill available at that age and the only way we avoided getting pregnant was simply not to have sex until you were ole enough to get It.

In those days we had no Internet, no lurid tv ad's, etc but these days we have sexuality rammed down our childrens throats at every turn. Sex Education Is being taught to children younger and younger these days. Stores sell bra's for 8 year olds. Half naked slappers fall out of bars and pubs at all times of the day and night. The world Is far more sexually aware today than It was when we were that age and children are exposed to sexual Images through the media and tv far more.

This sadly means that children are maturing earlier these days simply due to that of which they are exposed and It is the duty of any Government to protect Un-wanted pregnancies however young the girls may be.

Girls begin their periods at any-thing from 11 years old and hormonal changes make them become sexually aware. There Is also peer pressure. If a girls friends are bragging they have 'done It' with a boy, they can feel left out and will have sex just In order to fit In with their peers.

Surely It is far far better to prevent un-wanted pregnancies than to run the risk of leaving young girls un-protected given the times we live In?

Weather your 12 year old will go out and have sex Is not down to weather she can get the contraceptive pill with-out question over the counter, but down to how she was raised, how she values her body, weather she wants to wait for the right one In her life and all other reasons.

An absolutely excellent post. :)

I would also like to add a few points.

You can buy bras for children even younger than 8. They see older sisters wear one and they want one. I had a precocious 6 year old in my class a couple of years ago complaining of pains in her chest. It turned out that she was wearing an under-wired bra and the wires were sticking into her! Now why would a company sell a bra like that for a child who patently doesn't need one? Why would a mother buy it? Actually, the answers are probably that the company need to offer a range of sizes and I happen to know the girls step-mother didn't really give a sh*t. God, these kids have some bloody horrible home lives.

It's also true about the sexual media being in your face. When our year 6's left last year, most of them were in a desperate hurry to leave school and get pregnant. We have some big families with perhaps 5 kids to 5 different fathers, none of whom have stayed around. You probably get mums telling daughters to get pregnant so they'll get a house and benefits and they're out from under mums feet. Many of these people know exactly how to play the benefits system and to suck out every penny they can get.

You also get many families who really don't seem to give a sh*t about their kids. The same kids run to me for hugs day after day after day because they get no sign of affection at home. I talk to them and I listen to them, because they don't get that either. I worried about them in the 6 weeks holiday too. Would they be fed? Would they be bathed or have clean clothes during that time? Social services are involved with all these families but basically do sweet FA! These kids are desperate for love and attention and they think they will get that from a baby of their own.

There is also peer pressure and kids who haven't done it will still tell other kids they have, just to look 'cool'. So then they feel they have to do it. There is no talk these days of 'waiting' or even of thinking that virginity is a good thing. Girls magazines will tell you how to snog well and whether you should spit or swallow!

I agree these kids need to have the pill available to protect them from themselves but they should also push the 'waiting' side, imo. Let them know there is no need to rush into it. Children who have sex too early, before their bodies are really ready to cope with foreign fluids, are also allegedly more prone to diseases and cancers of the reproductive system.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by spot »

It'd never happen in Iran.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by gmc »

It is a fact that in countries where sex education starts in the schools at an a early age in primary that the number of unwanted and teenage pregnancies is far lower. They also have in your face sex media all the time yet have nothing like the same number of teenage pregnancies. Here we have religious groups campaigning to ban sex education altogether and trying to prevent the sale of contraceptives and wonder why we have a problem.

Any twelve year old going to her doctor is at least showing common sense and is probably beyond being able to talk to her parents. It's not the sensible educated ones that get pregnant anyway, it's the ones that think you don't get pregnant standing up or if it's the first time because they've heard that from their mates because sex education in their school is non existent.

posted by g# gill

And what about getting the 'Day after' pill, no questions asked from the doctor ! Soon there will be no such thing as 'childhood' .......... That is so very sad.

So you would rather she became pregnant? What if she had been assaulted, some children won't tell their parents out of shame because they know they will be blamed.

I come from a single parent family, in my case a parent died but in many cases it's through divorce, It's must be really annoying hearing how bad a thing single parents are for families when most of the time it's not been through choice. Society isn't crumbling we just don't make single parents the pariahs they used to be and pretend it doesn't happen. Who the hell wants to go back to the way it used to be with forced adoption and children damned forever as bastards.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by binbag »


It's the manner in which Authoritative figures are tackling teen pregnancy and the likes these days I find rather sad.

To the best of my knowledge, not one person in Authority has had the courage to stand up and mention "moral values" in connection with prevention of young teen pregnancies, and mean it seriously.

Moral values these days have been washed right down the pan with joy.

He/she would be laughed out of court for mentioning such a thing, mind you.

Perhaps, therein lies the real problem.

You can tell I'm a bit of an odd bod myself :wah:
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by along-for-the-ride »

We know that just because a person is sexually active does not make them mature. Therefore access to information and birth control can only be helpful. JMO
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by Rapunzel »

spot;1332750 wrote: It'd never happen in Iran.

No. There they practise female circumcision instead! :-5
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by Lon »

binbag;1332833 wrote: Hi,

It's the manner in which Authoritative figures are tackling teen pregnancy and the likes these days I find rather sad.

To the best of my knowledge, not one person in Authority has had the courage to stand up and mention "moral values" in connection with prevention of young teen pregnancies, and mean it seriously.

Moral values these days have been washed right down the pan with joy.

He/she would be laughed out of court for mentioning such a thing, mind you.

Perhaps, therein lies the real problem.

You can tell I'm a bit of an odd bod myself :wah:

I'm not sure that there is a generally accepted Moral Values, it not only varies culturally, but with ethnicity and religion.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by binbag »

Lon;1332838 wrote: I'm not sure that there is a generally accepted Moral Values, it not only varies culturally, but with ethnicity and religion.You're correct Lon, I should have mentioned I was referring to the UK which is supposed to be a Christian country. Though I reckon that fact is dribbling down the pan.

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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by spot »

Rapunzel;1332837 wrote: No. There they practise female circumcision instead! :-5

"They" being Iranians? Female circumcision's culturally associated (in those areas) with the Kurds rather than Iranians. Kurds live in Iran, Iraq and Turkey. Female Genital Mutilation Said To Be Widespread In Iraq's, Iran's Kurdistan gives what appears to be a fair assessment of the position.

I think what I wrote was entirely accurate, but would we find better agreement on the thread's topic if we agreed to say instead that the legal distribution of contraceptives to thirteen year olds without parental approval never happens in Saudi Arabia?
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by spot »

binbag;1332854 wrote: You're correct Lon, I should have mentioned I was referring to the UK which is supposed to be a Christian country. Though I reckon that fact is dribbling down the pan.Surely there's less of the problem you describe among the non-Christian communities of the UK?
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by Lon »

binbag;1332854 wrote: You're correct Lon, I should have mentioned I was referring to the UK which is supposed to be a Christian country. Though I reckon that fact is dribbling down the pan.


Even among so called Christians there seems to be a variance in accepted moral values.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Lon;1332735 wrote: Reluctantly, I agree with every thing you have said in the above post, except it being the duty of any government to protect against unwanted pregnancies.
Going along with what BB said about Uk morality going down the toilet, I believe If teenage pregnancy becomes epic proportions, then the Government must step In and have a duty to step In.

The UK has the highest teenage pregnancy rate In the EU which It'self Is a burden on our health services, free housing and benefit system.

Due to our Governments being too generous and quick to give free houses and benefit to teenage single mothers, babies are rarely put up for adoption In this country any-more. The average waiting time for a healthy new born In the UK Is 6 years. Teenage mums are hanging on to their babies these days simply because they know our Governments will cosset them until that child Is 18 years old or they will keep churning out the babies to keep the benefits.

Some young girls do become sexually active early and they may be refused the pill by their parents or are afraid to ask their parents for the pill. I can understand the Idea of young girls being able to obtain It without parental permission. At least if they go and get the pill without their parents knowing, they are being responsible.

As for the morning after pill being readily available to young girls, I am In total agreement with It. Just because the contraceptive pill and the morning after pill Is available over the counter, It does not mean that any teenage girl Is promiscuous.

As gmc said, the morning after pill should be available for any young girl who has been abused or worst, raped. Another reason I agree with It Is because many very young teenage girls find them-selves pregnant and then rush Into a termination and that Is some-thing that can seriously affect the physcological welfare of the girl later In life. She has to live with that and that Is a huge burden to put on a young girl.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by spot »

oscar;1332886 wrote: Going along with what BB said about Uk morality going down the toilet, I believe If teenage pregnancy becomes epic proportions, then the Government must step In and have a duty to step In.And what? Terminate the pregnancy? Terminate the teenager? Whip the father through the streets into the bargain? I think you ought to offer a solution to the thread after that "must".
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by gmc »

binbag;1332833 wrote: Hi,

It's the manner in which Authoritative figures are tackling teen pregnancy and the likes these days I find rather sad.

To the best of my knowledge, not one person in Authority has had the courage to stand up and mention "moral values" in connection with prevention of young teen pregnancies, and mean it seriously.

Moral values these days have been washed right down the pan with joy.

He/she would be laughed out of court for mentioning such a thing, mind you.

Perhaps, therein lies the real problem.

You can tell I'm a bit of an odd bod myself :wah:

Well the pope has and various of his archbishops but quite frankly they are hardly in a position to lecture anyone on moral values are they. The church of england are too busy squabbling about whether female priests are a good thing or not in between a bit of gay bashing. We're nominally christian but most people are in fact non religious, we're are also in a free country - who are these figures in authority you seem to think we should obey?
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1332898 wrote: And what? Terminate the pregnancy? Terminate the teenager? Whip the father through the streets into the bargain? I think you ought to offer a solution to the thread after that "must".
I am amazed at this post given that others knew exactly what I said. Let me spell It out for you...

I posted that I believe It Is the duty of Governments to help avoid un-wanted pregnancies.

Lon quoted me saying he agreed with every-thing I said except for the part about the duty of the Government.

I then quoted him and explained about the UK having the highest teenage pregnancy stats In the EU.

If you had read both my posts In full, you would see that no-where have I suggested of the like that you have written above.

It Is clear for all to see that my statement of Governments helping avoid un-wanted pregnancies, Is In the context on the OP In that the contraceptive pill and the morning after pill being available to young girls over the counter and not what you have distorted from my posts.

I would actually prefer It If you could remain on topic and not take BB's thread off on a tangent. The thread is to discuss weather It is morally right to allow 12 year old girls In the UK to obtain the contraceptive pill without their parents knowledge over the counter In the UK.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by Snowfire »

I'm not sure what the government can offer in terms of "moral values" over and above those that should be set by the parent(s) I certainly dont need guidance from any government official in regards to my "moral compass". If such a relationship has broken down in a family, that a subject as this cannot be discussed, let alone dealt with, then for a young girl to get practical help from a doctor or chemist is wholly appropriate.

gmc, as usual, has it right......

It's not the sensible educated ones that get pregnant anyway, it's the ones that think you don't get pregnant standing up or if it's the first time because they've heard that from their mates because sex education in their school is non existent.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Snowfire;1332917 wrote: I'm not sure what the government can offer in terms of "moral values" over and above those that should be set by the parent(s) I certainly dont need guidance from any government official in regards to my "moral compass". If such a relationship has broken down in a family, that a subject as this cannot be discussed, let alone dealt with, then for a young girl to get practical help from a doctor or chemist is wholly appropriate.

gmc, as usual, has it right...... I am not saying for a moment that the Government has a duty nor can offer any-thing In the terms of setting a moral compass although I do believe that cosseting teenage single mothers for life with generous benefits and free housing goes some way to the situation the UK finds It'self In now. If It was not made that easy and the burden of a teenage mum was put on the parents of a teenage single mum and not the Government, that may change things.

I do however believe that as we are In the grip of record numbers of teenage single mums, the Government can help by allowing the contraceptive pill to be readily available.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by spot »

oscar;1332915 wrote: I would actually prefer It If you could remain on topic and not take BB's thread off on a tangent. The thread is to discuss weather It is morally right to allow 12 year old girls In the UK to obtain the contraceptive pill without their parents knowledge over the counter In the UK.I was responding directly to what you wrote - "I believe If teenage pregnancy becomes epic proportions, then the Government must step In and have a duty to step In". Step in how? I think you ought to offer a solution to the thread after that "must". Contraceptives have been available on the NHS to underage children for decades now without parental consent, the article in the opening post relates solely to their availability off prescription, I don't see that as a "step" in any direction other than shifting the cost to the consumer. On prescription they're free, over the counter they're not.

What government "step" would you advocate?
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1332924 wrote: I was responding directly to what you wrote - "I believe If teenage pregnancy becomes epic proportions, then the Government must step In and have a duty to step In". Step in how? I think you ought to offer a solution to the thread after that "must". Contraceptives have been available on the NHS to underage children for decades now without parental consent, the article in the opening post relates solely to their availability off prescription, I don't see that as a "step" in any direction other than shifting the cost to the consumer. On prescription they're free, over the counter they're not.

What government "step" would you advocate? Let me spell this out for you very slowly.....

The Government should step In and allow teenage girls to obtain the contraceptive pill and the morning after pill from the age of 12 without parental consent over the counter...

Is that plain enough for you or shall I fetch my Haynes manual?
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by G#Gill »

It's a no-win situation. Allow readily available contraceptive pills over the counter, and that's encouraging more promiscuity. More promiscuity causes more sexually transmitted diseases, so there could well be a 'pandemic' of S.T.Ds causing problems of much higher costs for the National Health Service !! But I suppose that may be the lesser of the evils of unwanted births ( also causing increased costs to the NHS ! ). :-5
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by spot »

oscar;1332928 wrote: Let me spell this out for you very slowly.....

The Government should step In and allow teenage girls to obtain the contraceptive pill and the morning after pill from the age of 12 without parental consent over the counter...

Is that plain enough for you or shall I fetch my Haynes manual?And that improves the state of the country how, exactly? Teenage girls can currently obtain the contraceptive pill and the morning after pill from the age of 12 without parental consent from their GP for free. Do you think being able to buy them over the counter in exchange for several weeks-worth of pocket money is going to change matters a great deal?
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1332944 wrote: And that improves the state of the country how, exactly? Teenage girls can currently obtain the contraceptive pill and the morning after pill from the age of 12 without parental consent from their GP for free. Do you think being able to buy them over the counter in exchange for several weeks-worth of pocket money is going to change matters a great deal?
No I do not... However, If It stops some babies being born In back alleys and abandoned at birth because the poor girl Is too frightened to tell her parents that she may have made one mistake... then It will be worth-while.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by spot »

oscar;1332947 wrote: No I do not... However, If It stops some babies being born In back alleys and abandoned at birth because the poor girl Is too frightened to tell her parents that she may have made one mistake... then It will be worth-while.You don't feel there are more likely ways of achieving that result in significant numbers? Because what you're offering is going to have practically no effect whatever. Going to a GP is a lot more likely for a "too frightened to tell her parents" teenager than asking explicitly over the counter at Boots. When did you last see a Boots counter with no queue listening to what's being asked for? Or are these teenagers supposed to ask to speak with the pharmacist in private? It's far more of a gauntlet to run than face-to-face with a GP in an otherwise empty consulting room.

And presumably the pharmacist's going to demand to see the 13 year old's birth certificate so as to avoid handing the stuff out to 11 year olds? Not a lot of anonymity, then.
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1332949 wrote: You don't feel there are more likely ways of achieving that result in significant numbers? Because what you're offering is going to have practically no effect whatever. Going to a GP is a lot more likely for a "too frightened to tell her parents" teenager than asking explicitly over the counter at Boots. When did you last see a Boots counter with no queue listening to what's being asked for? Or are these teenagers supposed to ask to speak with the pharmacist in private? It's far more of a gauntlet to run than face-to-face with a GP in an otherwise empty consulting room.

And presumably the pharmacist's going to demand to see the 13 year old's birth certificate so as to avoid handing the stuff out to 11 year olds? Not a lot of anonymity, then.
Go to any High Street Chemist or Pharmacy and you will find private booths were the customer can talk to the Pharmacist In privacy.
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My Twelve Year Old Granddaughter....

Post by spot »

oscar;1332951 wrote: Go to any High Street Chemist or Pharmacy and you will find private booths were the customer can talk to the Pharmacist In privacy.
I'm pretty sure if I see a 13 year old making such a request I'll have a damn good idea what she's after, too. Which, I think, I said in my previous post.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1332953 wrote: I'm pretty sure if I see a 13 year old making such a request I'll have a damn good idea what she's after, too. Which, I think, I said in my previous post.
Then that would be your futive Imaginable mind at work and thankfully most of us do not jump to conclusions the moment we see a young girl In the pharmacy or GP's waiting room.

Teenagers may be there for a host of minor Illness such as acne problems, Athletes foot even period pains.

If you dismiss every young girl In a pharmacy or GP's surgery as a promiscuous young slapper, then no wonder some of them have an attitude problem with the older generation.

I myself would no more jump to the conclusion that a young teenage girl In a pharmacy or GP's surgery Is only there for the pill or the MA pill, than I would jump to the conclusion upon seeing you In the GP's waiting room that you were there for penile dysfunction.
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G#Gill;1332930 wrote: It's a no-win situation. Allow readily available contraceptive pills over the counter, and that's encouraging more promiscuity. More promiscuity causes more sexually transmitted diseases, so there could well be a 'pandemic' of S.T.Ds causing problems of much higher costs for the National Health Service !! But I suppose that may be the lesser of the evils of unwanted births ( also causing increased costs to the NHS ! ). :-5

That's false logic imo. It's like the argument that sex education encourages promiscuity when in reality when you look at those countries where they offer it early and in detail teenage pregnancy and abortion rates are far less. I know teenagers from abroad, the general attitude is that anyone that gets pregnant while at school is an idiot, peer pressure is very much not to have sex early on and teenage girls know enough to say no or at least insist on contraception.

It's the same with alcohol and binge drinking, in France and Germany getting paralytic is a sign of stupidity not that you are having a good time.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I'm sick of hearing about giving all the girls "the pill". There are too many long term side affects from the pill to give it to girls so early.

I have a problem with stopping a body from performing it's natural task so early.

The hormone estrogen acts upon the neuroendocrine system, this system controls the hypothalmic-pituitory-overain relationship (this occurs in the brain and is to do with release certain of hormones). Estrogen basically tricks the body into thinking that is pregnant, and causes the body to stop ovulating. It is during ovulation that the egg is released and can become impregnated by a sperm. So if this egg is not released then you can't get pregnant.

The hormone progestogen is in both the standard pill and the mini pill. Progesterone works the same in on the body for both of these pills. It works by producing the cervical mucus to become thicker so that is difficult for an egg to implant in the uterus. It also causes the environment in the uterus to be unfavourable for sperm and egg travel. So if the sperm can't reach the egg, or the fertilised egg can't implant, you can't get pregnant.

Why not give the boys the pll or injection to keep their dicks soft and lower the testostrome levels?
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Post by Rapunzel »

Taking this argument to the next level...what happens if birth rates do drop dramatically?

You now have lots of single, unemployed teenagers on the dole and hanging round on street corners because they're bored and ripe for mischief.

They don't just need dead-end jobs and short training programmes, they need interesting jobs and interesting training programmes which make them feel they have a future and something to strive for.

Where will they come from?
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Rapunzel;1332962 wrote: Taking this argument to the next level...what happens if birth rates do drop dramatically?

You now have lots of single, unemployed teenagers on the dole and hanging round on street corners because they're bored and ripe for mischief.

They don't just need dead-end jobs and short training programmes, they need interesting jobs and interesting training programmes which make them feel they have a future and something to strive for.

Where will they come from? It Is a slow process but It is happening. Just before the election, there was massive fiscal Injection Into piloting schemes and bringing back apprenticeships for youngsters.

My own newspaper The Bristol Evening Post carried head-lines only last week after It was announced that so many ( Can not remember the figure ) new apprenticeships had been created for young people.
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Post by binbag »

spot;1332868 wrote: Surely there's less of the problem you describe among the non-Christian communities of the UK?Less of a problem among the non-Christian communities?

Hmm, interesting spot.

Lon;1332880 wrote: Even among so called Christians there seems to be a variance in accepted moral values.
Lon, I've never discussed moral values with a Christian who turned out to have a diffirent view from my own personal one. So I can't answer that.

If you have a "for instance" in mind, I would try and answer it as best I could.

gmc;1332901 wrote: Well the pope has and various of his archbishops but quite frankly they are hardly in a position to lecture anyone on moral values are they. Absolutely. They need to clean up there own precinct before they, no, not lecture, offer any "advice" on moral issues.

gmc;1332901 wrote: The church of england are too busy squabbling about whether female priests are a good thing or not in between a bit of gay bashing.
You mean the Church of England, which I'm not associated with, should not debate and should not be guided by the rules that are offered in their rule book, because they will be seen as "squabbling" or "bashing" a subject that goes against their rules.

That's a bit off is it not!

gmc;1332901 wrote: We're nominally christian but most people are in fact non religious, we're are also in a free countryAgreed. Christianity is dribbling down the pan in the UK. The evidence is very clear, that fact cannot be disputed.

gmc;1332901 wrote: who are these figures in authority you seem to think we should obey?None, not one single one.

Just as a footnote, what the people behind the project in the Isle of Wight are in effect saying is..."Well they're doing it anyway, so we won't offer advice, we'll just give them a quick "after fix", and let them get on with it".

Clever that.
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binbag;1332994 wrote: Less of a problem among the non-Christian communities?

Hmm, interesting spot.Interesting as in arguably correct?
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spot;1332997 wrote: Interesting as in arguably correct?Interesting as in;

Interesting, but I don't quite understand what you mean spot.
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binbag;1333057 wrote: Interesting as in;

Interesting, but I don't quite understand what you mean spot.

I don't think that, for example, you'd find many such instances growing up in Muslim households in England. But I'm not sure where one would look for appropriate statistics, it's just a guess.
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What's interesting is that I say 'Give boys a pill and leave the girls organs alone' and nobody blinks an eyelid. Why?
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Post by Betty Boop »

fuzzywuzzy;1333084 wrote: What's interesting is that I say 'Give boys a pill and leave the girls organs alone' and nobody blinks an eyelid. Why?

cos we all know they'd forget to it :wah:

Male 'Pill' on trial - Telegraph

This from the article made me chuckle, 'No serious side-effects are expected the jabs, although some men might experience hot flushes, mood swings or acne.'
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fuzzywuzzy;1333084 wrote: What's interesting is that I say 'Give boys a pill and leave the girls organs alone' and nobody blinks an eyelid. Why?Because, to the best of my knowledge, no such contraceptive exists. Perhaps I'm out of touch? If it exists it certainly has a brand name you could quote to me so I can look it up.
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Post by fuzzywuzzy »

what did they use to put in soldiers food? I thought everyone knew. Bro something Bromide ? bro something.

Hey wouldn't that be a good joke. The next time some boy says 'Bro' to you, you can laugh right back at him.

hmmmm.....looked it up I think we've come a long way from this..................................... so it can be done.

Rumours that the British Army put the 19th century anticonvulsant and sedative potassium bromide in soldiers' tea during World War II to damp soldiers' lust appears to be an urban myth. Given the long half-life of the drug in the body, a mildly sedated army would be unlikely to be an effective fighting force. A similar belief appears to exist in the United States about saltpeter in army coffee[1] or in Russia about potassium bromide in army food.

that's not bad, I remembered something from high school where they told us it wasn't a rumour. But it's used in anti depresents today ...interesting.

My point being, why is it that we stuff around witht he female body all the time and not the male body to reduce these things? Are the male organs so much more precious than the female organs? why do we always want to "protect" everybody by decreasing something in the female?
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fuzzywuzzy;1333139 wrote: My point being, why is it that we stuff around witht he female body all the time and not the male body to reduce these things? Are the male organs so much more precious than the female organs? why do we always want to "protect" everybody by decreasing something in the female?The development and deployment of the pill was driven by the activist work of two women, actually - Katharine Dexter McCormick and Margaret Sanger. I don't think you can say it was foisted on an unwilling female underclass by sexist male profiteers.

The female reproductive system would seem to be the easier to interfere with, biologically. Otherwise a male alternative would be on the market by now, there's plenty of effort being made to create one.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1333145 wrote: The development and deployment of the pill was driven by the activist work of two women, actually - Katharine Dexter McCormick and Margaret Sanger. I don't think you can say it was foisted on an unwilling female underclass by sexist male profiteers.

The female reproductive system would seem to be the easier to interfere with, biologically. Otherwise a male alternative would be on the market by now, there's plenty of effort being made to create one. The male contraceptive pill should be available through GP's In the next year or so...

NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries - Patient information leaflet - Male contraceptive pill

Trouble Is... A man can not remember where his socks are let alone remember to take the pill every day.
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oscar;1333158 wrote: The male contraceptive pill should be available through GP's In the next year or so...Could you quote the passage from that leaflet which supports "available through GP's In the next year or so"? I can't see it and I'd be amazed if it happens.
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spot;1333161 wrote: Could you qoute the passage from that leaflet which supports "available through GP's In the next year or so"? I can't see it and I'd be amazed if it happens.

Male birth control pill - UK

Apologies...... According to this, another 4 to 5 years however that is just one developer.
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oscar;1333164 wrote: Apologies...... According to this, another 4 to 5 years however that is just one developer.The line from your first leaflet might be worth quoting too then - "We've been hearing that a male contraceptive pill is 'five or 10 years away' for the last 25 years".

The female reproductive system would seem to be the easier to interfere with, biologically. Otherwise a male alternative would be on the market by now, there's plenty of effort being made to create one.
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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spot;1333167 wrote: The line from your first leaflet might be worth quoting too then - "We've been hearing that a male contraceptive pill is 'five or 10 years away' for the last 25 years".

The female reproductive system would seem to be the easier to interfere with, biologically. Otherwise a male alternative would be on the market by now, there's plenty of effort being made to create one. Depending on the age of the articles. Along side them was an article from the Daily Mail talking about the possibility and that was dated 2006.
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Post by Bryn Mawr »

fuzzywuzzy;1333139 wrote: what did they use to put in soldiers food? I thought everyone knew. Bro something Bromide ? bro something.

Hey wouldn't that be a good joke. The next time some boy says 'Bro' to you, you can laugh right back at him.

hmmmm.....looked it up I think we've come a long way from this..................................... so it can be done.

that's not bad, I remembered something from high school where they told us it wasn't a rumour. But it's used in anti depresents today ...interesting.

My point being, why is it that we stuff around witht he female body all the time and not the male body to reduce these things? Are the male organs so much more precious than the female organs? why do we always want to "protect" everybody by decreasing something in the female?

Would you trust a man who said he'd taken his pill?

I've always assumed the answer to your question is that it is the woman who's left holding the baby (to quote a phrase) so women in general insist on taking control of the "protection" in order to remain in control of their lives.
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oscar;1333169 wrote: Depending on the age of the articles. Along side them was an article from the Daily Mail talking about the possibility and that was dated 2006.

They've done that before. Here's the Daily Mail from July 28, 1997, "Men-only pill gets a chance to go it alone": The final hurdle in the race to achieve effective male contraception has been crossed with the start of a second trial into a pill for men. For the first time the pill, taken daily, will be the only contraceptive used by 80 'guinea pig' testers in Edinburgh [...] They now believe the pill could be available for general use in the next five years, making it a real alternative to the female pill.
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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